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Nicola Delic – Elliott Wave DNA
For nearly 100 years a few wealthy people have been taking a small fortune from the market on a daily basis. This secret was first discovered in 1938 and works as well today as it did for the small, elite group of people who have used it ever since.
This secret has created dynasties.
Hi, my name is Nicola Delic…
And I want to share with you a story so amazing that I can hardly believe it myself. It all started with a chance meeting with a relative of mine I hadn’t seen in years.
This meeting would change my life and it might just change yours. In fact, it lead to me making a lot of money and trading Millions of Dollars in one of the highest performing Hedge Funds of the last decade.
The story starts with a little old lady called Anita Hancock.
If you were to pass Anita on the street you wouldn’t give her a second glance. She never dressed well, and you could have been forgiven for thinking she was homeless.
She had been a bookeeper all of her life and never made much more than the minimum wage. She lived in a nondescript apartment with some basic furniture, and didn’t even own a T.V., preferring just a simple, inexpensive radio for company.
To her friends she was just another one of them, struggling to make ends meet every month, and many of her friends even felt sorry for her because she had so little to show for all of her years of hard work.
However, Anita knew a secret she never
shared with anyone that would shock
everyone who knew her.
When she passed away her bank account had 2.5 Million Dollars in it.
This is where it gets interesting. Apparently, Anita had managed to save a tiny amount from her meager salary each month until she had $2,000. From that small starting investment of $2,000, and by following some very special instruction, she managed to accumulate 2.5 Million Dollars. Even though she lived like a monk, she was actually a Multi-Millionaire who could have retired any time she wanted to.
Anita made her millions using one simple
investment strategy that I am going to
share with you today.
She left no will, and lived so sparsely that she had very few belongings. In fact, other than a few personal items, all she had were four books and thousands of hand-drawn charts.
She had meticulously charted hundreds of securities like Gold, Oil, Forex, and individual shares. Unfortunately for me I never got to see the hand-drawn charts. You see, Anita’s other relatives had no idea what they were and threw them away. They also gave away the four books…
One of the relatives was tasked with making an inventory of all of her belongings, and thankfully recorded the names of the four books she owned . One of those books changed my life.
Shock #2
Unbeknownst to her family and friends, Anita had been living a double life. Once a week she had been secretly meeting with a few members of a very low profile group.
Each member of the group also had a copy of the exact same book Anita had and each one of that group, I would find out later, had made a small fortune.
What’s even more amazing about this group is that none of them had any special training and none of them new anything about finance before they found their way into the group.
Because of what I learned next, and the proof I am about to show you, you now have at your fingertips one of the most powerful wealth-building secrets you are ever likely to learn.
Before I reveal the name of that book and what I discovered next, I want you to think about why do some people make extraordinary amounts of money and others make nothing at all.
Here’s The 500 Pound Gorilla Of A
Problem No One Is Talking About.
Take a look at the chart below. When you are on the hard right edge of the chart and there’s no one around to help you, what do you do?
This is what system sellers and marketers can’t tell you because all of their examples are cherry-picked trades that happened in the past.
It doesn’t matter what hyped-up trading system you buy or have tried, you will at some stage face that hard right edge, and that’s what separates the men from the boys.
This is where fortunes are made and lost. The hard right edge is where amateurs lose confidence and professionals clean up. This is where I live.
This is how you can get in on the action.
For the last five years I have been meeting online once a week with a small group of people whom I agreed to teach my discovery to. These people have all gone on to make very large amounts of money.
Now, for the first time ever, I am going to share my secret with a few more people who could make extraordinary amounts of cash, just by following my simple instructions.
The problem, as I mentioned above, is that when you are trading live with your own money you can’t afford to get it wrong.
Every trade I make is a calculated risk based on scientific research from nearly 100 years of data.
My method of trading actually predicts the next move before it happens. I know it’s hard to believe but let me show you a few examples.
This will amaze you.
Example #1
To demonstrate just how amazing my discovery is have a look at the next chart. It’s a chart of the US Dollar, Japanese Yen (USD/JPY). Don’t worry if you don’t know some of the terminology I use, I will teach you everything you need to know.
