
Michael Breen – NLP Times – High Performance Coaching



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Michael Breen – NLP Times – High Performance Coaching

Dear Friend,

Do you know that there is an elite group of coaches that operate around the globe who get paid as much as $10,000 per session to coach their clients?

They get flown around the globe, all expenses paid for and flown in to help clients dramatically elevate their game. They do this with a wide variety of interesting clients. Clients who use them again and again and refer their services to others.

Sounds like a dream?

For many coaches it is, but not for high performing high performance coaches.

These coaches are not your regular life coaches. They don’t do what regular coaches do.

They get paid thousands, even tens of thousands of dollars to help their clients do one very specific thing – to significantly increase their performance. To make a dramatic improvement.

In business and sporting contexts that improvement can be worth tens, hundreds or even millions of dollars to their clients.

Don’t believe me?

Think again. There is a new breed of coaches who don’t do ‘life coaching’. They realise how crowded that marketplace is (more on this in a moment) and focus on the lucrative side of coaching – helping people who already excel do even better.

We call these high earning professionals – High Performance Coaches.

In every profession from sports to business the demand to be better, to perform higher, to stand out from the crowd is deafening.

Athletes, business executives, entrepreneurs and employees are turning to professional performance coaches to help them boost their performance.

If you would like to become the kind of coach who is in demand with clients… who is highly skilled and adept at creating dramatic performance improvements, and has a coaching business that gives you the freedom and security you deserve, doing what you love full time… then take the next few minutes and read on.

The information I’m about to share with you is a gateway to new found success…

“The Coaching Industry Is Booming… Or Is It? ”
(The Truth About The Trends, Risks & Opportunities That Affect Coaches Today)

The coaching industry is booming… but not for everyone.
According to the 2016 International Coaching Federation’s (ICF) Global Coaching Study, there are an estimated 53,301 professional coaches worldwide. That number is up a whopping 77% on the 2007 survey when it was estimated there were 30,000 coaches.
According to Janet M. Harvey, the president for ICF this study shows:
“… that people everywhere are turning to professional coaching for the positive difference it can make in their lives and communities.”
And the National Post says “Coaching is now the second-fastest growing profession in the world”
All great news! Or is it?
Stepping back and looking at the broader picture it’s clear that the coaching industry is undergoing some major changes.
Changes that affect you…
As much as big numbers grab headlines and sound good – all is not what it seems.
Coaching as a whole is doing well, but that’s only part of the picture…
You see not everyone is getting their fair share of the expanding coaching pie… and not all coaching schools are being entirely forthright with you.
As a coach starting up, or already in business today, you face increasing challenges and significant threats that few coaching companies are telling you about.
Think about it.
23,301 new coaches in the past five years does not necessarily indicate that “people everywhere are turning to coaching.”

New coaches refers to providers (sellers), not buyers.

That massive jump primarily means:
More competition.
A tougher marketplace.
More coaches offering similar services, chasing the same prospects.
And that’s just the start of it… there’s a more pressing problem.

Today’s Biggest Problem
How To Get A Steady 
Pipeline Of Clients In An Overcrowded Marketplace…

The biggest problem for most life coaches today is how can you get a steady pipeline of clients into your business.
And almost all go about doing this in the WRONG way.
To start with, the vast majority follow a copycat approach of setting up their practice and establishing themselves as a “life coach” who can help people with a wide variety of challenges.
Yet if you do this you are almost certainly will face a very hard time.
It’s clear once you understand that:

  • A life coach is typically perceived as a generalist coach. They can help with many problems. Yet as a generalist you have very little if any differentiation. That critical differentiation that allows you to be perceived as more valuable to your clients and therefore able to charge higher fees.
  • Life coaches are on average the lowest paid coaches in the industry. Although you may be a brilliant coach already, many prospective customers aren’t aware of that when they first meet you. With increasing economic pressures more life coaching clients are choosing to go with a coach who charges the lowest price. This in turn forces other coaches to drop their prices and offer “free” sessions in the often vain attempt to win new clients.
  • They also suffer from very high failure rates due to low levels of of differentiation and no formal business building experience (because few if any coaching trainings cover this).
  • It’s more difficult for prospective customers to know who is really good and which coaching companies they can trust, when the industry is largely unregulated.
  • Customers are overwhelmed with choice. There are almost 1 MILLION search results returned in Google for the term “life coaching”.
    That’s approximately 936 THOUSAND pages of Google search results…
    Yet a maximum of just 10 sites can be shown organically on page 1 (i.e. not pay expensive ad money to Google).
    If you don’t show up on the first page of Google you don’t exist to 99.9% of prospective customers.
  • Last but not least, according to Google Trends, a reporting service on search interest over time; “Life coaching” as a term has seen a 42% DROP in worldwide interest over the past five years

