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Karen Pattock – Overcoming Food Cravings
Do You Want To QUICKLY Establish Yourself as an Expert in Your Niche and
I’ll Show You How You Can Use Workshops To Grow Your Wellness Business and Fill Your Programs
In the Next 30 Days
Dear Health Coach,
Let me ask you a question…
How much hard work and energy have you invested into starting your health coaching business?
A lot, right?
And if you’re like many of the health coaches I talk to every day, it feels like all the effort you’ve put in isn’t paying off.
You’ve spent thousands of dollars on training and resources to become a better coach…
… but you’re not getting enough clients to make it all worthwhile financially…
Each week, you’re staring at all the blank spots on your calendar where you could be working with people.
You WANT to grow your business.
But no matter how much you want it, things just stay the same.
Another week goes by without any new clients.
Things feel stagnant.
You feel stuck.
It feels like you’ve tried everything and you don’t know why things aren’t clicking and why new clients aren’t rolling in.
And since you don’t know what you’re doing wrong, you can’t figure out how to turn it all around.
You wonder if there is some “secret” for building a health coaching business that you haven’t been told about.
You’ve tried so many things already…
The harder you struggle, the more defeated you feel.
It’s paralyzing.
Over the past 7 years, I’ve helped hundreds of health coaches who have struggled with these feelings.
Back when I first started my health coaching business, I was there myself…
Does this sound familiar?
Those early days as a health coach were exciting… but scary.
I was passionate about helping people transform their health and lives.
But I was also overwhelmed…
My time was VERY limited and I was afraid that would stop me from building a successful business. Working full-time wasn’t an option because I was spending much of the week helping my husband in his business.
- I was terrified of spending my time on the wrong tasks as I knew that not everything I would do would attract clients and make me money.
- I was unknown and felt isolated. I lived in a VERY small town. Population: 700. I knew that I needed to build my business online, but I didn’t have a real following.
- I was unsure how I could nurture my (very few) social media followers and email list subscribers in a way that would showcase my expertise and help them to get to know me so they would feel comfortable in purchasing from me.
- I needed to enroll clients in my programs, but I didn’t want to come across as sales-y. I wanted to be a health coach…not a pushy sales (wo)man.
- My email list was stagnant. I knew I needed new email subscribers every single day…but they weren’t coming.
Can you relate?
Then I Discovered the ‘Secret’ was Hiding in Plain Sight…
I spent SO much time focusing on the wrong things…
I compared my website to the websites of health coaches I assumed were successful.
I wondered what was helping them succeed while I was still trying to figure out how to get my business off the ground.
Then I realized I was making two very big assumptions about…
1. How successful other coaches were.
2. Where their clients were coming from.
Without a crystal ball, you can’t see what business is really like for other coaches.
You can only see their “highlight reel” (while experiencing your daily grind.)
From that moment forward, I was going to stop making assumptions about what it takes to build a health coaching business.
I was sure of one thing, though…
I didn’t want just one or two clients here and there.
I wanted a faucet that I could adjust to increase (or decrease) the demand for my services.
If I was gonna get that, I needed two things…
1. A marketing approach that allowed potential clients to QUICKLY know, like, and trust me.
2. The ability to reach a lot of people at once. I couldn’t rely on 1-on-1 conversations alone if I wanted to FILL my client calendar.
This meant I needed a “one-to-many” approach to my marketing that connected with my audience on a meaningful level.
Workshops: The ULTIMATE
Fast Track to a Full Client Calendar
I was committed to building a business that helped me reach the most people on a meaningful level.
Once I had this mental shift, it was like the universe kept showing me signs…
It seemed like wherever I looked, I was seeing online workshops (also known as webinars.)
All the top marketers were using them… and they weren’t using them to turn you into a client or customer in 6 months.
They were using those workshops to turn you into a paying client or customer NOW.
It became obvious to me that I HAD to give workshops a try.
Great idea in theory…but it terrified me.
I knew I couldn’t go it alone… so I enlisted as much expert help as I could get.
I hired business coaches.
I attended workshops about workshops.
The more I committed myself to workshops, the more it felt like the right fit and really paid off.
I became more confident each time.
I knew I was delivering highly valuable content to my audience.
