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Josh Earl – Email Copywriting Workshop
Do You Feel A Little Stab of Guilt When You See Those Email Subscribers Piling Up In Your MailChimp Account?
You Know You Should Email Them More Often…But What The Heck Are You Supposed To SAY?
Believe me, I know the feeling.
Hi, I’m Josh Earl.
Several years ago, when I was just cutting my teeth as an online entrepreneur, I found myself getting completely frustrated and fed up with my email marketing.
On one hand I was completely sold on the value of having an email list.
I’d recently launched my first product, and after the launch I realized that more than HALF of my sales came from email.
So for months after that I put all of my energy and attention into getting as many people onto my email list as I could.
And it worked—before long I was adding hundreds of new signups per month, and my list started growing like a snowball rolling down a hill.
Then one day I took a breather from all that frantic blogging and tweeting and SEOing and realized I had a new problem:
“So… What Exactly Am I Supposed to DO With All Of These Email Subscribers?”
It all seemed seemed pretty simple at the start—I just did what I saw everyone else doing, writing blog posts and sharing them with my list.
Then every once in a while I’d share an update about the product I was selling.
Kindergarten stuff, really.
4 + 5 = 9 doesn’t get you into Harvard, though, and pretty quickly I caught on that this simplistic approach doesn’t do much more than keep your list idling on standby…
Certainly it wasn’t enough to get my email subscribers beating down the door to buy from me.
I still remember the sting of sending out emails that I’d sweated and labored over—and getting ZERO sales.
(Rejection really sucks, especially when you don’t know WHY you’re getting rejected…)
As time wore on I got myself more and more “wrapped around the axel” over this.
And because I didn’t have a clear plan, I’d find any excuse NOT to email my subscribers.
Every time I’d sit down to write an email, I’d find myself screwing around with the theme on my blog, or meandering aimlessly around Google Analytics, or checking my (lackluster) sales stats over and over…
Basically ANYTHING to avoid putting words on the screen.
It’s not hard to see why I fell into this pattern…
For starters, there’s the fact that just hitting SEND and blasting a message out to hundreds of strangers takes more than a little audacity, and even courage.
The doubts crowd in:
What if my email is boring?
What if my subscribers HATE what I’ve written?
And then there’s the additional, er, discomfort that comes with “selling.”
Let’s be honest:
If you’re even halfway normal, you probably don’t relish the thought of shilling your products like a carnival barker.
And you can start to feel like you’re just emailing your list just to squeeze a quick buck out of your subscribers.
How… selfish of you.
And your subscribers aren’t dumb. They’ll see your naked self interest for what it is…
And they’ll lump you in with all those other sleazy spammers peddling cheap pills to fix your “manhood”…
It doesn’t matter that you’re the farthest thing from a spammer.
You put a lot of work into your product, and it solves a REAL problem and really makes your customer’s lives better…
Still you’re just CONVINCED everyone will unsubscribe or worse—you’ll get flooded with spam complaints…
Then your email software will ban your account, and your business will be ruined, RUINED…
That’s what my brain was telling me, anyway, and—
My Steady Diet of
Email Marketing “Tricks”
Just Made Things Worse…
While this was going on, I was also plowing through a never-ending backlog of email marketing blog posts and podcasts…
And one thing I discovered is:
Knowledge Is NOT Always Power
The more I learned, the more confused and paralyzed I became.
I wasn’t sure what was the best “format” to use for my emails.
Or what to include.
Or what NOT to include.
Or when and how I was supposed to pitch my products.
When I’d sit down to write my brain was a logjam of conflicting advice, opinions and tactics, and I’d just freeze up.
Here’s what I eventually realized:
All those marketing tactics and copywriting tricks I was cramming into my head were mostly just noise.
And when it comes to writing engaging emails, a few core principles are all you need.
The more I focused on those ideas and ways of thinking…
And developed the habit of practicing them regularly…
The less trouble I had coming up with what to say.
In fact I started to see ideas for emails everywhere I looked.
I’d be minding my own business and suddenly an email idea would pop into my head—a story or an educational tidbit that I knew my audience would love.
And I’d find myself itching to get to my keyboard to share this idea with my subscribers.
Sitting down to pound out an email felt less and less like WRITING…
And more and more like TRANSCRIBING.
