Meet Kevin – The Complete Guide to Money, Wealth, Investments, Credit and Passive Income download , Meet Kevin – The Complete Guide to Money, Wealth, Investments, Credit and Passive Income review , Meet Kevin – The Complete Guide to Money, Wealth, Investments, Credit and Passive Income free
Meet Kevin – The Complete Guide to Money, Wealth, Investments, Credit and Passive Income
Hi! I’m Kevin. I have sold over $130,000,000 in real estate and transacted over 300 individual deals, renovations, rentals, apartment buildings, vacation rentals, etc. In addition to my background in finance as a licensed loan broker and finance student, construction as licensed general contractor doing structural additions and remodels, and background in property management, I am excited to share the experiences of myself, my father-in-law (35 years in real estate investing & sales), and my mother-in-law (35 years in property management, managing hundreds of units). These experiences will help you develop your skills in sales, client retention and expansion, investing, appraisals, valuation, finding the wedge (great deals), and building a portfolio built to last; for wealth and freedom. Start learning about sales, passive income, cashflow, and money today.
Course Curriculum
Course LIVE with EXPANDED Goal — Many More Lectures Being Added — Stay Tuned.
Start1.0 Heads Up & Discord. (7:37)
Start1.1: IF you see a Mistake, EMAIL ME and I’ll Give you $5 Each Mistake. (0:35)
Start1.2: May 2020 Update on New Lectures & Release Schedule (0:55)
The Danger, the Dream, the Disclaimer.
PreviewDANGER: This & Then That. (1:03)
StartDREAM: The Dream Calculator. (5:42)
StartDISCLAIMER: Financial Disclaimer. (0:37)
You Won, but Feel Poor.
StartThe #1 Rule of Money: Case. (4:21)
StartThe #2 Rule of Money: Defined. (4:25)
StartThe #3 Rule of Money: The Walk. (4:02)
StartThe #4 Rule of Money: The Base Rule for Budgeting. (3:28)
StartThe Ownership & Loss-Assessment Rule. (5:19)
StartThe Ovarian Lottery. (1:21)
StartInvesting vs Investing: It Changed my Life. (4:35)
StartThe Floating Quest. (2:06)
StartThe Firehose vs Incremental. (2:20)
StartThe 30-Year Rule for Stocks & Choice. (1:55)
StartThe Focus List. (1:14)
StartThe Value Hack & Super Important Money TRICK! (3:58)
StartGo Into Hiding. (2:59)
StartThe ONLY TWO Guarantees in Finance. (1:24)
The Dumb Choices of No Money.
StartThe Dumb Location Rule. (5:49)
StartWhat’s Backwards about FIRE. (2:31)
StartThe Two Footer – WORST Mentality — This Keeps Most Poor. (3:57)
StartThe Law of Guns and Butter. (7:42)
StartThe Car Industry. (5:19)
StartThe Sneakiest Money Problem. (4:28)
StartClothing & What Stopped my Dad’s Financial Freedom (3:32)
StartWatches & Jewelry Trap. (2:01)
StartThe Home Trap and My Biggest Loss. (5:05)
StartGifting Hack & Credit Scores. (3:29)
StartDating & Financial Nakedness. (5:04)
StartThe Replacement Rule & Value of Spouse. (5:42)
StartThe Basic Base Rule. (1:24)
The Mentality of No Money vs Money.
StartIs Mentality the Same as Mindset. (1:28)
StartFAST Pass Flaw. (3:11)
StartThe Coupon Fallacy: DO THIS INSTEAD. (3:00)
StartHappy Being Cheated. (3:31)
StartHow to ACTUALLY Negotiate and Win. (7:31)
StartRule of When There’s One There’s Two. (3:00)
Start‘Poor’ Wording. (1:35)
StartI’m Sorry. Principles and Liability. (2:30)
StartBeach, Mall, Movie Problem. (1:51)
StartPer-Hour Entertainment Rule. (2:44)
StartMr. Give & Giving & Charity. (3:30)
StartThe Myth of the 850 Credit Score. (2:47)
Productivity Habits & Notification & Obligation Paralysis.