I wish I could tell you that I dramatically increased my income overnight. But that’s not true.
For several months, I only used them to deliver free content and build my email list. I wasn’t selling anything in my workshops.
Over those months I grew my email list to 2,000 ideal client subscribers.
Eventually, I mustered up the courage to use an online workshop to actually sell a program.
The result?
$9,900 in sales from that first workshop.
I was blown away!
Since then, I’ve generated over $100,000 using workshops (while still being able to help my husband grow his business).
It wasn’t easy to get started, but workshops gave me the leverage I so desperately needed…
But more importantly, I’ve helped health coaches just like you to use in-person and online workshops to transform their businesses.
Build YOUR Business on YOUR Terms
Workshops give you a shortcut to freedom and flexibility in your business even if you prefer to work with people in-person in the “real world” rather than online.
They also create the demand you need to be more selective about who you work with and how you work with people.
When you don’t yet have name recognition, you can’t charge as much compared to if you had a larger audience that looks to you as a trusted expert.
Workshops are the fastest way to establish yourself as that trusted expert because you’re delivering value to your audience in real-time.
Imagine… in the first minute of your workshop, your ideal client is curious what you have to say about the topic, but is skeptical and sees you as a total stranger.
An hour later, they know, like, and trust you and see you as the best person to help them to move towards their goals.
When your potential clients understand the real value of your 1-on-1 coaching, you can dramatically increase how much you charge per hour and how much freedom you have in your business.
One of the health coaches I’ve worked with actually charges $800 per month ($400 per hour). Not bad, right?
And if you use workshops to sell highly leveraged programs such as courses or group coaching programs to a large number of people, it’s possible to make $1,000 or more per hour-long workshop.
Note: I’m not claiming that you will make $1,000 or more with workshops. If you do things the wrong way, you might even fail to make $1. I’m simply saying that workshops provide you with a platform that removes many of the obstacles that limit how much you can make.
When you aren’t as dependent on 1-on-1 clients, you can confidently charge them what you are worth because you aren’t needing to keep rates where you “think they should be” to maintain a full client calendar.
Yes, You Can Do This!
Many coaches want to do workshops but they let fear stand between them and the capability to earn the living they deserve.
There’s the fear of delivering the workshop itself…putting yourself out there and engaging with a live audience.
There’s the fear of not knowing how to reach out to potential organizations and venues to deliver their workshops.
And then there is the fear of ‘selling’ during the workshop.
They’re afraid of making a “sales pitch” that no one responds to after the workshop.
You don’t have to be afraid of any of that. There is a solution.
No matter what stage your business is in, you can use workshops to take things to the next level.
If you’re already in high demand, you can use workshops to give your income quick boosts of revenue.
If you’re a new coach or struggling to get your business off the ground, you can use workshops to get a steady stream of new clients.
Because workshops are so effective and so versatile, there is no reason they can’t be used to grow your business.
And I promise… they’re not nearly as scary as they might seem. 🙂
Coaches who take the plunge and deliver their first workshop find that within a few minutes, their pre-workshop jitters have gone away.
And if they prepared properly for the workshop, they feel relaxed and confident as their audience hangs onto their every word.
The ability to pull off effective workshops isn’t something that you’re born with.
It’s requires work, but it’s not as hard as it seems.
You just need to develop the right skills and have the right tools…
The skills for how to “sell” without coming across like a sleazy salesman… so that your customers and you will feel good about each transaction.
The skills for transitioning from the “teaching” part of your workshop to the sales conversation smoothly and confidently.
The skills for pulling together a compelling presentation that delivers great value to your audience and primes them for your offer.
I can help you to learn these skills (and have the right tools) 🙂
Introducing: Wellness Workshops. Done-For-You Presentations to Connect With Your Audience and Enroll New Clients Without “Selling”
I don’t want you to take the hard and long path that I did…
I want you to be able to start using workshops in your business the right way from day one.
That’s why I’ve created a library of fully customizable and brandable workshops that you can use to attract and enroll clients into your programs.
You can think of these like training wheels so you can practice delivering workshops and getting a feel for what makes an effective workshop.
