
Lynn Twist & Tammy White – True Prosperity 7-Week Digital Course



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Lynn Twist & Tammy White – True Prosperity 7-Week Digital Course

Regardless of where you live, how much money you make, or how successful you are, there’s a message you’ve been fed your whole life that is reinforced daily by the media, in television, magazine and internet advertising…
And that message is that you don’t have enough, you are not enough, and there is always something more that you need to get or be in order to be successful, happy, and worthy of respect and love.
And the worst part is that you’ve heard it so many times now, you believe it’s true.
You’ve been striving to achieve financial freedom your whole adult life, but no matter how much money you have at any given time, it probably never feels like enough…
Chances are you even argue with your partner and/or your family about how to spend it, save it, and invest it.
You probably dread having to look at your bank statements, as well as your bills—even if you have no trouble being able to pay them…
And you might even have residual feelings of guilt, shame or fear that stem from traumatic experiences involving money in your past.
All of this is caused by an underlying cultural condition Lynne Twist (bestselling author of The Soul of Money) and renowned wealth coach Tammy White call “Scarcity Consciousness.”

Why Haven’t You Been Able To Achieve Financial Freedom?
The root problem is that scarcity consciousness and the unhealthy relationship with money it causes are the biggest obstacles standing in the way of your being able to achieve the levels of wealth and financial security you want to reach.

In your day-to-day life, do you ever…

  • Feel like there’s never enough time to do so many of the things you really want to do, like have fun, spend quality time with your family, or sleep?
  • Feel like the more money you make, the less free time you actually have?
  • Worry about what setback is going to hit you next?
  • Get anxious or stressed when you think about managing your money and maintaining or elevating your lifestyle?
  • Feel like you might be overspending on things you never really use?
  • Feel burdened by debt, in spite of working to pay it down?
  • Struggle with trying to effectively budget your time and finances to take more vacations with your family?
  • Worry whether you’re saving enough for your children’s education?

These are the kinds of experiences almost everyone has in their relationship with money, from the wealthiest people on earth to those who have little or no financial resources, and they’re all caused by scarcity consciousness…
And while having more money can obviously make your standard of living better, until you overcome your own scarcity consciousness, it can sometimes even amplify your problems.

The good news is that by making a few powerful mindset shifts and using some simple financial management tools, you can open the door to the life of prosperity you’ve always sensed was possible.

Imagine how much more you’d be able accomplish in your life if you felt completely relaxed, confident and financially secure.
Just think of the positive impact you could have on yourself, your family and your community if you no longer experienced anxiety and stress around money in your life.
Once you leave scarcity consciousness behind and learn to use the simple financial tools Lynne and Tammy want to share with you, you will…

  • Feel unshakable confidence in your capacity to generate the money you need for you and your family to thrive and live an extraordinary and fulfilling life—regardless of the economy
  • Know that you’re able to manage unexpected expenses with ease
  • Experience the deep nourishment, strength and wellbeing that comes from aligning your spending with your deepest values
  • Feel satisfaction in paying your bills every month and being able to easily meet your financial obligations
  • Have the time and money to pursue your highest calling
  • Amplify your earning power so that you are able to maximize your income
  • Save and invest in ways that leave you feeling excited and at peace about the ways you’re creating wealth
  • Feel so overflowing with prosperity that you can confidently and generously make a meaningful contribution to the causes you most deeply care about

If you’re ready to step out of the seemingly endless cycle of working, earning, wanting, buying, and trying to manage your money…
Lynne and Tammy are ready to show you how to develop the simple skills, practices and tools of wealth-building, and help you free yourself from the influence of scarcity consciousness, so you can leave those toxic ideas about money behind…
so you can experience True Prosperity.

True Prosperity
7 Weeks to Financial Freedom
with Lynne Twist and Tammy White

We’re excited to be able to give you the opportunity to work with these two brilliant women, bestselling author of The Soul of Money Lynne Twist and wealth coach Tammy White in their comprehensive training program to help you reach True Prosperity.
And now, for the first time ever, this groundbreaking training is available in a digital E-learning format. Each week, you’ll receive online and downloadable access to a complete Training Module containing a Training Session Audio, a Recorded Group Mentoring Session, a printable Practice Guide, and a Training Session Transcript.
Over 7 consecutive weeks, from the privacy and comfort of your own home, you’ll discover how to shift from scarcity consciousness to prosperity consciousness, and Lynne and Tammy will show you how to use the simple tools that will transform your life into one of security, comfort, and possibility.

