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Kate Byrne – The Betty Booked Out Formula
Your complete step-by-step system to becoming a booked out premium brand even if you’re an introvert, have a tiny list, are still becoming an expert, and the idea of being salesy makes you want to barf.
Dear Coaches and Creative Entrepreneurs:
I have a question: Are you booked out and working with all the ideal clients you want?
(Ha! I can almost hear you snorting with laughter into your MacBook all the way from here!)
If you answered no, don’t worry my friend, you’re definitely not alone! In fact the majority of women I speak to running coaching or service based businesses admit they are tired of struggling to win clients and feel totally confused/overwhelmed/freaked out about exactly what to do to bring their dream of having a thriving business to life.
Can you relate?
Hi, it’s Dr Kate Byrne from Betty Means Business here. Through my work as a coach, consultant and professional services business owner over the past 15 years, I’ve created, tested and perfected a proven system for attracting dreamy leads and converting them into high-paying 1-on-1 private clients.
The result is the Betty Booked Out Formula — a complete system made up of 4 core parts and an avalanche of practical, easy to use tools, templates, and cheat sheets that lead you step-by-step to being fully booked with 1-on-1 clients… that you can use again and again so you’ll basically have clients on tap.
Yep, I said incredible premium clients on tap. Imagine what that could mean for your business. Imagine what that could mean for your LIFE! (Did you just feel massive relief, right?)
So… why does the Betty Booked Out Formula
focus on winning 1-on-1 clients?
Because winning clients is THE most important first step. When you’re first starting out in business, it feels like there’s heaps to do, but actually, there’s only 1 thing you MUST do – only 1 truly non-negotiable: Win clients.
Until you have clients, you don’t have a business. You just have an expensive, time consuming hobby that keeps you awake at night with the anxiety of wondering if you should give it up and go back to a soul-sucking ‘real job’.
Does this sound familiar?
If you’re anything like I was starting out, winning clients is always on your to do list, but something you rarely get around to. I get it: the idea of putting yourself out there and (gulp!) actually talking with potential clients brings up a lot of stuff. It’s confronting, intimidating and totally outside the comfort zone for most of us coaches and creative entrepreneurs. I mean, we were born to help our clients transform their lives, not be salespeople, right? And so instead… it’s easier to pack your days with busy work that feels important – but is far less confronting (think tweaking your website, updating Instagram, setting up a mastermind crew, and aimlessly ‘networking’ in Facebook groups)…
Each night, as you hit the sack disappointed you didn’t get there again today, you try to convince yourself you’ll focus on pro-actively winning clients tomorrow. Even so, somehow the next day is a carbon copy of the one before it: Long days where you work your ass off but don’t actually bring on as many great clients as you want.
Your whole day disappears as you watch Friends and Sex in the City re-runs in the background while working on your website or networking on social media instead of ‘hustling’ for clients (but… eugh, that word ‘hustling’ sounds terrible. Do you *really* want to hustle if it means being sleazy, in your face and salesy with potential clients? Hell no! And what exactly should hustling in your biz look like day to day anyway?).
Secretly you feel ashamed about working so damn hard, but not earning all that much.
You’re smart. You KNOW you do great work. You’re not afraid of hard work. And so you ask yourself over and over again:
‘It is meant to be this bloody hard?’
You compare yourself to the smiling famous-online industry-leading dames with the gorgeous soul sister crew, who command high prices and attract high profile clients.
Business looks effortless for them. They seem to have raving, never-ending waitlists and plenty of time for middle-of-the-day yoga classes, working on their laptop in beach-side juice bars and making memories with their kids.
The cold hard truth is that without clients you don’t have any cash flow. And without cash flow you don’t have a sustainable business. What you DO have is an ocean of stress, plenty of sleepless nights and worry-driven days. The anxiety-fuelled fact that you don’t have all the clients you want – that you’re still not fully booked – is always there weighing on you, even when you try to push the thought to the back of your mind.
If you’ve been working your ass off – writing your eBook, Periscoping like a mofo, updating your Instagram, working on your first eCourse, sharing great content, submitting guest post after guest post to the Huffington Post – but still have a lot of client shaped holes in your schedule, YOU’RE NOT ALONE.
In fact, it’s not your fault you’re not yet fully booked.
You see, there’s so much crazy misinformation out there these days about what it takes to win the clients you want. Knowing exactly what to do, when to do it and what to prioritise is damn confusing with all the options out there. I’ve seen it over and over with my private clients, incredible women coaches and creatives who are amazing at what they do, stuck, overwhelmed and wracked with self-doubt when it comes to consistently winning clients.
So many of us are confused about exactly what to do – the exact steps to take – to get booked out with great clients, and have been fooled into overcomplicating the shit out of things.
eCourses, eBooks, and passive or more leveraged offers are great, but here’s what others won’t tell you: you need a big list, engaged community, a name in the industry and significant investment (in terms of lead time and moolah) to make them a success. So… depending where you’re at in your business, just because your favourite online biz dame has killed it launching an ecourse doesn’t mean that approach will automatically work for you too.
