
Lukas Resheske – Copywriting Mentorship Program



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Lukas Resheske – Copywriting Mentorship Program

The “Dirty Little Secret” Behind A $100k Per Year Copywriting Career  

“If this program was twice the price, it’d be a steal. (To me, The 5 Stages of Awareness module alone was more than worth the price). I’m glad I joined
this Mentorship Program.” – David

– 10 Engrossing, Mind-Expanding Modules Of Content
– 5 Bonuses Worth Over $7000
– 50 Daily Copy Conditionings

From The Desk Of: Lukas Resheske
The Copywriter Millionaires Recommend, Author of “How To Command Respect As An Expert” & “The Expert Economy”… and Respected Business Mentor.

Are You Searching For Something More?
When I speak with copywriters…they all tell me the same thing.

It doesn’t matter if they’re just starting out…

Or if they have 5+ years in the game.

They all say,

“I Just Need Someone To Help Me”

There are dozens…if not HUNDREDS of books, courses, and people out there trying to teach copywriting.

Some teach a tiny part…like email copywriting or headlines.

Some claim to teach newbies…but then those newbies come out not knowing any more than when they started.

Some guys have taught themselves for YEARS…reading books, buying courses, and going to events…but they’re still not sure if they’ve “got it” yet.

I see question like, “Which 10 (or 3, or 6, or 100) books should I read to learn copywriting”

Or, “Who’s the best person to learn copywriting from?”

Well…I believe you’ve found the answer.  This is a private program that I’ve run for over 30 people so far…

And every single one of them has said it’s the BEST copywriting program they’ve ever taken.

But I’m getting ahead of myself…

Let’s Start At The Beginning…
Hello, dear reader,

I’d like to tell you one of my “dirty little secrets” as a copywriter.

It’s about how I got started writing copy.

See, I’d been “studying” copy since 2009. Buying courses, reading books, going to seminars; the usual grind.

But I didn’t really WRITE anything significant until 2013.

What changed?

In 2013, I hired my first copywriting mentor.

Well, “hired” might be a bit of a misnomer…

In reality, I basically begged him to teach me.

I sent him nearly a dozen emails, pinged him daily on Skype, and forced him to take my money, just to get him to train me.

Why did I harass him like that?

Because I was tired of being an Armchair Copywriter.
What is an “Armchair Copywriter?”

An Armchair Copywriter is someone who’s read some books (probably never finished them)

Bought some courses (never made it past module 3)

And watched a LOT of VSLs and read a lot of sales letters; and therefore considers themselves an “expert” on direct response copywriting.

They are the kind of people who always give out their Top 10 lists of copy books, but they’ve never bought them, read them, or studied them.

I was one of them.

I thought I knew everything, but then I hired my mentor, because something inside me told me that I was full of crap.

And after I turned in my first assignment to him, he proved it.
I sucked. Bad. Like, “Sophomore In College Trying To Look Smart” bad.

I got chewed up. My stuff came out at a 14th grade Flesch-Kincaid level, and it wasn’t because it was smart.

It just felt clunky. Unusable. Unreadable. Self-serving drivel that couldn’t sell discount crack to a junkie.

The pain didn’t stop there, though.

In addition to my assignments, I had to hand-copy a sales letter.

Every. Single. Day.

The old school method. Very, very few can follow through with it.

But here’s the catch:

If I missed ONE day with my mentor, I had to send all the material he sent me to another person. Another writer who wanted it worse than I did.

And *frack* if I was going to let that guy win.

So I wrote. Every day, for several hours a day. For 60 days.

I traveled to India for a friend’s wedding, and I still wrote every day.

I went to a Military Training where I was up at 0445 every day, and got back at 7pm at night, and I still wrote every day.

On top of that, I wrote assignments. I wrote emails, sales letters, VSLs, articles, landers; you name it.

And I read. I read John Carlton, David Ogilvy, Dan Kennedy, Eugene Schwartz, Eben Pagan, Mike Dillard, etc. Modern and Classic copywriters worth billions in revenue.

And, little by little, I stopped sucking so bad.

I sold my first sales letter for $300. Then I wrote 4 more. Each one made 1500% it’s cost on the initial launch. Some are still being used today. (almost 4 years later)

My emails started getting opened. My VSLs got watched. And slowly, but surely, I elevated my skill to a “Journeyman” level.

In May of 2016, I decided to offer to do the same for a small group of people.

17 people joined my group over the next couple months.

I asked them:
“What is the One Thing you would say to someone who is thinking about joining this program?”

Those are the testimonials we could fit onto the page.  There are about 100 more.

I’m not going to bullshit you here. 

There are A-List Mega Gurus with copy courses out there right now.  There are also a lot of people coming out of the woodwork and offering this same kind of mentorship after I first offered it in May.

Because I give a damn.
I take my student’s success personally.  Any other “gurus” course is going to have content, maybe a forum…

But I challenge you to find a single one that gives you the in-depth attention and mentorship that this course does.

While most courses have a 95% dropout rate…and 35% of them don’t even open the package…

My course has a 86% COMPLETION rate…and a 100% satisfaction rate. (Some students couldn’t complete the training for various reasons…they still loved and recommended the program)

If you know that the next stage in your journey is the help of an experienced mentor…then I’d like to invite you to join me this Fall for another round.

Here’s what current and previous students have to say about the course:
“Prior to starting, I was writing copy for my own projects and I wanted to start writing copy for other peopler + enhance my copy for myself. The biggest takeaway… Lukas puts things across in a way that lets you get the meaning and learn how to apply it. He knows what he’s doing. He’s built my confidence in my abilities.”
Nick Vukorepa
“Lukas, your program is leaps & bounds better than anything I’ve ever taken. I feel like I’ve received a world-class education on copywriting in just a few months learning from you!”

