
Mark Lassoff – Introduction to Programming



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Mark Lassoff – Introduction to Programming

Have you ever said to yourself: “I’d like to learn to code, but where should I start?”

There are an overwhelming number of options that are available to those who want to learn. Introduction to Programming is designed to give you the foundational skills that will prove important for any type of programming you want to do. You’ll learn to code web pages, create a mobile application and use external data sources. (Mobile covered in Level II of the course)

This course, which includes video lectures, lab exercises, and full program code will prepare your for entry level jobs in development— or simply make you comfortable with code and confident in more advanced study.

As you build a portfolio of skills, you’ll also build a portfolio of completed projects that can be used to demonstrate your new skill sets.

In Level I of the course we focus on foundations– The things that all developers need to know to be successful. With each passing chapter of the course you’ll learn new skills and demonstrate them in a lab exercise.

This program will introduce participants to all of the following technologies:

  • HTML5 and CSS: Construct the visual aspects of web sites and mobile applications with this language pair
  • Python: You’ll learn the basics of coding and programming logic using the Python programming language

In Level II of the course we’ll look at mobile technologies,Javascript, jQuery and SQL.

We Created Introduction to Programming For You
If you’ve been considering learning to code– or have tried before and it didn’t quite take– then this course is for you. We’re not teaching a random programming language, but, instead, laying a professional foundation with the skills today’s programmers need to know.

A mix of lecture and activity, this course is designed not just to expose you to important topics for new coders, but to help you retain the information and immediately put it to use.

Comprehensive and Efficient
Introduction to Programming is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to the programming field. However, we know you’re busy and don’t spend time on unnecessary theory and background. You’ll complete the course in just a few weeks worth of evenings– however the lessons will stay with you through out your programming career.

Over 500,000 Students LearnToProgram
You’ll be among our community of over 500,000 students who’ve learned programming from one of our LearnToProgram courses. With over 250,000 students on Udemy alone, we’ve learned a few things about teaching people– And those lessons are injected in to Introduction to Programming.

We’re looking forward to seeing you in class!

