
Monica Main – Detroit Seminar Videos 2014



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Monica Main – Detroit Seminar Videos 2014

Dear Future Real Estate Millionaire,

I discovered that there really WAS a way to sit by the pool all day and drink little alcoholic umbrella drinks.  Some may argue that having investment properties is a pain in the ass.  After all, who fixes an overflowing toilet in the middle of the night?  Here’s my answer:  NOT ME!  In fact, I never deal with ANY of my tenants…NOT EVER!

It really ticks me off to hear the same old garbage from investing critics, analysts, and the like about how “hard” getting into real estate is.  BALONEY!  You can get into apartment building investing with NO CASH and NO CREDIT.  And, no, it’s not “hard” or “impossible.”  In fact, it’s rather easy IF you know the secrets to getting it done!

I’m barely getting started in my plight to dispel the “myths” about real estate investing:

  1. “Money is tight right now.  Banks aren’t lending money out.”  Really?  That’s weird.  The banks we deal with keep lending money.  In fact, they have a REQUIREMENT to lend out a certain number of MILLIONS OF DOLLARS for real estate per quarter otherwise they can’t make money on interest.
  2. “You can’t buy property unless you have a good FICO score.”  I bought my first property with NO MONEY DOWN and had a 460 FICO.  So, there goes that myth.  When investing in apartment buildings, banks are looking at the CASH FLOW and not your personal credit.
  3. You need 20% to 30% down on a commercial or investment property.”  Really?  Again, my first commercial property was with NO MONEY DOWN!  I didn’t even have to pay for an appraisal.  And if you think Donald Trump uses any of his own money for his property deals then you are DEAD WRONG!

The Newest Shocking Discovery I’ve Made:  And If You DON’T Know What It Is, You Stand to Lose A LOT OF MONEY, Whether You Are In or Out of the Real Estate Market Right Now!

Investing in the wrong type of real estate will BREAK YOU!  It will cost you everything you have, including your own personal assets.  It can be risky if you don’t know what you’re doing.

With that heart-breaking fact, I also learned another fact.  While there are thousands of people who lose their ass in real estate, there are hundreds that are enjoying a monthly cash flow of $20,000, $40,000, $80,000, and even $120,000 per month in passive income.  Can you imagine making $120,000 per month in passive cash flow?

“Yeah, but these people probably had money down or are real estate experts.  Right?”


These people are everyday average people JUST LIKE YOU who started with NO CASH and NO CREDIT of their own.

Here’s the real clincher:  If you are in the real estate market and don’t have an exact strategic plan, you stand to lose your ass.  If you’re not invested in real estate right now, you stand to lose out on thousands of dollars in passive income per month.  And, if you don’t start investing now in this slower market, you will miss out on the big-money deals once and for all!

I’ve created an EXACT SYSTEM for average people with NO CASH and NO CREDIT to invest in real estate.  But, not just any kind of real estate.

The Only Kind of Cash Flow Real Estate You Should Be Investing In Are…

Apartment buildings!  That’s right.  You should ONLY be investing in apartment buildings in this market.  (All of 2015 will be the year of small multifamily and apartment building acquisitions!)  No, you should NOT be investing in single-family homes (unless it’s a home for yourself and you plan on staying there for at least 5 – 7 years).  No, you should NOT be investing in office buildings or warehouse/industrial properties right now.  No, you should NOT be investing in new construction properties.  No, you should NOT be investing in raw land or even consider new construction projects at this time (unless you are in a booming market like some areas of Texas).  And if you’re interested in MHPs, that’s fine but it should be your only “specialty” without taking on any other types of asset classes.

Why am I down on so many types of properties?  Because right now, as I speak, the market is starting to gain traction and you can’t waste time on deals that aren’t cash flowing.  Period.

Okay, so if that’s the case, why invest in any kind of real estate at all?  Isn’t it too late?  After all, didn’t all the “serious” and “experienced” investors already snatch everything up?

First off, NOW IS THE TIME YOU CAN GET ALL THE DEALS!  Really good deals, I might add.  Why?  Because “serious” and “experienced” investors simply aren’t interested in a certain type of property (which will be discussed at the event) and there are so many of these kick-ass deals out there that your brain will spin from being overwhelmed!

But let’s back up for a second.  Why apartment buildings?  Why MHPs?  Why not other types of properties?

