
Luis Congdon – 2 Minute Social Media Celebrity System



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Luis Congdon – 2 Minute Social Media Celebrity System

Attention Coaches, Consultants, Freelancers & Entrepreneurs…
Become the Most Respected, High Paid Authority in Your Niche 
In Just 2 Minutes a Day

…Without Spending A Dime On Advertising

If you want to become a respected leader in your niche–as fast as humanly possible–then this letter will show you how others (including myself) are doing it and how you can too.

But first, I want to tell you a quick story about a buddy of mine named Mark.

Mark was just like you 

Mark is a fitness consultant, and like any consultant or coach, his main job is to market himself so he can get more clients to serve.

Mark worked his way through the trenches at local gyms and was even going to people’s homes to help them get in shape and lose weight.

The dude was committed to his passion, but he had no idea how to make a difference on a larger scale.

When he was given a chance to buy a small fitness center in town, he jumped at the shot.

It was a huge investment – almost everything he had.

But he was excited—and admittedly, a little worried he wouldn’t get enough clients to pay the overhead.

So, he did what most people would do: He told his friends and family, started making Facebook posts, created a Facebook page, hopped on Linkedin, Twitter, and even purchased a few ads on Facebook (they failed miserably, hundreds of dollars down the drain)

After a few months of telling everyone he knew about his business, posting like crazy on every social media site and wasting money on ads… one thing was becoming very obvious:

Growing his business was tougher than he’d expected.

He was working his tail off day in and day out trying to wrangle in clients.

He was losing sleep and working long hours.

He was starting to fear the worst

He hit rock bottom when he imagined telling his family and friends that he had failed at owning a gym. He imagined their responses and wondered if perhaps he should ask them for a loan as a last ditch effort.

Then, he got some advice he never heard before and certainly never expected.

The advice ran contrary to everything he had ever heard about promoting a business and making sales; yet it was so obvious what he had to do – the answer was in front of his face this entire time…

He quit worrying about Facebook ads.

He stopped dinking around with Twitter and Linkedin (he never really used them anyway)

Mark was done with all that, and things were about to change for him.

Who gave him the advice?

It was me.

Mark shifted his focus and began to use the system I’ve created and named: “The Profit From Facebook” –  a system to become the most respected, high paid authority in your niche in just 2 minutes a day

He followed the system word for word, step by step.

A few times, he was tempted to rush through the program and jump to the good stuff—but he resisted.

He applied everything he learned over the course of a few weeks.

Then something pretty incredible happened

At first, it was just a few phone calls a day and a few emails here and there; but then, within a short time…he was so busy responding to so many messages on Facebook that he had to hire a few new trainers to come work for him!

He was becoming the talk of the town!

He wasn’t just getting noticed…

No matter how busy he got, no matter how tired he felt, no matter what distractions popped up to take him off course…

He put in at least 2 calculated minutes everyday on social media.

He went from a hometown celebrity to a worldwide fitness coach and online trainer
Since then, he has launched 17 of his own digital products and he has opened 28 gyms across the country.

His tribe of followers is in the millions and most of his videos and posts reach viral levels every day.

Mark isn’t the only one using this 2 minute strategy either.

The Profit From FB system is being used by leaders and authorities in all different markets, including:

  • Fitness
  • Weight Loss
  • Coaching
  • Consulting
  • MLM
  • Self-Defense
  • Survival
  • Financial
  • Health
  • Biz Opp
  • Podcasting
  • Blogging/Writing
  • Fashion
  • Attorneys
  • & many more

Marci Lock
Fitness Expert 
“I’m making six figures a month through Facebook… Without paying for Ads”

Dr. Ed Osburn
Laptop Lifestyle Mentor
“I’m easily bringing in an extra $10,000 a month from Facebook.”

Diane Hochman
Home Business Trainer
“I run 90% of my business through Facebook organicly, in fact I rarely buy ads.”

If you want to learn how YOU can have droves of people watching your videos, commenting on them, sharing your stuff, raving about your services, and following you to events all over the world—just to shake hands with you…. 

