
Maps Liftoff – The Maps Lab



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Maps Liftoff – The Maps Lab

“How To Rank In The 3 Pack Of Maps Every Time, Even If You’ve Tried Everything Before And Failed Miserably”

Are You Still Struggling to Get Your Client Or Lead Gen Sites Into The 3 Pack Of Google Maps?

Dear Fellow Local Marketer,

What I’m about to reveal, only a select group of local marketers have been granted access to in secret…

…and most have had to sign air-tight, non-disclosure agreements before they learned this.

Read on for details.

Would you agree that ranking highly for ultra competitive law practices in the 3 Pack Of Google Maps is one of the toughest things an SEO can do?

Perhaps you’ve tried to rank even far less competitive businesses, without much luck?

Maybe you’ve followed all of the “right” steps but it just hasn’t clicked for you.

Maybe you keep getting close, but your listings get stuck…just out of sight…


Despite what you have been told, top rankings in the coveted 3 Pack is not as simple as throwing up an optimized listing and having more and more citations or throwing a few garbage links at your site…or any other tricks that simply don’t last and will quickly get your listing suspended.

…nope-it goes much deeper than that.

Stop Me If Any Of This Sounds Familiar

Have you worked with clients doing SEO?

Maybe organic rankings are good but you can’t seem to consistently get them in Maps?

Tried expensive paid ads through Google Adwords?

Facebook didn’t convert like you thought?

Maybe you’ve had some success with these methods…

…But something still isn’t clicking.

Something is off and you or your client’s impossibly low call volume and low revenues show it.

What Does This Mean To You? A Big Challenge…BUT An Even Bigger Financial Opportunity. Here’s How:

It means you have to be at the absolute top of your game if you are going to get your clients or your own lead gen sites into one of only 3 spots available.

It also means that you can now charge them an absolute premium price for your services (whether you charge monthly or by the call or even to rent your site).

Before I Show You My Proprietary System – I Ask Two Simple Things of You:

1. Stop buying into the hype that SEO alone is the answer to you or your client’s dead as doornail phones.  In fact selling “SEO” is the quickest way to either not get enough business or get fired.

2. Switch today to the understanding that the online world has changed dramatically.

IF your clients are not in the 3 pack of Google Maps…

Well guess what?

They are losing massive amounts of business and cold hard cash-to their competitors-every single day.

Do lead gen? Same goes for you. Your competition is killing you. And you can’t have that.


Want To Know What’s Even Worse?

If you don’t have your clients or your lead gen sites in the 3 pack-not only are you losing out on a massive opportunity to make a lot more money every month…

Guess what?

Your clients are also A LOT smarter than you think.

If they aren’t in the 3 pack or were, and then got knocked out due to constant Google updates…

Guess what they are doing?

Searching for someone else to do their SEO!

You know and I know that your clients get calls and emails daily from other SEOs, and I guarantee you they are whispering in your client’s ear right now that they can get them out of this “rut” and pull them into the 3 pack.

It Doesn’t Have To Be This Way, Because Getting Your Client Into The 3 Pack Just Became Easier Than Ever And Just Created The Biggest Revenue Opportunity In The Local Market In Years.

But Most SEOs struggle with getting their clients on Page 1 of “More Places” in Maps, let alone in the 3 pack.

Instead, their listings get buried on page 2 or 4 and no one ever sees it.

Without the ability to see what your or your client’s business is all about AND more importantly read reviews about them…all in one spot… potential customers with their wallet out, ready to spend, move on to the next business who has this in place.

That’s just the cold hard truth.

The same holds true of your own lead gen sites, whether you do rank and rent, pay per lead or anything in between.

And since your client can’t have this happening, your head is on the chopping block.

Meanwhile, we have people like Dimitry here who have followed our system and can get ranked in Maps in 30 days, generating phone calls.

Produce phone calls in 30 days and your client’s love you.

More on that later…

So Brian What Does This Have To Do With Me?

Great question.

The answer: A massive revenue opportunity. And-a massive opportunity shift where when it used to take months to rank in Maps, it can now sometimes happen very, very quickly.

You see, at Maps Liftoff, we’ve always put maps at the top of the visibility radar for our prospective clients.

We make darn sure they understand why it’s so important to be highly ranked…

Quite simply-their phone rings more. When their phone rings more, they make a lot more money. 

More importantly?

We can charge our clients a lot more because our fees aren’t questioned when the phone is ringing!