“This mentorship was my first taste of “high-ticket” and it didn’t disappoint. These higher tiered offerings are definitely the place to grow as a person & as a professional.”
“I wrote a sales letter that made $36k in 1 week! Biggest launch of the year! You bet I used what I learned in Luke’s program. His course helped me so much with that letter in particular. I also think I “got” the market and figured out their deep desire and tapped into it in a way that the company hadn’t done before.”

Introducing the Winter Semester of my Copywriting Mentorship Program

  • The Big 4 – The 4 Pillars Of Consistently Writing Masterful Copy That Sells In Any Market
  • 10x Your Freelancing Fees – Learn the insider secrets jealously guarded by the world’s A-List copywriters on how to get top dollar for your copy
  • The Big Idea – The concept that took one small publishing company to $100Million in annual revenues…and launched hundreds of million dollar businesses
  • The 5th Stage – How To Compete and Dominate A Saturated Marketplace…No Matter Where You Start.
  • And So Much More…

If you consider yourself a junior copywriter…

Or you’re interested in becoming a true freelancer…

Or preparing yourself to take a full time position at a direct response company…

This is your last chance. After the Fall Semester, I’m closing the doors forever, reworking the program to be evergreen content, and taking away the personal, one-on-one mentorship.

The moment where you make a decision to be more than you are right now.

I’ll be the first to admit: I’m not an A-List writer, yet. I still look reverently at people like John, Eugene, the Gary’s, and the other greats.

So I’m not offering to make you A-List. That’s not my place right now.

But here’s my “dirty little secret…”

My first mentor wasn’t A-List either.

In fact, you probably have never heard of him.

But he knew copy. And he wrote it every day. And he turned me from some young punk who thought I knew shit into a lean, mean writing machine.

In 2013, I was making $2k a month, doing Adwords research.

Earlier in 2013, I was living in a 4 bedroom house with 3 disgusting, drug addicted, morbidly obese roommates for $500 a month; with my wife and dog to take care of.

But by 2014, I was making 6 figures a year from my copy.

I did it again in 2015. 

And in 2016, I’m on track to break into the mid 6 figures, all from copywriting I do part-time.

So here’s what I’m offering:

This is a 10 Week copywriting mentorship program.

It’s intense. The previous students all have a bit of masochistic side, so they enjoyed it.

You’ll be writing a daily handwritten assignment, 5 actual copywriting assignments, and going through 10 core modules of content.

You’ll also be getting weekly feedback and a weekly live Q&A webinar to ask any questions.

I’m not going to be nice. The world of a copywriter is not a nice world. We live and die by the numbers, and we’re only as good as our next project.

But by the end of the 75 days, you’ll be OUT of the Armchair and into the saddle.

You’ll be lean, mean, and ready to take on any project.

I’ve already sent over $25,000 in work to my previous students, and that is only going up every single week.
You’ll also be getting some surprise gifts that only a copywriter would love.

So, here’s what you get:

1) 50 daily sales letter or VSLs to hand-copy

2) 10 Weekly lessons on the art of Freelancing and copywriting

3) 5 graded assignments – Professionally critiqued by myself

5) Guest Experts Lessons with my rolodex of A-listers (priceless)

7) Professional Copywriting resources from my years as a freelancer

Here’s the catch: I can only take up to 40 people.

The amount of work this will take to train, provide feedback, and grade each assignment individually is massive.

Oh…but I have BONUSES! (Because what copywriter would let a sales letter end without bonuses?)

Bonus #1 – The 90 Day Professional Copywriter Playbook: The ONLY guide you will ever need to build a 6 figure copywriting practice. A step-by-step playbook to EXACTLY what you need to do, complete with timelines, best practices, hacks, and insider tips it took me years to learn and $1000’s to create.

Bonus #2 – The Grid: A Revolutionary, Plug and Play Map To The PERFECT Message2Market Match. The #1 cause of sales messages failing is not getting the right Message to Market match…and this proprietary new creation virtually guarantees that will never happen.

Bonus #3 – The Product Launch Hack: How To Hit “The Easy Button” As A Copywriter, Get Huge Amounts Of Free Advertising, And Sell Irresistible Mafia Offers to clients starving for exactly what you’re offering.

Bonus #4 – Full Lead Generation Funnel Critique, once the program is completed.

Bonus #5 – High Converting Copywriting Templates For EVERY Kind Of Copy

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Innovative Business Model:
    • Embrace the reality of a genuine business! Our approach involves forming a group buy, where we collectively share the costs among members. Using these funds, we purchase sought-after courses from sale pages and make them accessible to individuals facing financial constraints. Despite potential reservations from the authors, our customers appreciate the affordability and accessibility we provide.
  2. The Legal Landscape: Yes and No:
    • The legality of our operations falls into a gray area. While we lack explicit approval from the course authors for resale, there’s a technicality at play. When procuring the course, the author didn’t specify any restrictions on resale. This legal nuance presents both an opportunity for us and a boon for those seeking budget-friendly access.
  3. Quality Assurance: Unveiling the Real Deal:
    • Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
      • No coaching calls or scheduled sessions with the author.
      • No access to the author’s private Facebook group or web portal.
      • No entry to the author’s exclusive membership forum.
      • No direct email support from the author or their team.

    We operate independently, aiming to bridge the affordability gap without the additional services offered by official course channels. Your understanding of our unique approach is greatly appreciated.

Refund is acceptable:

  • Firstly, item is not as explained
  • Secondly, Item do not work the way it should.
  • Thirdly, and most importantly, support extension can not be used.

Thank you for choosing us! We’re so happy that you feel comfortable enough with us to forward your business here.

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