
Meet Kevin – Master Stocks and the Psychology of Money



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Meet Kevin – Master Stocks and the Psychology of Money

No matter where you are in your financial journey, you can use the principles in this course to create a substantial net worth, generate passive income and achieve the ability to retire early and enjoy life.

  • Learn Essential Wealth Building Lessons Like…
  • Fundamental Stock Analysis, Company Valuations
  • Stock Trading, Stock Margin, Options, Technical Analysis
  • Family Finance
  • Negotiating Raises
  • Passive Income
  • Employment Tricks and Hacks
  • Tax suggestions and Strategies for Retiring Early
  • And much more…

Wouldn’t it be nice to learn all the principles that would get you to your goals faster?

That’s why I created this program for you! If you know me and my story, you know that I was that guy working at Jamba Juice who now has over $20 million invested in real estate and $20 million invested in stocks.

  • I came from a broken, immigrant home with divorced parents.
  • I left home and stepped into the world with no money.
  • I worked several jobs (like Jamba Juice) that left me unhappy and unfulfilled.
  • I saved what I could and invested every penny.

Now I work, not because I have to, but because I’m passionate about helping others learn from my mistakes. In this program, you’ll get access to all of the lessons I’ve gained in my personal journey that have helped me increase my net worth. I want to share with you all that I’ve done right (so you can copy those things) and what I’ve done wrong (so you can avoid those things!)

“Do you feel like you’re on a MISSION to build real wealth and determined to grow your net worth?”

Maybe right now, you feel TRAPPED in a paycheck-to-paycheck loop and wish you could get off that ride?

Or maybe you’re already well on your way to growing your wealth, but you want to learn ways to accelerate the wealth-building process?

Would it be nice if…

You could learn the principles to reach your goals faster…

…and make your money go further than it ever has before?

If you know me and my story, you know that I was a guy working at Jamba Juice who now has over $20 million invested in real estate and $20 million invested in stocks.

I was also a busboy cleaning off plates of hamburgers at Red Robin…

I came from a broken, immigrant home with divorced parents.

When I became an adult, I stepped out into the world with pretty much zero money.

I started with nothing and have built a net worth that to me thinking about how far I’ve come – is pretty crazy.

I work now, not because I have to. I do it because I’m passionate about helping others learn from my mistakes and gain any perspectives I’ve found on my journey.

When I was making those tasty drinks for thirsty customers at Jamba Juice, I secretly plotted my escape.

I grew my skills, learned a ton, and started investing anything I could into the market.

Even before my YouTube income, I grew my net worth into the millions through some hard work and good financial decision-making.

It’s been a while now that I could have retired and moved somewhere else with maybe a Mediterranean climate like the French Riviera or something… but I love teaching this stuff.

If I had to tell you one thing about growing your net worth, it would be this: START NOW…


Don’t wait any longer to learn the principles that can help you grow your income, investments, and wealth.

Start today.

You need to get on the exponential net worth curve as soon as possible. The sooner you start, the better.

You do not want to wait on this.

So if you’re wondering…

“If I wanted to start now, where would I even begin, or what would I do next?”

Well, that’s why I created this course…

To help you grow your net worth with Stocks & the Psychology of Money.

I break everything down for you in an organized, easy-to-understand way.

This program is so much more than any program I’ve put together before.

No matter where you are in your journey to growing your wealth, and no matter your knowledge of the stock market, you can benefit highly from the material in this course.

This program is about your psychology on spending money, making money, and investing money to grow your net worth.

I want to bust the myths associated with wealth.

I want everyone who goes through this program to walk away feeling confident on stock investing, index funds, syndications, credit, which credit cards to use, how to maximize your credit score, how to pay off debt fast, and we’ll even dabble in real estate.

We’ll talk about how to negotiate higher pay to finally get paid what you deserve.

We’ll talk about making more money, building wealth and getting out of that paycheck to paycheck trap that so many people are stuck in.

And if you’re already making good money, this course will help you get to that next level of wealth faster.

Maybe you even want to learn how to build generational wealth where your children’s children will benefit from your investments.

If any of this is interesting, then this course is for you.

The Lectures Can Benefit You No Matter If:

  • You are heavily in debt.
  • You are moderately in debt.
  • You have no savings.
  • You have less income than you’d like.
  • You have no investments.
  • You have no idea where to start.