Here is the problem with other types of properties:

  •             Single-family homes:  There are millions of properties out there for sale.  Most homes are sitting and not selling.  As usual, property owners want more than their property is worth.  Therefore, their property will continue to sit.  In most parts of the country you cannot buy a single-family home (including townhomes and condos) without paying MORE on your mortgage per month than you can reasonably get for rent.  Even if, by some miracle, you are able to make a couple of hundred dollars per month on a single-family home above what you are paying on your monthly mortgage, what happens if your sole tenant loses his job?  What happens if the water heater blows up and you have to replace it?  What if the roof is leaking and you have to replace the roof or give it a patch job?  Will you have the money to do it?  Will you have the money to make the monthly mortgage payment if your tenant stops paying you rent?
  •             Foreclosures:  The property owner can’t afford to make the monthly payments so a home will go into foreclosure.  The bank will eventually do an auction sale which is for the sole purpose of getting what the former owner owed to the bank.  Most properties are “upside down” meaning that the property owner “maxed out” his equity line, got a second mortgage, or got a 100% loan.  Therefore, what’s owed on the property is usually much more than you can sell the home for.  How are you going to purchase a foreclosure, even if you go to an auction, and then resell an upside down property for a profit?  Answer:  You can’t!  Not in this current market!
  •             Commercial properties:  Properties such as office buildings and industrial/warehouse are higher risk when there is a slow-down in the economy.  Why?  Because fewer companies will be starting.  Fewer office buildings will be leased.  Fewer industrial/warehouse buildings will be needed.  Many companies will find themselves downsizing to smaller offices.  Some companies will go bankrupt altogether.  Some people will find that running their small office from home instead would be better and there will no longer be a need for an office unit.

Apartment Buildings & Multifamily Investments are the HOTTEST and Most Profitable Means of Real Estate Investing At This Time!

The markets change all the time.  The real estate market has to go through its entire cycle before it can go back up again.  Never, in the history of mankind, has the real estate market started to fall then went back up.  It has to go through the whole process.  That means the market has to “bottom out” first before it can begin to recover.

What happens in the bottoming out process?  A market usually “peaks out” then there is a slight decline or “correction.”  During this correction a lot of people who couldn’t afford their home to begin with realized that they were upside down on their home.  When they were given a 100% loan and the market declined, even 3%, their home was worth LESS than they bought it for.  This was because the subprime loan industry lending money to non-qualifying buyers which has now resulted in an explosion of foreclosures.

Because of the booming foreclosures, banks tightened up on lending money INCLUDING to those who want to refinance.  This will cause another upcoming surge of foreclosures as people’s ARMs (adjustable rate mortgage) start to increase their mortgage payments into an unaffordable monthly payment.

Have we bottomed out?  Yes.  And now we’re on a very slow (and struggling) upward trend.  And even though a lot of investors have swooped up on the good cash flowing properties out there, there are still a ton of property inventory from people trying to sell (and being unsuccessful) PLUS (believe it or not) there is still inventory of multifamily foreclosures owned by the bank.  This will continue on for at least 2 more years.  Additionally, there is a NEW SURGE of apartment building owners of small- to medium-sized apartment buildings in a panic about the “second bubble” and they are trying to sell now!  (Is there going to be a “second bubble”?  Who knows?  Who cares?  The way I invest in real estate, none of this economic stuff you see on the news lately will ever determine whether you can get a cash flow on a property.)

The real estate market won’t fully come “back” until about 2017.

This means you still have time to make your fortune in buy-and-hole Passive Income Investments!

Now Is the BEST TIME to INVEST In Apartment Buildings!

Even in the good times in real estate it can be difficult to sell an apartment building because it’s such a costly purchase.  In the difficult times, LIKE NOW, it’s nearly IMPOSSIBLE for a property owner to unload an apartment building.

What does this mean for you?  DEALS GALORE!  There are unlimited amounts of apartment building deals for you to CASH IN ON!  You can COMMAND just about any reasonable price for an apartment building and the property owner WILL sell it to you for an unbelievable deal with UNREAL creative financing benefits.

But wait!  If these apartment building owners can’t unload their property, then what happens when you want to sell?  You won’t be selling for 15 – 20 years!  You are buying to HANG ONTO the property.  You are NOT flipping the property.  In 15 – 20 years you will have gained so many millions in equity that, even if you had to give someone a deal on the building (in order to sell it) you STILL would have made a MINT on the deal anyway!

It’s unbelievable how many apartment building deals there are.  Look on the Internet.  Look through your newspaper.  Look around and you will see endless amounts of deals.

These Secrets Are NOT Being Revealed By Multi-Millionaire Real Estate Investors

Because They DON’T Want the Competition!

