
Kyle Cease – EVOLVE: The Complete Journey



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Kyle Cease – EVOLVE: The Complete Journey

It takes 21 days to create a habit.
EVOLVE: The Complete Journey is a life-transforming video series that will guide you step-by-step through creating the habit of expanding your awareness to embody the infinite potential that lives within you. Seriously, it’s really good.
Whether you’ve already attended an Evolving Out Loud event or you’ll be watching one for the first time (with the included bonus footage of the live 2-day event The Limitation Game: Interactive), this series will help you continue that momentum and ingrain this information in your consciousness, making living in flow your second nature.

EVOLVE: The Complete Journey is designed to be experienced multiple times to expand and deepen your awareness, forever.

With this series, you will:

  • Take your mind to the gym for 21 days… It’s like P90x for your brain.
  • Shed old limiting beliefs so you can access more of the real you.
  • Develop an inner guidance that is stronger than your old patterns.
  • Discover an unlimited number of assets that you already have.
  • Actually change every aspect of your life.

Making the commitment to watch these videos every day, for 21 days, will give you the opportunity to connect with your intention and watch every area of your life begin to shift.
EVOLVE: The Complete Journey is your companion on this adventure into a deeper part of yourself in order to discover your authentic, playful, passionate, and creative truth.


Day 1 | A New Level of YOU is Emerging
It’s likely, after experiencing an Evolving Out Loud event, that excitement, new possibilities, and perhaps a low might be showing up for you. In this video, Kyle discusses staying centered amid the emotions that may arise following the event to help you:
•  navigate the pain of letting go of your old limiting story.
•  become aware of habits to stay comfortable in old small stories just because they are familiar.
•  begin making a new vision of yourself your new reality.

Day 2 | Being Rather than Doing
This is the beginning of creating your own mission. What can you do to move into a place of BEING? Kyle helps you learn to prioritize yourself and make a commitment to take specific actions that move you closer to your heart, so you can:
•  realize that your connection to yourself is the most powerful and important thing in the world.
•  step into a place of BEING, where the DOING takes care of itself.

Day 3 | YOU Have All Your Own Answers
In this segment, learn to trust your inner guidance system even more. Using practical examples, Kyle explains how to detach from seeking outside approval and advice to get back to your own core knowing, so that you can:
•  let go of other people’s opinions of you.
•  let your internal GPS guide you to every answer you need.

Day 4 | Let Go of “Results” for Real Transformation
In Day 4, Kyle discusses tangible results versus allowing the bigger picture to emerge, which will help you:
•  start to move more from self-connection, rather than expectation, for fulfillment and freedom.
•  detach from the outcome of your actions.

Day 5 | Just Take the Next Step
In this video, Kyle reminds us to simply take actions one step at a time rather than overwhelming the mind with the entire picture all at once, to help you:
•  take powerful, purposeful action instead of reacting to external situations.
•  discover new opportunities all around you.

Day 6 | Stepping into Who You Really Are
What is your heart asking for? Day 6 defines true security and explores why—even though it might be scary—moving from your heart may just be the safest thing you can do, to help you:
•  remember that you are safe, no matter what your external situations.
•  gain evidence that the heart can plan far better than the mind can.
•  see how internal connection is more valuable than external success (and also brings external success as a by-product).

Day 7 | What Does the World Want?
Moving from your heart is not only best for you, it’s also best for the world. In this video, Kyle moves awareness from the self to the whole, to show you:
•  the benefits that show up for everyone when you commit to your own heart-led leaps.
•  how to start moving in alignment with the creative force behind everything.
•  how fear dissolves when you’re in service to the world.

Day 8 | Team Us!
On Day 8, Kyle shares how your connectedness to the whole supports you in infinite ways you don’t often realize, to help you:
•  shed the feeling of being alone or unworthy.
•  realize how your aligned actions create a positive ripple effect out into the world.

