
Judith Orloff – The Shift Network – Awakening Your Intuitive Healing Power



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Judith Orloff – The Shift Network – Awakening Your Intuitive Healing Power

With New York Times Bestselling Author, Psychiatrist,
Empath, Intuitive Healer & “Godmother of the Empath Movement”
Judith Orloff, MD

Harness your intuition to become a vessel for healing — as you transmute life’s challenges through surrender, self-care, centering techniques, and more.

If you’re an empath or sensitive person, you might often feel overwhelmed…

Without even meaning to, you’re taking on the extra emotional load of the world’s suffering, other people’s stress, and your own emotional triggers.

Now more than ever, though, it’s essential to make yourself a priority — and start using your innate intuitive intelligence to attend to your own physical and emotional wellbeing.

Scientific evidence reveals that empaths and HSPs (highly sensitive persons) were born with a heightened capacity to tune in to their surroundings.

In fact, your brain is wired for greater attunement, exhibiting a hyperactive firing of its mirror neurons — which discharge when you execute a particular behavior, and when you observe the same behavior in someone else.

This predisposition is also why empaths can end up in codependent relationships — an unhealthy empath will try to fix their partner and get worn out.

In this powerful new course, you’ll discover how to surrender whatever you’re clinging to — whether it’s an outdated self-belief, a relationship that no longer serves you, the painful residue of old traumas, even your current fear and anxiety…

Join us and unburden yourself of toxic energies as you transmute your life experiences — and explore practical tools to heal your body, your emotions, and your relationships so you can feel more centered, happy, and energized.

As you’ll discover, as an empath or HSP, you have the natural ability to tune in to deep healing and compassion beneath all experiences…

Welcome the Celebrated “Godmother of the Empath Movement” as Your Mentor

According to bestselling author and psychiatrist Judith Orloff, MD, you can reach an inner sense of ease when you learn the importance of surrendering not only to intuition… but to everything.

Dr. Orloff is a true pioneer, accomplishing for psychiatry what physicians like Dean Ornish and Mehmet Oz have done for mainstream medicine — establishing why links between physical, emotional, and spiritual health can’t be ignored.

Dr. Orloff discovered her own unique intuitive abilities when she was a child — able to predict deaths, illnesses, and earthquakes. From a lineage of 25 physicians (including her parents), her special intuitive powers scared those around her — and she was forbidden from expressing her special insights at home. She grew up believing that something was wrong with her…

Her healing path has been integrating her innate intuition into her life — as a woman, healer, and therapist — and supporting others in honoring and honing their intuitive skills.

As Dr. Orloff says, we’re keepers of an innate intuitive intelligence that tells us how to heal — and prevent — illness.

She teaches empaths, and everyone, how not to succumb to their triggers and all the cries of the world, and, instead, to listen first to their inner voice — what she calls the voice of energy.

Dr. Orloff will share how to reclaim and protect your intuition as you surrender to what’s stopping your life’s flow — so you can enjoy each moment and your unique predisposition for greater compassion, love, and a clear knowing that can help you and others heal.

During these self-empowering seven modules with Dr. Orloff, you’ll discover:

  • The magic of awakening your intuitive gifts — and trusting their guidance in your life
  • Strategies to embrace extraordinary intuitions such as déjà vu and synchronicities
  • How to identify empathy overload and how to stop absorbing other people’s pain
  • Techniques to combat different kinds of “energy vampires” in daily life such as The Victim, The Narcissist, and The Chronic Talker
  • Ways to liberate yourself from difficult emotions and transform your life
  • How to quiet your mind and become neutral so you can clearly size up situations
  • The proven intuitive process Dr. Orloff uses with patients
  • How to identify your own emotional triggers, so you can react from a more centered place
  • Ways to identify dynamics that can get in your way of reading people… including expectations, mental chatter, and judgment
  • Your brain’s mirror neurons — and how they activate both your empathetic predisposition and your gift for greater sensitivity and intuition
  • What intuitive healing means for empaths and sensitive people… and how to access this gift
  • The key to surrendering to anxiety and fear, and how thinking and feeling it doesn’t mean you have to take it on energetically
  • Discover the importance of energetic protection in accessing, enjoying, and sharing your intuitive gifts

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules
In this transformational intensive, Dr. Orloff will guide you through the fundamental body-mind-spirit skills and competencies you’ll need to embark on your empath’s journey to intuitive awareness, emotional freedom, and physical vitality.