⛔️ [Heads Up: This is NOT a Get-Rich-Quick Tool]


  • Stocks, Fundamental Stock Analysis, Company Valuations
  • Trading, Stock Margin, Options, Technical Analysis, Investing Strategies
  • Family Finance
  • Happiness
  • Negotiating raises
  • Employment tricks and hacks
  • Tax suggestions and Strategies for Retiring
  • And much much more…

And you’re going to get something you don’t get anywhere else…

You’re going to get my psychological tricks for making your money go way further than it ever has before.

And the goal of all this is to do it while working less, making more passive income, and finally getting onto the path to retiring early.

Now, I want to clarify who will benefit the most from this course and who won’t.

Because if it’s not right for you, I don’t want you to enroll…

When you join today, you’re going to get LIFETIME ACCESS to this course.

This can benefit you NO MATTER if…

  • You are in debt.
  • Or you have no savings.
  • Or you have less income than you’d like.

It’ll benefit you even if you currently have little to no investments or NO IDEA where to start.

Even if you don’t have a lot of money to invest at the moment.

The strategies in this course not only show you how I invest but…

I also give you tools to help you build more income to be able to invest, like powerful negotiating strategies to increase your income as soon as possible.

Remember, I got started by making juices at Jamba Juice and being a busboy at Red Robin….

I put any extra cash I saved into the stock market.

I saved every penny I could and invested it.


So I could start the process of compounding wealth as soon as possible.

“You want to get to the point of getting your money to work for you as soon as you can… instead of the other way around.”

If you have little to no investments and don’t think you have the money to start now, but you really want to build your net worth with the power of compounding returns… then don’t wait.

There’s no such thing as too early with this.

We’ll cover everything you need to know to get on the right path and have the confidence to make the right financial decisions even if you don’t have faith in your current knowledge and skills.

And, if you are already making a high income and have investments, then you’re ahead of the game.

This course will help you get to that next level faster and can help you accelerate your net worth to reach your financial goals sooner.

Now, let’s talk about who this course is NOT for…

This is not for you if you’re just looking for some get-rich-quick scheme. This is definitely NOT that.

This is my real life, the advice I’ve gleaned from many, the actions I’ve taken, the painful experiences and losses I’ve suffered, and the big financial wins I’ve experienced.

You’re getting real-life, real-world wealth-building principles that can add up quicker than you might realize.

This is about truly understanding money, mastering your psychology, and getting your money to compound into significant net worth.

If you’re anything like me, you’re determined to grow your income and your wealth…

You’re determined to make tomorrow better than today. And you’re willing to take action to do it.

Also, if you’re wondering,

“Kevin, is now a good time to invest though?”

The training in this course is important no matter what the economic conditions are.

If you understand the markets, you know that there’s always opportunity.

Waiting for a “better time” to get into the market is a common way most people MISS OUT ENTIRELY.

You want to get on the exponential curve of growing your net worth ASAP. You do not want to wait.

Ideally, you should have started learning this material years ago.

But when’s the second-best time? Right now.

The truth is, when I look around at people my age, most are struggling even to get by.

I read this stat and I was pretty shocked…

According to Business Insider, 70% of millennials live paycheck to paycheck, more than any other generation.

If we wind back the clock to the 50s, for example…

The average home was worth $7,354, a new Volkswagen Beetle could be yours for $1,280, and tuition at the University of Pennsylvania was $600.

Now, of course, a lot has changed.

And yes, that’s inflation for you, but even price adjusted for inflation, things were cheaper back then when compared to incomes people made. And this is especially true if you live in a more expensive place.

Here in California, the cost of living has SKYROCKETED.

This also brings me to inflation, another reason you need to understand money and how to master it.

See, money sitting in a savings account is TOXIC.

The value of your money depreciates slowly because of inflation and at the same time, it keeps you from investing it.

Worse – It actually tricks you into spending it.

You have a nearly 100% chance of spending money if it’s in a savings account and nearly a 0% chance of spending it if you have it in an investment account.

That extra mental barrier of not wanting to pull out an investment, sell stocks, and deal with the wire transfers makes a BIG DIFFERENCE.

So by investing — not only do you not spend it on stuff you don’t need, but you let it actually grow and compound instead of depreciate.

It may seem “safer” in a savings account, but really all you’re doing is guaranteeing that you will lose value by the pace of inflation… 2-3% per year or maybe more — especially with all the money printing that has happened.

In terms of the power of compounding growth, consider these two scenarios:

1. SAVING $400 per month for 40 years in your bank account… That would give you about $192,000.
2. INVESTING $400 per month for 40 years in the market… That would give you about $2,237,843.

Scenario 1 gets you $192k, vs. Scenario 2 gets you to over $2m.

