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Joseph Michael – Easy Course Creation
The Only Training System You’ll Ever Need…To Go From “No Idea” To Earning Up To 5-Figures A Month (And Beyond)
In As Little As 12 Weeks…
Finally…Get The Secret Weapon Ordinary People Are Using To Replace Their Income, Work From Wherever And Reach A Wider Audience That Impacts Hundreds… Even Thousands Of People…
Let me explain…
St. Louis, MO… 8 years ago…
So, I was trying to get a job as a pizza delivery guy.
I had a stable job. I was supporting my family. But I felt like something was missing.
Not only did I loathe my job, but we had another kid on the way. So, even with a professional background, a professional degree, and a professional job, I figured I’d start delivering pizza so I could make some extra dough on the side. (Logical, right?)
And little did I know, trying to get a job delivering pizza was one of the hardest things I ever had to do
Why was this so hard?
I kept getting rejection after rejection – yes, from pizza delivery places! – because I didn’t have what it took to “deliver pizzas”.
You can imagine how this felt. Was I really not good enough to even deliver one lousy pizza?
Bruised ego aside, I still held on to my dream of making a little more money so that I could enjoy spending more time with my family, supporting them, and actually doing work that I enjoyed.
So because pizza places were throwing my resume out the window, I started researching how to make money online.
I remember thinking 🤔…
The only way to make money online was by selling stuff on Ebay or by turning into some sleazy marketer. (Yuk) I didn’t think it was possible that you could help people and actually get paid for it. I didn’t think true win/win situations like that existed. I thought I had to be some kind of expert with 20 + years of experience before people would value anything I had to say.
I had Never Been More WRONG In My Life
During this time I happened to get introduced to one of the most amazing industries that just happens to be at the peak of ripeness. What am I talking about about? 2 words…
More specifically, “Online Courses”.
You see, I hate risk. (Especially after failing so many times)
My goal for the past decade has been to figure out how to create a business that didn’t rely on me having to do something I hated.
For me to dive headlong into another business, it needed to be fail-proof. I didn’t have much ego left to damage.
It needed to NOT rely on me exchanging time for money like getting a 2nd job or delivering pizzas.
It needed to be rejection proof.
Then, 8 years ago…I did it. And now I want to show you exactly how you can do the same thing.
But first.. I want to tell you a story.
A few years back, I started reading blogs like and Pat Flynn’s and I was excited about the thought of blogging, self-publishing, eBooks etc., and all the other opportunities I saw to help people and start making a side income at the same time.
And then I did what few people do. I actually started 2 blogs and wrote an ebook. That’s right. I took action. Without knowing what I was doing or where I was going. But I knew to win I had to be in the game.
So I spent months writing this instructional e-book. I thought I would self-publish it – everyone would buy it – love it – and tell their friends to buy it.
😰 I agonized over every word.
🖼 Meticulously added in pictures in all the right spots,
🧐 Researched quotes that reinforced my message.
👌 Everything was perfect.
No one bought my book
No one told their friends about it
And no one saw all the pretty pictures and mind-blowing quotes.
I lost lots of money and almost a year of my life working on projects like these that never saw the light of day. Not to mention the precious time sacrificed away from my family that I will never get back. The only thing I gained during that time was a few grey hairs related to stress (ugh again)
⏩ Fast forward to the present day…
Today, Learn Scrivener Fast has generated over $5 million in online sales and helped more than 28,543 students (and counting).
I’m no special snowflake. I’m just a guy from Missouri who figured it out. And with the right guidance and accountability, you, too, can achieve what I have, if not more.
Waking up every weekday, without an alarm clock, and instead of rushing out the door to commute to a job you hate, walking to your home office and firing up your laptop to check course sales that came in while you were sleeping.
But that’s not the best part…
The thing that matters most, what really makes it all worthwhile, is reading emails from students all over the world, thanking you for helping them solve their problems.
This isn’t a pipedream. This isn’t something that’s just for a select few.
This is what it’s like to have a successful online course. And, contrary to popular belief, it only takes one course. But it has to be the right one.
One that influences people’s lives and changes the world for the better…
One that creates an impact.
One that you can start building today.
Creating An Online Course Has Literally Changed My Life
$40,000 a month in passive income (when I started I just wanted an extra $300 a month).
Grew my email list by 50,000
Allowed me to quit my day job
Allowed my wife to quit her job and homeschool our children
Allowed me to spend precious time with my family (instead of commuting and sitting in traffic)
Allowed us to travel, see the world, and make lifetime memories (since an internet connection is all you need to run an online business!)