A Letter From Lynne Twist
Dear Friend,
For the past 40 years, I’ve been sharing my insights into money and life with others. I’ve helped people in dire poverty, working closely with people like Mother Teresa, as well as with global billionaires and people at every stage in between, all over the world.
Some years ago now, I teamed up with my good friend, wealth coach Tammy White and we set out on a mission to help people like you develop a healthy relationship with money, so you can comfortably do the things that matter most to you, and deeply enjoy the rest of your life.
We’ll show you how to spend your money more consciously, amplify your earning potential, and build the level of wealth you want to reach through smart saving and investing.
It’s as simple as that, and our approach has worked for thousands of people just like you all over the world.
We invite you to join us for our 7-week training program, where we’ll help you discover what it means to finally experience True Prosperity in your life.
Lynne Twist

Here’s what some of those who’ve worked with Lynne and Tammy have said about them:

“The True Prosperity Training was heaven-sent. It came at a time where things were rather bleak for me and money was nowhere to be found. But within 2 weeks of the class, money was flowing in like never before. I started to understand that being/living in fear and scarcity kept money away from me. So I released the fear and scarcity mindset…and it has been a great transformation!”
Adaora, Landover, Maryland

“I call this the $15,000 training! I ABSOLUTELY LOVED it and got a LOT out of it. The day after I signed up I sat down and finally had the courage to face a challenging tax situation I’d been avoiding. I ended up getting a $15,000 tax refund so the savings I had dipped into suddenly reappeared. More miracles followed with new clients appearing for my new career and my old and $3,000 worth of house insulation to be done at no cost to me. By the end of the course I was also I was told by an employer that I was eligible for $15,000 towards my son’s college tuition! I also reignited a long held dream to own an investment property and I’m hopeful that I will now realize my dream of owning a second property.”
Amber, Asheville, South Carolina

“Over $10,000 has flowed in from unexpected sources! I’m investing some of it in starting a business while the rest is going toward paying off a big chunk of debt and creating a cushion for living expenses while I get my business up and running. I’m much clearer on my direction/purpose and am excited about going for it. My confidence and determination are back! My relationship with my husband has improved and there is a sense of relief, trust, and spaciousness around money that I haven’t felt in a very long time.”
Lynne, Lamoine, Maine

Here’s What You’ll Learn
Here’s what you’ll discover in this powerful 7-week program:

Break Free From Your “Scarcity Blocks” To Wealth
By the end of Week 1, you will…

  • Uncover hidden stories and unconscious, unexamined beliefs through guided meditations and exercises.
  • Bring the toxic myths that have gripped your mind for decades out into the open, and become aware of how they have held you in a state of scarcity for far too long.
  • Start to dissolve your sense of not-enoughness and your guilt and shame around money, so you can begin to feel whole and full with your life as it is right now.
  • Be internally cleared so your new Prosperity Consciousness has a pure space to anchor and grow.

Of all the steps on your path to true prosperity, this is the most fundamental. It’s the key to creating a fertile foundation so you can turn endless possibilities into the rich, prosperous life of your dreams.

Align With The 3 Natural Laws Of Wealth

In Week 2, you will…

  • Discover the 3 Natural Laws of Wealth that are key to transforming your relationship with money. (Some find these laws counterintuitive to anything they have ever learned, but this new core system of beliefs is absolutely essential to making the shift.)
  • Be able to see why the old way has kept you swimming upstream on a path that feels unnatural and unrewarding, and how remarkably different the 3 Natural Laws of Wealth work, and why they are so essential to this process.
  • Receive real-life examples of how others have put the 3 Natural Laws into practice, so you can learn from their experiences and insights.
  • Finally understand the necessary adjustments you must make in your own life, so you can create with success and ease, take action on your life plans much more effectively, and begin attaining wealth in an authentic way.

As you’ll find out in this week, the 3 Natural Laws will give you a sense of freedom, strength and joy. Making them a part of your very being will help you transcend the cultural consciousness of scarcity and stay on your true path to wealth and prosperity.

Create Your Personal Prosperity Map

Prosperity awaits you when you create from your own core. And this leads to the focus of Week 3, where you will design your path to Prosperity with intention and focus.

In Week 3, you will…

  • Feel a sense of relief as you begin to see that you have a clear direction and purpose in your life that is centered around your true nature and deepest desires.
  • Begin to create your Personal Prosperity Map, a long-term plan that can guide you for days, months and years towards more wealth and fulfillment.
  • Feel a sense of empowerment as you look at your time, money and energy in a completely new light—one that is centered around the 3 Natural Laws of Wealth, rather than toxic scarcity.
  • Have daily, intentional practices clearly mapped out that will activate your Prosperity Consciousness and bring enthusiasm and purpose to each and every day.

There’s nothing as freeing, exciting and confidence-building as deciding to pursue your own direction. This step is absolutely critical to True Prosperity and will reignite passion and clarity in your life.

Make Friends With Your Money By Taking Your Personal Wealth Inventory

In Week 4, you will…

  • Understand why you’ve been so afraid to look at your money in the first place, seeing it as an enemy and a force of oppression, when it actually is a source of expansion.
  • Examine the history of your spending and the current nature of your spending, so you can use money as your ally.
  • Receive simple budgeting and cash-flow tools created by Tammy and Lynne, so you can easily take charge of your spending practices.
  • Feel like you have a sense of ownership over your life and finances, and have the power to choose a new direction that is focused on prosperity.
  • Discover a sense of integrity around money that you’ve never knew was possible, as you align your spending with your highest goals and values.

This week will shine a light on your unconscious money habits and behaviors, which may be very eye-opening. Prepare for many “aha”s as Tammy and Lynne guide you through this powerful session.