This course features teachings, training sessions, and experiential practices with Dr. Orloff. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to become a vessel for healing as you transmute life’s challenges.

Module 1: Discovering the Secrets of Intuitive Healing
In this opening module, you’ll discover how the intersection of intuition and healing awakens an inner intelligence that can harness the power of wellness and release stress and dis-ease.

You’ll also become grounded in the five basic steps to intuitive healing:

  1. Create a positive belief system
  2. Be in your body
  3. Sense subtle energy
  4. Ask for inner guidance
  5. Listen to your dreams

Dr. Orloff will share her journey from intuitive child, alone with abilities she didn’t understand — to a respected psychiatrist who uses intuition as an indispensable tool in her medical practice and life.

As your journey begins, you’ll learn to awaken your intuition and apply this knowledge to healing.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How Dr. Orloff overcame her fears to integrate intuitive healing with her work as a conventional physician
  • Strategies to ignite your intuition and healing abilities
  • The ways intuition can clarify your life’s meaning and purpose at every stage
  • Strategies to embrace extraordinary intuitions such as déjà vu and synchronicities
  • A guided group meditation to connect you with your intuitive self

Module 2: Transmuting Illness & Pain Into Health, Ease & Vibrance
Illness and pain are calls to courage and self-compassion — they give you the opportunity to listen to your inner voice and rise above fear…

… and they awaken you physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Instead of checking out of your body during periods of dis-ease, intuition helps you live in every molecule of your being so you can be transformed. Illness asks you to love yourself in ways you may never have thought possible.

This module will help you befriend your intuition — so you can find more compassion for your body and spirit than ever before.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • The many ways illness and pain are invitations to heal — and how “dis-ease” can help you grow stronger, more loving, and more connected to your body
  • The intuitive art of listening to your body
  • How to identify empathy overload and how to stop absorbing other people’s pain
  • The power of sleep and healing dreams
  • Ways to overcome fear and other blocks to healing
  • A powerful guided self-healing meditation

Module 3: Energy Medicine in Everyday Life — Sensing & Receiving Healing Energy
This session will be devoted to awakening subtle energy, the intuitive language of the body.

Energy is the essence of who we are — a subtle vibration underlying everything…

To Hindu mystics it’s shakti. To Chinese medical practitioners it’s chi. It’s the radiant aura that seers throughout the ages have reported.

Learning to sense and tap into energy can keep you healthy and aware of early intuitive signs of emotional and physical imbalance so you can act on them.

And as you’ll discover, if you choose to act on the energetic changes in your body, your health and happiness will improve.

Dr. Orloff will lead you through the various manifestations of energy in daily life so you can apply the principles of energy medicine in practical and transformative ways.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • Exactly what energy medicine is — and how to apply it to be healthier and happier in everyday life
  • An overview of energy anatomy, the chakra system, and body scanning
  • The basics of distant healing with loved ones
  • The foundations of medical intuition
  • The role of humility and setting your ego aside to become a vessel of healing
  • A guided visualization full of techniques to activate and send healing energy to yourself and others

Module 4: The Courage to Explore & Transform Challenging Emotions
Emotional freedom means increasing your intuition and ability to love — so you can cultivate positive emotions… and compassionately witness and transform difficult ones.

The Indian sage Ramana Maharshi said, “We have heaven and hell within us.” In that spirit, this session will help you accept and heal your full Self.