Maps Visibility Matters More Than Ever. Meanwhile, Organic Rankings Simply Don’t Matter As Much. Here’s Why…

1. Being in the 3 pack is the most visible place your client can be.

2. Consumer behavior has radically changed. They are visiting websites less and less.  Instead they see a 3 pack listing, read reviews and either call now, or read more reviews and call after.

Key Findings:

17% fewer people will visit a business website after reading good reviews than in 2016 (37% this year compared to 54% in 2016)

The number of consumers who would visit a business as their next step has grown by 10% in the last year to 17%

10% of consumers now contact a business after reading a positive review

*Source: Bright Local’s Consumer Review Study, 2017.

We Can Charge Premium Prices, And Now So Can You.

You see, too many local marketers try to “lump” maps in as a low end service, buried as a part of their SEO proposal.

That’s a HUGE mistake.

The reality is, it’s not in any way a low end service.It’s perhaps the most important service to your client…Now more than ever.

It’s also the most important place your lead gen site can be.

And It’s Stock Just Went Up. WAY Up!

Because 57% of all listings got the boot from Maps…

AND because far fewer people visit websites every year…

AND…because whether a consumer does business with someone now depends heavily on VISIBILITY and REVIEWS

…that means you can charge ultra premium prices to get and keep your clients in the 3 pack or know with certainty that many more leads will come in that can be sold in your market if you do lead gen.

Look-we are routinely charging $1,000-$2,000 per month JUST for Maps, and our clients are happy to pay it.


Because we can clearly show them what kind of business they stand to gain or lose by either being in the 3 pack or not.

It’s really that simple.

But Brian, I’m Not Good At Getting Maps Rankings.

We thought you might say that.

Remember the secret weapon I was telling you about-our proprietary ranking system?

I don’t say this to brag-but when other top SEOs are having trouble getting their clients ranked on maps, guess who they call?

You see, ranking highly on Maps is a science.

It’s completely different than regular local SEO.

It has it’s own set of rules.

It’s literally a battle, and the best armed people win.

The other half of the battle is how you position this to your clients.

Go in with a half cocked SEO message and they don’t want to hear it.

Go in with a “we are the people who make your phones ring” message and it’s a very different result.

But If You Do This For Your Existing Clients Or Even Your Own Lead Gen Sites-New Clients Are Yours For The Choosing AND You Can Command Top Fees.


Because your client’s phone will ring more. A lot more. And that means more money in their pocket and yours.

That also means you are immune to other SEOs calling and emailing them, trying to steal them from you.

And now you’ll have massive proof that you can show any other potential new client.

Where everyone else is failing to get in the 3 pack-all of your listings somehow are.

Sound Too Good To Be True?

It works and it works very, very well.

Introducing: The Maps Lab

We’ve heard you loud and clear!

Local digital marketers are tired of struggling with not only getting their clients to the top of maps, but also keeping them there.

Lead gen experts can’t get enough leads because they can’t figure out the 3 pack.

Constant Google changes make it seemingly impossible.

But there really is a method to this madness. 

We’ve told you about the importance of having your client in the 3 pack-they keep you around, you get more clients, you charge premium fees.

What if we told you there was a way you could almost guarantee your client or your lead gen sites a listing in the 3 pack?

Now you can.

The Maps Lab cuts right to the chase of what to do…step-by-step to get and stay in the Local 3 Pack of maps or fix your current maps issues preventing you from ranking.

More importantly, when you know how to rank maps consistently, you can to land high dollar clients happy to open up their wallet every month because you are the one person who could make their phone ring.

In fact, we think you’ll see that you are able to easily and quickly earn back your modest investment in this one of a kind program.

What Is The Maps Lab?

What Is The Maps Lab?

The only program designed to get you ranking every maps listing so that you command premium fees every time and become the ONLY person someone wants to hire.


Follow it and you make the phone ring. And that’s a big deal to local businesses.

It’s the only deal to local businesses.

Make the phone ring and they will never go anywhere else. Period.

But This Is Not For Everyone. 

This is only if you are ready to seriously up your game.

Ready to stop playing small ball. 

One of my mentors who makes millions of dollars a year told me something 6 years ago that stuck with me.

What he said that day ended up skyrocketing my income very quickly.

He said:

“If you want to play at a higher level, you have to invest in yourself at the level you want to be at…not where you are now..”

Let that one sink in because it’s so important.

You simply can’t keep investing yourself at the level you are at now and expect to magically explode your income.