If you want a TRUE tribe of fans that know and believe in you and the service or product you’re providing…

Then the Profit From Facebook method will show you how to do this in 4 easy steps.
Even if Nobody Knows Who You Are Right Now
Even if you have zero credibility or online authority at the moment and even if few people know who you are or what you are capable of doing for them.

I didn’t believe this method could work for a shy, introverted guy like me… So, being the skeptic I am, I decided to “try it out”…

At first, I tried to do things my own way and skip ahead instead of listening to my online mentors. I made a few mistakes here and there…but nothing worth giving up over.

And after a little while…things took shape for ME!

I was getting leads and referrals right and left.

My business was growing exponentially every day that I spent just TWO SHORT MINUTES using this one quick and simple system.

I was meeting big-time players and I even started selling my services directly to business owners that I’d met through Facebook.

After just 14 days, my business exploded and it was evident this system was working

1. I’ve gained immediate access to high-level marketers and influencers in my market and am even able to get meetings with these people without getting shut down, ignored, or blocked.

2. I’m selling $3,000 packages within the first hour of meeting people

3.  A client reached out via messenger and introduced me to a well-known influencer. The influencer bought a $5,000 package from me after some casual messaging. After our work, he even gave me a shout out on his personal wall which brought in more clients.

4.  My Facebook posts got me featured on blogs and in major publications (one writer liked one of my posts so much, he turned it into an article and published it on the Goodmen Project.)

5. With just one Facebook post, I booked 3 major speaking gigs which brought in over $25,000 in sales!

6.  My Facebook community went from 163 “friends” to 2000 active paying clients and opportunities for future sales.

7.  I started a mastermind, offered it to my Facebook friends and signed up 5 clients at $500/month for 4 months. And here’s what’s really crazy. Every member of this mastermind ended up purchasing either a $1,000 or $3,000 service from me as well.

8.  Using Facebook, in a period of 6 months I booked over 100 major podcast appearances with people I never thought I could reach.

9.  I have simple chats via Facebook comments and make sales.

After proving to myself that this system actually worked, I wondered if I was just one of the lucky ones
I had to find out if this system could work for other people. So, I asked some friends try it out.

Here’s what happened:

  • One podcast editor landed 4 new clients in a month and was able to raise his prices by 4x!
  • A lifestyle coach sold out his mastermind in less than 4 hours (the first time he ever offered it)
  • 2 out of 4 were invited to speak at big industry events
  • They all started to get fame and recognition in their niches (along with boatloads of credibility, authority and trust)

It was crazy and exciting to see that this two minute system actually worked…and worked quickly!!!

That’s why I created this system.

I want YOU to have complete access to my trainings and samples so you could simply copy them and make money.

Here are just a few things you’ll learn when you use the…

  • You’ll quickly become a celebrity on Facebook and in your niche. You’ll start getting tagged in statuses, get amazing testimonials and endorsements, and become instantly recognized in every group and social circle you’re a part of.
  • You’re going to build a huge responsive network of clients, referral partners, and people willing to either swap services or volunteer their expertise to you for free. (As my network has grown, I’ve gotten more and more requests from people who are willing to help me grow my business because they recognize the influence I have in the marketplace.)
  • Your inbox will be flooded with potential clients who are dying to hire you because they desperately need your products and services
  • You’ll start making quick sales directly from Facebook messenger. (No more hopping on Skype and killing an hour with a client who was never going to hire you in the first place.)
  • You’ll get asked to speak at industry events and get booked solid with Podcast appearances and radio shows that will not only send you a surge of new business, you’ll also gain rock-solid authority, credibility and trust with key influencers and their massive audiences.
  • You’ll be able to connect with big time players you’d never have a chance to reach if you tried contacting them with more traditional methods (There are many multi-millionaires who scan Facebook when they’re bored, just like you and me. You can go directly to them without getting blocked by gatekeepers and secretaries).
  • Sales will become easy because of the positioning and persona that you gain from your natural interactions on Facebook (People will start liking you for who you are – you’ll get customers for being your own, natural self).
  • You’ll be able to raise your prices as demand for your services skyrockets.
  • Most importantly, every time you log on to Facebook you’ll have the opportunity to attract new clients and close deals whenever you want.