As brilliant and helpful as the intellect can be, it has a restricted vision when it comes to emotional healing. Bringing intuitive awareness into the feeling realm is essential and powerful.

You’ll experience how intuition goes beyond the limits of the linear mind to gain a deeper understanding of how to heal your emotional self.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How emotions such as anxiety, fear, and depression are teachers that can liberate you, allowing you to experience emotional freedom
  • The difference between intuition and fear
  • Strategies to stop absorbing stress and negative emotions
  • Self-soothing techniques to center yourself
  • The healing power of tears
  • How dreams (even nightmares) can liberate you from negative emotions
  • A powerful meditation for transforming challenging emotions into compassion, hope, and inner calm

Module 5: Healing Grief, Trauma & Addictions
Grief, trauma, and addictions are aspects of ourselves that we need to heal with compassion.

Many of us, including highly empathic people, experience some level of post-traumatic stress and trauma in our lives.

This stress and trauma can result from anything from losing a loved one, to living on sensory overload for so many years that our systems become flooded with adrenaline, leading to burnout.

Other factors related to trauma and addiction include early neglect, physical or emotional abuse, being raised by narcissistic parents, having a narcissistic spouse… or not feeling “seen” and being shamed about being “too sensitive.”

Addictions can be a result of self-medicating the pain you experience from trauma.

This module is all about healing your wounds with compassion and deep, intuitive understanding — then re-emerging with a new, revitalized perspective about yourself and your life.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • The origins and triggers of various forms of trauma and grief
  • The ways trauma becomes frozen in your energy body — and how to release it
  • Strategies to heal trauma — including retrieving your inner child, setting clear boundaries, and practicing self-compassion
  • Ways to work with the energy of grief so it doesn’t become depression in your body
  • How you can release fear when you’re experiencing grief, loss, and death
  • A guided visualization to release trauma and embrace healing

Module 6: Intuitively Reading People to Heal Emotional Triggers & Improve Your Relationships
In this session, you’ll discover how to enhance the quality of your relationships by learning to use intuition — the secret weapon Oprah Winfrey and Steve Jobs have called the “key to success.”

The art of reading people requires listening to your intuition and gut feelings — along with logic and common sense.

To have healthy, loving relationships, you must learn to read people. Then you can see beyond the obvious to empathize with someone’s true motivations — and understand how to reach difficult people (especially those you love).

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How to use tools to read and interpret people’s body language in all spheres of life
  • The signs of accurate intuition and what to do if an intuition is wrong
  • Ways to intuitively read a person’s energy — and how this skill deepens your communication and empathy with others
  • Strategies to heal wounded relationships
  • Techniques to combat different kinds of “energy vampires” in daily life such as The Victim, The Narcissist, and The Chronic Talker
  • A meditation practice to identify your emotional triggers — and take the intense charge out of them, so you’re less reactive to wounded parts in yourself

Module 7: Deepening Your Intuitive Connection With Yourself, Others & the Earth
Developing intuition gives you a stronger, more passionate and connected relationship with yourself. You’ll also gain a clearer sense of purpose and identity as you pass through the different stages of life.

In your final session, you’ll discover how intuition allows you to feel a liberating sense of interconnectivity — with others, the planet, nature, and all living things…

This “knowing” that you’re not alone can feel consoling, lessen loneliness, and heighten your interconnection with the web of life.

The deeper you explore intuitive healing, the more you’ll “know” that the basic integrative force in the universe is love. The more you heal, the more you can love yourself and have an open heart with others.

You’ll explore the importance of manifesting love with abandon in each stage of life, and staying open to the wonder of the world.

You’ll celebrate all you’ve learned and emphasize the cherishing of every moment on your ever-widening path to healing.

