
Madison Monroe – RSD Madisons Bootcamp Home



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Madison Monroe – RSD Madisons Bootcamp Home



FREE Bonuses!

  • Audio Book Version of “The Way of the Superior BOSS
    ”I created this training manual from 10 years of dating beautiful women and I want you to have these secrets of attraction so you can master your dating life.
  • Up to $300 OFF BOSS
    If you already have BOSS, you can get this discount for a friend or you can apply this credit for a FREE lifetime subscription to RSD Mastermind.

Madison here,
Bootcamp is RSD’s pillar LIVE program where we take guys out to bars, nightclubs and cafés with a 3-on-1 student to instructor ratio for in-person cold approach pickup training.
The RSD Live Bootcamp training experience is the GOLD STANDARD for dating/pickup training courses across the globe. It is the ultimate shortcut to getting your love life handled FOR GOOD.
We have been running Bootcamps at RSD since 2005, 1000s of clients each year and meticulously honing our craft, one student at a time.
The Live Bootcamp training has been carefully crafted into results driven and proven system for skyrocketing your cold approach skills and jumpstarting your dating life.

With an RSD Bootcamp, you will…

  • Experience INSTRUCTOR LEVEL game demonstrated live right in front of you. You will gain a precise understanding of what pickup is supposed to look like, so you can model and replicate it quickly.
  • Finally grasp the subliminal ticks and mental processes that are crippling your chances of success and discover how you can turn those unknown weaknesses into STRENGTHS.
  • See how an entire weekend of EPIC game is constructed, and how each day’s success builds on the next. (This is impossible to grasp from a video or a seminar)

If you have the opportunity, and there are slots available, you should 100% do the live RSD Bootcamp – there is nothing else like it.

The RSD Bootcamp is the without a doubt, the ABSOLUTE BEST WAY to uncover your personal roadmap to advanced level game and train alongside a seasoned veteran.

However, the truth is…

  1. You have to live in or travel to a major metropolitan city.
  2. You have to compete with every RSD client that wants the same scarce slot you do.
  3. You have to pay $2,000+ for the three nights.
  4. You have to find a free weekend to devote to it.
  5. You have to pay for travel and lodging costs if you don’t live in a large city.

As EPIC and AMAZING as the Live RSD Bootcamp Experience is…
We wanted to make it so that anyone, anywhere could get the benefits of the high-impact that we have spent OVER A DECADE to perfect.
Before we dig into the magic of The Madison Bootcamp at Home, the obvious question:
Why Take an RSD Bootcamp FROM HOME?

Madison Bootcamp at Home is the “At-Home” Version of RSD’s Life-Changing Live Bootcamp Training Program

Imagine if you could:

  • Experience an RSD Bootcamp from the comfort of your own home.
  • Get world-class game training that is custom-tailored to you and your specific pickup personality.
  • Revisit that training again and again as many times as you want, anytime, anywhere. (It’s like getting to go on a Bootcamp as MANY TIMES AS YOU WANT!)

Well, The Madison Bootcamp at Home Delivers ALL OF THAT and MORE, For the FIRST TIME EVER:
We have taken the luxury of a LIVE Bootcamp experience, and made it accessible to you ANYWHERE, on YOUR TIME, and on YOUR TERMS.
The Madison Bootcamp at Home delivers the same highly personalized sticking-point elimination, blind-spot exposure, and routine accountability measures that you can find on our LIVE Bootcamp experience – cleanly packaged and organized in a carefully-designed online curriculum.
The Madison Bootcamp at Home focuses on SMASHING your sticking points into dust. The sticking points that, if unstuck, will catapult you several stages forward in your progress…


