Lester Levenson – THE VIRTUAL FINAL STEP RETREAT( MAY 23 – 29, 2020) download, Lester Levenson – THE VIRTUAL FINAL STEP RETREAT( MAY 23 – 29, 2020) review, Lester Levenson – THE VIRTUAL FINAL STEP RETREAT( MAY 23 – 29, 2020) free
Lester Levenson – THE VIRTUAL FINAL STEP RETREAT( MAY 23 – 29, 2020)
The Ultimate Virtual Course
(Just as Lester Levenson encouraged us all to do)
With all the uncertainty and instability going on in the world…
You aren’t alone if you sometimes have pictures going through your mind of catching the coronavirus and getting sick.
Or have anxious thoughts and feelings about the possibility of losing a job or a business.
Most people are experiencing some heightened level of fear and worry because at the moment, it’s unknown.
Yet most people are doing their best to suppress or escape their anxious thoughts and the fear sensations they trigger.
That’s because the fears and anxiety being stirred up by the world’s current events…
Are All Tied In With The FEAR OF DYING
Which is the ULTIMATE FEAR.
You may not immediately recognize you have a “fear of dying” (survival) program running in you.
Especially if you’re moderately young and healthy.
But take a closer look and see if you have any sense of worry about what you would call your sense of a “me.”
If you have any thoughts or feelings along the lines of… What’s going to happen to ME!?”
That’s the FEAR OF DYING program being triggered right there.
And we don’t like it. Not one bit.
That’s why most people try to ignore it or pretend it’s not there…
Or, instead try to distract themselves from it — by watching Netflix, drinking a beer, or zoning out scrolling through Facebook.
But the FEAR OF DYING program goes on running “in the background” (causing constant background anxiety) wasting energy, controlling and limiting your innate happiness and freedom.
The FEAR OF DYING program is always there “in you” by the way.
It’s just that now — with all the uncertainty, the sound of sirens, and the life threatening warnings being given out on the newsfeeds all the time — the FEAR OF DYING is flaring up in people like it never has before.
But here’s the thing:
From the perspective of Releasing, having the the FEAR OF DYING programming come up so prominently into your awareness is…
The Ultimate Blessing
Know why?
Because it gives you the rare opportunity to Release the deepest feelings and programs that are survival patterns accumulated from the past.
Think about it…
If there was no sense of survival…
You would finally KNOW (from direct experience) that you are ONENESS.
One with Everything.
And that equates to you being…
Eternally Satisfied…
You finally SEE the Truth (as Lester did).
You get to live with complete freedom without fear.
And, don’t worry, you still get to keep your mind and body (they’re not going to vanish)
You get to direct your life from the place of freedom and…
You Get to Experience Life as One Big PLAYGROUND
Life becomes so magical then.
Impossibilities turn into possibilities.
And instead of the world (and all the restrictions and problems in it) being a MASTER over you…
You Get To Experience Being A MASTER Over The World
This is what Lester Levenson encouraged us all to discover for ourselves.
This is what Lester meant by “Going All The Way.”
“Going All The Way” is ONLY POSSIBLE when you let go of the FEAR OF DYING Programming.
Most people will never do it.
But you can.
There has NEVER been a better time. We are afforded a great opportunity by the world as it is at the moment. The World is doing its best to trigger our FEAR OF DYING programming.
The World is actually assisting us to go Free (FEAR OF DYING is coming up anyway so let’s let it all go once and for all).
All it takes is a deep willingness to do it.
And the appropriate support and real-time assistance to get it done. Which is now available to a select number of people in the VIRTUAL FINAL STEP RETREAT (via teleconference) starting May 23rd to May 29th.
We Challenge You to Take the Final Step to Mastering Life
It may not seem like it at the moment…
And definitely not to the mind…
But, Life is just a game.
And the VIRTUAL FINAL STEP RETREAT is the Final Step to MASTERING (the Game of) LIFE.
During the VIRTUAL FINAL STEP RETREAT we will show you how to live Lester’s secrets to having total freedom.
We will go even deeper than we have ever gone. That is why we are calling this Brand NEW Retreat the Final Step!
You will let go of the subconscious blocks that have been holding you back from experiencing freedom.
We will help you to actually experience just what freedom is.