Allowed me to do work I love instead of loathe (while also helping other people and experiencing true fulfilment with my work)
Allowed me to connect with high-level influencers (*hint: an online course is the best business card and key to getting your foot in the door!)
Gave me options to pick and choose what I wanted to work on.
And the list goes on and on…
I don’t say that as a pat on the back, but to show you that If an average guy from Missouri can do this, you can too!
What Would It Mean If you Had More Options?
To actually make a difference in the world
To eliminate stress and let you call the shots
The freedom & flexibility to do what you want…when you want…where you want
This one benefit could be life changing all by itself
My name is Joe Nicoletti
I am the founder of – a course that I started from scratch with absolutely
… no time
… no email list
… no experience
… no connections
… no idea what I was doing.
… no programming or coding knowledge
Did I mention that I wasn’t an expert or an authority either?
It all started with discovering a 🔥 burning problem that I knew I could solve.
One day, I was reading one of Michael Hyatt’s blog posts about why he uses Scrivener for all of his work. When you start reading about people like him using it, you begin to see why they can make a living from writing.
So I was reading through all of the comments from Hyatt’s post for my daily Scrivener research, and I saw that Michael said something that would change the course of my life.
In one of the comments he said something to a reader who was getting really frustrated with Scrivener (no surprise there). And what he said hit me like a ton of bricks.
He said: ⤵
It was then that I had an epiphany. I asked myself the same question I want you to ask yourself today..
“Why not me?” 🤔
For those of you who don’t know, Scrivener is a software mainly developed for novelists, writers, authors etc. (Think MS Word on steroids). So naturally, you would think if I were to create a course around helping people learn Scrivener, that I must be a published author of some kind, right?
Well then, I must, at the very least, be a seasoned writer or freelancer, right?
I don’t even enjoy writing, to be honest.
Background in the publishing industry?
I’ve never written a book.
When I say I created a course from scratch…
I mean
So, remember my first attempt at making a side income through my blog & ebooks…
What was
the difference?
It Solved A 🔥 Burning Problem
Hint: the #1 ingredient in a successful course
In less than 12 months, I grew my online income from $100 a month to over $40,000 a month.
I’ve uncovered and reverse-engineered the exact strategies YOU need to create, sell, and market your own profitable online course.
Remember how I said a profitable course is the best business card ever?
Well, the success of my online course opened doors that were previously off-limits. I’ve now been able to work with people like Michael Hyatt, Jeff Goins, Grant Baldwin, and Bryan Harris to take their businesses to the next level. My course & strategies have been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, Smart Passive Income, Mixergy, and The Creative Penn among others.
The Crazy Part?
I was a complete nobody and working a dead-end corporate job. Nobody cared what I had to say. Networking was like pulling teeth. I wasted hours of time in rush-hour traffic, missing out on moments with my wife and kids. I had no time…no…freedom…no money…NO OPTIONS.
I have one of the fastest-growing platforms online. I work from home (bye-bye day job). I make my own schedule. I play with my kids (in the middle of the day,) I travel whenever I want, wherever I want, stay as long as I want, and I get to work on stuff I love and enjoy. And now people actually track me down to hear what I have to say.
Big Difference.
All because of one thing ⤵
Yup! My Online Course!
If I Can Do It Anyone Can
That’s why I’ve put together a step-by-step system to help you overcome each of these mistakes and ensure you reach your goal of having a profitable online course in as little as 90 days from now.
Easy Course Creation isn’t just a course. It’s a master class and coaching system designed to take you by the hand and teach you the principles and strategies needed to build a powerful and impactful course.
And to provide the accountability and support system you crave.
Easy-to-follow lessons?
Supportive Class Structure?
Step-By-Step Action Plans?
Checklist To Stay On Track?
Why now?
The market for online courses hit $144 billion in 2019 and it’s expected to more than double by 2026. I was able to tap into this wave and capture over $1,000,000 in sales myself. The market for online learning is ripe folks.
Unprecedented Opportunity
Since the demand for online courses is surging, that gives people who are willing to teach what they know (even without being an expert) the opportunity to start and grow their online business by selling online courses.
I believe the answer is YES
I’ve learned a time-tested and proven formula to building an online course that people will storm down the door to buy. Here’s just some of the details I plan on uncovering with you.
🗺 Specific proven strategies that have resulted in over 28,356 students being enrolled in my courses (and counting)
🕵️♂️ The 2 highest-converting strategies for getting your course discovered. These strategies have accounted for 80% of my course sales over the past year.