Especially if you’ve got less than 1,000 or so people on your subscriber list and/or you’re still building a name for yourself in your industry, working with clients 1-on-1 is THE FASTEST way to the cash flow, big pay days and booked out roster you desire. No question about it.
And now for the great news:
Being booked out with awesome 1-on-1 clients you love (who love you right back) is simpler than you think!
In fact, my approach to getting fully booked is all about crystal clear clarity, setting up a solid foundation and then consistently rocking just a few simple, yet big impact, strategies done well.
If you’ve ever dreamt of having a thriving business you love, but feared you’ll never be that person, hear me when I say: Those fears are nothing but bullshit self-doubt.
Being booked out is possible for you and your business. And I can help.
Why booked out?
Because having a roster full of excited clients naturally opens the door to a flood of other exciting opportunities too. Being booked out is your golden ticket to quickly growing your business empire for real (how ever that ‘empire’ looks to you!).
I’m not perfect, I make mistakes and learn new things all the time, and I’m still on my own business building journey, but take it from me:
I know from experience that your confidence soars when you’re booked out with a wait list of raving fans excited to work with you.
That’s not all. The market insights you’re able to gather by working 1-on-1 with premium clients is, well, priceless. Those insights mean your next offers – ecourses, ebooks, group programs, workshops, live events, meditation albums – are more likely to sell like hot cakes. Success begets success. Your reputation as an in-demand hot commodity snowballs. Influencers reach out to YOU. You wake up excited each morning and hit the sack proud each night. You sleep well, knowing you made the right decision to leave that soul sucking job, confident you’ll never have to go back. Your significant other stops asking you when all your hard work will pay off. And you finally have the steady cash flow and momentum to easily take your business to the next level, and to take your family on the holiday you’ve been promising them.
If there’s just one thing you take away after reading this letter, please let it be this: A delightfully full roster ISN’T just for a chosen few cool kids in your field. It is within your reach (yes, being booked out is possible for you!).
By the way, being booked out DOESN’T MEAN you’ll be run off your feet from dawn to dusk managing a demanding, non-stop back to back roster of clients.
Remember, when it comes to your business, you’re the boss. That means you get to define exactly what ‘booked out’ looks like for you. Perhaps it means you work intensively with one client for an entire week, or exclusively for 6 weeks. Perhaps it means you work with 5 clients a month, 20 clients this year, or you fill 10 sessions a week – and always have Wednesdays and Thursdays off. The point I’m trying to make is that your version of ‘booked out’ can be whatever best suits your lifestyle goals, schedule and ultimate vision. It IS possible to be booked out and experience the sense of freedom and balance you started your business for in the first place.
And once you’re fully booked with 1-on-1 clients, the strategies and principles I’ve included in the Betty Booked Out Formula for you will help take you to 6 figures and beyond, help you grow your mailing list, help you fill group programs and retreats, and even help you create your own sales pages.
When it comes to getting booked out with
great 1-on-1 clients, you only need 4 things :
- An incredible, irresistible-to-your-ideal clients offer
- Clarity around exactly what ‘booked out’ looks like for you
- The ability to attract and then convert great leads into excited, high-paying 1-on-1 clients
- The daily, weekly and monthly success habits that bring everything to life so you can consistently bring in fantastic new leads and win all the clients you want
That’s EXACTLY what I take you by the hand and reveal, step-by-practical-step, in the Betty Booked Out Formula.
The Betty Booked Out Formula gives you the power to start winning more ideal clients today.
In this training you’re going to learn everything you need to know to stand out in your industry, cut through all the noise, powerfully connect with and then win your ideal clients over and over again (without ever being sleazy, unaligned or inauthentic).
The Betty Booked Out Formula consolidates my best programs (along with a bunch of brand new content!) into one awesome offer, so you can expect the same transformational results members of my other programs have experienced.
Your ticket to the Betty Booked Out Formula includes full access to the following programs:
My hit program: Packaging You
Your golden ticket to creating irresistible premium offers that sell like hotcakes.
How To Design Your Master Schedule & Be Wildly Productive
Your key to being wildly productive, quickly achieving your goals and getting booked out sooner, while still having plenty of time for your other priorities… and the little things that make life sweeter.
Your step-by-step secret weapon to easily mastering discovery sessions that convert like crazy and net you thousands.
Your Daily Success Habits
Your step-by-step guide to the exact daily, weekly and monthly success habits you’ll rock to build momentum and get booked out in your coaching or creative business.
All up you get:
- 10+ Hours of Practical Training
- 14 Training Modules
- Professionally Designed Workbooks and Worksheets for Every Module
- 8 Instant Access Webinar Trainings
- 10 Audio Trainings (Listen and learn wherever you are!)