Anyway, you can see on the hard right edge of the first chart I have labeled as #4. I knew what would happen next, and placed my trade. I made 300 PIPs on that trade. A PIP is the smallest increment of a currency and stands for Percentage In Point. Again, if you are new to trading, don’t worry. All the jargon and terminology will be explained when you join me.
You get to decide what those PIPs are worth.
Each PIP might be worth:
and so on.
In my example trades each PIP is worth $10 in real money. So my 300 PIPs are worth $3,000.
I will show you my most recent statements later so you can see the kind of money I make.
Example #2
In my next trade of the Australian Dollar, US Dollar (AUD/USD), I placed my trade when the market was at #4.
People will tell you that it’s impossible to predict the future, and that is true, but it is not impossible to predict human nature, and that exactly what I did.
I went on to make 900 PIPs = $9,000
Example #3
My next trade was with the British Pound, US Dollar (GBP/USD). Again at point number 4, I placed my trade and made 800 PIPs for a profit of $8,000.
Example #4
In my next example: the Euro, US Dollar (EUR/USD), I placed my trade when the market was at point number 5. I knew what was going to happen next and pocketed 2000 PIPs for a profit of $20,000.
I don’t only take trades when I see a 4 or 5. I take trades at every point on the chart. Probability is on my side.
Let me reveal the best forecasting
tool in existence… with a twist.
In the 1920’s a young accountant decided to take a trip to Central America. During that trip he contracted an illness that forced him to retire from accounting and he lost his main source of income.
During his convalescence, he decided to make good use of his time by studying the historical data of the Dow Jones. 75 years of data to be precise.
He studied everything from half-yearly charts down to 30 minute charts and meticulously took notes of his observations. His research results stunned him.
He had cracked the code.
Some people think that the only reason he managed to crack the code was because he did it by hand. He could visually see things no computer has ever been able to replicate.
He continued to research and studied the market until he wrote his final book and most complete work: Nature’s Law – The Secret of the Universe in 1946.
Apparently, of the 1000 books that were released, all were snapped up by the New York financial community.
The author’s name was Ralph Nelson Elliott and he is regarded as one of the greatest market commentators of all time. His Elliott Wave Theory is the cornerstone of just about every serious portfolio in the financial industry.
And this was one of the four books Anita Hancock owned.
But wait…
I know what you’re thinking. You want to rush off and find a copy of the original book or one of the updated versions of it.
That’s what I thought too. I was convinced that if I got my hands on a copy of the book all my troubles would be over. Unfortunately, it never worked out that way.
If you are one of the few people who have actually studied Elliott Wave Theory, you know that it is very hard to implement and it can lack the structure and money management a trader needs to take advantage of the information.
Remember what I said about Anita? There were two surprising things about her life:
– She had quietly made $2.5 Million.
– She was a member of a secret club.
You see, once I got my hands on a copy of Elliott’s book, it did nothing but frustrate me. I spent over a year just memorizing the chart patterns, but it didn’t make me money.
But then, I remembered that Anita had been a member of a secret group. I made it my goal in life to track down one of the other members. It took a little time, but after a lot of dead ends I finally got to speak with one of the original members.
What I learned next transformed my trading and made me more money than I ever thought possible.
I believe that two things would happen if the average person got ahold of R.N. Elliott’s original work:
– Either they would lose money or
– They would get average results at best
They certainly wouldn’t get the spectacular results I, and my students, get. That’s why I called the course Elliott Wave DNA. I have taken the original information and drilled down to its absolute core. And I was rewarded with results that can only be described as astonishing.
Here’s what normally happens with people who start trading. I call it the:
9 Steps To Failure.
- They read something about trading that piques their interest.
- They do a Google search for some information about trading.
- They come across a Blog or a Forum that talks about trading.
- They start to believe what the Forum Guru says.
- They deposit a little money with a broker.
- They lose that little money and realize the Guru wasn’t so clever after all.
- They decide to get educated.
- They buy a course based on what they see in a video and some dubious proof.
- They waste more money and more time and start to believe the problem is theirs.
The sad part is that they never had a chance in the first place. They were trying to make something work that never worked to begin with.