Here’s What You Get With Each Workshop
- Complete Done-For-You Workshops with a proven format of slides you can deliver online or in person, packaged with notes for you for presenting the slides, and built-in high-converting sales presentations you can use to fill your next program.
- Customizable Slides – 75-85 professionally designed slides per workshop that are fully brandable and customizable. Each workshop includes two variations, one in Canva and one in PowerPoint, and both include presenter notes. Each slide deck includes the necessary sales slides that transition naturally from the workshop information to a “work with you” invitation.
- Workshop Delivery Video Training – Learn by watching! This video training is a recorded delivery of the entire workshop teaching you how to bring your authenticity, personal stories, experience and education into your own workshop delivery helping your audience get to know you and recognize you as a leader.
- Workshop Delivery Transcript – The entire recorded workshop delivery training has been transcribed for you so you can easily model my techniques when delivering your own workshop.
- Attendee Workbooks for your workshop attendees to use during your presentation to provide them with additional value and keep them more engaged. The workbook is completely brandable and customizable inside Canva for your business. (Secret “ninja” marketing tip: the more your attendees engage in your workshop, the more likely they will become your client in the near future because they already view you as an expert).
- 3 Social Media Text Posts – The posts have been professionally written and include multiple benefit bullet points to quickly and easily convince people of why they should attend your workshop. They are appropriate for every social media platform.
- PLUS… 3 Promotional Images for Facebook and Instagram that are compliant with current social media posting guidelines so you can attract additional attention for your workshop with social media. Each workshop comes with fully brandable images that can be customized in Canva. One already has the text included, the other is blank for your own marketing message. Mix and match them throughout your promotion period.
- Professionally Designed Marketing Flyers which are customizable in Canva and can be used for in-person local workshops or on social media for an online workshop delivery.
- AHA Moment Handout for in-person workshop delivery that you’ll pass out to your audience members that includes a spot for them to express their interest in booking a discovery call with you. You’ll receive this as a fully customizable and brandable Canva template. (NOTE: This process works like gangbusters and will increase the number of people booking calls with you!)
- Slide Deck Customization Video Training Each workshop includes a video training of how to customize your workshop slide presentation to include your company logo and website in one simple step. This is a true time-saver!
There are 15 Done-For-You Wellness Workshops to choose from that you can put to use right away in your business to start attracting clients.
You will demonstrate your expertise by educating your participants on the following topics:
Introduction to Menopause
Teaching Points
- What menopause is and the changes that signal you are currently entering this phase of life.
- Everything you need to know about estrogen dominance and how it relates to menopause.
- The impact that hormonal changes can have on your life & how to deal with cravings due to hormonal fluctuations during menopause.
- The difference between conventional hormone treatment and hormone replacement therapy during menopause so you can choose which is right for you.
- The impact stress has on your hormones and how to manage your stress levels naturally.
- How to cope with menopause through natural remedies & the best ways to avoid hot flashes altogether.
- How to take charge of your mindset and how to use positivity exercises to help with mood sensitivities during menopause.
- Dietary and lifestyle changes that you can make during menopause to reduce symptoms and improve quality of life.
Gluten-Free Living
Teaching Points
- What gluten is, how it affects the body, and the difference between a sensitivity, intolerance, and true allergy so you’ll be able to identify which category you fall into.
- The types of conditions that are amplified by gluten consumption and the benefits of becoming gluten-free.
- How to tell if you should remove gluten from your life and how long it will take to see a positive change.
- The types of food that have gluten and where gluten hides in your everyday life.
- The best gluten-free packaged foods and how to easily make successful gluten-free swaps that are delicious and satisfying.
- How to make your home gluten-free and how to make gluten-free choices when going to restaurants.
The Must-Know Essentials for Autoimmune Disease
Teaching Points
- What is an autoimmune disease and the difference between systemic and localized autoimmune diseases.
- What the most well-known autoimmune disease are, the different types, and how many autoimmune diseases are interconnected.
- How autoimmune diseases affect men and women differently and why this is important to your overall maintenance plan.
- Some of the most common symptoms and treatments of autoimmune diseases.
- The foods & natural therapies that support the management of your autoimmune disease.
- The connection between autoimmune disease symptoms and stress.