And that’s with putting aside the same amount per month. That’s crazy!

That’s with about the average annual rate of return of the S&P 500 since 1926, which was around 10%. Now it doesn’t mean we’ll see the same numbers here on out, but you can see how dramatic the difference is.

Without the right knowledge about money and how to invest it, it can be hard to get out of the paycheck to paycheck trap and get off the sort of hamster wheel people stay on for sometimes their entire lives.

Learn the principles now that can help you grow your passive income, negotiate better pay, build wealth, and finally get on the right path to retire early.

Reach Your Goals Faster with Meet Kevin

In this program you’ll learn about…

  • How to negotiate higher pay to finally get paid what you deserve.
  • Making more money, building wealth and getting out of that paycheck to paycheck trap that so many people are stuck in.
  • Building generational wealth where your children’s children will benefit from your investments.
  • And if you’re already making good money, this course will help you get to that next level of wealth faster.

I see people my age and decades older struggling to make ends meet, stuck throwing their money away paying rent because they don’t know how they can afford a downpayment, and not really seeing a way out.

If you know how to master the game of money, you can grow your net worth despite all of these roadblocks, pitfalls, and disadvantages you might even have in your own personal situation.

I got my first house when I was just 19. And it instantly boosted my net worth by around $100,000. This was when I only had about $9,000 in the bank.


I used a strategy that allowed me to put far less down than typically is required and jump into an undervalued property.

I understood the opportunity, and I made the jump.

So, how do you get started?

I’ve gathered all the principles that have grown my net worth and I’ve packaged them into a highly detailed and easy-to-follow course so you can benefit from all that I’ve learned.

What I’ll be sharing in this course is a unique material that I don’t share anywhere else.

My YouTube viewership is based on hot topics with wide appeal. That’s what gets the views.

In this course, I don’t go for wide topics.

I go specific, and I go deep.

I go deep into the strategies to build your net worth and understand money at a level you haven’t experienced before.

Unfortunately, our education system hasn’t taught us much about finance and building personal wealth. It’s something society just leaves you to learn by yourself. It’s pretty crazy for being such an important topic for your overall “success in society” that we still don’t make it part of the core curriculums.

There’s nothing necessarily wrong with learning by yourself. The only thing is that…

Without guidance, it takes a lot more time and you’re pretty much forced to learn from trial and error — which can be costly and stressful.

I’ve made many great financial decisions, but I’ve also learned the hard way and lost a ton of time and made huge money-draining mistakes that I don’t want you to repeat.

I’m here to do two things:

  • Show you what I’ve learned that has worked and
  • Help you avoid the mistakes that I’ve fallen into in the past.

Many of you are here specifically for stock market-related content.

Really, this course goes far beyond that.

But yes, we go deep into investing in the stock market in the lectures, and I’ll give you a sneak peek of the stock market training in just a minute.

Here’s a taste of a few of the modules in the course out of the over two dozen sections I’ve created to help you master your money outside of the stock market.

In Module 3, we cover things you want to avoid… like what I call the “home trap” and the “two-footer,” which keeps most broke… that’s why this section is called “the dumb choices of no money.” You don’t want to skip this.

I cover the FAST Pass Flaw, the Coupon Fallacy, and how to negotiate and win so you can make more money in anything you’re doing. That’s all in module 4.

In Module 5, we go through Productivity Habits and Obligation Paralysis because knowing what to focus on and how to execute on that is key to your success in building your wealth.

A lot of my wealth has been built on these principles.

I’m always told how crazy it is that I can make so much content, learn so much about companies, or make so much progress in different things I’m working on.

It’s because of my productivity habits. And I want to give those to you too.

Productivity is almost like a superpower that can accelerate your success on whatever you’re working on.

Want to build passive income? That’s what Module 18 is all about. We’ll talk about what the Internet gets wrong, the passive income personality test, and not toxic vs. toxic leverage. You’re gonna want to know about this.

I’ll also share important wealth rules, such as the Personal $1 Rule and the Time Fallacy. And how to kill the paycheck to paycheck trap that so many people are stuck in right now.

Also, remember, making money is one thing. Keeping it is another.

That’s why I’ve got a whole section on Taxation and Strategies for Retiring. You’ll learn how to save massively on taxes on Real Estate and Stocks.

In this course, I’m sharing all of the most valuable lessons that have allowed me to maximize my income, minimize my taxes, and build my net worth.

Then we talk about the stock market and growing your wealth by investing in companies.