Factor in that the number of coaches is estimated to have grown by 77% in the past ten years and you can see what is happening…

Demand for “life coaching” is down but supply is WAY up…
In fact, competition for “life coaching jobs has soared almost 200% in 2019 alone…
Given all of this, it’s no wonder that so many life coaches suffer and fail.
Yet it doesn’t need to be this way.
Any reasonably intelligent, hard working and success driven coach can enjoy the success, freedom or impact they desire.
But you can’t get there doing the same thing as everyone else.
It starts with…

Today’s Biggest Opportunity:
Targeting The RIGHT 
Side Of Coaching
The BIG Shift From “Life Coaching” To High Performance Coaching

A radical shakeup in the industry is well under way.
And several smart ‘former life coaches’ have got a head start.
But their is still time to grab your place.
This may be the biggest change in coaching in two decades.
What shift am I referring to?

The shift from life coaching to high performance coaching.
High performance coaching is all about helping individuals who currently excel to do even better.
Life Coaching, also known as remedial coaching is out. It’s focused on increasing skill deficits and poor performance problems. Situations normally handled by life coaches.
High performance coaching is in.
And top companies and elite coaches are using it.
Even top MBA schools are getting in on it like Wharton and others.

According to Forbes:
“20 years ago most coaching was a remedial effort aimed at poor performers, most coaching budgets today focus on developing high potential leaders…”
The truth is there is big money to be made in coaching…
but for the most part not as a life coach.
(Yes there will always be life coaches. And yet the vast majority most struggle and fail. They invest a lot of money and time and get very poor return for their effort.
The evidence is increasingly overwhelming that being a life coach is a difficult marketplace to do well in – as competition grows and the race to the bottom on price accelerates.
The reality is, in most markets, there are too many life coaches chasing too few clients, with too little differentiation.
936 THOUSAND pages of results in Google and a 77% increase in the number of coaches worldwide in the past five years while the volume of searches “life coaching” is down by 60%.
If you want to have a thriving coaching practice you must differentiate.)

Those in the know – know that the most lucrative money (and earning power) is in the highly desirable “executive and high performance coaching” space.
So it’s no surprise to find out that by FAR the most popular coaching specialty, by successful coaching practices that have been operating for more than 5 years, is business coaching.
Specifically leadership, executive and organisation coaching.
This is where the big money is.
Where you can charge more (much more) and enjoy much greater rewards for similar effort.

In fact perhaps even less effort as you can choose to work with a smaller group of long lasting clients, who pay high coaching fees.
And the good news is this sector is growing fast.
Plus your prospective clients don’t second glance when you say you charge five hundred dollars or two thousand dollars per session.
They expect results and they know that results cost.
In fact executive coaching is a cash-rich place to be.
According to Business Week, companies and individuals spend over $1 BILLION per year on this sector in the US alone. Titans like Google, Goldman Sachs, GE and many others have turned to executive coaching to help accelerate the performance of their people.
However until now, unless you were part of an elite “old boys” club or were chaperoned into the corridors of power by a mentor you almost certainly are on THE OUTSIDE of this lucrative coaching sector.
But that’s about to change.

“Step Into The Corridors Of Power With One Of Europe’s Leading Executive Coaches As Your Guide, While He Teaches You The Expert Strategies Used By Coaching Elite ”
Not all coaches are equal.
Not all coaches get paid the same.
A small percentage of coaches are capable of consistently producing results that far exceed the norm. They get paid accordingly. They enjoy more clients and rewards that surpass the norm.
For over three decades Master Executive Coach Michael Breen has been forging the way in coaching, training and consultancy.
As one of Europe’s leading executive coaches, with an extensive track history of coaching celebrities, royalty, politicians and business leaders Michael knows first hand what elite coaching is all about.

He understands the critical factors and pitfalls of how the lucrative side of coaching works.
Michael has co-founded and run several multi-million pound companies and is an advisor to one of Europe’s most successful executive coaching firms.
He knows what works.
He also is an expert modeler and NLP Master trainer.
So when one of the world’s leading multinationals decided they wanted the answer to:

“What’s the difference between world class coaches and regular coaches?
And how can that be taught to our people?”
Michael got the call.
The client wanted the answer and a training solution to dramatically increase the quality of their coaches.
They were willing to pay BIG money.
Michael formed a team of all star experts. Their goal was to answer this question and to create a best of breed coaching program for the company’s senior levels of management.
So began the ultimate modeling project on figuring out what do elite coaches do that regular coaches don’t.
And the journey that would enable Michael to teach the key differences to others.
To guide you in the skills and practices used by the world’s top super coaches.

