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Learn How To Write The Most Effective Exercise Programs For Your Clients From World Famous Coach Nick Tumminello

Are you a personal trainer that spends hours programming every week or month, but still feel like your workouts aren’t producing the results that your clients want?

Do you struggle to program workouts around your clients’ aches and pains that get them progressing without doing a whole bunch of boring “corrective” exercises?

Have you read every book and article on program design and periodization, but still feel lost on how to write programs for general population clients that just want to feel better and enjoy their time in the gym?

If so, it’s not your fault.

There are a ton of resources currently available for trainers to learn how to build programs, but most fall short because they’re usually designed for athletes, powerlifters, or body builders – not the clients that you’re working with 90 percent of the time. You know, the thirty or forty-something client that wants to lose weight but has never trained before and others that actually pay the bills.

That’s because most experts address programming from a general scientific perspective, not a goal-specific one. While they cover basic physiology and discuss the standard scientific principles of exercise and periodization, they fail to offer clear, practical programming instructions you need to be successful.

It’s time that personal trainers gain access to a programming system that simplifies the theory and is heavy on practical solutions.

One that can easily take into account a client’s goals, needs, and preferences and deliver killer training sessions each time.

That’s exactly what Practical Program Design Mastery accomplishes and MUCH MORE!

Practical Program Design Mastery Includes:

  • Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Programs
  • Complete Warm-Ups And Finishers
  • Semi-Private And Small Group Programming

Your Program Design Specialist: Nick Tumminello

Coach Nick Tumminello has become known as the “Trainer of Trainers” for his innovative, hybrid fitness training concepts and for his ability to provide simple, honest, and immediately applicable solutions to common problems fitness professionals face.

He’s an internationally recognized presenter and mentors thousands of trainers through live workshops, mentorship programs, and home-study programs.

Nick is the author of three books (Strength Training For Fat Loss, Building Muscle and Performance, and Your Workout Perfected). Nick has worked with a variety of clients from the NFL and NBA to professional bodybuilders & figure models to exercise enthusiasts of all fitness levels. He also served as the conditioning coach for the Ground Control MMA Fight Team and was the NSCA’s 2016 Personal Trainer of the Year and was a 2015 Personal Trainer Hall of Fame inductee. Nick is the co-author of the National Strength and Conditioning Association’s (NSCA) Program Design Essentials and Foundations of Fitness Programming guide, is the Editor-in-Chief of the NSCA’s Personal Training Quarterly journal, has produced over 20 courses, is a regular contributor to several major fitness magazines and websites, and is a regular presenter at conferences all over the world.

You’ve likely seen Nick’s work in Men’s Health, Men’s Fitness, Oxygen, Fitness RX, Muscle & Fitness and Personal Fitness Professional. Coach Nick is also a featured contributor to several popular fitness training websites including,,, and

In short, when the best coaches and organizations in the fitness industry want proven, research-backed information, Nick is their trusted resource.

A New Approach To Learning Program Design For Real Client Scenarios

Most programming resources are either too scientific or not scientific enough. That makes it hard to reconcile the foundational principles of exercise that fitness professionals know to be important while still giving clients the variety and fun they crave. Additionally, most program design books and manuals are missing the human element of coaching. They teach trainers how to build workouts that make sense on paper but fail to address important components such as preferences, training environment (big box gym, in-home, etc.), and client limitations. These variables can make or break a training career.

Practical Program Design Mastery is the first resource that not only includes these real-world training situations in the creation process, but also expedites the learning process by reverse engineering tried-and-true workouts.

Not only will you get more than a year’s worth of done for you programming including warmups and finishers, but you’ll also get the rationale behind each workout and framework. That means you’ll understand the principles and philosophies of the system, but not be bound by it.

You’re the foremost expert on your clients and now you can combine that knowledge with a proven system to use as a base, so you don’t have to start from scratch. Almost instantly, you’ll be able to deliver better workouts to keep current clients with you for years and attract new long-term prospects.

In this digital course, Nick will teach you the entire programming system that he uses to get clients results. Using real training programs and carefully crafted presentations, he’ll cover everything from philosophies and frameworks to the meat and potatoes of building programs that deliver results while making clients happy.

Over the course of 12 different learning modules, you’ll be supplied with complete programs that are accompanied with comprehensive explanation videos.

You’ll know exactly why Nick chose each exercise, the sets, reps, and how he’d tweak the variables over time. That means that you’ll not only have high quality workouts that you can use with your clients to get great results, but you’ll also learn how to think critically about program design and see programming in a much more realistic and practical way.