That will only ensure you never grow. Never scale your business.

But when you invest in yourself at a much higher level-the level where you want to be-the results can be astounding.

For Years, You Could Not Get This Kind Of Expert Maps Instruction Unless You Paid One Of Only A Handful Of Experts ALOT Of Money.

In fact I’m routinely paid $1000 per hour for my private 3 Pack consulting service. No that is not a Typo!

Only a select group of local marketers have been granted access to this system in secret, and many have had to sign air-tight, non-disclosure agreements before they did.

But now…

For a very limited time, you can learn exactly how to get your client sites or your own lead gen sites a 3 pack listing for the top keywords in almost any niche or city…

…all at a very reasonable price.

This means more leads, more phone calls and more closed business for you or your client.

They are thrilled with your service and you look like a hero and start charging future clients absolute premium fees for this one service.

Here’s What You’ll Get 

Part 1: The Maps Lab Core Training

Called “The best maps training ever. Period,” The Maps Lab is an over the shoulder, video training course walking you through exactly what it takes to rank even the most stubborn maps listings in the 3 pack.

There are over 40 videos the minute you log in to guide you through what we, and hundreds of our clients have used to rank thousands of listings in the 3 pack.

It has become the industry standard when it comes to what actually works to rank in the 3 pack of maps, leading to many new clients and keeping them from ever wanting to go anywhere else!

Nearly 1,100 people have gone through this system and their maps skills have skyrocketed from what they learn!

Part 2: The Maps Lab Bonuses. The “Secret Sauce” Of What Makes Maps Tick.

Bonus #1 – Geo Location On Site Domination Training.

In this bonus, I’m going to walk you through the secret sauce so to speak.

You’ll learn exactly how to structure geographically relevant supporting pages, where to put them, where they should link to and more for total maps domination.

No one except my top paying consulting clients have seen this set up before and they love it because it’s one of the fastest ways to just crush maps!

Bonus #2 – My Secret Maps Keyword Multiplier Training

You’ll learn my exact method to getting dozens and sometimes hundred of keyword variations ranked on maps.

Here’s the thing. Maps is where it’s at and if you aren’t there, your phone is  Most likely not ringing.

Most people settle for 1-3 keywords ranking on maps, and call it a day.

In this exclusive bonus, I show you how to literally force rankings for dozens to hundreds of variations Of keyword terms.

Once you learn this, you or your client’s phone will Literally ring of the hook-leading to big paydays.

Bonus #3 – My On-Site Supporting Page Super Structure

Why do most sites fail to get ranked? They don’t prove it to Google as I mentioned in the training.

I’m going to show you how to build out monster sites in a short period of time using my exact supporting page structure.

In this bonus you’ll learn how I tap into geo, niche and suburb pages to not only “prove” it to Google but get ranked in every surrounding area possible!

Bonus #4 – My Services Site Complete Set Up.

Work in the services niche? Having trouble showing up in Maps because you set a radius?

In this bonus, I’m going to walk you through my exact process for crushing service niches every time, plus my proven, previously not revealed “reverse” method for making GMB believe you service everywhere you tell them you do in your radius.

This is some seriously powerful stuff.

Bonus #5 – My Complete Possum Unfiltering Strategy.

Possum hit in September of 2016, and it hit hard. The so called “Hawk” update really didn’t relieve this issue. Yes even in 2018 this is still a big issue.

Many sites are now “filtered,” which means they are still sort of there, but they are hidden.

And hidden = as good as not there. I’ve cracked the code on how to stay unfiltered, get unfiltered if you’ve been filtered and more.

Top level stuff only taught to my high end consulting clients is yours in this bonus.

Bonus #6 – My 3 Pronged Network Set Up For Massive Relevancy And Fast Maps Rankings

You’ll get bonus videos walking you through my exact set up that I use for every site, every time as well as a easy to understand diagram of exactly how to set these up.

Almost no one sets up these networks and they are completely missing a golden opportunity to conquer GMB rankings with this simple but dead on effective approach.

I’ve tested this for over 4 years and it works every time.

Bonus #7 – High Converting Maps Service Sales Page.

Tired of cold calling?

I’ve never gotten a client in my life from cold calling. I’m not saying it’s bad, but I market and get clients reaching out to me.

Get people on a list and then market to them.

Once you do, you’ll be able to swipe the copy of this high converting sales page and sell maps rankings as it’s own service.

It’s a great foot in the door or stand alone service.

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