⚙️ The perfect technical configuration to make your course hum like a well oiled machine. I’ve experimented with every software solution out there so you don’t have to. You’ll see exactly what works making the entire course-building process simple (even for people who are scared of that stuff).
These strategies have been tested and proven. But not just on my site. I’ve coached and consulted with some of the biggest names online showing them how to create and profit from their own online courses.
Just Follow The Plan
This course is grounded in proven principles and strategies that work. It’s broken down into simple, step-by-step modules that allow you to easily walk through each of the four phases of course building.
At the end of each module is an easy-to-follow checklist and schedule so you can methodically implement what you’ve learned. No guesswork. No thinking. Just follow the plan.
The Easy Course Creation Process Is
Is Taught Over 6 Easy To Follow Modules
We’ll start at the beginning and lay the foundation for building an exceptional course that people are excited to go through. I’ll share with you my secret formula for coming up with course ideas that won’t leave you spending months creating something that no one buys.
Also included in Module #1:
3 “must have” elements every successful course contains—and they have nothing to do with the training itself.
Why your excitement level is critical—and how to quickly determine exactly what “sets you on fire” and will help build momentum.
4 ways to quickly identify exactly what your ideal student needs right now—get this right, and your course will sell itself.
Why your course must align with your business brand—and how to test any potential course ideas before investing time in it.
The one goal all course instructors must keep in mind—miss this and you’ll be wasting valuable time, money and energy for very little benefit.
My top strategy for fast (and accurate) market research—just one hour of your time can bring in dozens of ideas.
How to know if people are willing to pay for specific training—because the last thing you want to do is create a course you cannot sell!
10 popular course types with real life examples, so you can see where your idea might fit.
9 different ways to structure your course—and how to choose the right one for your business and your audience.
Once you know what you’re going to offer, it’s time to talk pricing. And let’s face it, this is where a lot of new (and even established) creators get stuck. After all, if you price yourself too high, you run the risk of losing sales. Too low, and your potential audience might wonder if your course has any value at all.
Also included in Module #2:
The number one question you must answer positively—because a “no” here will send you right back to the drawing board.
The 2-step process that virtually guarantees the best price for your course—This one strategy will greatly reduce your stress levels over pricing!
What to do if you’re facing a true “money block” over pricing—and how to identify the issue quickly so you can move past it
How to help financially strapped prospects—not everyone will be able to afford your course, but you can still help them if you adopt one of these 3 strategies.
Why overloading bonuses is not a good tactic—and how it can actually reduce the value of your new course.
One course element that will turn buyers into raving fans—and two easy ways to incorporate it into everything you do.
How to engage your students—and help ensure sales of future courses at the same time
If you’re like a lot of super creative, heart-centered teachers, module 3 is where the magic will happen. By this time you’ve probably already outlined your course—maybe several times. You already know what you’ll charge for it and who will buy it and why they need it.
What you don’t know (yet) – is how you will deliver it. In module 3 I’ll walk you through the techy bits and relieve that feeling of overwhelm so you can finally release your new course to the world.
Also included in Module #3:
3 essential tools every course seller needs—plus a few optional (but nice to have) systems
What you must know about delivery options—and how to choose the right one for you.
Why a new domain name for your course is critical—and how to choose the right one
My top resources list—save time and money by browsing through the proven solutions for everything from graphics to calendar management.
How to simplify the creation process—so you can get on with the marketing and attracting students
Content creation traps to watch for—knowing where the pitfalls lie will save you a ton of work (and money, too).
2 powerful ways to name your course—get this right, and you’ll both attract your ideal student, and turn away those who aren’t a good fit…and all before they even hit your sales page
Now that you have all the pieces in place, it’s time to get the word out and make your course a raving success. I have a simple plan for making that happen, and it’s all laid out for you in module 4…
Also included in Module #4:
How to know “what’s next” in your product creation plan—this is a critical consideration, and will help determine how successful your first course is
How to create a compelling incentive that magically grows your list—and the drop-dead easy way to create a gift that perfectly resonates with your ideal participant.
8 elements of a successful landing page—when you get this right, you’ll enjoy a flood of signups
How to craft a follow-up series of emails—and 4 ways to write enticing subject lines that encourage opens.
A proven, 7-email map for launch—follow this plan and you’ll set yourself up for success (even with a tiny list)
10 powerful pre-launch sales strategies—use these to get your audience excited for your new course!
How to manage customer support—and how to take the stress out of refunds and other requests
How to seamlessly incorporate masterminds and VIP days into your overall marketing plan—and without feeling like a fraud!