You’ll not only master Lester’s success secrets you need to create the life you’ve always dreamed of…
You will also directly experience how to apply Lester’s mastery secrets to your own life when you join us on the VIRTUAL FINAL STEP RETREAT.
Finally make the decision to have all your highest goals and wishes!
Start creating your dream life.
Challenged yourself to go for your highest dreams.
- To have abundance in every way.
- To live in a world of having instead of wanting (and never getting).
- To have the peace of mind you deserve, to feel safe all the time, no matter what happens around you or in the world.
- To be in love all the time.
- To be radiantly healthy once and for all.
- To have all the wealth to use, in whatever way you choose.
Places are limited on the VIRTUAL FINAL STEP RETREAT Tele-Course
(so please be quick to avoid disappointment getting onto the VIRTUAL FINAL STEP RETREAT)
“The Release Technique has brought me all the peace and love I could have ever imagined. This thing I call my life is more fulfilling in every area.
Last night I released anger-fear-resentment that had been there for 39 years I had no idea this event was still in my body hurting me all these years. Heat, tears, anger, grief, sadness moved through and out. Wow the garbage just life, this was part of an original program playing out over and over. A) I lose B) I lose – now there is nothing id change, peace with the past!
The most impactful release has been my chronic disapproval of my husband, wanting to change him. This does not work and never did. We lived a constant push – pull dynamic. As I’ve stopped disapproving and just love him because he is the way he is. Everything changed. His heart opened and we are experiencing greater love, joy and bliss than I know was possible.
I am free of needing to control others and allow them to be the way they are and just love them. This is profound and as I felt before it was my job to change others and the world thinking it would make the world a better place. I was wrong.” – Shivani Grail
“I have let go of being offended and blaming – 2 huge things! This alone has gotten rid of landfills of garbage; meaning anger and hatred! I love people more and more for absolutely no reason! I am gradually seeing more people as my equal and am judging less and less. This has been so freeing. It’s really difficult to put into words. My relationship with my son has been more respectful and loving. I have let go of the need to mother him. I have also lost weight – about 12/15lbs.” – Susan
“My Momentum is back, and the minor emphasized it. My commitment to step one is solidly in place and I see the need to keep repeating it with each release.” -Pete Youell
A Message from Lester
Everyone is experiencing his or her infinite and unlimited Beingness every moment of one’s life. That which is not is sought for, but not that which is obvious. In other words, that which appears is sought for, but not that which exists.
To think is not your real nature. Your real nature is to be. The natural free state is the ultimate goal. That is to be with no thinking. No thinking happens when there are no more feelings; i.e., no more AGFLAP and CAP.
The essence of your self is only awareness or consciousness. When the ego dominates it, your consciousness functions as the reasoning, thinking or sensing faculty. When you are totally released, you identify with your beingness only. You are intuitive with no thinking. You begin with dissatisfaction. With dissatisfaction you are always restless and seeking. Releasing undoes the dissatisfaction. When you are totally released, you are eternally satisfied. You will never stop your agitated state of dissatisfaction until you are totally released and constantly satisfied. This is the sense of fulfillment. This is the ultimate state.
You do not acquire happiness; your basic nature is happiness. You simply remove the unhappiness, the AGFLAP and CAP.
Go all the way with a powerful group of releasers worldwide. Be there to share in their gains as well as have your own gains. Be there to experience unprecedented energy and momentum.
Join Us to Celebrate Your Freedom and Cross the Finish Line at the Final Step Retreat
Frequently Asked Questions:
- Innovative Business Model:
- Embrace the reality of a genuine business! Our approach involves forming a group buy, where we collectively share the costs among members. Using these funds, we purchase sought-after courses from sale pages and make them accessible to individuals facing financial constraints. Despite potential reservations from the authors, our customers appreciate the affordability and accessibility we provide.
- The Legal Landscape: Yes and No:
- The legality of our operations falls into a gray area. While we lack explicit approval from the course authors for resale, there’s a technicality at play. When procuring the course, the author didn’t specify any restrictions on resale. This legal nuance presents both an opportunity for us and a boon for those seeking budget-friendly access.
- Quality Assurance: Unveiling the Real Deal:
- Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
- No coaching calls or scheduled sessions with the author.
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- No direct email support from the author or their team.
We operate independently, aiming to bridge the affordability gap without the additional services offered by official course channels. Your understanding of our unique approach is greatly appreciated.
- Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
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