Featuring 12 Comprehensive And Practical Learning Modules

Module #1 – Training Principles and Philosophies

1.1 – The basics of long-term, ongoing programming for the real-world client

1.2 – The “4 Fs” that most clients want out of their workouts

1.3 – How to balance variety and consistency

1.4 – The fundamentals of personal training vs. the fundamentals of weightlifting

1.5 – Understanding Full-Range Strength

1.6 – The 7 Programming Principles to abide by

1.7 – The 8 Main functional movements

1.8 – The 3 stages of the perfect workout

Module #2 – Exercise Selection

2.1 – How to properly group exercises together for better workout efficiency and effectiveness

2.2 – The key mistake trainers make when grouping exercises and how to avoid it

2.3 – The Killer B’s of exercise, and how to use them to deliver the best workout in all training environments

2.4 – The “No Gap” training principle that helps your clients be more competent with exercise

2.5 – What sticking to the basics really means and a better way to build your programs around them

2.6 – How to build a complete strength workout in just two simple steps

2.7 – The missing exercises for full range strength

2.8 – The 3 most common painful movements, and how to use Joint-Friendly strength training exercises to get clients quickly training without pain

2.9 – How to use the “Two C’s” to make effective exercise choices

2.10 – The truth about exercise progressions and regressions

Module #3 – SPE Programming and Framework

3.1 – The three types of workouts in the SPE training systems

3.2 – When (not) to use the SPE programs

3.3 – SPE workout guidelines

3.4 – The point of emphasis to emphasize in each workout

3.5 – How to choose the best weight on each exercise

3.6 – How long each exercise sequence should take

3.7 – Understanding Reload workouts.

3.8 – Weekly training setup for training two, three and four times per week

3.9 – How to coordinate the correct finisher with each SPE workout

3.10 – The 1% for constant progress guideline

Module #4 – The Complete Warm-Up System

4.1 – The 3-stage warm-up system

4.2 – The benefit your warm-up needs to have beyond simply raising body temperature

4.3 – The 4 main functional movements to address in the warm-up

4.4 – A smarter way to use mobility in your warm-up

4.5 – How and why to incorporate basic power training into the warm-up for everyone, not just athletes

4.6 – How to make better use of your workout time

4.7 – The “BIG 3” of mobility

4.8 – The optimal warm-up length

4.9 – What makes a “good” warm-up

4.10 – Common warm-up mistakes that most trainers make

4.11 – The difference between specific and general warm-ups and choosing the right one

4.12 – Plug and play warm-up templates

4.13 – Done-for-you warm-up sequences, and how to use them for years to keep things fresh

Module #5 – The Complete Finisher System

5.1 – What makes a “good” finisher

5.2 – The 3 types of finishers, and why you should use all three

5.3 – The best type of finisher to use for each type of workout

5.4 – How to use undulating finishers to get better results

5.5 – The simple and scientific way to assess and prescribe the appropriate amount of rest for each client when doing conditioning

5.6 – Pairing finishers to workouts

5.7 – Plug and play finisher templates

5.8 – 12 done-for-you finisher sequences, and how to use them for years to keep things fresh

Module #6 – Base Programming System

6.1 – The 3 base training phases

6.2 – How to know what phase is best to start with for each client

6.3 – Base program workout guidelines

6.4 – Weekly training setup for training two, three and four times per week

6.5 – How long each base phase should last

6.6 – A better way to use mobility in your base programming workouts

6.7 – The appropriate rest between sets

6.8 – How to adjust the amount of sets for your client in each phase

6.9 – The primary goal of each phase

6.10 – The point of emphasis to emphasize in each phase

6.11 – How to choose the best weight for each phase

Module #7 – Beginner 123 Programming System

7.1 – When (not) to use the beginner programs

7.2 – The primary goal of each phase

7.3 – The truth about newbie gains

7.4 – How to choose the best weight for each phase

7.5 – The 3 beginner training phases

7.6 – How long each phase should last

7.7 – How to know what phase is best to start with for each client

7.8 – Beginner program workout guidelines

7.9 – Weekly training setup for training two, three and four times per week

7.10 – How long each phase should last

7.11 – A better way to use mobility in your beginner workouts

Module #8 – Semi-Private Programming

8.1 – How many clients should be in a semi-private session

8.2 – How to use the done-for-you warm-ups in a semi-private session

8.3 – How to use the done-for-you finishers in a semi-private session

8.4 – How to seamlessly train multiple clients who each are on a different program

8.5 – The crucial logistical considerations you must know before every semi-private session

8.6 – What to do when a client shows up late and you’ve already started the session with the other clients

8.7 – How to train a drop-in client safely without being able to do an assessment

8.8 – The top 35 default exercises to train anyone

Module #9 – Small Group Programming

9.1 – How many clients should be in a small group session

9.2 – How to use the done-for-you warm-ups in a small group session

9.3 – How to use the done-for-you finishers in a small group session

9.4 – How to use the SPE programming system for small group workouts

9.5 – How to setup each workout for maximize efficiency

9.6 – The simple small group training system for creating daily exercise variety without randomness

9.7 – How to consistently train the movements that matter in each small group workout

9.8 – The crucial organization and communication strategies to use in a group setting to avoid mistakes

Bonus Module – Joint Friendly Strength Training

Discover over 100 innovative exercises for building muscle, superior strength and improved performance while sparing your clients’  joints and working around wounded knees, shell-shocked shoulders, a hand/wrist limitation or a bad back.