After many years of research, I discovered a common thread among all of the most successful millionaire investors and business people:  They ALL invest in real estate to retain their wealth and NONE OF THEM share their secrets of success with anyone!

One of these real estate investing strategies itself is something that men (and possibly women) would KILL for.  It’s literally the ticket to INSTANT AND CONSISTENT WEALTH in the in the real estate markets.

When I first learned about this “secret” I couldn’t believe that something so simple could be the reason these millionaires were making so much money in the real estate!  I guess I was expecting some kind of “revolutionary secret” that was being purposely hidden from me and the rest of the struggling population.  It wasn’t like that at all!

What is this secret?  The secret to making money in real estate is your access to funds.  Without money you cannot make money in real estate.  But, most people can’t afford the 20% – 30% down payment requirement.  How do you invest in real estate if you cannot afford the down payment?

That’s my secret.  I have several strategies you can use to get properties with NO CASH and NO CREDIT!  No, this is not all about the seller taking back some of the mortgage (although that is a possibility).  It’s about getting REAL CASH for down payments using a specific strategy to access this money.  It’s not all about using government grants for the money either.  Yes, it’s a great strategy.  No, it’s not the only strategy to get cold, hard cash for your real estate deals.

I’ll reveal this finance secret to you at the seminar!

“But…Why Are You Sharing Your Top Secret Information With People?”

Your biggest questions right now probably is:  Why are you doing this?  Why do you want to share such sacred information?  There are two passions in my life: investing and teaching.  I love to invest and I love to teach.  I get to have my cake and eat it too.

But that’s not the real reason.  The more successful YOU are means I can make more money on our partnership deals!  That’s right!  I do have one selfish motive here.  I want to partner in on at least 100 deals in the next 24 months!  I can’t do 100 deals on my own without your help.  When I’m on my own I do about 5 deals per year, sometimes up to 7.  If I have several of you sharing deals with me, I can meet my goal of getting another 100 properties in the next 24 months so I can finally retire at the ripe old age of 40.  (Yeah, right.  I can’t retire because “retirement” sucks!  But maybe I’ll finally take up tennis or something.)

Plus….don’t you see what’s happening right now?  Do you have any idea just how critical the next couple of years are going to be?  I see what’s happening.  Real estate market conditions are not that solid right now still (even though we’re in “recovery mode”) which means the market is ripe with opportunities.  Apartment buildings (and houses) are just sitting there going unsold, especially this certain “type” which I’ll tell you all about.  NOW IS THE TIME TO LATCH ONTO YOUR CASH FLOWING PROPERTIES.

Don’t wait anymore!

How to Turn $0 into a Monthly Cash Flow of $24,000 Per Month Within the Next 12 Months! 

Is it really possible to get a cash flow of $24,000 per month within 12 months?  Absolutely!  One property can net you $24,000 per month in cash flow!  Find that one property!  However, many times you’ll be getting a handful of properties to see this type of money landing in your bank account each month.

By using my strategies to invest in apartment buildings, you can get huge properties and nice cash flow properties with NO CASH and NO CREDIT of your own.

Discover how to…

  • Make Thousands a Month with NO CASH and NO CREDIT
  • Make $24,000 Per Month in Passive Income within 6 Months
  • Get DEALS GALORE on “Sleeper” Properties
  • Get Your First Property in 30 Days or Less!
  • The Easy Step-by-Step Process to Getting a Property, Guaranteed!
  • Retire in 36 Months or Less with a Monthly Cash Flow of $50,000 to $100,000!

My Students Have Made Millions With My Real Estate Cash Flow Strategies!  Now It’s Your Turn!

How many years have you been talking about investing in real estate?  Three years?  Five years?  Ten years?  Longer?  Isn’t it time you finally did something about your desire to finally become financially free instead of constantly talking about it?  Talk is cheap and will get you nowhere!

Can You Afford NOT to Know These Secret Investing Strategies?

If you’re not where you want to be financially, then you can’t afford to miss out on learning these special real estate acquisition strategies.  If you’re not pulling a consistent five-figure income each month, then you’re missing the boat somehow.

I’ve profited several million-dollars over the past several years by using these exact strategies that I’m about to show you.  In fact…

I’m Going to Show You in a Couple Days What it Took Me Just Under 20 Years to Learn!

I bought my first property in 1995 years ago and haven’t looked back since.

I made money on properties, lost money on properties, made some more money…back and forth!  That’s when I finally discovered the true cash flow value of investing in apartment buildings rather than in single-family homes.