  • Not going out → Time efficient game blueprints, online game, text game and social media game modules will provide a steady stream of high-quality girls from your everyday life. Going out will OVERFLOW your funnel, it won’t be the funnel.
  • Buying products and not implementing them → Up to 12 Routine LIVE Bootcamp Debriefs and 3 Accountability will ensure you are implementing the Bootcamp at Home curriculum, staying on your path and connecting with the MBCAH Brigade.
  • Not knowing your sticking points → In your mind you have your “Known Unknowns” – for example you know you don’t know how to manage last minute resistance because you have messed it up before. You also have “Unknown Unknowns” – red flag behaviors and traits that are subliminally screaming “STAY AWAY” at every quality girl you meet. Once we make these “unknowns” known to you, we can FIX THEM.
  • Filling in your blind spots → We will open your eyes to the INVISIBLE WALL that you’ve been running into over and over again without even realizing it. Your hidden blind spots have been DESTROYING your chances of success and you need that expert 3rd party perspective to show them to you.
  • “Stuck” in intermediate purgatory → The KEY to getting out of intermediate purgatory is developing CONSISTENCY. This requires us to train you to activate your state by self generating your positive emotions. The core curriculum will give you the theory on this and we HAMMER it into your skull with cutting edge exercises in later modules.

Today is the day to STOP LOSING and START WINNING…
The Madison Bootcamp at Home will SHOW YOU THE WAY…

Why Me?
Why Am I The Instructor To Spark
Your Breakthrough?

I have run HUNDREDS of Bootcamps with THOUSANDS of students all across the globe.
Over the past decade, I have traveled to three continents, 35+ cities, ran hundreds of seminars, trained thousands of students face-to-face, and over two-million online.
I have taught mobs of students how break through their internal blocks, overcome their obstacles, and walk away with an INNATE SENSE OF POWER.
That means whatever your current situation – I have seen it before, and I know EXACTLY how to lead you through it.
Madison Bootcamp at Home is built on top of A DECADE of trial-and-error – this is a finely-refined program that has been field-tested to the highest standard.

There is nobody in the history of pickup that has spent as much time as I have in the field before teaching!
I was a hardcore student for 8 NIGHTMARE YEARS.
That means I have personally experienced every challenge, every sticking point, and every blind spot that you may have, and I have CONQUERED IT.

There is no other RSD instructor that has taken the time and effort to create a personalized, hyper-targeted archetype system to accurately pinpoint your sticking points and blind spots, and fix them ON THE SPOT – QUICKLY and EFFORTLESSLY.
I am a 10 year veteran in pickup – I am thrilled to see my students not only overcome their challenges, but get real, long-lasting success. I live to see my clients…

  • Break themselves out of the pit of despair, snap out of social conditioning, and re-claim their seat at the throne of their own power as a man.
  • Cut years of pain off of their learning curve, and step into a state of rapid progress that works to serve them for many years to come.
  • Get the girl that they never thought they could get, find that girlfriend that they’ve been wanting for a long time, and realize that they are at the cause of their reality.

I know what it feels like to experience all of the frustration, the confusion, and the struggle…
Whatever challenge you have, I’ve had it.
Whatever scenario you’re in, I’ve been there.
Whatever doubt you have running through your head, I’ve figured out how to overcome it.
I know the dead ends, traps and the veiled pitfalls that added YEARS to my learning curve.
That’s why I have carefully designed the Madison Bootcamp at Home to lead you past the wreckage and straight to the good stuff…

  • Straight to the CAUSE – to the root, the seed, the core where your unshakeable confidence grows from…
  • Straight to the ACTION – to the adventure, the discovery, the execution…
  • Straight to the RESULTS – the girls, the friendships, the life of your design…

The Madison Bootcamp at Home Builds on Top of the Training, Lessons, and Experiences of EVERY RSD INSTRUCTOR.
RSD instructors have been teaching Bootcamp for 15 YEARS.
Every instructor past and present has helped to lay the foundation on which modern day pickup theory and strategy is built on.
Inside The Madison Bootcamp at Home, I’ve cherry picked the absolute best trainings, tactics and methods from each instructor and packaged them into a powerful online curriculum that you can access from anywhere, anytime.
The insights inside The Madison Bootcamp at Home are PRICELESS.You will…

Joining the Madison Bootcamp at Home will Unstick Your Sticking Points with Powerful Veteran Insights, Accelerate Your Progress by Filling In The Holes In Your Game, and Teach You How to Use Your Personal Archetype to Attractively Convey Your Unique Identity to Women:

  • Take your sticking points, and crush them into dust – all of those things that are bothering you and holding you back will be eliminated.
  • Get yourself unstuck from your current paradigm, and find yourself evolving and growing every step of the way.
  • Embrace the process of wiping away your limitations and barriers – watching them dissolve before you as you accelerate on your path to success.
  • Take your internal weaknesses and blind spots and turn them into newfound strengths.
  • Bring awareness to the external blind spots that you have been overlooking this entire time – turning them into opportunities for knowledge and progress.
  • Expand your perception into a new dimension by opening your vision further and further into the realm of possibility and abundance – triggering permanent growth.
  • Discover your personal pickup archetype, and bring a new sense of realization to the things that work best for you, and why.
  • Dial into your on psychology and step into a new dimension of learning and growth that you have never been able to experience before.
  • Experience a training methodology that feels natural and organic, because it is fine-tuned and curated specifically to the way YOU learn best.
  • Build on top of your existing knowledge of game with the highest-level insights available anywhere.
  • Re-cement a rock-solid foundation that you can use as a jumping-off point for all future growth.
  • Re-visit the paradigms of game – from the beginner, to the intermediate, to the advanced, and discover new angles and concepts you missed before.
  • Sit side-by-side with Madison and his students as they run through rare debriefs usually only available to Bootcamp students.
  • Participate live and ask questions directly to me, allowing for in-depth, personalized responses that are custom-tailored to you and your needs.
  • Get instant feedback from me without having to waste another night going out and repeating the same mistake over and over again.

Now, you might be thinking:
“What makes the Madison Bootcamp at Home different from everything else?
I thought you’d never ask,
Let me break it down for you!

The Madison Bootcamp at Home Includes Never-Before-Seen Archetype Profiling to Deliver Personalized Results
Bootcamp at Home is the first online program to be highly personalized to YOU.
Just like a live Bootcamp, it goes through the process of diagnosing your specific dating/pickup archetype and sticking points.
This groundbreaking online course employs a proprietary dating personality test developed by me and my team. It is backed by THOUSANDS of data points I have collected from YEARS of guys in the field.
Once inside the program, you will have access to the full quiz and results. Once taken, your top 3 archetypes will lead you to the section of the course that discusses and lays out EXACTLY what your sticking points are and gives you the game plan to BLAST past them.
You won’t find ANYTHING like this ANYWHERE in the dating world. Trust me, I have looked. This is “Myers-Briggs” for your pickup personality. Use this tool DEEPEN your understanding of how your default mindsets cause or prevent your RESULTS.

If you have been struggling to make progress…
It is likely that you are focused on the wrong things. You have blind spots that no one is pointing out to you.
Having an objective dating expert point out your blind spots is the main reason students lay down $2,000 to $3,000 for a live RSD Bootcamp. It is priceless feedback that will show you the path you need to take to get instructor-level good.
Bootcamp at Home isn’t a blanket, “do this and you will get better” program. It hones in like a tractor beam on the sticking points that are holding you back the from getting the dating results you are after.

In pickup, self-awareness is key. I am astonished by how blind most my students are to what area of their game they should be fixing.
In The Madison Bootcamp at Home, each archetype section contains the insights and third party perspective needed for you to DIAGNOSE those sticking points you can’t see. Then a custom tailored solution is laid out to guide you through them.
For the past two years, I have been taking extensive notes on every student I have had on program. I have analyzed their belief systems, behaviors, and pickup technique.
I crunched the data and the 10 archetypes were born…

Each archetype has it’s own game plan – a set of trainings, mindsets, and methods for unsticking the highest leverage sticking points they have. Unsticking major sticking points results in mammoth leaps in progress (hotter girls, more girls, consistency, charisma, etc.).
Bootcamp at Home is designed for YOU. No other pickup program takes the time to assess your personal problems and direct you into the course of action that will unstick the issues blocking you from getting the abundant sex life of your dreams.