An injury, joint pain or limitation doesn’t have to limit your workouts. This module shows you how to use Joint Friendly Strength Training exercises to spare your clients’ joints, work around sensitive spots and still make gains in their strength and performance!

You’ll learn:

  • Over 100 innovative joint-sparing exercises
  • How to build stronger legs with bad knees
  • The best upper-body exercises for bad shoulders
  • How to build superior strength while “working around” a bad back
  • The best and worst core exercises for a bad back
  • How to add load and get stronger even if someone can’t hold weights due to a hand/wrist limitation

Everything You Need To Create And Deliver The Best Training Programs

Downloadable Charts, Templates, Training Programs, And Done-For-You Warm Up Sequences and Finishers

12 Comprehensive Video Learning Modules and Bonus Videos With Almost 15 Hours Of Content and Lectures

A Complete Exercise Library With Over 500 Videos Detailing Every Single Exercise For Each Program

Practical Program Design Mastery is designed to address the programming challenges that the modern personal trainer faces.

It’s not enough to just know exercises or movement patterns anymore, everyone knows those. Instead, trainers need to seamlessly blend the art and science of training into programs that not only get clients results, but also get and keep them excited.

By purchasing PPDM today you’ll gain immediate access to the tools and lessons that approach learning in a learn-by-doing format to make programming concepts stick and allow you to crank out programs that your clients will love.

Practical Program Design Mastery will:

  • Show you how to build programs that get your clients results while also giving them the variety that they crave so that you can keep them happy for years
  • Teach you how to cater workouts to any and all training environments or circumstances so you’re never caught “off your game”
  • Give you multiple frameworks to deliver training sessions that never get boring while still meeting the needs of the common fitness client with a bum shoulder or bad back
  • Save you time and money by providing over a year’s worth of done-for-you training programs and a system that will allow you to build your own world-class training programs quickly and easily
  • Enable you to become the best trainer in your area at working with everyday Joes and Janes so you can have a long, sustainable career

Practical Program Design Mastery is PHENOMENAL! I have been in the industry training for 10 years and I really wish this was around when I started. It would have saved me endless mistakes and I can’t imagine where I would be today if I had that foundation.

I’ll recommend it to any new trainer looking for a solid programming resource. There are simply not enough good quality general population certifications but PPDM is truly one if not the best.

Jon Comacho

Personal Trainer, Jon Comacho Fitness

I’m very happy with PPDM and feel like it’s some of the best money I’ve ever spent.

I love how the programs and workouts are arranged so that the major movements are kept consistent yet there’s enough variety within the workouts that the client doesn’t get bored from the same workouts over and over.

PPDM has definitely helped me design better programs. This has become my guidebook and now I feel like my time can be freed up too by having these programs ready to go.

Alison Bittner

Personal Trainer, Alison Bittner Fitness

Having over 3 decades in the fitness profession, I have seen numerous products on “program design” targeting fitness professionals. However, I have not seen a program that better reveals a true ‘master of the craft’ of personal training than Nick Tumminello’s ‘Practical Program Design Mastery’

PPDM is an educational product that will speak to every level, from a trainer working with their first client all the way to those highly experienced professionals operating large facilities. I can not recommend this authentic educational product highly enough.

Vince McConnell

Strength Coach, Owner of McConnell Athletics

Jam-Packed With Brand-New Material

Practical Program Design Mastery is Nick’s flagship programming course and is the product of his 20+ years as a coach and educator. The information presented in PPDM is the newest and most up-to-date version of his programming methods and their application.

While this course represents the refinement of previous methods, frameworks and techniques developed by Nick, it is newly laid out in the best possible format for an improved learning experience. Featuring tons of brand-new content and learning modules, never before has this complete programming system been shared.

For the first time ever, Nick explains his entire philosophy and 7 principles of Full-Range Strength that govern how to build the perfect training program. Additionally, he also details his secrets to adapting these programs to all training environments and group sizes including 1-on-1 training, semi-private, and small group settings.

This is, and will continue to be, Nick’s definitive resource on creating effective fitness and performance training programs.

If you’re tired of struggling to build programs for your clients or feel like you need the right information to take your training programs from good to great then this course is designed just for you.

Upon completion of this course, you’ll know how to quickly understand each client’s unique needs and be able to craft workouts that deliver the right amount of punch while avoiding exercises that they hate or cause pain.

For a fraction of the standard cost of most specialty certifications, you’ll have access to all the tools you need to design programs for real client scenarios. We know that most trainers will recognize the immense value of this service and enroll right away. It’s not everyday that you get a chance to have one of the best fitness professionals in the world be your coach.

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    • Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
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