
Katya Varbanova – 20K Nation – 20K Nation Membership – The Viral Bundles System



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Katya Varbanova – 20K Nation – 20K Nation Membership – The Viral Bundles System

Grow Your Audience, Sell More Digital Products, Collaborate with the top experts in the industry while staying true to yourself — and taking weekends off again.

Hey, are you here because you want to join 20k Nation and be part of the Viral Bundle System™ experience but you don’t want to read the full page?

Cliff Notes:

  • 20k Nation is an application only inner circle for experts, course creators and online business owners who are committed to growing businesses that change the World and make a lot of money selling digital products, consistently.
  • We’ve been around for 5+ years and we have always curated top industry experts collaborating together.

Alright.. now let’s do some proper details, shall we… 
Social Media is a wonderful idea, until you find yourself at the edge of a cliff, screaming into the void.
It sounds dramatic, but it’s what so many do. Scream at the top of their lungs. Hoping somebody would listen. Cause nobody’s famous enough until enough people listen. Now if they could only scream loud enough…
20K Nation puts a stop to that.
No void. No competition. No screaming. Unless you’re very excited or into metal, that is.
We join forces to go further, faster. We prop each other up. We aim for world domination, together.
No voice is lost. No spark not fanned into a fire.

20k Followers. $20k Months. 20 Hours A Week. 
*We used to be called Peri10K. Since then, it turned out there was life beyond Periscope. It also turned out $10K was the new broke. So we upgraded the name to match the evolving concept.
We are a group of thought leaders and changemakers committed to building a business that serves both the world AND our own lives.
We’ve been around since 2015, and in that time we’ve had hundreds of business owners ditch their dusty freebie collections and find sustainable success online at last.

Grow Your Audience And Profitable Business Through The Power of Viral Content, Viral Products and Collaboration.
Because If you want to grow an audience and build a profitable business you need my VIP Framework which includes 3 things –

It’s the ability to create content that attracts massive attention. Without VIRALITY, you will not get eyeballs and build an audience. And without audience and traffic you have no leads or customers to serve.
Getting attention is dope but you need to be able to IMPACT and INFLUENCE those people and pre-qualify them to not only bring leads and customers, but most importantly, bring the right customers.
To create undying loyalty and sustainability in your business, bringing customers is not enough. The real PROFITS are in your ability to recognize and grab the opportunities to serve these customers even deeper through high end services.


Because you may not know this, but 3 years ago when I hit my first $20k month, my business changed forever.

  • It was my first $20k month that when I finally got out of a small-time hustle and turned it into a business.
  • It was after that I was able to delegate all the stuff I am bad at, slow at or miserable doing.
  • It was after that my business got healthy, and my expenses were covered, and I had enough to both live a beautiful life and reinvest into my growth.
  • $20k months helped me finally get the influence and recognition I always wanted.
  • It was after that I started to take back the time I needed to enjoy my location freedom and recharge my batteries, so I can come back to work inspired and ready to reach for these new heights and eventually… industry leader status.

$20k months was my magic number. Yours might be bigger or smaller. 
What I would ask myself if I was you is this time next year, where could your life be?
The 20k Nation Mastermind is here to be your support system and the business family you always wanted.

We know where you’re going, we know the best route, and we’ve got the wheels you don’t

We’ll get you where you need to go. You just have to be willing to collaborate and serve and be open to receiving the support you need.


The 20K Nation Blueprint 
Once you’ve created your viral bundle, then you’ll dive into the 20K Nation Blueprint, which is a 12 Sprint System designed to give you quick wins in the marketing and sales areas of your online business, catapulting you right into that top 5% income bracket.
The Blueprint makes sure you don’t waste time on things that don’t matter.
It’s a highly strategic system built on the very specific step-by-step actions that I’ve used to ensure my own success and the success of many clients, taking us to $20K a month and way beyond.
We’ve done this enough times to know there’s no niche it can’t work for. Love coaching. Health and Wellness. Marketing and Business Growth.
This is how you go pro.
This is how they learn your name.


Uh, just this chick with great hair, a deep understanding of human psychology, and a supernatural talent for marketing viral marketing. 

Also, again, me. I’m Katya.

Before 20KN, or as it was known back then, Peri10k was born, I had little understanding of social media, and hardly any awareness of my viral and video marketing talents.

Gotta do things to know you’re good at them.

So I just had my University Law School degree, and I had my banking job, and, yes, I already had pretty good hair, but I did not know what my life would become.
Then Periscope happened, and one day I found myself sitting on my bed, and daring myself to go live.
“Who are you to do this? You’re not in a fun enough location, and you don’t look that great today, and who’s gonna listen, and what will they think of you?”
But I went live anyway, and somebody did listen, so I showed up the next day, and the next day, and the day after that. Before I knew it, I had thousands of followers and a membership community that just fell into my lap.
That’s how you know a really special thing. It almost feels like it creates itself.
Peri10k turned into a full-time job within 3 months, so I quit the one in banking and went all in on this online thing.

