
Kenton Knepper – Wonder Words – The Series



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Kenton Knepper – Wonder Words – The Series

Kenton Knepper
Wonder Words
The Series
Wonder Words – Volume 1 – 4 CDs
Imagine being able to take control of the very thoughts, perceptions, and responses of your audience. Picture your audiences’ amazement when they really can not explain the trick because the magic is done with words, not sleights or props. This is what Wonder Words will teach you. It is prestidigitation of the mind.

It’s finally here, the audio book everyone has been waiting for – now on CD! After lots of prodding from Larry Becker, Jeff McBride, Docc Hilford, Dr. Juris, Lee Earle and many other pros, Kenton has agreed to part with the information that he has kept under tight wraps to all but a very select few.

Whether you’re a magician or mentalist, Kentons’ secrets will radically alter your work and the reaction to it. Revealed are the verbal tools used by top psychologists to influence and control clients’ actions and attitudes. This is not a dissertation on hypnosis, this is Wonder Words — The Art of Linguistic Deception.

Perhaps even more telling was the response at Docc Hilfords’ Weerd Weekend. Wonder Words was a complete sell-out less than an hour after Kenton introduced it. Docc himself said “This is the new Fitzkee.” Others said “One of the most significant works ever produced in magic,” “This is going into the library at the Castle.”

Even before it’s official release, Jeff McBride praised Wonder Words saying, “You’re a spell-weaver of words that can even make mimes speak…I’m living proof. Your material has dramatically transformed the way I’m doing my spell weaving these days!”

As important as this material is to your work, you’re probably anxious to get a copy of your own. Finally you can…here’s how. Just fill out the order form on the back of this sheet, mail it in and very soon you will know what few others know… The Art of Linguistic Deception.

Wonder Words – Volume 2 – 4 CDs

Wonder Words Volume Two is subtitled “The Real Work” because it is exactly that. In Wonder Words Volume One Kenton began the journey….Volume Two turns that journey into a performance altering adventure. So what’s the big deal?

For starters: Wouldn’t it be great if people constantly talked about a trick they saw you perform when in fact you NEVER EVER did that trick at all? Just think of it! There is a secret way to simply tell a story and cause people to believe they actually SAW YOU PERFORM the trick, when all you did was TALK ABOUT IT! (No, it isn’t “hypnosis”).

In Volume One, you were (As Michael Close said) “Totally Blown Away” by how easy it was to greatly improve your performance by changing a few simple words. Volume Two — The Real Work offers equally simple techniques that achieve even more startling results.

Still want more? Well of course there are killer effects as part of the package. Like how to cause a spectator to TRAVEL THROUGH TIME and come back with PHYSICAL PROOF. This is directly from Kenton’s act. Yes all the little touches Kenton uses are there as always.

What else? How about an “Invisible Deck” routine with no deck at all? No stooges or other sneaky set ups either. The spectator just MIMES taking a card from thin air, and you can TELL them what they chose (No it isn’t some silly mathematical thing either).

Another diabolical effect is a never before published telephone trick. Already several performers are using this bit to book thousands of dollars in extra performances…. You can too!

Perhaps you’d like to be able to point into the sky and cause a cloud, any cloud a spectator chooses, to vanish from the sky. No kidding. It’s easy once you know the right WORDS. Kenton gives you the WHOLE story on how to do this with words alone.

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