As Michael describes it:
“I was given a ridiculous amount of money, a research team and six months to find the best of the best coaches, from around the world. These are the people who earn 10,000 to 14,000 dollars per session and have contracts that go on for years and year and years.
I researched 17 of the most well known coaching models, read every book ever written on coaching and got to interview many of field’s highest performing high performances coaches, some way cool people… several who were well known and many who were not “celebrities” but coaching gods whose track record was exceptional.
My goal was to figure out what these coaching titans did and not what they said about it. The output of which was to create a model that I’d teach to others.
Looking at the performance of these people, who came from all over the world, with all different backgrounds, a mixture of both men and women… the funny bit was their theories about coaching were all different… but it’s what they had in common that was outside what they were talking about… simple stuff… straight forward stuff that once you get a hold of it and once you start doing it, it transforms your results.
It makes your sessions go from pretty good to… WOW!
I call it High Performance Coaching.”

Meet Michael Breen 
One  of the industry’s most well respected
Executive Coaches and Master NLP Trainers
This exclusive training is taught by a world-class master NLP trainer and celebrity coach Michael Breen. Michael has:

  • Over 30 years experience teaching NLP around the world
  • NLP Master DHE Trainer and Master Hypnotist
  • Co‐founded largest NLP training school in the world
  • For 10 years co-ran workshops with Dr. Richard Bandler & Paul McKenna
  • Is an expert at behavioral change
  • Management consultant to numerous Fortune 100 companies
  • Created the first business NLP practitioner in the UK
  • Is one of Europe’s leading executive coaches
  • And is known for teaching NLP in a way that makes it very easy to apply
  • Has taught over 80,000 students

High Performance Coaching (HPC)

The Methods & Practices of High Performing, High Performance Coaches
High Performing, High Performance Coaches think and act differently than regular coaches.
Unlike life coaches which typically deal with remedial (deficit skills) contexts, HPC super coaches work primarily with people who are already performing well and are looking to significantly elevate their performance.
You can find them working in numerous industries. They add significant value for their clients.
That value enables them to:

  • Be in demand and attract clients with greater ease
  • Charge higher fees (many multiples higher that of regular life coaches)
  • Enjoy a steady stream of clients through referrals and the client’s network
  • Experience much longer client relationships – Instead of weeks or months, many HPC coaches have clients for years
  • Work from home and have a business that gives them genuine “freedom and security ” that they love
  • Experience deep satisfaction from helping their clients make a dramatic leap in results

Inside High Performance Coaching home study course, recorded from Michael’s THREE DAY HPC workshop you will learn the mindset, tools and techniques modeled from the world’s elite high performing, high performance coaches.
The elite methods and practices will transform your coaching skill set so you can become a High Performance Coach.
There are three core steps in the process.
It starts with…

Transforming Your Mindset
(So you think and act like a Super Coach)
To become a high performing, high performance coach you need to change your mindset.
Having the HPC mindset is key to be highly successful with clients. When you become adept in filtering the world the way highly paid performance coaches do, you’ll notice a dramatic shift in results.
When Michael modeled the “best of the best” coaches, he noticed how they think, hold and act toward their clients was dramatically different from your standard coach.
This he found was critical in enabling such a significant difference in their results.
But this is just the beginning.

Here’s just some of what you’ll learn:

  • Discover the one ‘weird’ practice that transforms how HPC interact with their clients and makes their form of coaching magnetic. This one thing caused Michael to double take when he first heard it being used but is consistent in the top performing coaches across the globe (and makes them rock-stars to their clients).
  • The #1 big secret to fast and successful transformation to being a High Performance Coach. Over the 3 decades Michael has been teaching and coaching he’s seen many good coaches fall flat because they were missing this one key mental filter and didn’t do this one simple thing. You’re going to learn how to do it here. And it’s going to transform how you interact with your clients. Guaranteed.
  • A dead certain way to become instantly more charismatic and magnetic to your friends, family and clients. Put this one simple strategy into practice and clients will feel a magnetic draw to you. Clients will stay longer with you. Prospects will be drawn to you. (‘nuff said)
  • Learn the six (simple to implement) key differences that high performing HPC do that regular coaches don’t. Michael’s high paying clients invested ridiculous sums of money to have Michael figure these six differences out.

