
Lynn Waldrop – Love Myself, Love My Life Clearing Package



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Lynn Waldrop – Love Myself, Love My Life Clearing Package

In this interview about Body Channel Healing Lynn shares five healing processes:

–high blood pressure
–balance issues
–food sensitivities
–group weight release
–chronic health issues

Benefit from Lynn’s extensive energy and scientific training to build your foundation of health!

Sit back, relax, and let Lynn’s healing MP3s help build your foundation of health
Detox the body of heavy metals, chemicals, parasites, yeast, & mold, diminish inflammation and clean out the impacted fecal matter that throws off toxins from your colon
Balance the endocrine system, whose hormones tell your body how to regulate everything
Includes releasing thoughts, feelings, and emotions that cause dis-ease
Listen to them on loop with sound turned down and continue to receive the benefits everyday
Package B Group Call Dates: December 8, 15, 22 at 8pm ET / 5pm PT (replays available) – gift to as many people as you want!

Have you been diagnosed by a medical professional with an illness or have pain of some sort that you want to end?
Then Lynn Waldrop can definitely help you!!

She has successfully worked with many people from all walks of life and with a host of problems including but not limited to:

Heavy metal detox;

Yeast overgrowth;

Fungus; parasites and inflammation to IBS;



Bladder prolapse;


Cleaning plaque out of arteries;

Spinal adjustments;

Lymphatic/liver/gall bladder/spleen dumps and detoxes;

Polyps and energetic colonics;

Back pain;

Fat cell detoxes that are like a skin toning,

Rejuvenation and decrease in size!

Lynn’s gift is that she can talk to bodies and entities and they talk back with her! Whatever is going on in your body that is causing disease or discomfort, she can find out the REAL cause of the issue so you can address that immediately. What’s more, a lot of time she will simply adjust the energy blockage and the issue vanishes! Her work has been compared to being akin to magic or even miraculous and her clients are enjoying pain free release from the issues that had plagued them for decades sometimes!

Here’s what Dr. Mark Armstrong, ND (Naturopath & Acupuncturist) has to say about Lynn:

Lynn’s remote healing evaluation was right on track. I am a Naturopathic Doctor and I use Biofeedback to evaluate my clients. Both Lynn and the Biofeedback found the same patterns and pathogens – what a gift!! The remote healing I received this morning confirmed an awareness I had 2 days ago when I saw myself at a perfect weight for me. I never mentioned to Lynn that I had a herniated L4/L5 vertebrae in my spine and she picked up on an attachment locked in L4. That’s better than an X-Ray or MRI because she got rid of the attachment and my back feels better! Now that’s a Medical Intuitive, I believe!
Dr. Mark Armstrong

No more hip pain!

The healing session was quick and efficient. Lynn dove right in, literally and started working on my brain, nervous system, spine, glands and more. I could feel her healing hands working on each area. My body was twitching and moving as Lynn worked on me. I actually felt her hand on my thigh and I looked to double check she wasn’t physically in the room with me. At the end of the session I felt like I was stretched out, as if I’ve grown a few inches. My hip pain was gone.

Get immediately download Lynn Waldrop – Love Myself, Love My Life Clearing Package

I’d had a flare up of plantar fascitis, which actually made it hard for me to walk. In the past it took 4 weeks of ice massage and taking it easy to get me back to pain free. Happily Lynn’s great work shifted the burning sensation in one session! She saved me a month of pain! She also adjusted my endocrine system for me, which has been loopy from integrating a new level of divine energy. Lynn is awesome!
Maiyah Olivas

Shortly after working with Lynn,
clients report spectacular results:

Although it might not be in the way they thought: for example, Lynn worked with a gentleman very ill with West Nile Virus – while working on him the body was very clear that his 105 fever was going to put him into kidney failure so the immediate need was to lower temperature and keep the kidneys on-line and functioning properly so he would not have to go on dialysis. Lynn worked on him and his temperature was down in ½ hour and kidneys ok. The impending kidney failure was confirmed by doctors at the Emergency Room.)