Don’t Miss Your Opportunity to Cut Years Off Your Learning Curve While Simultaneously Developing a Life Full of Gorgeous Women
I never feel like I am teaching “pickup.” It isn’t nightgame. It isn’t daygame. The things I teach run DEEPER.
Meeting women is just part of life. It isn’t turned on and off. I am attracting women ALL THE TIME. It is my character and lifestyle that attracts them, not anything I do.
This is the style of “pickup” I teach. With me, you will develop a character and lifestyle that draws women in without you working for it.
Sure, the game has oodles of tips and tricks that will help you dazzle a girl back to your place for a one night stand. But I don’t want that for you…
I want to teach you to be THAT GUY. The one who sticks in her head for months. The guy who projects an aura and draws women in like a seductive magnet.
I don’t want you running around the club rapid uzi approaching. I want you relaxed, calm, having fun and stepping to her like a grown ass man!
With this style of game, you have OPTIONS. You can have your one night stands with club girls AND you will have the skill to attract a girl of QUALITY.
What do I mean by quality? – She’s a girl on the “up and up”, she’s got ambition, she has standards, she’s girlfriend and/or wife material.

Why My Clients Choose Me…
I train every type of guy from college students to CEOs and being “tired” is the common thread in all of them.
They are tired of wasting time, spinning their wheels, stagnating and not getting what they want out of life.
They all understand that the clock is ticking and that their TIME is valuable. My students know that the $2,000 they spends with me for 3 nights of training is WORTH the investment.
Why? Because they are going to get a return on their money. They can see in their minds the HIGH STATUS men they want to be and they know I can guide them on the path to get there.
I also work with clients that HAVE IT ALL and don’t know how to get to the next level. Maybe they are busy professionals with a limited amount of time to devote to game.

These guys need a system that allows them to game in everyday situations without state – at the coffee shop, at work mixers, society events, etc. They need to be able to approach and attract the beautiful, educated, high quality girls that surround them in their busy lives.
This is DEEPER than pickup. These skills will naturally bleed into all areas of your life.
You will be walking down the street and you will notice a girl notice you. Random guys will number close you because they will want to be your friend. You will get free desserts from cute waitresses.
This is DEEPER than pickup. By cultivating your character and lifestyle, you will make girls fall in love and want to trap you. They will OBSESS over you and they will come over at 4am when you text them.
This is DEEPER than pickup, but ya, don’t get me wrong, you’re gonna get LAID… a ton.

Discover the RSD Vault Bootcamp Secrets That Spark Immediate Results & Pack Our Clients Dating Lives Full of Stunning Girls For Years To Come
This IS NOT a “mass audience” program, this takes the time to shine a light on the way you think and the way you approach success with women.
Once that meta understanding clicks in your head, you will see with crystal clarity the mental and emotional walls that are holding you back. After that all we have to do is VICIOUSLY THEM DOWN.

Inside The Madison Bootcamp at Home… you will find…


  • Welcome to The Madison Bootcamp at Home – Get my optimal strategy for getting the absolute most out of the program. This focuses on pacing and small chunking your progress with equal amounts of ACTION & INFORMATION.
  • The Art of Learning – Everyone learns in different ways. In this section, I break down how you can discover your personal learning style and I give you the unique strategies I have developed to accelerate your progress into the FAST LANE.


  • Pre Test Briefing – In this section, I prep your brain for the barrage of truth that the Archetypes Test is about to unleash upon it! Everyone’s archetype is NOT what they imagine it to be. We all imagine ourselves as a little better than we actually are. This briefing is crucial to gain your buy-in and to open your mind to truths that you may not want to hear.
  • Full Version of the Archetypes Test – Get the longer and more detailed version of the test with extended answers to ensure your diagnosis is SPOT ON!
  • Understanding Your Results – After you take the test, watch this section to spark a monster series of epiphanies. Discover how your top archetypes affect your game in different ways. See why your archetype makes you run out of things to say. See why your archetype throws up roadblocks when you want to approach the girl of your dreams. See why your ex-girlfriend broke up with you. Discover the common female archetypes that your archetype is compatible with… and much, much more…


  • Identity & Ego – Fueling a deep identity level change requires that we change who you think you are. We can’t change the story of your life, but we can change WHAT THAT STORY MEANS TO YOU. Once we reframe that meaning, you are no longer held back by your old story and that same story now EMPOWERS you as you move forward.
  • Stoicism Chapters 1 & 2 – Stoicism teaches you to understand what you can fix and what you can’t fix in life. Your frustration ultimately comes from you trying to control what you can’t control. Let’s work together to discover the difference. What are the strengths you can double down on? What are the external factors that you must accept and work with? You will uncover these answers inside these two chapters.