The average person spends about 3.2 hours a day on social networking sites and a lot of people spend a LOT LONGER.

It’s the first thing people check when they wake up in the morning and it’s the last thing they see before they nod off at night.

There’s never been an easier way to get in front of hundreds of millions of people.

This system is not just designed to help you get in front of these people for just a couple of minutes…it’s designed to turn these people into customers for life.

Vicki Irvin
Career Coach 
“Because of my 55k loyal fans… My lipstick promo sold out and I had to close it down”

AJ Mihrzad
Online Super Coach  
“30% of my business profits come from Facebook organic traffic”
What’s Waiting For You In The Profit From Facebook System…

Module 1 – Look The Part

Transform Your Profile, Brand Yourself As a Celebrity In Your Niche, And Make Selling Easier Than Ever

  • How to ooze credibility and authority, just by making a few quick and easy tweaks to your profile page
  • How to inject your profile with a strong dose of proof that burns through the thickest buying resistance and gets clients ready to do business with you fast
  • The one, seemingly unimportant part of your personal profile that’s turning away hundreds of potential clients, JV partners, and influencers (And the easy fix that can start attracting these relationships)
  • One simple trick for getting hundreds, even thousands of people from Facebook to visit your website without having to write a single post, picture, video or pay a dime for advertising
  • How to train your Facebook friends to buy from you instead of your competition
  • What to upload to Facebook that will flood your inbox with hot leads, ready to throw money at you for your products and services
  • Two things to put in your posts that can double or triple shares, comments and likes
  • How to scientifically ‘hack’ Facebook’s Newsfeed algorithm to get your posts in front of more people. When you do this, Facebook actually rewards you for taking initiative
  • How to capture the attention of your dream clients with one finger (I know it sounds weird, but it takes almost no effort and will get you noticed)
  • How to bypass any gatekeeper, VA, or secretary and make valuable, organic connections with the titans of your industry
  • One simple little known Facebook trick that automatically puts you on the radar of anyone you chose
  • Why your Facebook friends, relationships, and connections are 10x more profitable than your email list

Module 2 – Find Your Tribe

How To Become An Instant Celebrity In Any Facebook Group You Join In The First 2 Minutes

  • How To Find Facebook Groups That Are Worth Spending Time In (Meaning: You Can Actually MAKE Money By Being In There)
  • What to say in your very first post when you join a group that cements your reputation as the go-to expert in your niche (Don’t be surprised when you get a bunch of personal messages from hot prospects within minutes after posting)
  • How to gain instant trust of high-profile Facebook group leaders (And how to get them to personally endorse and recommend you to hundreds, even thousands, of their group members)
  • What to look for in a Facebook group before you join, and how to quickly tell if it’s worth investing your time. (Not all Facebook groups are created equally: I’ll teach you how to spot an active, profitable group and how to avoid groups that are full of time vampires and freebie-seekers)
  • What to post in a Facebook group that attracts players with money who are ready to PayPal you any fee you charge
  • How to write posts that sell without being salesy (a lot of people get kicked out of groups when they try to sell or post their own links, I’ll show you a way to write valuable posts that get people messaging you, asking where to send money)
  • 3 ways to get yourself permanently banned from a Facebook group (avoid these common mistakes at all costs)
  • How to use content you posted in one group to attract thousands of other prospects in other groups
  • What to say to a group admin that will get them to rave about you to their group’s audience

Module 3 – Create Raving Fans

How To Build Your Own Tribe Of Raving Fans Eager To Buy From You And Recommend You To Their Network