In another remarkable story, Lynn explains in her own words:

“One of my best friends had a grandmother that fell into a coma and she asked for my assistance in finding out what was wrong because the doctors could not figure it out. I went into meditation and woke up in her hospital room 750 miles away, speaking with her telepathically and asked if I could dive into her to find out the problems. I dove into one system and jumped out and dove right back into the next system (such as cardiovascular, nervous, digestive…). I had been shown 2 things wrong and even the names of the tests that would show the problems and at the time I didn’t even understand the problems and never heard of the tests. I called my friend and she was grateful and she had to talk her mother into talking the doctors into running these tests. They seemed unnecessary and off-track but her mother had a way of persuasion they could not refuse. The tests showed everything I had received was correct. Truthfully it really kind of freaked me out ……!”

Lynn has a special way of talking to bodies that is extremely rare. Bodies talk back to her immediately take her to the root cause of the REAL disorder, not just the symptoms which can be misleading.

When Lynn dove into my body I was mildly interested to see what she found since I am generally a healthy person. I had not shared anything about my health with Lynn. But she immediately picked up on the fact that my gall bladder was missing. I was shocked! For to go straight to my gall bladder which was the only dysfunction I had was remarkable!!! She also picked up on the fact that I didn’t have any serious organ or system dysfunction and just needed a bit of detox and I felt a most definite rejuvenation from her clearing and was in high vibration after that. Since I interview gifted people on a daily basis, I can honestly say that I have yet to see someone with as remarkable a gift as Lynn’s when it comes to identifying causes of disease. She is truly amazing!

Eram Saeed, Host of Global TeleSummit From Heartache To Joy

Lynn has put together this offer for Love Myself Love My Life. Package A includes 13 Mp3 recordings. These sessions are like a concentrated dose, so a 20-minute mp3 is very powerful! Or you can upgrade to Package B that includes all 13 mp3s plus 3 LIVE group calls with Lynn with 1 hour of Body Channel work and 30 minutes Q&A (also recorded and sent to you)!

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Ready2Go Marketing Solutions – The Rebel Within – Success Tips

With twelve 250-400 word professionally crafted ‘mini’ articles, your clients will get tools and strategies they need to send as weekly success tips, use as blog posts, or short articles in your newsletter.

Here’s an example of a success tip that comes in your package:

Keep Moving Forward

The world is splitting apart, and young Eep is running toward a new, adventurous life. Every step she takes is perilous and fraught with danger as the earth crumbles all around her. Behind her is the dark cave she’s always called home. Ahead of her is tropical beach that’s just out of reach. Her father shouts, “Don’t go! It’s too dangerous! Listen to your fears!” Meanwhile her new friend, Guy, runs alongside her, telling her, “Keep going. I believe in you. You can do this.”

This, of course, simply paraphrases a scene from the children’s movie “The Croods,” but it holds profound truth for us all.

Inside your mind lives the voice of a protective authority figure who wants you to play it safe. You also have an adventurous champion who wants you to go for it. The difference between your life in a dark, musty cave and your life in a lush island paradise is your willingness to keep moving forward.

  1. Choose To Be Successful – Whatever dream you want to pursue, you have to choose it first. Recognize that you have a choice in all things, and choose the option that feels the most like success…then pour every ounce of energy you have into it.
  2. Take Bold Action – Just go. Start running. Move boldly in the direction of your dreams, whatever that means to you. Stop preparing…just start, and you can course-correct along the way.
  3. Turn A Deaf Ear to Discouragement – Family and friends are great at providing you with unneeded, discouraging advice. They have many reasons why your vision is foolish, and they will rattle off a list of your shortcomings if you let them. Don’t let them. Don’t listen. Stay focused on your goal.

You are capable of achieving massive success, regardless of your background. You could even find yourself living in paradise. In order to do so, though, you must overpower your inner critic and keep moving forward. I promise, the rewards far outweigh the risks.

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    • The legality of our operations falls into a gray area. While we lack explicit approval from the course authors for resale, there’s a technicality at play. When procuring the course, the author didn’t specify any restrictions on resale. This legal nuance presents both an opportunity for us and a boon for those seeking budget-friendly access.
  3. Quality Assurance: Unveiling the Real Deal:
    • Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
      • No coaching calls or scheduled sessions with the author.
      • No access to the author’s private Facebook group or web portal.
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      • No direct email support from the author or their team.

    We operate independently, aiming to bridge the affordability gap without the additional services offered by official course channels. Your understanding of our unique approach is greatly appreciated.

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