SESSION 1 begins the Madison Bootcamp at Home core curriculum and the 10 custom-tailored course tracks for each archetype. For SESSION 1, there is a preliminary “IN, IN, IN (Warming up to the Night)” video that is relevant for all archetypes, followed by 3 archetype specific videos (31 videos in total).
IN, IN, IN (Warming Up to the Night) – In this lesson, I give you my fool-proof method for kickstarting state and launching into your night. Watch me and my students terrorize the streets, do crazy exercises, engage with our environment and get warmed up.
In-Depth Archetype Analysis – This section gives a complete understanding of your particular archetype’s limiting mindsets and sticking points. You will get examples of common ego protection mechanisms, interaction roadblocks, emotional walls, and a barrage of other knowledge bombs to give you every shred of knowledge you need.
Student INFIELD Breakdown – Here you will see each archetype IN ACTION. Each personality is captured on hidden camera video while out in the field. You will also see me in the mix them through their pickup.
You will learn from their successes and their failures by having me hit pause and point out extreme subtleties and nuances that are invisible to the untrained eye. You will see the body language and microexpressions that lead to RESULTS – incorporate them into your game and girls will be chasing in NO TIME.
“Ah ha” moments will become routine when you start recognizing your same sticking points in their game. Your blind spots will become crystal clear in your mind once you can see someone else struggle with the same issues you have.
Brand New Archetype Missions – These missions have never been shared before and are going to push you to the brink of your comfort zone!


  • Session 2 Prebrief – This is one video that applies to all archetypes. Night 2 is where we go HARD. The gloves come off and I push you beyond your limits and spark that shift you are searching for.
  • Real Time Audio – These 10 audio sessions are specifically designed in real time while you are out at a bar, lounge, or daygame location. Put your headphones in and you will have me in your ear, pumping you up and giving you the precise game plan to execute.
  • Session 2 Debrief – To wrap up Session 2, each archetype gets a final debrief session which will hammer home key lessons and set a plan of action going forward.

1) The Dancing Monkey
The Dancing Monkey is HIGH ENERGY and overly excited to be at the bar/club. The people he approaches can’t relate to him because his energy is too far above and beyond the norm. He lives in his own world and has a hard time meeting people where they are at. He is an entertainer and performs for others far more than he connects with them.
2) The People Pleaser
The People Pleaser CARES what others think of him. The girls he meets would describe him as a “nice guy.” His conversations are polite and on the surface because he won’t risk saying something offensive. He is agreeable and lacks polarity. He lives his life like a “reed in the wind” going along with everyone else’s plans and following the herd.
3) The Dark Cloud
Ah, everyone’s favorite buddy, The Dark Cloud. He is a pessimist. He lives in a perpetual state of frustration and loves to point out why game is hard or why the scenario you are in sucks. It is nearly impossible for him to have fun without the validation of an attractive girl. He dwells on interactions that didn’t go his way and uses them to fuel his downward spiral of despair.
4) The Black Hole
The Black Hole LOVES information. He gathers it and gathers it and gathers it. He waits on the sidelines of the bar, watching, analyzing, mindreading and making assumptions. When the stars align and he has fully assessed the situation, he approaches by running game he learned from watching RSD videos. His logical and soulless game fails to connect with girls on an emotional level and thus his interactions stagnate.
5) The Self Help Junkie
The Self Help Junkie has honorable intentions. They have a burning desire to become great with women and they won’t stop until they are. They ignore the present and long for a future where they are the ideal version of themselves. They prefer to consume, read, and watch material as opposed to creating, executing, and finishing projects. They lack the mindset required to close the deal.
6) The Mask
This archetype’s identity revolves around being good with women. He wears a “cool player shtick” social mask that hides his true self. He can spark attraction with his game knowledge and quick wit but he ultimately fails because he is unable to drop his mask and be real.
7) The Inhibited
We commonly see this archetype with the stifled “fresh off the boat” Asian guy. Their serious upbringing instilled in them a sense of order, rules and good behavior. Their reputation means everything to them and they wouldn’t dare make an aggressive move for fear of ruining it.
8) The Distancer
The Distancer is at the bar in body while somewhere else in mind and spirit. He isn’t ENGAGED with the night. He can muster up enough enthusiasm to approach, but once in set, the girls can feel that his heart and soul isn’t in the interaction. They in return give the bare minimum of their attention or flat out ignore him.
9) The Good Looking Guy
The Good Looking Guy knows he is pretty and he talks to other pretty people. His frustration stems from the fact that he is unable to pickup girls that are on his level. He looks in the mirror and looks at the girls he is with and there is a disconnect. He should be getting hotter. He spins his wheels trying to find what is wrong never grasping that his vanity is holding him back.
10) The Worker
The Worker is at the club to get his approaches in and get a result. He expresses too much intent and will often come off as pushy and needy. His tunnel vision on getting a girl blocks him from experiencing all the joy, fun and adventure that comes with a night of pickup.