  • How to launch an active Facebook group in 10 minutes and get your first 200 members
  • How to repel freebie seekers, spammers, trolls, and negative people that can ruin your group’s reputation (Implement a few of these rules for your group and you’ll never have to worry about these people tarnishing your community’s reputation)
  • How to launch your product on Facebook in less than 5 minutes, and start making sales before it’s even created – without a website, email list, sales page, or sales funnel
  • Why Facebook Pages are dying and why Facebook groups are the future of all business online
  • What to name your group that reflects your beliefs and values and also attracts your ideal prospects to your group
  • A fill-in-the-blank template message you can send to people to get them to join your group
  • What to do with every new group member that gets your audience engaged and makes people feel welcome (This helps grow your network and reach very quickly)
  • When to kick someone out of your group and how to do it without backlash or complaints (Your group’s bond with each other will actually grow stronger when you kick out a few of these ‘negative nancy’s’)
  • How to get world class experts to share their most jealously guarded secrets of success for free with you and your group members
  • How to get free services and free stuff from your group members
  • How to add people to your groups without annoying them
  • 5 ways to monetize your Facebook group
  • How to make money even if you have a tiny Facebook group
  • How to get a nice, steady flow of passive income from your group using sponsorships

Module 4 – Gain Clients
Advanced Closing & Positioning Techniques

  • How to write Facebook posts that make sales, even if you don’t have a sales page and you suck at writing copy
  • A step-by-step closing script for closing sales via private message
  • How to create authority in your niche by leveraging other people’s posts, pictures, and videos
  • Storytelling hacks for getting extra attention from desired prospects, clients, and influencers
  • How to use Facebook to get booked on popular Podcasts (I can show you the strategy I used to book over 100 podcast interviews in my first year online)
  • Simple strategies for getting asked to speak at big events (I’ll reveal exactly how I was able to land big time speaking gigs at huge industry events – without any previous speaking experience)

Get everything you need to know to become a celebrity online and start making money from Facebook immediately

At the end of each session, you’ll receive an action plan designed to position yourself as an authority, build relationships with important people in your industry, and most importantly, sell your product or service without spending a dime on advertising.

With the online mentoring, you’ll have a chance to get all of your questions answered in real time.

Each class will be recorded and emailed to you so you won’t have to worry about missing a class if something comes up and you can’t make it.

Most of the $15,000+, high-end mastermind events don’t even provide this level of teaching! On top of that, it would take well over 2 full days just to learn this in a room full of people.

A program like this would easily cost upwards of $10K-$25K since it’s mastermind level material—As this material is used and endorsed by people like AJ Mirzhad, Marci Lock, Anna Selby, and Ryan Stewman…all of whom are a part of this training and coaching program.

I don’t think people should have to fly to a different city to learn this stuff at a massive price point. In fact, that’s why I created the online version of this training so you could learn this stuff without going anywhere.

I’m so confident that you’ll be successful with this system, I’m going to do something that 99% of marketers are too scared to do.

This system won’t require you to spend a dime on Facebook ads or other social media ads. For many people, that alone would cover the one time cost of this program.

That makes the Profit From FB System a no-brainer.

All you have to do is test-drive the system and decide if it’s right for you.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Innovative Business Model:
    • Embrace the reality of a genuine business! Our approach involves forming a group buy, where we collectively share the costs among members. Using these funds, we purchase sought-after courses from sale pages and make them accessible to individuals facing financial constraints. Despite potential reservations from the authors, our customers appreciate the affordability and accessibility we provide.
  2. The Legal Landscape: Yes and No:
    • The legality of our operations falls into a gray area. While we lack explicit approval from the course authors for resale, there’s a technicality at play. When procuring the course, the author didn’t specify any restrictions on resale. This legal nuance presents both an opportunity for us and a boon for those seeking budget-friendly access.
  3. Quality Assurance: Unveiling the Real Deal:
    • Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
      • No coaching calls or scheduled sessions with the author.
      • No access to the author’s private Facebook group or web portal.
      • No entry to the author’s exclusive membership forum.
      • No direct email support from the author or their team.

    We operate independently, aiming to bridge the affordability gap without the additional services offered by official course channels. Your understanding of our unique approach is greatly appreciated.

Refund is acceptable:

  • Firstly, item is not as explained
  • Secondly, Item do not work the way it should.
  • Thirdly, and most importantly, support extension can not be used.

Thank you for choosing us! We’re so happy that you feel comfortable enough with us to forward your business here.

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