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The Seven Chakra Initiation
Are you ready to take the journey into the fullest experience of your own awakening?
Is it time for you to be held in sacred community and powerful mentorship to heal and release all that no longer serves you?
Are you ready to discover what is possible when you completely align your energy system and bring your work, relationships and creative endeavors into true alignment with your soul’s calling?
If so, you’ve been guided to the right place.
Many of us have recognized that the deeper task now underway is to become truly divine humans – by opening up the higher dimensions of our Selves and uniting this with all levels of our being.
As you become more fully integrated, you become a more powerful catalyst for the healing and evolution of our world because you have access to the total spectrum of your energy. You become a better creator and a better lover, a better leader and better speaker, a better entrepreneur and better teacher.
When you have free and flowing access to all of your Self, you are more capable of manifesting what you are here to do.
Your ability to open up to these higher potentials and live your soul’s intentions requires that you first go within and address the places that aren’t operating at the highest octaves. We each need to heal our wounds, transform our distortions and release false identities and beliefs in order to be who we’re meant to be.
To do this effectively, to truly heal, there are two essential components that must be in place. The first is you must have a safe, strong, loving container to hold you as you open, heal and grow. The second is that you need to be guided by a powerful, proven system of transformation; one that will address all aspects of your journey and take you where you want to go…ALL the way there.
Many systems of awakening and personal transformation call us only into a union with the higher Self. Some focus solely on the distortions, issues and kinks that happen in our personal psychology. But few teachings really deal with our energy system as a whole, and show us how we can create a sacred balance and integration of all levels of our being.
The ancient chakra system from India is one such map that has proved itself over thousands of years, and with millions of people. It is grounded, effective and valuable if you know how to unlock its secrets, apply its lessons and use the practices that can open, clear and align each energy center.
The chakra map is – at the deepest level – a design for unifying Heaven and Earth and creating the kind of radiant divine life that fosters a new era for humankind.
Many of us who work in the healing arts – yogis, therapists, teachers and bodywork practitioners – have a superficial understanding of this sacred system. We simply haven’t been taught to fully open up its transformative potential.
If this applies to you in your own teachings and work with others, you may not be as effective as you sense you could be.
What if you could immerse yourself in the wonders and nuances of this powerful interior map for seven months, guided by the world’s leading chakra expert, Anodea Judith? And in sacred community with her and an intimate circle of others, you could transform your deepest patterns, align your energy system like never before and apply this sacred map to your work, your relationships and your creativity in service to the world?
This is a journey of real transformation in how you live, breathe, work, relate, and even play – a profound opening to a much more embodied, integrated and “divine humanness.”
You may have studied aspects of the seven chakras in your spiritual practice. You may have experienced their power – perhaps even reading Anodea’s bestselling book, Wheels of Life: A User’s Guide to the Chakra System.
But there’s much, much more to discover. You’ve likely only scratched the surface of what you can be, express and share by harnessing the deep energies of your body-mind.
Until now.
When you learn how to REALLY work with your chakras, they become more effective “condensers” of cosmic energy.
Cosmic energy operates on seven levels of manifestation: Thought, light, sound, air, fire, water and earth. In turn, these levels connect to seven levels of our body and energy systems – all channeled through our chakras. They are like a distribution system for the electricity of LIFE that runs through our veins.
When we can translate the highest universal energies all the way down to the most concrete and grounded parts of our life, THAT is when we become powerful, radiant, effective agents of positive change.
So is it time for you to tap into the sacred secrets of the chakras, so that you can become the powerful, fully alive human being you’re designed to be – and serve as a model for others?
That’s exactly what this advanced initiation program with Anodea Judith has been created for. It’s an intimate and rare opportunity to be personally mentored, guided and inspired by her, as you explore and embody the map of your own awakening.
The seven-month journey of initiation is like a psycho-spiritual makeover that will align your inner and outer landscape, so that you can experience greater aliveness, power and connection in every moment. And as you integrate and align your energy systems, this will allow your core mission to be more joyfully expressed in the service of the people you’re here to guide, teach, heal or inspire.
The results of a chakra system that is out of alignment, and not operating at its full potential, may be familiar to you:
- A sense of being ungrounded
- Tension or conflict in relationships
- Emotional wounds that don’t seem to heal
- Diminished energy, love and joy
- Difficulty with finances
- Blocks to your power and your gifts
- Lackluster sex
- Wobbly divine connection
- Confusion over right action and direction
If you experience any of the above (or dozens of other symptoms not listed), you will benefit from this program. You’ll spend a full month on each of your chakras, healing the distortions, freeing stuck energy, and allowing true health, stability and aliveness to become present in that energy center and as a result, in whole areas of your life, like never before. Anodea Judith will guide you in addressing your imbalances in specific and highly personal ways and teach you daily practices that can open, restore and harmonize the flow of energy in your whole being. Over these 7 months, you’ll actually receive a full system cleansing, letting go of what no longer serves you in each chakra and welcoming in the flow of life force that is your birthright like never before.