The benefits of tens of thousands of air miles, countless of hours of research and extensive live video interviews have been distilled into six profound differences that every world class coach does that regular coaches don’t. No more wondering which things really count – do these six right and take your coaching practice to a entirely different level.
(Warning – operating at this level isn’t for wimps. It requires a standard of excellence that far suppresses what is taught on traditional coaching courses. Michael modeled coaching rock-stars. Pioneers and performance leaders of the field. Thankfully you can get the benefits of their tens of thousands of hours of combined high performance coaching for a minuscule fraction of the price.)
– Find out why HPC is a radically different to traditional coaching, therapy and consultancy. When you follow the HPC “reality based approach” to coaching your clients, your guaranteed of making significant and meaningful progress in every session. Worrying about what to say disappears. Your coaching becomes intuitive and client centered rather than fixed and rigid ‘tick the boxes’ approach taught by many traditional coaching programs.

Once you’ve got the mindset wired up, it’s time to…

Discover The Skills & Secrets 
Of Super Coaches
(And Take Your Coaching Skills To A Whole New Level)

Inside the section you’ll:

  • Discover the 3 overlapping conversations that every coaching sessions has and why if you want to make big money as a HPC you will spend most of your time working on number 2. High performing coaches are not paid like everyone else. Sessions fees from high hundreds to tens of thousands (that’s right thousands) of dollars are real numbers Super Coaches are charging today. To be rewarded those kind of fees they don’t create value like everyone else. Neither will you, when you apply what is taught inside this course.
  • The six essential components of the HPC coaching model, modeled from the world’s top coaches. Discover how to rapidly add value, diagnose problems and significantly elevate the performance of your clients. Period.
  • The #1 pre-screening insight about client behaviour that will dramatically improve the chances of maintaining the client for years to come. Getting and keeping new clients can be hard for many coaches. When you use Michael’s time-tested insight to know which clients are likely to make progress fast vs. those invested in maintaining the status quo you’ll know how to quickly pick and choose who to work with so you can have enduring relationships with a core group of high paying clients.
  • Exactly where to look and how to intervene if a client can’t seem to make a choice… so your clients are always making progress (and loving your coaching). Decision making and indecisiveness is a widespread problem faced by many coaching clients. Learn Michael’s proven process to help a client move forward, especially when there is mass fear, doubt or hesitation.
  • The real nature of feedback and how it works (it’s not what most coaches think). Learn all about the very special form of feedback that plays a central role in the interactions of high performing high performance coaches. Use feedback in this way and you instant stand out from every other life coach.
    The little known elite coaches secret to ensuring action is automatic. Put this simple principle into practice and watch as your clients jump into action. (when the vision is clear and desire is strong – the action is clear)
  • Discover why procrastination doesn’t exist! (And how to eliminate it for clients who think it does). Procrastination is the bane of goal achievement. HPC is performance focused. Discover the high performance coaches way for dealing with this mental fantasy…
  • Have your world view about beliefs turned on it’s head so that you learn the key distinction that enable High performing HPC clients make dramatic and lasting changes in performance.

Having the mindset of a high performance coach and being really skilled to help others is all for nought if you don’t know how to…

Build A Thriving Practice
(Discover Powerful Strategies & Insights 
To Kick-Start Your Practice)
Inside this section of the course you’ll learn:

  • The top 3 things you must get right when starting a practice today. Fail to do these and you’ve unconsciously put the brakes on building a thriving practice.
  • Learn sage advice on what you must do today to penetrate the coaching market from the CEO of one of Europe’s leading coaching and leadership companies. She’s climbed to the top of the field and reports her experiences from the inside.
  • The same time tested and proven start-up strategy Michael used to build a thriving coaching practice and why leveraging this approach makes sense even more so today in a highly competitive marketplace.
  • The 5 key start-up questions you must answer if you want to create a real business that can thrive – use these questions to create focus and direction and stand out from the legions of “me-too” coaches vying for business today.
  • The #1 major pitfall to avoid that many new coaches make – Start your business holding the right attitudes for success.
  • Find out exactly how much time per week consultants and coaches from the world’s top business consultancy spend when starting up their own practice. Knowing this will help you quickly baseline if you need to do more and where. If you are just starting up the insights Michael shares here will be eye opening.
  • Discover the number #1 economic driver of for your business – success in business comes from doing a few key things well. Targeting the right economic driver is critical to building a successful, thriving coaching practice. Discover yours here.
  • Understand the importance of power laws and why it matters for your business. When you know this you’ll understand why many coaching practices fail to gain flight and what Michael recommends to avoid this.
  • What Michael recommends you do to avoid wasting huge amounts of time on unimportant things (that most new coaches think are important) when starting your coaching practice
  • Exactly how often and how much time you should spend negotiating with your clients and what to negotiate about. Negotiating is one of the biggest aspects of difference between the high performing HPC and the regular life coach. Done right it is the source of enduring success and repeat business with your clients. Michael gives you the scoop here.
  • Discover the easy way to engage your friends, family and clients to help you grow your business

And a whole lot more
This program gives you the strategies, elite frameworks and key distinctions to sky-rocket your coaching skills and teach you essential business building.
But we don’t stop there.