StartMusic-Book Rule for Productivity. (1:15)
StartThe 5-Minute Workout & 2-Minute Rule. (1:17)
StartThe Phone Problem & The Flow State of Money. (4:29)
StartCheck Obsession and Productivity Trick. (2:22)
StartSolving Reminder & Notification Paralysis. (5:59)
StartSolving The Toxic App Problem. (5:47)
StartAn Introduction to Attorney-Smart Chaos Theory [VERY Important] (4:14)
Start3 Steps BEFORE Doing ANY Financial Organizing. (3:58)
Water-Cooler Investing.
StartThe Most-Toxic Substance. (2:25)
StartValuation Validation vs the Quantitative Resolution (VERY IMPORTANT). (3:20)
StartDo as the Blue Jeans Millionaire. (1:23)
StartThe Blind Flaw of Realizing Gains. (2:14)
StartBuy Low, Sell High Debunked: QQ Rule. (2:30)
StartWhy You’re Mentally Killing your Ability to Invest. (3:10)
StartWhy Your Cohorts are Killing your Ability to Invest. (2:05)
StartThe Heavenly Hottie’s Punch Card. (3:55)
Death of Paycheck to Paycheck
StartKilling Paycheck to Paycheck with Chaos Theory Control State: Step #0. (5:29)
StartChaos Theory Control State: Executing Step #1. (1:19)
StartAlternate to Step #1. (1:02)
StartChaos Theory Control State: Executing Step #2. (2:03)
StartChaos Theory Control State: Executing Step #3. (4:42)
StartChaos Theory Control State: Executing Step #4. (2:19)
StartChaos Theory Control State Revisted. (3:16)
Negotiating a Raise: Preventing Paycheck to Paycheck [P2P].
StartPreventing P2P Chaos Theory: Step #1. (2:05)
StartPreventing P2P Chaos Theory: Step #2. (2:41)
StartPreventing P2P Chaos Theory: Step #3. (5:46)
StartPreventing P2P Chaos Theory: Step #4. (0:29)
StartPreventing P2P Chaos Theory: Streamlined. (2:00)
StartPreventing P2P Chaos Theory: Alternate #1. (1:06)
StartPreventing P2P Chaos Theory: The Company Man and Woman. (2:11)
StartPreventing P2P Chaos Theory: Alternate #2: Double Edged Sword & BIG Happiness Rules (Commutes) (2:13)
The Laws of Banking and Practical Psychology of Investing
StartThe Ironic Misery of Checks: A Secret Lecture on Time and Living like the Wealthy & Productivity. (7:38)
StartThe Two-Faced Nature of Cash (4:28)
StartChecking Accounts & BEST & EASY & FREE Account Recommendation. (2:14)
StartTricks for Checks & Checkbooks. (5:49)
StartChecking Accounts Get these Two Things AT the Bank (0:58)
StartWealthy People Keep THIS Set in their Car – Always [Live Cheat Sheet] (2:41)
StartNote on Unbanked. (0:43)
StartKevin’s Favorite Stock Trading Account (1:27)
StartWatch KEVIN BUY STOCKS & FUNDS & Trade with Favorite Account. (6:00)
StartWatch Kevin Buy Mutual Funds (1:01)
StartNote on Analytical Trading vs The Customer Investor & My Philosophy. (4:15)
StartKevin on Indexes, Funds, & Automated Transfers (4:38)
StartThe Impact of Fees on Returns (Bigger than Presumed) (1:06)
StartComparing Vanguard & Fidelity Fees as well as Robo (2:56)
StartKevin on Diversification and Why I HATE the 60-40 & Rebalance Rule. (5:04)
StartWhen Diversification is LEAST Important and the Capacity for Wealth. (4:36)
StartSafety Deposit Boxes & FDIC & SIPC Insurance. (2:23)
StartNEVER Bother Opening THIS Account & the WRONG Way to “Grow” your Wealth. (2:44)
StartNEVER use THIS Free Service — Follow this Credit Rule Instead. (2:53)
StartOverdraft (Old School vs New School). (1:28)
StartThe Irony of Interest & Debt: Wealthy vs Poor. (10:02)
StartMobile Deposit Rule EVERYONE Should Use. (2:13)
StartBill Pay Tool to NEVER be Late (With Download) (5:01)
StartPreventing Overdrafts & When to Check your Accounts. (2:04)
StartPaper Bill Drawer Flow (Late Less Imp) (5:43)
StartElectronic Bill Flow & Trifecta System Overview. (1:19)
StartAccounting Success: Journaled Hero. (2:00)
StartThe Reality of Disputing Charges. (1:54)
StartPay-Day Loans & Check Cashing AND Personal Loans. (1:49)
Practical Economics to Make you Money.