- How to keep your immune system healthy, including top dietary recommendations for overall better health and well-being.
Chronic Inflammation: Causes, Symptoms & How to Treat it Naturally
Teaching Points
- What is chronic inflammation and why it’s so devastating for your body
- The difference between acute & chronic inflammation
- The causes of chronic inflammation so you can avoid them in the future
- The symptoms of chronic inflammation so you can easily recognize them
- The conditions associated with chronic inflammation
Introduction to Intermittent Fasting
Teaching Points
- What intermittent fasting is and the associated health benefits
- How to lose weight and feel better with a simple shift to your eating timetable
- The best intermittent fasting techniques & supplementary diets that support your overall success
- How to gradually shift your current eating patterns into an intermittent fasting approach
- How to lose weight in a non-invasive way, even for the habitual yo-yo dieters
The Whole Body Benefits of Detoxing from Sugar
Teaching Points
- Today’s biggest health issues related to excess sugar consumption and how your body is dealing with the symptoms
- The biology of food addiction, especially when that food ingredient is sugar
- The top ways you will benefit from doing a sugar detox
- The best sugar detox method that limits your withdrawal symptoms significantly
- How to beat sugar detox symptoms and set yourself up for success so you never become dependent on sugar again
Mindset Shifts For Lasting Weight Loss
Teaching Points
The most common reasons people experience weight loss resistance, (and it isn’t because they are eating too many calories and not getting enough exercise)
How to reframe your thoughts around food so you no longer feel anxious or guilty about food before or after eating
The 7 key things you need to do, (or not do), to make your weight loss goals a success
The key to a dedicated movement plan that doesn’t feel like another chore or just one more thing on your to-do list
How to release yourself from the thoughts that the only way to lose weight is to continually “diet” using the latest trend or fad going around
Overcoming Food Cravings
Teaching Points
- The secret to figuring out what your food cravings are trying to tell you so you can take the steps necessary to conquer them
- What causes food cravings in the first place so you can understand the physical, mental and emotional effects on your body
- The latest techniques to reduce and conquer food cravings… for good
- What healthy foods and techniques can help to satisfy even the most intense food cravings immediately
The Truth About Emotional Eating
Teaching Points
- What emotional eating is and how you can easily identify the most common causes
- The most common triggers that lead to emotional eating and how you can diagnose them in the moment
- How to recognize the deeper causes that lead someone to becoming an emotional eater
- The key to mindful and intentional eating so you no longer eat emotionally
- The simplest solutions for overcoming emotional eating quickly and easily
12 Simple Steps to Manage Your Stress
Teaching Points
- What stress is and how it manifests differently in each person
- The key to managing stress and how powerfully it helps your mind and body
- 12 holistic and easy to implement stress reduction tips
- The transformation that comes with implementing these tips that result in a clearer mind and body
- A detailed, “next step” plan to maintain a calm and relaxed state of mind in your everyday life, (no matter how hectic it gets)
Meal Planning: The Benefits of Planning Ahead – Save Time, Money & Calories with Meal Planning
Teaching Points
- 11 amazing benefits of meal planning that can significantly increase your nutrition and decrease your food waste
- 3 step incremental system to successfully start meal planning today
- How just 60 minutes of prepping your meals in advance can save you hours of cooking later in the week
- Why this way of eating contributes to smaller waistlines and better overall health
- Why meal planning is one of the easiest things you can do to set yourself up for healthy eating success
Detox: The Power of Detoxing – 7 Steps to More Energy, Better Digestion, Younger Skin, & Weight Loss
Teaching Points
- What is a detox
- Why you might need to detox
- The two main principles of detoxification and how to do it
- 7 delicious food swaps you can make today to start detoxifying
- How to reduce your exposure to toxins and nourish your natural detoxification process with delicious (and nutritious) foods
Introduction to Meal Prep: Learn the Secrets to Meal Prep that Saves you Time, Energy, and Simplifies a Healthier Lifestyle!