Welcome and Orientation
StartWelcome and Intro to Coding Techniques Used in This Course (4:26)
StartSuggestions for Success (2:01)
StartAbout Your Instructor (1:02)
Creating Your First Web Page
StartIntroduction and Welcome from Mark (2:18)
StartWrite your first lines of HTML5 (8:20)
StartDisplay your web page in the browser and putting it on the web (8:24)
StartActivity: Improving Your Page (1:23)
StartImproving Your Page Demo (8:17)
StartClosing (0:48)
Displaying Text Content with HTML5
StartWhy HTML5? What is it Used For… (1:02)
StartHow HTML5 documents are structured (6:18)
StartDisplaying Paragraph Text with HTML5 (4:21)
StartDisplaying Heading Text with HTML5 (5:21)
StartDisplaying Lists (8:31)
StartActivity: Restaurant Reviews (1:31)
StartRestaurant Review Demo (2:33)
StartSection Review (0:50)
Stylin’ with CSS
StartWhat is CSS and how is it used? (1:29)
StartHow to Apply CSS Styles (5:55)
StartAdjusting Font and Font Size (6:48)
StartMore Font Adjustments (4:45)
StartStyling Lists with CSS (5:55)
StartUsing CSS Classes and ID’s (5:23)
StartActivity: Styling Your Restaurant Review Page (0:53)
StartRestaurant Review Page Demo (3:50)
StartSection Review (1:04)
Including Links and Media
StartLinks and Media (1:22)
StartUsing Internal and External Hyperlinks (7:26)
StartDisplaying Images on a Page (4:51)
StartPlaying Audio on a Page (4:05)
StartPlaying Video on a Page (3:39)
StartActivity: Assembling a Simple MP3 Player (1:15)
StartMP3 Player Demo (4:45)
StartSection Review (0:42)
HTML5 Tables
StartWhen To Use Tables (0:52)
StartThe Basic Structure of a Table (4:17)
StartComplex Table Structures (3:34)
StartTable Design with CSS (9:03)
StartActivity: Web Browser Usage Table (1:36)
StartWeb Browser Usage Table Demo (4:07)
StartSection Review (0:55)
Obtaining User Input
StartChallenges of User Input (1:20)
StartUnderstanding the Form Tag (4:11)
StartText Input (8:46)
StartDates, Numbers and Colors (7:15)
StartDrop Downs (4:50)
StartGeneric, Submit and Reset Buttons (3:10)
StartRadio Buttons and Checkboxes (4:10)
StartStyling Forms with CSS (4:57)
StartActivity: Creating an Admissions Form (1:26)
StartAdmissions Form Demo (5:40)
StartSection Review (0:50)
Understanding Layout with CSS
StartUnderstanding the Box Model (1:25)
StartBorders, Backgrounds, and Margins (8:30)
StartStatic, Fixed, Relative and Absolute Positioning (8:59)
StartFloating Elements (7:45)
StartActivity: Creative Page Layout (1:32)
StartCreative Page Layout demo (4:12)
StartSection Review (0:47)
Multiple Screen Sizes and Responsive Design
StartWhat is Responsive Design (1:13)
StartResponsive design for phones (9:35)
StartUsing a responsive framework (6:44)
StartActivity: Creating a completely responsive layout (1:26)
StartCompletely Responsive Demo (5:44)
StartSection Review (1:02)
Writing Your First Python Program
StartWhat is Python and How is it Used? (1:04)
StartWriting Your First Lines of Code (4:18)
StartRunning Your Code and Seeing the Result (4:49)
StartActivity: Writing a Python Program on Your Own (1:37)
StartWriting a Python Program Demo (2:42)
StartThe Difference Between Scripting and Programming (0:38)
Input, Output and Variables
StartDiscussing Input and Output (0:55)
StartOutput with Print— Strings (6:40)
StartOutput with Print— Expressions (5:37)
StartCreating Variables (6:29)
StartInput Statements (7:10)
StartActivity: Making a Python Calculator (1:28)
StartPython Calculator Demo (7:58)
StartSection Review (0:42)
Making Decisions
StartUnderstanding Programmatic Decision Making (1:09)
StartIf Statements (10:19)
StartComplex If Statements (5:32)
StartActivity: The Magic 8-Ball (1:43)
StartMagic 8-Ball Demo (2:14)
StartSection Review (0:41)
Iteratin’ with Loops
StartThe While Loop (8:22)
StartWhat are Loops? (1:12)
StartThe For Loop (4:11)
StartBreak and Continue Statements (6:21)
StartActivity: Getting Rich (Compound Interest) (2:43)
StartInterest Calculation Demo (5:51)
StartSection Review (0:43)
Functioning Well
StartWhy Use Functions? (1:19)
StartCreating a Simple Function (5:34)
StartCreating a Parameterized Function (8:04)
StartCreating a Function that Returns a Value (5:20)
StartActivity: Creating Reusable Functions (2:09)
StartReusable Function Demo (5:34)
StartSection Review (0:36)
StartUnderstanding Data (0:45)
StartList Data (9:19)
StartTuples (3:58)
StartDictionary Data (9:23)
StartActivity: Structuring Data (3:08)
StartStructuring Data Demo (5:53)
StartSection Review (0:41)
File Input and Output
StartFile IO (0:55)
StartWriting to a File (7:39)
StartReading from a File (6:21)