Activate Your Wealth-Building Power Skills Of Planning, Saving & Giving

In Week 5, you will…

  • Begin to speak the same language as any master of financial literacy, understanding your time—value of money, your financial net worth, how to manage risk with your money, what it means to leave a legacy, and more.
  • Gain basic power skills around wealth by using Tammy and Lynne’s extremely simple system for saving, planning and giving.
  • Hear real-world examples of people who were able to activate their wealth-building power skills, regardless of how much they hated math or financial speak. There is a way that works, and Tammy and Lynne will show you how to use it.
  • Understand that this is not just about improving your financial net worth, but elevating your personal net worth, your skills, your social life, your causes, so you can make the impact on the world you know you were meant to.
  • Have a pool of resources, tools and teachings to refer to again and again, as you plan financial and personal wealth that will span your entire lifetime.

Many people, especially those who are creative and spiritually-centered, think that focusing on finances seems too technical. But by the end of this week, you’ll feel confident that even if you have difficulty with numbers, or cringe at the idea of using rigid software, you can become a master of your finances.

Amplify Your Earning Power & Impact

In Week 6, you will…

  • Find out how making and fulfilling offers is the key to increasing your earnings.
  • Learn how to master all 4 stages in the cycle of an offer, and how to start making more effective offers right away.
  • Develop the skills to productively deal with “bumps in the road” that rise up in your path during the cycle.
  • Discover how much your mood can affect your success and how to use it to your advantage (instead of letting it take advantage of you).
  • Learn how to observe where and when you need support and how to get it.
  • Acquire tools to help you make shifts in how you think about things and do things that will improve your experience of your own life immeasurably.

Tammy and Lynne consider this week the pinnacle of the path to True Prosperity. This is where you’ll be converting your inner wisdom into outer action that can impact your experience in a profoundly powerful way.

Establish Your Daily Wealth Lifestyle

In Week 7, you will…

  • Anchor yourself in your daily wealth lifestyle, so you can face the scarcity culture that is still pervasive everywhere you turn, and still be able to build wealth in an authentic way that feels right to you.
  • Identify daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly practices you can turn to for guidance and direction, so you can reinforce this experience of true prosperity over and over again for the rest of your life.
  • Commit to implementing your wealth-building practices and start embodying your new Prosperity Consciousness in your very being and through your daily behaviors.
  • Start to see how all the work you’ve done up to this point has put you on a path to making deep and irreversible and toward a fully empowered Prosperity Consciousness.

Once you have examined your toxic beliefs around money and are able to see the scarcity consciousness arise in its many forms, it will never be able to get its grip on you in the same way again. Anytime it starts to, you’ll be able to free yourself from it by committing yourself again and again to the tools and practices Tammy and Lynne will share with you.

Lynne Twist & Tammy White

Lynne Twist first came to public prominence as the chief fundraiser for The Hunger Project, where she raised over 200 million dollars in the course of her tenure. She also co-founded The Pachamama Alliance, a nonprofit organization on a mission to empower the indigenous people of the Amazon rainforest to preserve their lands and culture. For more than 40 years now, she has been a recognized global visionary committed to alleviating poverty and hunger and supporting social justice and environmental sustainability. Her bestselling, award-winning book The Soul of Money: Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Life has been translated into eight languages, and she has been featured on NPR, PBS, The Huffington Post, Mehmet Oz Radio, Oprah and Friends Radio, and in The Chicago Tribune and The San Francisco Chronicle.

Tammy White was a leader and business owner in the mortgage industry for over 20 years, building one of the most successful real estate brokerage firms in the San Francisco Bay Area. She currently serves as a strategic advisor to Lynne’s The Soul of Money Institute, and is a board member with The Pachamama Alliance. She is also a facilitator for The Alternatives to Violence Project in the California state prison system.

What You’ll Receive
Seven 60-minute Training Sessions with Lynne Twist and Tammy White
In the training sessions with Lynne and Tammy, you’ll learn the principles and practices of releasing your scarcity consciousness, taking control of your financial future, and living a life of True Prosperity.

Seven Recorded Group Mentoring Sessions with Lynne Twist and Tammy White
In these rich sessions, Lynne and Tammy dialogue with people from around the world, answering questions, helping people solve their unique challenges on the Journey to Wealth, and deepening into the training sessions.

Practices and Reflections for Each Training Session
To guide and support you through these transformative processes, Lynne and Tammy have created weekly practice and reflection assignments that will empower you to experience money in a new way—as a source of authenticity, empowerment, freedom, and joy in your life.
They will allow you to take what you’ve discovered in each session and apply it to the way you look at and live your daily life, in very specific ways, so you can integrate the learning much more quickly.

PDF Transcripts of Each Training Session
PDF transcripts are a great resource to go back and quickly reference key concepts covered in the training sessions. If you prefer to follow along with a written format, you’ll love these downloadable transcripts.

Custom Online Learning Portal
All of your course materials will be easily accessible throughout the course in our custom Online Learning Portal, and available anytime from your computer or mobile device. And these course materials are yours to keep! Just download them at the end of the course and continue to draw upon them for inspiration and reinforcement for your ongoing journey.

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