Except it took up all of my time without much to show for it.
I was making more money than I had in my office job, but THIS WAS A BUSINESS NOW.
I had expenses. I couldn’t pay myself much of a salary. And hey, “hard work makes the dream work”, right?
So I started putting in 16-hour days. Staying inside all day, looking at my screen and eating to numb my dissatisfaction.
Same revenue. Bigger butt. Bigger than I wanted it, to be specific.
This had to stop.
So I focused on two things: raising my revenue and getting my actual life back.
Soon enough, I was making mini-courses and coaching my members on building their brands and making sales on their streams.
Then not just the members.
Then not just live streams.
I have used one video shot in 15 minutes on my iPhone to make hundreds of thousands of dollars in affiliate sales.
I have shot viral videos that received MILLIONS of views.

I have built a dream team of 5 rockstars, and I’ve grown mine into a 6-figure (in profit) business, helping entrepreneurs at all levels, from the greenest beginner, to some of my former mentors.
I’ve been behind some of the biggest influencers’ videos like Selena Soo, Lenka Lutonska, Patt Flynn’s book coach Azul Terronez and Shaa Wasmund.

And my clients have it good. They’ve landed book deals, TEDx talks, Forbes features, meetings with BBC, and good old-fashioned $15K first sales, $20k consistent months all while NOT killing themselves to get there, which isn’t typically what your parents teach ya about how the world works. 
But each time it happened? Less and less surprising.
You see, success is very replicable if you know what system you’re using.
I know what system I’m using. I’ve tested it over and over, and I don’t need any more test subjects.
You’re not my test subject. 
You’re my next success story.
Let’s play like you mean it.

We’re proud to have partnered with Tamrah Barber and her special non-profit organization making an impact to improve the lives of teenagers around the World since 2019.
A percentage of the profits from 20k Nation will be donated to Tamrah Barber’s non-profit organization, so not only will we be able to help you reach your goals, but you’ll be helping her reach hers!
Tamrah Barber is one unique woman who created Extreme Teen Leaders to train the leaders of tomorrow.

Extreme Teen Leaders (XTL360) is a non-profit organization and community that provides personal development trainings for teenagers in the US designed to help 14-18 year olds build leadership skills and emotional resilience. (It’s like Tony Robbins for teens).
Historically, they’ve run live events across the US but with the recent craziness in the World, the donations will help contribute towards building their online courses so they can reach more teens from home.
After going through XTL360, many of the students go on to become mentors of their fellow friends, initiate impactful community service projects, and become powerful and responsible adults. By being part of 20k Nation, you are potentially sponsoring one of the next leaders of your country.

“You sound rad! Tell me more about that blueprint though.”
The truth is, it’s dead easy to do a very mediocre job at this online thing.
There’s just too much to do.
Which is why you have instant access to all of the core marketing skills and community that will help you grow your audience, authority and impact.
Boss level or it didn’t happen.
There’s a bit of content in our membership zone — just enough to tell you what you need to know — and if you can focus down on just what the sprint tells you, you’ll see massive progress in minimum time.
They’re stackers, too.
Each one a million times more impactful because of the ones that have come before.
So what are they, specifically? Here’s a quick rundown:


Sprint 1: Your 20K a month business foundation

We could start with sales, and many coaches and programs would have you to, but that’s building castles in the sand.
You’re smarter than that. You need something that can last you longer than a few weeks.
So we start with the very foundations that none of the greatest brands out there have ever skipped:
Your vision and mission statement, your ideal client, and a quick personality audit to switch you into superstar mode.

Sprint 2: Fast Track to 20K Money Map

It’s important to have a healthy goal. It’s even more important to have a product portfolio to match.
And if Gary Vee looked at yours right now, let’s be honest, he’d probably think of two dozen ways to sell your thing to more people, with more impact, for more money, that the people in your audience would actually feel better about.
Now, Gary’s a busy man, yes. But this is our version of that, and it’ll do just fine.

Sprint 3: Find Your Unique Differentiator

Ever seen a bland and boring expert talk about their thing?
What they’re saying might be good, but the experience doesn’t quite inspire you to listen, does it?
Your unique differentiator is the #1 thing that will help you avoid that.
It doesn’t just make your stand out in the sea of “competition”. It turns you into an unforgettable experience they won’t be able to quit.

Gone are the days of trading time for money. You are nobody’s commodity.

Sprint 4: Close Like A Superstar

Engagement feels nice, but it doesn’t pay your mortgage.
If they liked it, then they shoulda click the “buy” on it.
In this sprint, you will learn and start using multiple tried and true sales strategies, getting that level of commitment over and over again.
Because of course you’re worth it.
Properly qualified prospects will never ever doubt that.

Sprint 5: Momentum and Money Through Mindset

You’re getting good at this. You’re getting new results, and they’re really, really good.
Perfect time to freak out, isn’t it?
“What if I’m wrong about this? What if I can’t handle this? What if my 3rd grade teacher finds out I do this and judges me?”
Your mindset sets your glass ceiling. So how about doing away with self-sabotage and finding your rockstar confidence in Sprint 5?
Money blocks? Gone. Prosperity mindset? Level 100.
Now let’s see who can pull off the bigger scarf, Lenny Kravitz!