Teaching Points
- What is meal prep and why it can save you time, money and an enormous number of calories each week
- The benefits of meal prep and why it’s important to your overall health, (you control the quality of your food)
- My very best tips for getting started with meal prep today to have you working like a pro in your kitchen within the week
- Which basic kitchen gadgets and appliances save you time and make meal prep a breeze
- The key staple ingredients you should always have in your kitchen to make your meals as delicious as the best restaurants around
Introduction to Hormone Health: Discover the Latest Hormone Balancing Techniques for Improved Quality of Life
Teaching Points
- What are hormones and why getting them in balance gives you more energy and an overall feeling of good health
- The differences between different hormones in your body and the function each one serves in keeping you feeling your best
- Symptoms and causes of estrogen dominance and what you can do to get it back in check
- How to get rid of the hormones you don’t need through a simple detoxification plan using real food
- How to know if you are experiencing symptoms of perimenopause and how it differs from menopause
Introduction to Gut Health: Learn How Managing your Gut Health Can Help You Feel Better – Both Physically and Mentally
Teaching Points
- What is gut health and why it’s so important to your health and longevity
- Some of the most common symptoms of poor gut health as an easy gauge to determine if you need to make changes
- What is leaky gut syndrome and how to identify if you are included in the 80% of the population that has it
- Common health issues related to leaky gut
- Simple and easy ways for you to improve and heal your gut
Plus These Bonuses Are Included with Every Workshop
Bonus #1 – 10 Ways to Use Wellness Workshops to Grow Your Health Coaching Business
This 90-minute workshop will walk you through 10 ways to use workshops to grow your email list, enroll clients into your paid programs, and increase the number of revenue streams in your wellness business.
Bonus #2 – Ultimate Workshop 30-Day Planner
Does the idea of delivering a workshop sound exciting, but overwhelming?
If so, I got you covered 🙂
In the Ultimate Wellness Workshop 30-Day Planner, I walk you through each phase in a simple step-by-step format.
Whenever you’re ready to host a workshop, you’ll just pull out the 30-Day Planner and tick things off one-by-one.
To take away even more stress, this checklist is designed to give you a 4-week running start to prepare for your workshop. And if you want to make things happen even more quickly to fast track your workshop success, you can turn one of these workshops into a revenue generating lead magnet in a matter of days using The Ultimate Wellness Workshop 30-Day Planner.
Bonus #3 – How to Use Zoom To Deliver Wellness Workshops Online
This training will teach you my exact process for setting up the email registration page and Zoom account so you can easily and successfully deliver Wellness Workshops online
Bonus #4 – How to Use Canva to Edit and Create Wellness Workshop Promotional Materials
This 30-minute bonus training will demonstrate how to upload and edit the promotional graphics and marketing materials included with each workshop using my favorite graphic tool, Canva. You’ll learn how to customize and properly brand each image in a snap to increase your confidence while promoting your upcoming workshop. Canva is an easy-to-use graphics tool with lots of amazing options and I’ll be sharing my favorite shortcuts for professionally designed images in a flash.
Enroll Today and Take the Next Step Towards Being a Well-Paid and
In-Demand Health Coach
You don’t have to keep feeling stuck in your business, wondering if things will get better.
You don’t have to limit your income by only selling services to one person at a time, one hour at a time.
You don’t have to keep undercharging in hopes of attracting people who like your low rates.
You don’t have to keep burning yourself out with marketing methods you don’t enjoy (that aren’t even working).
And you don’t have to sacrifice your bank account just because you hate pushy sales tactics (I hate them too).
You can develop the skills to connect with your ideal clients.
You can deliver a valuable presentation that gets them to know, like, and trust you.
You can make sales without being salesy.
And you can build the health coaching business of your dreams.
In My Wellness Workshops, you don’t get a broad overview on how to run workshops.
You get complete ready-to-use workshops so you don’t need to spend countless hours trying to reinvent the wheel.
You just customize the slides, brand them as your own, rehearse the material enough to feel confident, and then connect with your potential clients by delivering the workshop.
You have your choice of these 15 ready-to-use workshops, either individually, or save by purchasing a bundle!
Bundle #1
- Stress Workshop: 12 Simple Steps to Manage Your Stress
- Meal Planning Workshop: The Benefits of Planning Ahead – Save Time, Money & Calories with Meal Planning
- The Power of Detoxing Workshop: 7 Steps to More Energy, Better Digestion, Younger Skin, & Weight Loss
Bundle #2
- Meal Prep Workshop: Learn the secrets to meal prep that saves you time, energy, and simplifies a healthier lifestyle!