This is my favorite module! You’ll get to watch over my shoulder as I build out a course from start to finish. This is where you get to connect all the dots from the previous lessons — but rather than simply telling you what to do next…I want to SHOW you.
Also included in Module #5:
How I outline a course using both a linear outlining system and something more visual like a mindmap – perfect for those who struggle with writer’s block and want to learn how to “unlock” ideas
My favorite way to collect research from the web and & those random bursts of inspiration – this one free tool is all you need
How I create course worksheets and where I host them for downloading
The little known FREE tool I use to create those PDFs with fillable forms (student’s love these)
My step-by-step process for creating slides (hint: templates are key
How I record, edit, and upload my course videos
The specific tools I use to keep on track, organized, and actually enjoying the process
My two favorite ways to get the right logo for my course.
A behind-the-scenes look at how I setup my best-selling course, Learn Scrivener Fast – I show you every detail. (Until now this was only available to private coaching clients)
How to pick the best pictures for your lessons, illustrations & sales pages
An exact email series you can use to launch your first product to your email list
And so much more!
Module 6 is all about the finishing touches. It’s time to put the icing on the cake course! Having the right graphics will not only facilitate learning for your students, but it’s also the secret to making your course stand out and appear credible.
Also included in Module #6:
The #1 mistake course creators make when designing their own courses
Where to “swipe” multiple examples of winning course designs without paying a single penny. (Perfect if you suck at design–just copy these and you’re good to go.)
2 places to get professional looking course logos without blowing your course budget
How you can design 99% of the stuff you’ll need with Canva for free – I’ll show you how
My secret for creating those fancy 3D product shots (hint: you can do this even if you can’t draw a straight line)
Where I find my slide deck templates – and how to tweak them to match your own branding
How to find an abundance of royalty free pictures to use in your training materials
My two favorite ways to get the right logo for my course.
My 2 “can’t live without” tools for creating high-quality screenshots
Plus much much more!
To Be Sure You Have Everything You Need To Succeed With Online Courses I’m Also Including 5 Bonuses That You Can ONLY Get During This Special Enrollment Period!
Bonus #1
Behind The Scenes Course Tours
(Every detail explained!)
Join me on a guided tour as I take you behind the scenes of some of my top-rated and best-selling courses. You‘ll get to see exactly how everything was set up and understand the thought process behind it all. I’ll point out the design elements, the layout, the curriculum design, and even my secret must-haves that most courses lack.
You’ll see behind the scenes of:
Learn Scrivener Fast (over 20,000 students)
30-Day Book Writing Bootcamp (2,347 students)
Amazon Bestseller Blueprint (2,714 students)
Unchained Writer Membership (647 members)
Writer’s Treasure Chest (7,516 students)
Writer’s Block Relief (2,062 students)
Weekend Book Warrior (New)
Outline Your Book (New)
🍭 Think of it like “Inspiration Candy” to get those creative juices flowing!
Bonus #2
Tools & Resources Collection
I’ve specifically curated a collection of tools & resources that will help you create your online course so you don’t have to think and waste time searching. When it comes time to tackle various aspects of your course, just open up this massive collection of organized resources, find the tool, app, or service you need and then get back to business.
Categories Include:
Bonus #3
Automated Courses
(Repeat Sales System)
What If You Could “Launch” Less & Set Up Your Online Course So It (Literally!) Sells Itself?
Sounds like a dream? Well, it’s not. It’s a very real possibility. The problem is that most course creators are selling their courses the hard way. They’re pouring endless hours (not to mention dollar bills) into large launches that happen 1-4x a year,–when the truth is there is a multitude of other, low-impact (and low-stress!) ways to add more course sales to your monthly profit margins.
If you think outside the box and implement just a few fun & simple marketing systems and processes, you can sell more of your course (or courses!) without showing up on Facebook Live 3-5x a day or churning out 25+ sales emails and their accompanying social media posts every few months.
And that’s where this bonus comes in.
Automated Courses: Create Your Dream Course and Get Paid for it Over and Over Again!
In this step-by-step course, you’ll learn a simple system for marketing your course (or courses) and bringing in significantly more cash–without solely relying on exhausting live launches.
One of the biggest benefits of online courses is the ability to get paid over and over again for the work you do once. This system makes that a reality while also allowing you to help more people and make a greater impact without working more hours.
Bonus #4
Profitability Predictor Calculator
Eliminate your risk of spending months creating something that no one buys!