I’ll share…

How I value companies and find high growth opportunities.

My philosophy and strategies of fundamental analysis and technical analysis on specific stocks.

And you’ll learn what I think about Trading, Stock Margin, and Options (and how to protect yourself from the downside — this is important).

We’ll cover different investment strategies, the “dividend trap,” and look at the difference between growth companies and value companies for your portfolio.

All of the topics in this course are important for growing your net worth and minimizing your risk along the way.

But I’m still not done…

We go beyond money in this course because there’s more to life than that.

I made a section to include Creativity and Happiness Hacks.

In it, I cover different happiness hacks and what I call the Ultimate Creativity and Happiness Tool.

There’s a 40-second happiness trick that you can use almost instantly, and I want you to know how to use it.

So if you’re ready to take this jump – go for it and click the button below to enroll.

Now it’s time for you to take the next step in growing your wealth and building significant net worth. If you’re not sure you’re ready yet, I encourage you to leap.

There’s never been a better time.

It starts now.

The decisions you make now are key to your future success.

You’ll never again be any younger than you are right now in this moment, and it’s important to start as early as you can.

Before you join, though, I do want to give you one big warning…

If you follow most of what’s in this program, there’s a good chance you’re going to build a lot of wealth.

The only danger is forgetting that the purpose of life isn’t only about a number in your bank account, although it can make certain things a lot easier…

When you finish this program and begin to implement these things, and you start growing your wealth, and you actually create the ability for you to retire early with passive income and free cash flow…

Remember all of what you’re doing should be for the goal of living a fulfilled and happy life.

So when you go through this program, and you go through building this new life, and you start succeeding, I’m confident you will — keep in mind that the real goal is not a number in your bank account.

That’s just a means to an end.

I want to give you the most value I possibly can.

I want you to learn from my mistakes (so you don’t repeat them) and learn from what I’ve done right (so you can copy them).

And I want you to do this all while mastering your money and gaining the ability to build passive income, true wealth and be on track to early retirement.

Inside the course, you’ll find the lessons I’ve learned the hard way… from thousands of hours of research and an expensive journey of trial and error.

That’s what you’re really getting when you join.

“You’re not just getting my knowledge and perspective, but you’re getting the ability to do what I did right and know how to avoid the things I’ve done wrong.”

Right now, you need to make a decision.

It’s up to you to decide whether or not this program is worth the investment.

Just one of the lessons in this course could help you earn back your investment or save that amount in taxes for years to come.

We’ll also cover Write-Offs, Deductions, and Tax Credits so you know how you can keep the most money in your pocket.

This alone could be worth many times more than the investment you’ll make in the course.

Heck, this entire course may even be something you can write off entirely from your taxes. Check with your CPA on that.

Also, when deciding if buying this course is a worthy investment for you to make, I want you to consider this…

Traditional education is expensive.

We’re used to the idea of college costing somewhere like $25k+ per year.

But unfortunately, college doesn’t focus on personal finance. Chances are, even if you’ve graduated from an Ivy league, you’ve maybe been taught a fraction of the wealth-building topics I cover in this course.

It’s just not part of their curriculum.

So is now the right time to join?


You being able to get on the right path at the earliest time possible is a huge deal for your compounding wealth.

Waiting another year before learning the psychology of money or making a poor financial decision now could significantly affect your total wealth in the long term.

Basically, the sooner you set your path to understanding money and mastering your finances, the better.

The sooner you can get out of the paycheck to paycheck trap and start getting your money to work for you, the better.

The sooner you clean up and optimize your investment strategy, the better.

Another reason you should consider joining soon is because the price you’re seeing for the course right now won’t be around for long.

**There have already been multiple price increases, and the price will continue to rise as more and more people join the program, and we have to support the community.**

Also – When you join today, you’ll get bonuses below which could end at any time.

Remember, you might be able to write off this entire program from your taxes. So, you’ll want to check with your CPA on that. The real cost of this program to you could be far less than the price on this page.

I’ve put the most valuable knowledge I have about all things money into this course. So, if you want to learn how to use the same principles and strategies that have helped me build my net worth, click on the button below.

Join me on this journey to wealth as you master your money, finances, and your own psychology.

I want to leave you with one last thought.

When it comes to investing…

Investing in your own knowledge and skills is something that pays you back many, many times over… For life.

By far, the best investment you can make is one in yourself.

I hope you choose to invest in yourself today.

There won’t be a better time for you to learn the concepts in this course, and the price will be going up in the future.

Thanks so much and I hope to see you inside!

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