StartCredit Cards & the Toxin of Reverse Compounding. (5:46)
StartThe Noise that Kills Investing Despite Compounding. (4:19)
StartThe Curse of Line-Item Pricing. (4:58)
StartBulk Fallacy & Per Unit Cost & The Alternative. (4:28)
StartSunk Costs; My Personal Struggle on Business & Education. (6:41)
StartToxicity of Free. (4:03)
StartAccounting Formula & Thinking Critically. (5:38)
StartGift Card Curse. (1:59)
StartSpend Shaming [Shopping Alone is Worst]. (1:26)
StartOpportunity Cost & Fallacy. (3:36)
StartLoss Aversion — The LEAP — Be a Part of the 47% [Very Important] (5:05)
The Laws of Credit and The Quest to 850.
StartReal Life Locks — The Two that Matter (EXTREMELY IMPORTANT) (8:47)
StartHow to Actually Freeze Your Credit. (2:24)
StartThe Bank’s Favorite Customers & the Score that Matters. (1:53)
StartMOST Important Factor in Credit Score & Hack. (2:18)
StartNext-Factor for Credit Boosting. (1:58)
StartThird Factor for Credit. (2:13)
Start4th Factor for Credit & Hack. (0:49)
Start5th Factor for Credit & Bundle Hack. (2:09)
StartMake Sure you do THIS with Credit & a Warning. (1:44)
StartBuilding Credit WITHOUT Credit Cards. (1:36)
StartBusiness Credit & Qualifying Business Debts. (1:47)
StartMy Favorite Credit Cards (Beginner to Advanced 0-850 Credit) & WARNINGs. (8:43)
StartWARNING: Warranties & Benefits & Car Benefits. (2:24)
StartAnnual Fees. (2:38)
StartStore Cards, Air Miles, and Cash Back [BEST POSSIBLE REWARD vs SCAM]. (2:43)
StartCredit Labeling & Everything with a Place. (1:02)
StartYour BEST Credit Line & Understanding The Economics of Secured vs Unsecured. (6:23)
StartYour NEXT Best Credit Line & the BEST Place to Get them. (1:06)
StartYour THIRD Best Credit Line. (1:06)
Emergency Funding.
StartAutomatic Sweeping & Manual Sweeps & Emergency Fund Warning. (3:11)
Money Hacks to Make Money.
StartEconomies of Scale for Personal Finance: Revenues & Profits. (7:01)
StartMarginal Analysis – What does it Mean? (2:30)
StartIMPORTANT FOR WEALTH: The Personal $1 Rule. (5:02)
StartPractical $1 Rule: The Tumbler. (3:11)
StartHome Cooking DANGER & Time Fallacy. (2:26)
StartBusiness Class – B2B vs B2C. (3:33)
StartThe Match. (2:09)
Creativity & Happiness Hacks.