  • Daygame Masterclass – In Session 3 we are going to game under the sun! This includes a full daygame session training with an arsenal of tools, tips and mindsets you can use to get dates during the day.
  • Bioenergetics Training Parts 1 & 2 – These are KEY exercises that I employ in my live Bootcamps and workshops that allow you to get completely out of your head and into your body. Stop thinking, forget all the theory, and just EXECUTE ON INSTINCT.


  • Text Game Module – If you haven’t studied text game, you are likely losing half your number opportunities… HALF! Poor texting will MURDER all the great work you did in person to get her number in the first place. She is excited to meet up with you, but when your stupid cat meme comes up on her phone, her interest plummets to ZERO.
    Have no fear my friend, the text game section of Madison Bootcamp at Home will take you through my exact formula for texts that lead to dates and sex.

Online & Social Media Game Module – In this module, I am going to give you all the juicy theory and practical strategies you can use to start magically manifesting hot girl after hot girl right out of your phone screen!
Honestly, I think mastering these tools is the perfect way to kickstart your upward spiral… here’s why…
Once you start effortlessly setting up dates with hot girls in your spare time, your mentality shifts into ABUNDANCE. This eventually bleeds into your in-person game… You already have a few quality girls you are seeing and other options, so your interactions at the bar/club become much less important to you. Girls will smell this and chase.

Video #1: Never Be Wondering “What If” – The Pizza Shop Make Out Sesh – So many mind-blowing lessons in this Hot Seat breakdown! Learn how to gauge responsiveness, escalate quickly and how to SEIZE your opportunities!
Video #2: The “D” Is A Good Start – Denial of Chemistry with The Miami Hot One – In game, you can do everything right and still lose. This Hot Seat breakdown features some sick game sprinkled with FAILURE. Learn how to absorb the blows when things don’t go your way.
Video #3: The Madison Opening Manifesto – What is a good open? What does it look like? How does it feel? Pay attention to what I am thinking and what I am feeling during these breakdowns and replicate those mindsets and emotions on your opens… your results will skyrocket!
Video #4: Routine V-blog Turns Into a Daygame Scenario – This is a chill daygame clip to highlight how a casual vibe can produce results.



  • Audiobook Version of “The Way of the Superior BOSS”
    The Way of the Superior BOSS chronicles my journey in learning the game. It is PACKED FULL of lay reports, in-depth content, and insights that you simply can’t find anywhere else. Sync up this audiobook to your phone and listen to it anytime, anywhere, on the go!
    Here’s a sneak peek listen to the introduction and first two chapters:
    Way of the Superior Boss Introduction
    Chapter 1: Bathroom Pulls All Night Long
    Chapter 2: Thirty-Minute Pull: Three Is a Crowd (My Girl, a Chode, and Me)
    Get ALL 27 CHAPTERS (2.5 Hours of Listening Time) when you get Any Tier of Madison Bootcamp at Home!
  • Up to $300 OFF Boss!
    Take advantage of this MASSIVE discount and for a double barrel shotgun blast of game knowledge! Boss is my complete cold approach system for attracting gorgeous girls and becoming “grown ass man.” Your game is going to be scary good when you dual wield these bad boys!
    Level 1 of MBCAH = $100 OFF BOSS
    Level 2 of MBCAH = $200 OFF BOSS
    Level 3 of MBCAH = $300 OFF BOSS