Special Bonuses
In addition to all the recordings from the 3 day live training you will also receive an additional training bonus…

Coaching Secrets: How To Become A High Performing Coach In Demand With Clients
This is a special 90 minute teleseminar that teleseminar training that Michael and I ran for our Platinum customers where Michael shares insights from his three decades of business building and working at the highest levels of coaching today.

Here’s a snapshot of what you’ll learn:

  • What skills you need to develop and what practices to cultivate to become a high paid executive coach
  • The 3 most important aspects you MUST master if you intend to start and grow a successful coaching practice (and get paid the BIG bucks)
  • Discover what legal and professional responsibilities you need to be aware of as a coach and how to avoid the most common pitfalls around insurance, lawsuits etc. as a professional coach (these are the kind of things that most coaches never knew they were responsible for but can get you in hot water really fast if you fail to do them)
  • What are the key current trends affecting the coaching industry that will effect every coach today
  • What prices are top coaches being paid today and how to deal with issues around getting paid for your work
  • Learn about growing role of top tier executive coaching firms and what kinds of things they look for in potential executive coaches who they place with high powered CXOs, celebrities and entrepreneurs.
  • And much more

Nearly 3 Hours Of Expert Answers To Key Coaching Questions…

In addition to all great training you’ll learn from the 3 day recorded workshop, you will also receive answers to key coaching questions that our original “fast mover” customers submitted to Michael.
Michael provides answers on topics such as:

  • Michael’s top 3 tips for contracting so you wow clients
  • How to stay focused during client interactions
  • Fastest intervention for dealing with limited beliefs
  • Which areas you should consider developing
  • Starting up a successful coaching practice
  • Ways for building credibility fast
  • Tactics for getting into the corporate coaching space
  • Using the Internet as a source to drive leads
  • And much more…

In total you’ll receive nearly 3 hours of additional expert answers, divided into an additional 20 audio tracks for easy listening.
This is the perfect resource for both novice and seasoned coaches alike to take your success further.
When you go through this intensive training and apply what is taught you’ll gain the skills to become a high performance coach and know what key things you need to do to start to build a successful coaching practice, one that gives you the freedom and financial rewards you deserve.

High Performance Coaching Home Study Course
(Exclusive Recordings From A Rare 3 Day Live Workshop)

Discover Proven Frameworks, Techniques, & Methods
Modeled From The World’s Top Coaches

Who Is This Program For?
This training is suitable for coaches, trainers and consultant’s who are looking to take their coaching and feedback skills to an entirely new level. To go far beyond what you can do right now.
If you are a someone who:

  • Wants to become highly skilled in the methods and practices of the “best of the best” high performing, high performance (and highly paid) coaches in the world
  • Would like to discover the few critical differences in mindset, attitude and coaching behaviour that will take your coaching skills up from where they are now, to “WOW”
  • Would like to learn the proven business building practices used to build thriving coaching practices
  • Would like to learn what it really takes to be a highly paid coach in demand with clients

Then this course is for you.

What’s Your Investment?
Answer: In short, very little. In fact it won’t cost you even 0.1% of the money and time invested by Michael’s large corporate client to acquire this knowledge. If you are serious about coaching the price will be an easy no-brainer decision for you.
If you’re wondering, “How much does High Performance Coaching cost?”
Then I’m pleased to say it’s price is phenomenally good… I mean REALLY good.
When you consider:

That the solutions and strategies taught inside this course are the product of…

  • Over six months of intensive research, interviews and live video recordings with the best high performing coaches
  • Tens of hundreds of hours building, testing and refining the HPC model
  • More than two decades experience working at the highest levels of coaching as a high performance coach to celebrities, politicians, royalty, sports athletes, entrepreneurs and many others
  • A ridiculously large client budget (due to client confidentially we can’t disclose the exact amount) to model the best of the best coaches and figure out how they do what they do, so it can be taught to others.

Conservatively if you put a estimate on this investment; the time, the expertise and hard-cash to acquire the ‘best of the best’ strategies and knowledge shared in this training it would easily total well over six figures…
However you get to grab yourself a deal…

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