When you say “YES” to this advanced initiation into the seven chakras, you’re affirming your capacity and desire for…
- A more grounded and consistently prosperous life
- Greater access to satisfying, deep, and flowing emotions
- Juicier relationships and an open heart
- A more exciting and fulfilling sex life
- Increased clarity about your power and your purpose
- Access to higher possibilities for your creativity
- Expanded capacity to communicate in a clear and compelling way
- Practices (both physical and spiritual) for each chakra to awaken and balance the inner with the outer
- Insights into any emotional and spiritual wounds so you can release blocked energy
- An expanded ability to attract and serve people through your business or work
- A deeper sense of spiritual unity and fulfillment
Professional Development
While this advanced initiation is designed for people with extensive experience on a spiritual path who want to go to the next level, it’s also especially valuable if you work with clients or students on their personal and spiritual development. The journey will focus more on your personal understanding, but Anodea will weave in information that supports people – such as yoga teachers, therapists, bodyworkers, energy workers and healers – to better understand how to guide others in this work, as well. The training is thus a profound personal journey with clear professional applications for those who work in the healing arts.
About The Seven Chakra Initiation Modules
While the initiation program will adapt to the unique needs of participants, we will be covering the activation, integration and alignment of all of your seven chakras in a systematic way. A total of fourteen teaching sessions, during the course of seven modules, will guide you on this exquisite journey through what Anodea calls, “the sacred architecture of your soul.”
Module 1: First Chakra Activation
Grounding Yourself to Receive Abundance
The root chakra is located at the base of the spine, and forms our foundation – connected with grounding, home, work, finances manifestation and being in a body. It is therefore related to our survival instincts, and to our sense of grounding and connection to our physical bodies. Activating and integrating this chakra brings you:
- Greater health, wellness, endurance and resilience
- Better finances and a more relaxed relationship with the physical world
- A sense of security and being safe, protected and “at home” in the Universe
- A foundation for attracting more money, prosperity and entrepreneurial success
- A more magnetic and dynamic physical presence, radiating into a room
- Greater self-esteem and confidence in how you show up in the world
- Better grounding through your legs on a physical level
Module 2: Second Chakra Activation
Liberating Your Emotions & Enjoying Your Sensuality
The second chakra is based in the lower back, abdomen and sexual organs, and is connected to your emotional identity, sexuality and self-gratification. It connects us to others through feeling, desire, sensation and movement. Practices in this module include the “Serpent Breath” to activate your cerebrospinal fluid. Activating and integrating this chakra brings:
- More powerful, fluid depth of feeling, which enhances your enjoyment of your body and life
- Expanded sexual desire, appeal, energies and fulfillment
- More joy, excitement and passion for your lifework
- Enhanced ability to entice clients, in all of your marketing
- More satisfying and profound emotional connections with partners, family, friends and allies
- An ability to navigate life changes, without upset
- Freedom from old emotional wounds, issues and fears from your family of origin and past relationships
- Greater opening to your senses
Module 3: Third Chakra Activation
Accessing & Focusing Your Power
This third chakra is known as the power chakra, located in the solar plexus; and is connected to fire, energy, ego, power, will, risk, digestion, motivation and action.
It rules our personal power, will and autonomy, as well as our metabolism. Practices in this module include the “Woodchopper” and the “Breath of Fire.” When fully activated, healthy and integrated, this chakra brings us:
- Stronger will and willpower for whatever we set our minds to
- A virtually unlimited supply of energy for our work and mission – the drive to make things happen
- Enhanced effectiveness, discipline and focus
- Freedom from social structures, giving us more spontaneity, free will and independence
- A capacity for inspiring, non-dominating leadership that others respect and rally behind
- An experience of whole and sovereign beingness
- Improved motivation for your true lifework.
Module 4: Fourth Chakra Activation
Opening to Love & Juicier Relationships
The fourth chakra is called the heart chakra, and it is related to love and the integration of opposites in the psyche: mind and body, male and female, persona and shadow, ego and unity. This chakra is concerned with relationships, balance, breath and nurturing. Practices in this module include forgiveness, gratitude and heart resonance practices. An activated, integrated and healthy fourth chakra allows you to:
- Love more deeply and unconditionally
- Feel more compassion and connection to other people, enhancing your empathy for the world
- Create a deep sense of peace and oneness with the universe, by integrating polarities and balancing opposites in your being
- A healed relationship between the masculine and feminine dimensions of your life
- Subtly integrate the ascending and descending energies of the chakras, and unite earth and sky qualities in your heart
- Open to living in sacred reverence, with an enhanced appreciation for beauty.