Day 9 | Moving from Resistance into Compassion
Day 9 guides you step-by-step into unconditional love for yourself, to help you:
•  stop judging yourself.
•  let go of past guilt and resentment to move forward into possibility.
•  realize that negative aspects of yourself are just parts of you that need love.

Day 10 | Beliefs
On Day 10, Kyle explores why the thought “it’s not working” may be a sign that you’re actually moving forward, to help you:
•  remove beliefs that you mistake for truth.
•  see how true progress doesn’t always come the way you want it to.
•  learn to value growth over feeling good.

Day 11 | Growing Pains
There’s no way you’ve gotten this far and aren’t expanding! At this point, Kyle addresses any sadness and pain you might be experiencing as old stories and identities leave, to help you:
•  see how your pain originates from focusing on what you’re “losing”, rather than what you may gain.
•  begin to see lows as opportunities for massive expansion and growth.

Day 12 | Clearing Remaining Blocks
In this segment, Kyle walks you through examining any remaining internal resistance, to help you:
•  uncover things you didn’t know you were holding on to, that have caused you to hold back.
•  access a place of complete acceptance for yourself and others.

Day 13 | Is Your Heart Open or Closed?
How do you know when your heart is open? Day 13 focuses on taking a deeper look at your heart-attitudes, to help you:
•  become more intimate with your own heart.
•  remove blocks and judgments about yourself and others.

Day 14 | Let’s Talk About Assets
You have a wealth of assets that you likely haven’t recognized yet. In this segment, Kyle helps you discover and re-discover these assets, to show you:
•  there are literally an unlimited number of assets available to you in any moment.
•  there are no problems, only opportunities.
•  true abundance is a choice that is made in each moment.

Day 15 | Celebrate that You’re in the Work
You’ve been showing up, letting go, allowing new possibilities, and transcending your old story. Excellent work! On Day 15, Kyle shares more about assets, as well as the concept of “I’ve done enough”, to help you:
• expand your ability to transform your perspective in any moment.
• get in the habit of looking for possibility instead of problems.

Day 16 | Discovering Skills Through Others’ Feedback
We so easily disqualify skills we embody but take for granted. Day 16 invites you to find a new appreciation for your skills to see how they fit into your unique gifts to the world, to help you:
•  learn to appreciate and expand your unique skills.
•  realize that you are irreplaceable.
•  discover your infinite value.

Day 17 | Moving Toward What Feels Light
In this video, Kyle discusses intuition and why moving from the heart is always the right choice. Day 17 encourages you to move toward what feels light and effortless and start living there, so that you can:
•  tap into a flow state that answers everything.
•  trust your instinct and make instant decisions without stress.
•  develop a level of trust that removes fear from your life.

Day 18 | Are You Riding Your Bike with the Brakes On?
Sometimes when we’re used to a lot of effort, real freedom can feel uncomfortable. In this segment, Kyle invites you to be okay exactly where you are, move from the feeling, and ask “why” instead of “how”, to help you:
•  deepen your purpose to create effortless action.
•  find a new motivation that is more powerful than “getting”.
•  discover what life is trying to call through you.

Day 19 | Alignment for Your Optimal Life
Life is meant to be effortless! You have the opportunity to live from your heart, expressing your passions and inspirations on a daily basis. In this last video, Kyle explores how to move forward and continue this exponential growth forever, to help you:
•  create a life of never-ending transformation and evolution.
•  find your alignment with nature, so you can work with the effortless flow of life.
•  step into a new dimension, where there are no limitations and life is one giant possibility.

What you’ll get:

  • Full video series of a 2-day Evolving Out Loud event: The Limitation Game (the first 2 days of your 21-day adventure)
  • 20 subsequent videos (introduction + 19 daily videos)
  • A step-by-step process to tap into your infinite nature
  • Daily exercises to help you embody your new awareness
  • Tangible proof that following your heart is the most profitable thing you can do
  • An entirely new vision of what is possible in your life

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