The Easy Course Creation Profitability Calculator is designed to help you quickly and efficiently analyze a potential course topic for profitability. I believe that a good course creation strategy begins with a solid plan built upon solid math.
However, that math doesn’t need to be confusing, difficult, or complicated. So, if you’d like to know if the market is going to respond to your course idea BEFORE creating it, then you’ll love the Easy Course Creation Profitability Calculator. It will help you maximize your profit while lowering your risk.
Bonus #5
Built-In Promotion
I’m determined to help you succeed in any way that can. Sometimes you just need that extra boost to get the ball rolling. I can still remember how the doors seemed to unlock when someone of influence helped spread the word about my course. It meant the world to me. And now I want to return the favor and “Pay it forward’.
Here’s the deal: If you’re willing to put in the work — I’ll help spread the word of your finished course through my social media channels and give you the option to be featured as a case study to my 50,000 + email subscribers.
Take A Look Inside The Course…
When you enroll you’ll receive an email with your log-in details and IMMEDIATE access to the Online Training Center that includes everything you need to get started. Everything is delivered right away. You’ll receive access to the entire training including:
🎬 Training Videos
📝 Worksheets
📋 Checklists
📱Course Profitability Calculator
🔎Case Studies
🎁Bonus Strategy Videos
Take a Peek At All The Meaty Content You’ll Get:
Fillable Worksheets + Action Plans…
(also comes in a printable BW version)
Results Accelerator Checklists..
Slide Deck Downloads…
All Taught By Elite Course Creator
& Top Notch Online Educator…
How Much Does it Cost?
One of my favorite things about investing in creating a course is that there is the potential for a huge ROI (return on investment).
In fact, as I write this from a coffee shop around the corner from my house, I almost have to pinch myself. It was around this time of year that I had given my 2-week notice at my corporate day job because I was literally making 10x more from my online course sales (which took me 6 months to create) than I was after 8 years of busting my butt for someone else at my corporate job.Here’s a picture from my Instagram account that was taken on my last day…
It was always my dream to be in control of my schedule, work from anywhere, have the funds to make a difference in the world, and do work I love doing. One decision to create an online course has allowed me to do all those things.The Proof Is In The Pudding
Just for fun I decided to check my online course sales. I put a screenshot below so you can see what I just saw…
This is about as passive as it gets. These sales continue to roll in day after day for work I put in years ago. So, as you can see, a small investment in this training program can help you recoup your cost a thousand times over. It’s a no-brainer. Don’t get me wrong, you could figure out how to create a course on your own. There are certainly people who do that. Or you could take this shortcut and skip all the frustration and have your course finished faster by avoiding all the mistakes I’ve made.
Most People
believe they have to get lucky
or spend years trying a bunch of different ideas in order to start a business that allows them to have more time, freedom and money.Instead, I’ve discovered that solving the pains and struggles of others is the key to making your business work. I think Zig Ziglar said it best…
“You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.”If you are a wantrepreneur and keep hearing about making money from online courses and you are tired of missing out out, this is for you.
You Have Two Options
Option #1: Keep doing what you’ve been doing (and be frustrated and annoyed with the results)
Option #2: Join Easy Course Creation and let me help you build an online business that will allow you to live the life you want…
To prove to yourself that you CAN do it.
To focus on the projects you want to work on.
To pay off your debt. To start a family. To be in control…
Frequently Asked Questions:
- Innovative Business Model:
- Embrace the reality of a genuine business! Our approach involves forming a group buy, where we collectively share the costs among members. Using these funds, we purchase sought-after courses from sale pages and make them accessible to individuals facing financial constraints. Despite potential reservations from the authors, our customers appreciate the affordability and accessibility we provide.
- The Legal Landscape: Yes and No:
- The legality of our operations falls into a gray area. While we lack explicit approval from the course authors for resale, there’s a technicality at play. When procuring the course, the author didn’t specify any restrictions on resale. This legal nuance presents both an opportunity for us and a boon for those seeking budget-friendly access.
- Quality Assurance: Unveiling the Real Deal:
- Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
- No coaching calls or scheduled sessions with the author.
- No access to the author’s private Facebook group or web portal.
- No entry to the author’s exclusive membership forum.
- No direct email support from the author or their team.
We operate independently, aiming to bridge the affordability gap without the additional services offered by official course channels. Your understanding of our unique approach is greatly appreciated.
- Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
Refund is acceptable:
- Firstly, item is not as explained
- Secondly, Item do not work the way it should.
- Thirdly, and most importantly, support extension can not be used.
Thank you for choosing us! We’re so happy that you feel comfortable enough with us to forward your business here.
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