Here are some love letters written about Boss from a few raving tribe members:

Madison Bootcamp at Home is for the Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced
Bootcamp at Home takes RSD’s flagship live training program (which has been carefully crafted and refined over the past 15 YEARS)…
… and brings it to you within the comfort of your own home in an easy-to-implement, highly-impactful, step-by-step curriculum.
This is a highly unique and transformative experience that you can execute on your time, at your pace, wherever you have an internet connection.

Welcome to the Bootcamp at Home Brigade:

For the Beginner MBCAH will:

  • Give you a precise game plan for building solid pickup fundamentals and a guide for avoiding the common mistakes newbies make.
  • Arm you with the tools, techniques, and hacks needed to get you your first taste of solid results… this will amplify your drive and ensure you stay consistent.
  • Show you instructor level game. Watch this infield insanity and it will leave your head spinning in a daze of inspiration, education and motivation to get out in the field and get instructor caliber girls for yourself!

For the Intermediate MBCAH will:

  • Be a masterclass in self-awareness. Open your eyes to your specific pickup “archetype” and take in the crucial outside perspective needed to fully understand your weaknesses.
  • Clear all the useless programming and beliefs that have hijacked your brain and replace them with a new unshakable man operating system.
  • Show you precisely where you are at in your journey to advanced level game and give you the step-by-step road map to evolving past your specific sticking points.

For the Advanced MBCAH will:

  • Give you a whole new level of abundance by supercharging your text, social media, and dating app game. An extra girl or two a week will take your sex life to unfair levels.
  • Key inner game nuances will finally “click” in your head and doors to models, ménages, and high powered connections will fly open faster than they ever have for you.

So, Here’s What I’ve Got For You…
After seeing the astronomical leaps in progress (aka gorgeous girls, threesomes, harems and outrageous adventures) that my students have made over the past two years (last year especially), I decided to reach even more men with the curriculum that was sparking such monstrous shifts.
I took every shred of value that my live Bootcamp contains and jam-packed everything I know about the game into Bootcamp at Home. This is a complete program that covers everything I taught my highly successful Bootcamp students, even the highly personalized portions of the program!
Now, you can take me with you as your personal pickup mentor and guide wherever you go. Consume the content over the course or a weekend, or take bite size pieces in your spare time.
This unique program delivers everything you need to succeed with women in 2017…
And, it’s a flat-out bargain…
I am pumped to bring this no risk value-packed offer to you at such an puny price point.
My current rate for a 3 night Bootcamp is $2000. But for Bootcamp at Home, you won’t pay anything close to that…
During this release, I did everything in my power to overload this program with trainings, content, INFIELD, exercises, strategies, audios, live sessions connection opportunities, while still making it super affordable for YOU.
Here’s your shot. You will get the complete package for just…

So as one fellow gamer to another, I am offering to share my hard won insights and secrets with you. This program was born in the trenches of the field. Everything in it is backed by crazy amounts of experimenting, testing and meticulous refining and honing.
I know the frustration that comes with failing to get good at this. Not having this handled can consume your mental bandwidth and energy. Make this investment in your love life and it will pay dividends.
Having a girl (or two, three, etc.) in your life is crucial to moving forward. When I first started to see results with women is when I started to see my career take off. The girls gave me confidence and a clearer head. This new found belief was PRICELESS and propelled me to new levels of success.
I want that same experience for you! Get Bootcamp at Home, uncover your authentic self, and don’t forget to leave me a review in a couple years when your new life completely eclipses your current mediocre existence!