StartCSV Data (8:28)
StartActivity: Creating a Phone Directory (2:42)
StartLogging Demo (7:16)
StartSection Review (0:42)
More Python Skills
StartMore Important Python Skills (0:51)
StartWorking with Dates (7:16)
StartRegular Expressions (5:29)
StartNetworking (8:45)
StartActivity: Downloading and Parsing XML (2:14)
StartDownloading and Parsing XML Demo (2:54)
StartSection Review (0:29)
StartLevel One in Review (0:57)
Making Your First Web App
StartWhat is Javascript and How is it used? (0:57)
StartMaking Your First Web App (14:32)
StartUnderstanding the Javascript (8:45)
StartActivity: Create a Web App On Your Own (1:49)
StartWeb App Demo (7:15)
StartSection Review (0:39)
Front End V. Back End
StartFront End v. Back End: The Role of PHP (1:06)
StartWriting a Back End Script with PHP (6:44)
StartPassing Data to a PHP processing page (6:53)
StartActivity: Creating a Back End (2:53)
StartBack End Demo (7:38)
StartSection Review (0:33)
Intro to Databases
StartDiscussing Databases (0:50)
StartphpMyAdmin and The Database Console (13:07)
StartSome Basic Queries (5:55)
StartA Basic Join (8:12)
StartActivity: Building a Database from Scratch (1:47)
StartBuilding a Database Demo (5:38)
StartSection Review (0:45)
Creating a 3-Tier Web Application
StartCreate a Three Tier Application (0:52)
StartCreating the Database the Runner Project Database (4:56)
StartDisplaying Database Data (11:06)
StartCreating a Data Entry Screen (8:01)
StartSection Review (0:50)
Restful API Services
StartWhat is a restful API (0:57)
StartMaking your first API connection with Irish Trains (10:18)
StartParameterized vs Non Parameterized Requests (3:17)
StartWorking with XML (9:23)
StartWorking with JSON (9:11)
StartParsing API data with jQuery (4:27)
StartSection Review (0:38)
The World of Mobile
StartMake Your First Mobile App Intro (1:12)
StartCreating the Template with PhoneGap (5:35)
StartCreating the GUI (10:10)
StartIntegrating the Chuck Norris Joke Generator API (9:57)
StartDeploying your Application (3:56)
StartSection Review (0:38)
Mobile GUI’s
StartConsiderations for Mobile GUIs (0:49)
StartIntegrating jQuery Mobile Libraries (4:06)
StartForm Elements with jQuery Mobile (8:28)
StartPages and Navigation with jQuery Mobile (6:30)
StartSection Review (0:34)
Adding Geolocation and Mapping Capabilities
StartGeolocation and Mapping (0:37)
StartObtaining the User’s Location (5:25)
StartCreating a Map with Leaflet.js (11:20)
StartAnnotating a Leaflet.js Map (5:03)
StartSection Review (0:36)
Integrating Device Hardware
StartDevice Hardware and Phonegap (0:36)
StartGetting Accelerometer Readings (9:37)
StartUsing Accelerometer Readings to move objects on screen (10:48)
StartSection Review (0:29)
StartWhere to Go from Here (1:21)
StartGood Bye and Thank you! (0:38)

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Innovative Business Model:
    • Embrace the reality of a genuine business! Our approach involves forming a group buy, where we collectively share the costs among members. Using these funds, we purchase sought-after courses from sale pages and make them accessible to individuals facing financial constraints. Despite potential reservations from the authors, our customers appreciate the affordability and accessibility we provide.
  2. The Legal Landscape: Yes and No:
    • The legality of our operations falls into a gray area. While we lack explicit approval from the course authors for resale, there’s a technicality at play. When procuring the course, the author didn’t specify any restrictions on resale. This legal nuance presents both an opportunity for us and a boon for those seeking budget-friendly access.
  3. Quality Assurance: Unveiling the Real Deal:
    • Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
      • No coaching calls or scheduled sessions with the author.
      • No access to the author’s private Facebook group or web portal.
      • No entry to the author’s exclusive membership forum.
      • No direct email support from the author or their team.

    We operate independently, aiming to bridge the affordability gap without the additional services offered by official course channels. Your understanding of our unique approach is greatly appreciated.

Refund is acceptable:

  • Firstly, item is not as explained
  • Secondly, Item do not work the way it should.
  • Thirdly, and most importantly, support extension can not be used.

Thank you for choosing us! We’re so happy that you feel comfortable enough with us to forward your business here.

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