Let me tell you something. I have all the time in the world for these guys, because at least they are trying. They are trying to make something happen. That’s one of the reasons I am prepared to share my discovery, because there are a lot of people out there who deserve a chance.
Let Me Show You How Fast You Can Learn
My Method Of Trading – I call This My
Three Second Test.
Let me ask you a question – even if you have never traded before. Look at the chart above. Does it look like it is going up or down? If you answered up, well done.
You see the market can only do three things.
- It can go up.
- It can go down.
- Or it can go sideways.
Once you apply what I teach you, you will be able to make money on all three directions.
Now, think of a compass. If you were to place that compass on your chart and compared what direction the market was moving, what would happen?
When the market is moving between North and North East (NE) directions, the marketing is trending up.
When the market is moving between South and South East directions (SE), the market is trending down.
If the market is pointing East or in between North East and South East the market is not trending and is in consolidation or correcting.
Now that you know this, have a look at the chart below. What direction is it going?
Again, just apply the 3 second test. Don’t over think it. The market is pointing East, therefore it is consolidating or correcting.
You just learned the two most important parts of Elliott Wave Theory. When the market has momentum, and is in a trend, Elliott described that as the MOTIVE phase.
When the market is not trending, it is therefore correcting or in the CORRECTIVE phase.
I use a set of rules based on these two phases that all markets obey. Every market obeys these rules because what they are is a reflection of human behavior. And human behavior has remained the same for thousands of years.
Remember the charts I showed you earlier where I predicted what would happen in the next days, weeks and sometimes months in advance?
I did that by first determining if the market was in a MOTIVE or CORRECTIVE phase, then applying a special set of rules based on R.N. Elliott’s work: with the discovery I made after talking with one of Anita’s group members and my own research.
How Fast Can I Make Money?
One thing I am often asked is – how fast can I make money? The answer to that is this; I can teach anyone, even a complete beginner the basics of my method in a day.
The basics are enough to beat or take money off 99% of the traders out there. To become an expert at my method will probably take about 8-9 weeks.
The chart below is from a student who had been trading for about three months and lost over $5,000 before he met me. Within about 4 hours of his learning my method he could correctly label a chart and had made his first profitable trade.
That trader now knows exactly when he should enter the market, where to place his stop loss and when to take a profit. That’s more than nearly everyone else out there.
No magic formulas here, nor a black box trading system. This works the same for every person who follows my step-by-step blueprint to making money trading.
I have two types of students.
- I have people who just need to know how to make some money trading. They just want to know the basics and get up and running as fast as possible. They have no interest in spending hours analyzing charts or forecasting the next few months’ moves. They just want results.
- The second group of people really want to understand everything there is to know about Elliott Waves and my method of trading them. These are people who want to become full-time professional traders or analysts.
This is how I like to spend my free time: On this yacht.
You may have seen me being interviewed from there on one of my many question and answer sessions.
I’m not trying to show off. My point is you will have the time to do what you want when you can control your own financial destiny.
I have appeared on T.V., blogs, interviews, and some of the best-known trading and investing websites in the world.
Banks and institutions pay me up to $25,000 just for in-depth analysis using my method of interpreting Elliott Waves.
When I announced I was going to start a Hedge Fund, I was oversubscribed in days and it has never dropped below $10 Million.
Before I started my Hedge Fund I worked for:
– Instaforex (Senior Analyst & Educator)
– FTI Consulting (Analyst & Trader)
– ElliottWave-Forecast (Analyst)
– ForexMoney (Senior Analyst)
– Tivat Investment (Chief Trader)
Now do you see the benefits of being personally trained by me and getting an Elliott Wave DNA certificate?
It’s my intention to retire within the next two years. I now have enough money and my focus has changed to helping others achieve their dreams.
Trading Is My Passion.
Not everyone likes to look at statements, so here are some live trades I have taken recently.
Before you watch these videos, let me just say something. Don’t get scared when you see the numbers and letters I use. That is part of the magic of Elliott Wave DNA. I can show anyone this and unless you know what I teach you, it will mean nothing to you.
All I want you to get from the videos is that I made these live trades based on scientific analysis, not a bunch of indicators or software. My system is based on the only thing that matters when you trade – price.