The 24-Hour Power-Intensive Apartment Building BOOT CAMP SEMINAR

I’m going to show you, top to bottom, exactly how to work the apartment building market and how to make money….real money….the green kind that’s going to be deposited into your margin account for your successful monthly passive income!

I’m having a highly exclusive person come and speak in reference to getting you an awesome LTV on specific multifamily deals in a specified area (which, coincidentally, is the most profitable area to make money right now).  I can’t tell you his name but I will mention that he can make or break your financial future.  By attending this event, he’ll be able to make you an “offer you can’t refuse.”  He’s never spoken at any of my events before and he’ll probably never speak at another one again so you either show up and financially benefit from this extraordinary opportunity…or you don’t.  Very simple.

I also had my buyer’s agent speak at the event.  He can also handle your deals.  In fact, he can even help you if you’re NOT in Michigan.  His contact information is available in your video set!

I had Ronnie Espinoza speak.  He’s a top commercial broker that can help you get funding for your real estate deals including how to get a 100% LTV on your next property deal that’s $1,000,000 or higher!  He’ll tell you exactly what to do, step-by-step, in order to get funding for every deal, even if you don’t want to pull cash out of your pocket!  You can even fill out an application and possibly get pre-approved for a commercial loan right then and there!  You can also get one-on-one consulting with Ronnie during the event!  Just print out your deal and bring it along.  Ronnie will look at it and give you a full assessment of how to structure your deal!

And for those of you interested in investing in Detroit, I have a “built-in” maintenance and management guy named Ed who can rehab, fix, or repair anything.  He can check out properties for you for a super small fee (that barely covers his gas money).  And he can even help with managing your properties too!

And, Of Course, I’m Going to Be Showing You My Most Closely Guarded Real Estate Secrets

I’m going to show you everything from A to Z on how to make a fortune investing in apartment buildings.  Here’s what I’m going to cover.  You’ll discover:

  • Why now is the best time to invest in apartment buildings and if you wait, you’ll never be able to get into this highly exclusive market.
  • Secret strategies to get “sleeper” properties that no one else knows about.
  • More secret letters to use to get apartment building owners to sell their buildings to you at the terms you want.
  • Why dealing with apartment building owners directly and doing private deals is the best route to take and how you can get started doing it immediately.
  • Where to place ads to find droves of apartment building owners who practically want to give their buildings away.
  • How to work the grant system and get money for down payments, rehab, and new construction projects.
  • How to use hard money and private lenders for down payment money.
  • Create a financial plan for yourself so you can get to the cash flow you want within the shortest period of time.
  • How to abolish wealth roadblocks from your life so you can get an instant influx of money in your life!
  • Become a full-time investor within 6 months and completely retire within 36 months!
  • How to use property management services so you’ll never have to see or speak to your tenants ever again!
  • And much, much more!

You’ll learn all the nitty-gritty components of successful real estate investing from learning to think differently to understanding how the real estate market works to how to get the biggest amount of cash flow per month in the shortest amount of time.

New Mind-Blowing Information: 

Secrets on Multifamily REO Foreclosures and Other HOT NEW Investing Strategies Will Be Revealed…INCLUDING HOW TO GET A 100% LTV (loan-to-value) “LOAN” for a TRUE NO-CASH-NO-CREDIT PROPERTY DEAL!

One thing I hate about other guru seminars is that they go over the same rehashed information each and every time they present an event.  They’ll even use the same exact presentation, jokes, war stories from a hundred years ago, etc.  The only reason I do so few events every year (and went on a 3 year hiatus) is because I am a firm believer that it’s pointless to do an event unless you have something brand new to bring to the table.

This time I will be bringing in new information about investing in REOs, how to get funds in this “new” market, new opportunities with commercial properties, and discussions on my own personal deals that I’m working on!

I think the most important secret that will be revealed is a BRAND NEW strategy on getting a 100% LTV “loan” for your property deal, regardless of whether you are investing in MHPs, REOs, apartment buildings, and even single-family homes!  This strategy works for ANY type of real estate investing you want to do.  This strategy just came about this past November and I’ll be revealing it for the FIRST TIME in a seminar!

I will warn you: this strategy will only be worthwhile for about 6 – 9 months before my students will end up flooding the market with it, rendering the 100% LTV secret completely useless.  You’ll learn this, use it, and get rich before everyone else does or you won’t be able to use it at all IF you drag your feet (or don’t learn the secret at all)!

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