- Complete Transcripts of all Webinars and Audio
- 50+ Templates, Roadmaps, Cheat Sheets, and Done-For-You Scripts to Use Immediately in Your Own Business
This complete system includes way too much for me to detail everything here, but here’s a taste of everything you’ll discover when you dive into the course materials just minutes from now…
- You’ll learn the 2 most powerful ways to create connection with potential clients
- You’ll find out the fool-proof equation that makes your offer shine
- You’ll discover the different types of features you MUST include in any packaged offer
- You’ll learn how to structure payment plans
- You’ll get access to my step-by-step MUST DO approach to properly pricing your offers
- You’ll find out the 3 best ways to deal with any concerns your potential clients might have about working with you
- You’ll learn how to ditch the stomach-churning dread that keeps you up the night before a hosting a Discovery Session
- You’ll learn exactly how to turn ideal leads and prospects into customers
- You’ll get my proven method to invite people to book a Discovery Session
- You’ll discover all the systems you MUST HAVE in place to win clients
- You’ll get my precise step-by-step roadmap for hosting Discovery Sessions (including specific prompts, questions and example scripts)
- You’ll learn how to keep new clients excited and committed to working with you
- You’ll discover what to do when a potential asks about price straight up
- You’ll find out exactly what to do if you completely stuff up a Discovery Session
- And much MUCH more!
To keep you feeling supported and taking action,
you’ll also get access to:
BONUS #1: The Betty Booked Out Resource Library
Like I mentioned earlier, your booked out success is my absolute priority, so I want pull back the velvet rope and share as many practical resources as I can with you. That’s why I’m also including access to my ever growing resource library. If it’ll help you get booked out sooner, I’ve included it here.
BONUS #2: 13 Pre-recorded Q&A Session With Kate
These pre-recorded Q&A sessions contain lots of extra juicy info to help you learn the new skills covered in this course. There’s one for each of the modules of the core programs in this course PLUS a few little extra bonus ones!
In them, I cover questions asked by past students giving extra insight and additional thoughts to help you in your business-building momentum as you dive into the course content and apply it to your own business.
How do I know if the
Betty Booked Out Formula is for me?
This program definitely isn’t for everyone. That said, if the bullet points below describe you, the Betty Booked Out Formula is probably perfect for you. You’ll get the most out of this program if you:
// Are a woman coach or creative who sells a service
// Want to work with clients 1-on-1
// Want to price at least one of your service offerings/packages at $1,000 or more
// Are great at what you do and genuinely love helping your clients get results
// Like practical step-by-step guidance and following proven systems
// Are not involved in MLM or mainly sell other people’s products
// Willing to put your heart into this program and do the work to see epic results
// Want to have a thriving business with offers that sell like hot cakes and happy clients who can’t stop raving about you
// Want to become the it girl in your field
// Feel it in your bones: it’s your time to shine!
If any of that sounds like you, I want to give you a massive bear hug (I think we’re about to become business besties!) and offer you my most comprehensive program to becoming booked out!
What would it be worth to you to:
- Know your business is booked out months in advance, with no worries about where your next client is coming from?
- Forecast and smooth out your cash flow each month?
- Know exactly what to do each day to win clients?
- Focus on actually working with great clients instead of worrying about where your next client will come from?
- Feel like a legitimate entrepreneur, rather than the fraud you feel like now?
- Feel excited and proud, rather than secretly anxious, about the future of your business?
- Feel relieved that you’ve found a practical, proven client attraction system that works for you?
- Never again having to spend sleepless nights worrying about whether or not you should quit your biz and go back to a real job again?
- Quit the self-doubt and stop comparing yourself to others who are killing it in your industry, obsessing about what they have that you don’t?
- Be seen as a leader in your industry?
- Stop relying on hoping and wishing to be booked out, and instead start following proven step-by-step systems that actually work?
- Stop doing courses that only give you a single piece of the puzzle – how to write sales pages, how to create irresistible offers, how to host discovery sessions, how to generate leads, how to be productive each day – and instead get the complete blueprint in one?
- Know how to stand out in your industry and win dream clients without discounting your prices?
- Have a waitlist of raving fans eager to work with you so you have clients on tap?
- Stop wasting precious time and thousands of dollars trying to figure it all out yourself?
- Make 2017 the year you break through and become booked out?
THIS is the opportunity I’m sharing with you today!
To be part of the wave of rising star women coaches and creatives who are rocking sold out, fully booked practices – and having a great time doing it!
Jump onboard now and you’ll get:
The entire Betty Booked Out Formula Training Program
Priority access to all modules, including downloadable video, audio, transcripts, workbooks, templates, scripts and cheat sheets.
BONUS #1: The Betty Booked Out Resource Library
BONUS #2: 13 Pre-Recorded Q&A Sessions With Kate
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