Module 5: Fifth Chakra Activation
Fully Expressing Yourself & Your Creativity
The fifth chakra is located in the throat and is related to communication, creativity, sound and self-expression. Here, you experience the world symbolically through vibration, such as the vibration of sound representing language. An activated, integrated and healthy fifth chakra allows you to:
- Express yourself clearly and powerfully to inspire others
- Access your inner artistry in a more profound way
- Own and stand in your truth in a way that creates space for other people’s truths
- Access your creativity and gifts, spontaneously and dynamically
- Experience music and sound on another level, as a tool for vibrational healing and awakening
- Shift the vibratory pattern of your own body more profoundly
- Create resonance between yourself and others
Module 6: Sixth Chakra Activation
Connecting with Your Vision, Intuition & the Higher Mind
The sixth chakra, known as the brow chakra or third eye center, is related to seeing – both physically and intuitively. This chakra is associated with light, perception, visualization, insight and dreaming. It opens our psychic faculties and understanding of archetypal levels. An activated, integrated and healthy fifth chakra allows you to:
- See more clearly your path, and how your work and creativity can serve others
- Perceive the bigger picture of your life, and your place in the Divine unfoldment of the human story
- Tap your psychic abilities and apply this wisdom to your work and your relationships
- Gain more direct and more consistent access to your intuition when making decisions
- Recognize the archetypal aspects of your journey at this time in your life
- Deepen your dream life, which teaches and guides you in your waking life
- Perceive that everything is, in fact, an expression of sacred patterns of light
- Deepened understanding of the myths that govern our lives
Module 7: Seventh Chakra Activation
Designing Your Life from Your Soul & Experiencing Unity Consciousness
The crown chakra relates to consciousness as pure awareness. It is our connection to the greater world beyond, to a timeless, spaceless place of all-knowing. When activated, integrated and healthy, the seventh chakra brings you:
- Heightened spiritual perception and a unitive sense of identity
- Stable connection to the Divine that gets you off the “seeker treadmill”
- Higher wisdom for guiding your life path and others more effectively
- A steadier connection to bliss and a sense of deep peace
- Clear-eyed, holistic wisdom for your own path and for advising others – useful in work as a therapist, healer, consultant, teacher
- Greater patience for the unfolding of work on the human plane, and understanding it through the lens of divine timing.
What People Are Saying About Anodea Judith…
Want to manifest your dreams and do the necessary work? Then take a course with Anodea. Be ready for amazing results!
– Judith B
I have been studying the chakras for many years, but Anodea’s approach, way of explaining each chakra, meditations, exercises, handouts and sense of humor made this experience the best one I’ve ever had. If you want to manifest your dreams, don’t hesitate to take this course!
– Mariela, Houston, TX
This course was no less than amazing. And so is Anodea Judith. She taught me that much more is possible in this lifetime – more love, more money, more time, more fulfillment in work – despite what your mind tells you. Invaluable course.
– Melissa W
Here’s What You’ll Receive
- 90-Minute Class Sessions with Anodea Judith (14 Total)
Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored by, and learn from, one of the world’s leading chakra experts right from the comfort of your own home. Each class session offers a meditation and energetic transmission for deeper transformation – plus, practices and leading edge content for your full-spectrum awakening. - Audio Recordings of Each Class Session (14 Total)
After each class, the audio will be available to you to download in high quality MP3 format. This way you’ll never have to worry about missing a session and you can listen anytime and anywhere – on your iPod, in your car, and at your convenience. - PDF Transcripts of Each Class Session (14 Total)
In addition to the high quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. This way you can review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices that you’ll learn.
About Anodea Judith…
Anodea Judith, Ph.D. has been called “a prophet for our time.” A groundbreaking thought leader who is the founder and director of Sacred Centers, and a writer, therapist and spiritual teacher. She holds Masters and Doctoral degrees in Psychology and Human Health, is a 500 hour registered yoga teacher (E-RYT), with lifelong studies of psychology, mythology, sociology, history, systems theory and mystic spirituality. She is considered one of the country’s foremost experts on the combination of chakras and therapeutic issues and on the interpretation of the Chakra System for the Western lifestyle. She teaches across the U.S., as well as in Canada, Europe, Ireland, Asia, and South and Central America.
She is best known for the chakra classic, Wheels of Life: A User’s Guide to the Chakra System, considered the definitive work on the subject, with over 200,000 copies sold in English and additional printings in 15 languages. A second book, co-authored with Selene Vega: The Sevenfold Journey: Reclaiming Mind, Body, and Spirit through the Chakras arose out of the popular Psychology of the Chakras Intensive, taught by Judith and Vega for nearly three decades. Eastern Body, Western Mind: Psychology and the Chakra System as a Path to the Self, charts childhood development, bioenergetic character structures and Jungian individuation, all within the chakra model. This book is used as a text in universities and healing schools across the country.
Her most recent book, The Global Heart Awakens, (The Shift Network, July 2013), is a rewrite of the 2007 edition, Waking the Global Heart, which won two literary awards, including a Nautilus Gold. This book charts the history of human development into our present crisis and necessary transformation, with an inspiring message of hope for our future. Anodea conducted a private practice for over 20 years, but traveling has taken her healing efforts into the workshop mode, training other therapists in somatic techniques, and conducting healing sessions within the workshop setting.
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