StartHappiness Hack #1: Optimal. (3:04)
StartHappiness Hack #2: Setting & Extreme Analysis & Aristotle. (2:59)
StartUltimate Creativity and Happiness Tool (40 Second Trick) (2:55)
StartUltimate Creativity and Happiness Comes From… (0:31)
StartThe Complexity Complex. (2:59)
StartThe Changing Screen Hack for Elatedness. (0:36)
StartHow Happiness ACTUALLY Works (How to Become Happy)) (4:01)
Coronavirus Section
StartFor More Cash NOW – Tax Trick! (5:28)
StartHow I Force Myself to Wake Up Early and Why. (3:33)
StartI Always Thought the “R” Word was Stupid. (2:46)
StartHappiness and Time Structuring: My Daily Schedule – Stuck at Home. (4:18)
StartHappiness, Work, and Family: How to Establish the Boundary. (6:27)
StartHappiness Hack: The Jacket Trick. (3:03)
StartHappiness Hack: The Scrub. (2:22)
StartBad: How my Mom Handles Money. (3:42)
StartBad: How my Dad Handles Money. (2:58)
StartThe Deadly Sin of Quality. (10:22)
StartStock Market Investing: LARGE Green Day! (5:11)
The Truth about Donating
StartThe Donation Hack: Time, Chaos, and Wealth. (9:33)
StartDonating Cash: The Dangerous Flaw. (3:30)
StartLimitation on Donation Hack (2:04)
Passive Income
StartPassive Income & Passive Wealth. (4:16)
StartPassive Income Starts Here: For Yourself. (4:13)
StartPassive Income: What the Internet. Gets Wrong (3:17)
StartPassive Income: I Just Went to and Canon to Spend and THIS Happened (3:28)
StartPassive Income: Defaults & Collateral in Leverage. (5:03)
StartPassive Income: The Duality of Leverage. (2:10)
StartPassive Income & Unsafe & Toxic Leverage (Debt) (3:56)
StartPassive Income & Risky but not Toxic Leverage (Debt) (6:20)
StartVERY IMPORTANT. The All-In Fallacy, True Debt, & Why the Rich Really Get Richer. (8:41)
StartPassive Income: The Q & P Problem. (5:00)
StartPassive Income: Personality Test (3 Tests) (6:26)
StartPassive Income: Stock Wealth (4:17)
StartPassive Income: Stock Dividends (4:46)
StartPassive Income: Reiterating a Big Danger and WHY. (1:16)
PreviewPassive Income (Adapted from Live): The Treasure-Chest Journey. (9:32)
Quick-Start Segment (Added May 2020; Additional Lectures in Production – Check Back Weekly).
StartQuick Start: How to Use M1Finance (Showing Mine) to Buy Stocks & Create an Index Fund of your Own (Diversity) (19:07)
The Stock Market & Stock Investing (Section Developing 6-18-2020).
StartIntroduction to the Stock Market (My Critical Take) (4:18)
StartStock, Share, Equity & Accounting Formula. (4:34)
StartWhat is a Common Share vs Preferred Share? (2:04)
StartUnderstanding Index Funds & Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) (Simply Put) (6:54)
StartWealthfront or Stock Picking or M1Finance? (3:27)
StartUnderstanding the Broken Sell Button. (9:22)
StartDanger: Pump and Dumps (Identifying) (4:44)
StartNext-Day Fallacy (4:20)
StartTheory of Earnings Per Share (EPS) and Dangers. (12:56)
StartTheory of Price to Earnings Multiples (PE) and Dangers. (15:02)
StartBuilding Wealth in Stocks vs Real Estate. (10:27)
StartHow Dividends Affect Price. (7:49)
StartCorporate T, Stocks Splits, & Myth of Stock Price. (12:18)
StartMy Take on Day Trade vs Swing Trade vs Long-Term Investor (7:24)
StartTheory of Stock Buy Backs. (4:43)
StartOptions & the Danger of Options Compared to Stocks (Yet I Use Them). (6:00)
StartImportant for All: (Takeaway #1) on Companies. (5:40)
Start(MORE) Important for All: (Takeaway #2) on Companies. (3:53)
StartTwo Most Dangerous Aspects of Businesses. (0:57)
StartThe Real Reason we Read Company Earnings (Exposed). (4:07)
StartSister Company (Stock Hack & Hedge Fund Hack – EASY). (8:02)
Starting a Business and Lawsuits
StartStarting a Business (Step 1 on Priority, Insurances, Etc.) (11:21)
StartStarting a Business (Step 2) on Next Priority, Employees, Etc. (6:57)
StartContracts & NEXT. (3:04)
StartS-Corporations & LLC & Liability. (3:21)
StartRegistered Trademarks and Reality. (2:27)
StartIndependent Contractors vs Employees. (3:54)
StartSales vs Employee: Choosing. (1:43)
StartThe Truth about Lawsuits and your Business. (3:12)
StartWill a Professional License Boost your Revenue? (0:55)
Taxation & Strategies
StartHow to NEVER Pay Taxes on Real Estate or Stocks (Legal Hack). (5:03)
StartTerm vs Whole Life Insurance. (2:16)
StartThe Harsh Reality & Danger of the ROTH IRA. (11:29)
A Touch of Real Estate (Not a Real Estate Course – But Some Important Money Topics on Real Estate).
StartMyth and Danger of Mortgage Insurance (PMI or MIP or UF MIP) (5:00)
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