Sprint 6: The 90/10 Content Plan (create 90 days worth of high converting content in 10 days or less)

Yep, content IS king. But we’ve got clients to help, families to take care of, and budding wealth to enjoy. We CANNOT spend all our time creating random things to put on the Internet.
Especially since the random approach doesn’t work out all that often.
So no more “Dear Diary” in here. It’s strategic creation time.
Focus for 10 days, have enough brilliant content to last you 90, and maybe a system to organize and distribute it, too.

Sprint 7: 20K Audience Building Blueprint

If you doubted your authentic star power before, it’s probably changing by now.
You’re learning that there’s an audience out there that is ready to love you just the way you are. Putting yourself out there isn’t that scary anymore. That’s just how it goes,
This is not predicting the future. It’s a story we’ve seen time and time again within this very community.
And so it’s not just a random guess that you’ll be ready for a lot more attention by Sprint 7. It’s an experience. Which is why we invest the two weeks into GROWTH.
Hey, $20K! We’re coming for ya!

Sprint 8: Live Streaming Like a Pro

Now is the time for mastery of this all-important content type — to connect, and intrigue, and even close on the same video.
We were a live streaming community before FB knew what live streaming was.
I have personally done over 1000 live streams – more than enough to feel things out.
We’ve done this enough to know exactly what works and why.
Proof is definitely in the pudding. And there’s a lot of great pudding to be enjoyed these two weeks.

Sprint 9: The Art & Science of Story Selling

Story is probably the most ancient — and most powerful — form of human magic.
It’s the one way you can influence how people think and how they feel while also giving them a great time.
Stories are what connects, sells, and brands. A good story doesn’t just get attention on the spot — it gets retold.
“I’ve heard so much about you.”
Those are the words that sell out your gig before you put up a single flyer, and you’re about to hear them a lot more often.

Sprint 10: How to Make 20K a Month Working 20 Hours A Week

So far, we’ve made it hard for you to fail by giving you structure and guidance to do everything you needed to.
And your income has grown, and you’re dialed in on what your special sauce is. Great stuff.
But you know what makes it IMPOSSIBLE to fail? Sticking to the sauce making, and letting other people do everything else.
They’re probably better at it. And you could probably make a lot more sauce if you weren’t too busy washing pots.

So let us take you through the process of building structure, systems, and your perfect team. We’ll make sure you have time to spare.

Sprint 11: Outplay, Outwit and Outlast The Competition With Facebook Ads

Here’s what makes a successful business owner sleep so well at night:
They know that even if they don’t show up to work tomorrow, people will still walk through the door and buy things.
You’ve outgrown standing outside your shop and dragging people in one by one.
Facebook Ads can do that for you now.
And if your organic reach worked? Your paid reach will DOMINATE with Sprint 11, delivered by my very own Facebook Ad manager.

She’s been with me for 3 years. She’s helped me get over 30x ROI on some of the campaigns we ran. She’s good.

Sprint 12: Getting In The Spotlight: Leveraging PR and Other People’s Audience

As much as you treasure your audience, they’re not the only ones worthy of your brilliance.
Other people want you, too. They just don’t know it yet.
PR and collaborations are how you tell them.
It’s easier than it sounds. And you? You’re readier than you think.




It may feel like you’re never ever getting to that $20K/month party. Or like the work has made you existentially insane.
No more.
From now on, hustle has a point.
Collaboration becoming your number one weapon.
Creating an experience for your audience that they will not be able to resist.
Inspiring awe, and transformation, and undying loyalty.
Converting those into cash, and security, and charity work, and convertibles.
You know that $20K months could change the game for you.
I know that $20K months are about to become your new baseline, if you let them.
Let them.
5,000 words is a lot to read and retain.
Which is why, one last time, just so you don’t need to scroll all the way up…

  • The Viral Bundles™ System .
  • The 20k Nation Blueprint
  • Human Nature & Personality Typing Library

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    1. Innovative Business Model:
      • Embrace the reality of a genuine business! Our approach involves forming a group buy, where we collectively share the costs among members. Using these funds, we purchase sought-after courses from sale pages and make them accessible to individuals facing financial constraints. Despite potential reservations from the authors, our customers appreciate the affordability and accessibility we provide.
    2. The Legal Landscape: Yes and No:
      • The legality of our operations falls into a gray area. While we lack explicit approval from the course authors for resale, there’s a technicality at play. When procuring the course, the author didn’t specify any restrictions on resale. This legal nuance presents both an opportunity for us and a boon for those seeking budget-friendly access.
    3. Quality Assurance: Unveiling the Real Deal:
      • Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
        • No coaching calls or scheduled sessions with the author.
        • No access to the author’s private Facebook group or web portal.
        • No entry to the author’s exclusive membership forum.
        • No direct email support from the author or their team.

      We operate independently, aiming to bridge the affordability gap without the additional services offered by official course channels. Your understanding of our unique approach is greatly appreciated.

    Refund is acceptable:

    • Firstly, item is not as explained
    • Secondly, Item do not work the way it should.
    • Thirdly, and most importantly, support extension can not be used.

    Thank you for choosing us! We’re so happy that you feel comfortable enough with us to forward your business here.

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