The World’s Most
Advanced Forecasting System
I want you to think of this as the world’s most advanced forecasting system, that has worked for nearly 100 years, with results that have proven accurate in up to 85% of all forecasts.
Just think about that for a minute. Let’s say hypothetically that you took 100 trades and risked $1,000 on each trade. However, when you win you make three times what you risked. It would like this:
85 trades won X $3,000 = $250,000
15 trades lost X $1,000 = $15,000
Net Result = $240,000 Profit
Are you beginning to see the possibilities? Remember with my method you never guess. Every single trade has a predefined entry level, stop loss, and take profit target. I only take trades where I can win 3 times what I risk.
Not only that:
- Elliott Wave analysis is the backbone of nearly every Hedge Fund and the reference point for most bank traders.
- I will show you step-by-step how to forecast any market with an accuracy your friends won’t believe is possible.
- My method is based on decades of real-world research from my own live trading, my Hedge Fund trading, and companies I have worked for as a senior analyst.
- My method is based on the most comprehensive database of Elliott Wave patterns I believe to be found anywhere.
- All human emotion has been removed from my trading. There are no gray areas with my method. Every trade either meets the pattern criteria or it doesn’t.
- Even though it may look complex, if you follow my instructions, it is remarkably easy to understand.
This Is not:
- Some thrown-together trading system you can find all over the Internet.
- Theoretical Elliott Wave patterns that someone had an idea about.
- A get-rich-quick scheme. This is real, and you need to learn it.
- Some buy-and-hold investment strategy.
- Anything to do with Astrology.
This is pure applied science.
Listen, I make my money trading, and no one cares more about my money than I do. It should be the same for you.
Most people have never even heard of Elliott Waves and the ones who have don’t understand them properly.
I don’t take risks with my money. Every trade has a reason. Every trade is based on countless thousands of hours of research, not just by me, but by some of the best minds in the financial world.
Elliott Wave DNA gives you a framework in which to trade. It’s like someone just switched on the lights and you can see clearly how you can make money.
As you read earlier, I have been a senior analyst and traded for a few companies. I know how they work. They focus on:
- Discipline.
- Risk management.
- Elliott Wave analysis.
You don’t have to worry about when to get into a trade or when to close a trade. There is no room for that kind of human emotion. The rules are fixed: They work and all you have to do is follow them.
You never need to feel stressed or under pressure because you can build your game plan in advance. I will teach you how to join the small group of people who get to call themselves professional traders.
No other system or method can boast the absolute science of forecasting like Elliott Wave DNA.
I have analyzed and confirmed every pattern there is. Only my clients and members get access to the information that gives them such an unfair advantage. It’s almost a shame to take money from the people who are just trading blind out there.
You will know the probability of success before every trade. There’s no guesswork in my trading, and there should be none in yours.
There’s a very good reason why some of the biggest investment houses and banks in the world rely on Elliott Waves-and it’s not because they think it works – it’s because they know it does.
I have been around for some time. I am not an actor or some front-man for a made-up system. I am the real deal. I work with people just like you every day who want to become traders.
I am easy to find and stand by my service and product. I don’t know of any bad report or anyone who is, or has ever been, unhappy with my results.
It’s not all about the money.
I post some of my analysis most days on Facebook. People can see my results for themselves.
I love the comments I get from people when they see things I have predicted materialize before their eyes. That’s the great thing about Elliott Wave DNA. It so good and so accurate that you can tell people what will happen before it happens.
Let me share with you what you will get when you join me.
You get 6 DVDs
DVD #1
This DVD is intended for people who have never traded before. It might surprise you that a lot of my clients are brand new to trading.
In some ways they have an advantage because they haven’t been polluted with half-truths and misinformation.
In this DVD I cover.
1. What is Forex?
2. Currency Pairs
3. Margin Pips and Lot Size
4. Market Sessions
5. Order Types
6. Trends
7. Chart Types
8. Candle Sticks Patterns
9. Chart Patterns
10. Meta Trader
11. Psychology of Trading
DVD #2
Most people are surprised by just how easy this is when you apply just some common sense.