In this closing module, you’ll learn:

  • How to heal outdated beliefs about yourself — and open yourself to healthy, nurturing relationships
  • Earthing meditations to tune in to nature and the powerful grounding energy of the Earth
  • Strategies to intuitively know the truth about who you are versus old stories based on low self-esteem or familial conditioning
  • How intuition can help you feel a reassuring interconnectivity to our human family, the Earth, and its creatures
  • A global meditation to connect with all sentient beings and nurture a bond of love and comradery with all of life

What People Are Saying About Judith Orloff…

“[Judith Orloff has] most certainly extended my life and JOY immeasurably”
That was, by far, the best, most interesting and informative teleconference I have EVER participated in. Felt like I was “chatting” with a best friend, who knew me like no one else has ever known me — better than I even know myself. I’m in my late 60s and wonder what life would have been like had I known about who I really am, then. I am so grateful that I know NOW and can enjoy my remaining time with that knowledge in place. [Judith Orloff has] most certainly extended my life and JOY immeasurably, and to put it simply: I adore you!
— Carole, Portland, Oregon

“I am now… feeling so much more connected and in tune with life.”
Socrates advised, “Know thyself,” and [Judith Orloff has] helped me do so in a huge way. That [she is] also an empath and willing to share [her] feelings and personal life experiences makes it all even more special for me… I am now meditating every morning and feeling so much more connected and in tune with life. I look forward to developing my intuition and using it to help others. [Judith Orloff has] given me a great gift. I am forever grateful.
— Joseph, Grand Junction, Colorado

Here’s What You’ll Receive

  • Seven 90-Minute Recorded Class Sessions With Judith Orloff
    Experience a unique opportunity to learn from New York Times bestselling author, psychiatrist, empath, intuitive healer, and “Godmother of the Empath Movement” Judith Orloff — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a video teaching and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to harness your intuition to become a vessel for healing — as you transmute life’s challenges through surrender, self-care, centering techniques, and more.
  • Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions
    In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.
  • Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson
    Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Awakening Your Intuitive Healing Power With Dr. Judith Orloff  Virtual Training
We feel honored that Judith Orloff has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from a New York Times bestselling author, psychiatrist, empath, and intuitive healer whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and transform ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about harnessing your intuition to become a vessel for healing, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

More Praise for Judith Orloff…

“… [helping us understand] we are far more than we have allowed ourselves to be.”
“We are far more than we have allowed ourselves to be. Judith Orloff is to be commended for helping us understand that simple truth.”
— Louise Hay, Author of You Can Heal Your Life

“Judith Orloff teaches you how to master your inner empathic world.”
— Dr. Joe Dispenza, New York Times bestselling author of You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter

“… shows you how to be sensitive, strong, and clear — and to say ‘no’ to the energy suckers in your life.”
Sensitive people aren’t weaklings or victims. Dr. Orloff, an empath herself, shows you how to be sensitive, strong, and clear — and to say “no” to the energy suckers in your life.
— Caroline Myss, New York Times bestselling author of Anatomy of the Spirit

About Judith Orloff 
Judith Orloff, MD, is a psychiatrist, an empath, and the New York Times bestselling author of Guide to Intuitive Healing: 5 Steps to Physical, Emotional, and Sexual Wellness, a book that shows how intuition can be used for self-healing, healing others, and helping to heal the world. Her other books include The Empath’s Survival Guide and Emotional Freedom.

As an intuitive healer and member of the UCLA clinical psychiatric faculty, Dr. Orloff synthesizes the pearls of traditional medicine with leading-edge knowledge of intuition, energy, and spirituality. She also specializes in treating highly sensitive, empathic people in her private practice. Dr. Orloff’s work has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, and in O, the Oprah Magazine and The New York Times. Dr. Orloff also has spoken at Google-LA and has a popular TEDx talk. USA Today has called Dr. Orloff “a serene maverick.”

“With patients and in workshops,” says Dr. Orloff, “I listen with my intellect and my intuition, a potent inner wisdom that goes beyond the literal. I experience it as a flash of insight, a gut feeling, a hunch, a dream. By blending intuition with orthodox medical knowledge, I can offer my patients and workshop participants the best of both worlds.”

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