The Day You Join The Bootcamp at Home Brigade:
You will be taken inside the exclusive Members’ Area and you will find me waiting to guide you through the 3 days of Bootcamp.
You will start a step-by-step process of deprogramming your shotty mental processes and unwiring your jumbled mess or broken beliefs and ill-serving mindsets.
You will find yourself in an engaged of fellow action takers, and you will find a new family.
But most importantly…
You’ll feel like you belong. You will get to share and connect with other brothers on the path and this will ignite your spark of desire into hardcore ACTION.

After A Week In The Program:
You will start to feel the new mindsets and epiphanies rewiring your brain. Your thoughts will become simpler. Your goals will appear with crystal clarity in your mind. You might have trouble sleeping from the radical transformation your mind will be going through.
You will carry yourself like a new man. You will step into the bar/club with an undeniable energy and conviction that is magnetic to those in your vicinity.
You will feel the tides start to shift and you will start to make the right decisions out of HABIT because you can feel the positive momentum push your progress forward.

After A Month In The Program:
You will start to see the fruits of your efforts. Glorious results will start to flow in…
Your momentum will accelerate and you will start to see other areas of your life take off. Your new found confidence will accelerate your career. Your social circle will grow in size and quality. Your health and fitness will level up as you realize it is essential to your new awesome life.
Making the right move will be easy. You will put blinders on and start relentlessly selecting and chasing down your goals.

After A Year In The Program:
Your friends and relatives won’t recognize you. Your social media will blow up with girls you used to date asking “How have you have been?”, (this happens routinely to my Bootcamp students after we revamp their online image).
You will reference the Bootcamp at Home material to brush up on your knowledge and make adjustments on the fly.
You will walk through the world with ease because you know you finally unlocked your authentically attractive self.
You will bring light into every room and interaction you are a part of. Quality people will gravitate to you like a magnet, sparking new friends, opportunities and business deals.
Women will become an afterthought because of their abundance in your world. You might try out a relationship or two…
At the end of your Bootcamp at Home journey, you will discover and become the man you were put on this planet to be…
… and then you will be equipped to tackle anything life throws at you (and throw it right back).

Most instructors would say that they are the best.
I am no exception.
I am the best because nobody can do what I can do. Some can get decent girls regularly and stunning girls once in awhile. Some can pull consistently from social circle, some are great at daygame.
But I have yet to meet an Instructor who can in 5 to 10 minutes, attract a stunner and have her say “Yes let’s go home.” She’s not drunk, she has simply been waiting to meet a guy like me… a guy who is intelligent, articulate, ambitious, passionate, well expressed, has boundaries, has standards, not a leaf in the wind, not spineless, etc.
And that is exactly what I teach. I instill these same characteristics in my students so they can get those same results I get from the girls they want…

I am an assassin sent to murder your insecurities and shaky belief structures. Together we will obliterate all obstacles in the way of your success with women. Bootcamp at Home is a mega-intense thrill ride ending in adventures, status, sex and freedom. Let’s wake your ass up and set you on a path to getting what you want NOW.
Not tomorrow…
Not when you get around to it…
Just win NOW,
Madison Monroe
Executive Instructor
Real Social Dynamics

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Innovative Business Model:
    • Embrace the reality of a genuine business! Our approach involves forming a group buy, where we collectively share the costs among members. Using these funds, we purchase sought-after courses from sale pages and make them accessible to individuals facing financial constraints. Despite potential reservations from the authors, our customers appreciate the affordability and accessibility we provide.
  2. The Legal Landscape: Yes and No:
    • The legality of our operations falls into a gray area. While we lack explicit approval from the course authors for resale, there’s a technicality at play. When procuring the course, the author didn’t specify any restrictions on resale. This legal nuance presents both an opportunity for us and a boon for those seeking budget-friendly access.
  3. Quality Assurance: Unveiling the Real Deal:
    • Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
      • No coaching calls or scheduled sessions with the author.
      • No access to the author’s private Facebook group or web portal.
      • No entry to the author’s exclusive membership forum.
      • No direct email support from the author or their team.

    We operate independently, aiming to bridge the affordability gap without the additional services offered by official course channels. Your understanding of our unique approach is greatly appreciated.

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  • Thirdly, and most importantly, support extension can not be used.

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