The main topics I cover are:
1. Elliot Wave History
2. Motive Phase
3. Impulsive Waves
4. Extended Waves
5. Leading Diagonal
6. Ending Diagonals
7. Corrective Phase
8. ZigZag Correction
9. Flat Correction
10. Triangle Corrections
11. Complex Corrections
12. Double Three
13. Triple Three
14. Elliot Wave Labels
DVD #3
This DVD is a bit of a secret and I can’t tell you everything that is in it.
All I can say is that I will introduce another well-tested concept in Fibonacci levels.
From this point you will begin to see everything come together.
You will understand why you had so many losing trades in the past or why they seemed to stop dead in their tracks.
Elliott Wave DNA is the only course of its kind where you will learn exactly what the market will do before it does it.
DVD #4
Ultimate Strategy & Trade Setup Examples:
By this stage you will have learned how to count and validate the different patterns.
I will share with you real life examples of exactly how to manage your money and only take high-probability, low-risk trades.
One of the unique things about Elliott Wave DNA is that you can trade aggressively or conservatively.
We cover:
1. Risk Management
2. Trading Motive Phase
3. Trading Corrective Phase
4. Conservative Trading
5. Aggressive Trading
6. Trading
7. Real examples of everything you learned so far.
DVD #5
The Quick Trader:
It’s time to get real! You move from Elliott Wave Theory into real-life, real-time Elliott Wave DNA in action.
I take you through several examples of each of the trade types you’ll master with the DNA system. You will see me trade the system in these live recorded videos.
1. Live Conservative Buy
2. Live Conservative Buy
3. Live Conservative Buy
4. Live Conservative Sell
5. Live Conservative Sell
6. Live Conservative Sell
7. Live Aggressive Buy
8. Live Aggressive Buy
9. Live Aggressive Buy
10. Live Aggressive Sell
11. Live Aggressive Sell
12. Live Aggressive Sell
DVD #6
I have taught many people how to make money trading and most of the time people have the same questions.
On this DVD, I recorded one of these Q & A sessions with a group of people who just learned how to trade Elliott Wave DNA.
You will hear many of the questions I am sure you have and I answer them all.
12 Cheat Sheets
My students tell me this their favorite thing in the whole course. Every time you see a setup, you can grab the cheat sheets and check that you have it exactly right: Have your entry set at the right place, your stop loss set at the right place, and your take profit set.
Detailed Instruction Report
Some systems you buy don’t divulge how the system works, or they give you part of a system.
With Elliott Wave DNA I share every nuance in minute detail.
Every single rule is included and you can refer to this manual every time you trade.
This is the most complete package of Elliott Wave training you will find anywhere I have ever heard of.
But there’s more…
I have a carefully thought-out blueprint I have made for every person who joins me.
Each week I host a live webinar where you can come online and speak with me. I teach for the first part of the webinar then I open it to question and answers. You can ask me anything you want and we can share screens so I can look at your charts and help you understand Elliott Wave DNA.
I think it’s important that you get to interact with other members of our DNA community. That’s why I have a FORUM especially for you to interact with other people and also share your examples and ask questions.
Inside the members’ area you will see a dashboard like the one above. You will see:
– A video tour that shows you around.
– My forecast for the major Forex pairs.
– A link to the forum.
– A watch list of potential trades I am about to take.
– Recordings of previous webinars.
– Special achievement bonuses.
– Tools and indictors I use.
Frequently Asked Questions:
- Innovative Business Model:
- Embrace the reality of a genuine business! Our approach involves forming a group buy, where we collectively share the costs among members. Using these funds, we purchase sought-after courses from sale pages and make them accessible to individuals facing financial constraints. Despite potential reservations from the authors, our customers appreciate the affordability and accessibility we provide.
- The Legal Landscape: Yes and No:
- The legality of our operations falls into a gray area. While we lack explicit approval from the course authors for resale, there’s a technicality at play. When procuring the course, the author didn’t specify any restrictions on resale. This legal nuance presents both an opportunity for us and a boon for those seeking budget-friendly access.
- Quality Assurance: Unveiling the Real Deal:
- Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
- No coaching calls or scheduled sessions with the author.
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We operate independently, aiming to bridge the affordability gap without the additional services offered by official course channels. Your understanding of our unique approach is greatly appreciated.
- Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
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