- Introduction to Hormone Health Workshop: Discover the latest hormone balancing techniques for improved quality of life – physically and mentally!
- Introduction to Gut Health Workshop: Learn how managing your gut health can help you feel better – both physically and mentally
Bundle #3
- Overcoming Food Cravings: Understand Your Food Cravings and How To Conquer Them Once and For All
- The Truth About Emotional Eating: Discover the Latest Techniques to Overcome Common Triggers and Finally Free Yourself from Eating Your Emotions
- Mindset Shifts for Lasting Weight Loss: Learn Why Making Fundamental Changes In Your Thought Patterns Will Accelerate Weight Loss to Meet Your Goals More Quickly
Bundle #4
- Chronic Inflammation: Causes, Symptoms & How to Treat it Naturally – Reclaim your health and longevity by naturally treating your chronic inflammation
- Introduction to Intermittent Fasting – Learn how to control your cravings, manage your blood sugar and lose weight with Intermittent Fasting
- The Whole Body Benefits of Detoxing from Sugar – Learn about the multiple health benefits detoxing from sugar will have and break the sugar cycle once and for all
Bundle #5
- Introduction to Menopause – Learn a natural approach to menopause that puts you in the driver’s seat of your overall results
- Gluten-Free Living – Learn about the symptoms of gluten intolerance and how you can successfully adopt a gluten-free lifestyle, without compromise!
- The Must-Know Essentials for Autoimmune Disease – Discover a stronger understanding of your autoimmune disease, including proven strategies to manage symptoms and the secret to preventing future flare ups
You Can…
- Quickly establish yourself as the go-to expert in your niche so you can charge premium rates for your services.
- Stop wasting time on marketing efforts that don’t make you money so you can spend more time working with the people you love and pursuing your other passions.
- Consistently convert participants into buyers so your workshops become your fast track to a full roster.
- Pitch your paid programs to many people at once and have sales coming in before you even finish the workshop.
- Attract your ideal clients to your coaching programs and spare yourself hours of free consults with people who aren’t a good fit.
- And more…
I had to do things the hard way…
- Investing thousands of hours into learning the ins-and-outs of running effective workshops.
- Spending tens of thousands of dollars on business coaches.
- Making countless mistakes.
I did 150 workshops and figured out the best way to do things so you don’t have to take the hard and long path towards success.
You can have ready-to-use workshops made specifically for health coaches who want to gain a steady stream of clients by providing generous, useful information.
Maybe you’ve got one specific workshop in mind that could help convert people you already know.
You can keep burning through time and energy with little-to-no results to show for it.
Or you can have a proven playbook for turning leads into clients and achieving true freedom in your life and business.
The choice is yours.
I hope to hear about your awesome results using these workshops :-).
Karen Pattock
Frequently Asked Questions:
- Innovative Business Model:
- Embrace the reality of a genuine business! Our approach involves forming a group buy, where we collectively share the costs among members. Using these funds, we purchase sought-after courses from sale pages and make them accessible to individuals facing financial constraints. Despite potential reservations from the authors, our customers appreciate the affordability and accessibility we provide.
- The Legal Landscape: Yes and No:
- The legality of our operations falls into a gray area. While we lack explicit approval from the course authors for resale, there’s a technicality at play. When procuring the course, the author didn’t specify any restrictions on resale. This legal nuance presents both an opportunity for us and a boon for those seeking budget-friendly access.
- Quality Assurance: Unveiling the Real Deal:
- Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
- No coaching calls or scheduled sessions with the author.
- No access to the author’s private Facebook group or web portal.
- No entry to the author’s exclusive membership forum.
- No direct email support from the author or their team.
We operate independently, aiming to bridge the affordability gap without the additional services offered by official course channels. Your understanding of our unique approach is greatly appreciated.
- Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
Refund is acceptable:
- Firstly, item is not as explained
- Secondly, Item do not work the way it should.
- Thirdly, and most importantly, support extension can not be used.
Thank you for choosing us! We’re so happy that you feel comfortable enough with us to forward your business here.
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