Now I never worry about what to say, or running out of things to write about.
I have far more ideas than I could ever use.
The best part about this is you can cherry pick the very best ideas—the email you feel like writing today, about a topic you KNOW your subscribers are dying to hear more about, that will kick them into high gear…
You’ll approach your writing with the unshakable confidence that comes only from CLARITY…
You’ll “get out of your head”—and out of your own way, to write the kind of emails you know you’re capable of…
The kind your subscribers WANT to receive from you.And giving you this same level of confidence is what the next 4 weeks is all about.
The Email Copywriting Workshop
How to Write Entertaining, Educational Emails That Your Subscribers Love…
And Make More Sales Without Spamming Your List
The Email Copywriting Workshop is an intense, 4-week training focused on giving you the skills and confidence to write entertaining, educational story-based emails that are a perfect fit for YOUR audience, YOUR business and YOUR voice.
I’m designing this workshop to address the questions and concerns that I hear most often, like:
– Where do I get ideas for my emails?
– What do I say in my emails to keep my subscribers engaged—to keep them opening and reading my emails?
– How do I include a pitch in my emails without sounding sleazy or spammy?
– How do I come up with stories to use?
– When is it appropriate to talk about myself in my emails—and how can I do that without coming across as self-centered and obnoxious?
– How can I write emails that sound authentic?
This will *not* be an “information dump.”
While there are LOTS of great books and courses out there about email copywriting approaches and email marketing tactics, I learned the hard way that more information actually got in the way and made it harder for me to write good emails.
The focus of this workshop is simplifying the process so you can take immediate action and actually start to write better emails and make more sales.
And since this is a workshop format, it’ll be very hands-on and practical.
I’m going to step you through the easy-to-use, 3-part formula that I use for 80-90% of my emails, then show you how to apply this same formula to emails for your own audience.
There are exercises to help you develop a “sixth sense” for great email ideas. You’ll get daily practice in finding ideas and shaping them into emails that effectively pitch your product or service.
Each of the 4, week-long modules begins with a video lesson that covers the core ideas and concepts you’ll be applying.
You’ll have a daily action step, which should take 15-30 minutes most days. (I have some ideas about how to keep this fun so your motivation stays high—more on this after class starts.)
(When I’ve taken classes like this in the past, I often found that I learned nearly as much from observing other students as I did from the facilitators. You’ll see what your fellow students are doing in their businesses, as well as the guidance they’re getting from me and other students.)
You Turned Me Into A Copywriter!
I signed up with a copywriting course from a very well known person in the online business world.
I paid $1,200 for this course and it was a great introduction to the basics and it gave you good templates and some good examples, but it definitely didn’t help me become a copywriter.
Then I stumbled upon your blog and I’m pretty sure that I’ve signed up for your daily emails almost immediately.
That was when I felt like I really started to get it.
Your examples are so relevant to what an online business owner needs, it was just amazing to me. I felt like you were constantly in my head, you were giving examples of problems, exact situations or problems that I was having, things that I was dealing with…
This week, somebody emailed me and asked me if they could hire me as a copywriter because they took a look at my website and they were like, we want you to do that for our website.
You’ve been an awesome inspiration to me!
Jennifer Little-Fleck
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
“Very Highest Recommendations”
Josh writes amazingly smooth readable copy… He gets what I’m trying to say and he really wraps his brain around not only the content and the message but the intent and the underlying currents. That’s just very rare to find and I really appreciate his skill as a writer.
Perry Marshall
Best-Selling Author of
“The Ultimate Guide to Google Adwords”
Josh’s approach is hands-down
the best one I’ve seen for selling
to sophisticated, jaded buyers
over email
There are two ways to do email marketing: the way that creates sales, and all the other ways.
The way that creates sales is NOT what you might think at first.
It’s definitely not the “jab, jab, jab right hook” method you’ll see advocated by certain thought leaders.
Josh’s approach is hands-down the best one I’ve seen for selling to sophisticated, jaded buyers over email.
After watching his training, you’ll have the mindset and tactical tools you need to do better email marketing.
Most importantly, you’ll know what common, sales-killing mistakes to avoid.
Philip Morgan
Positioning Expert
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- Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
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- Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
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