
Kim Reilly – The Ultimate Trading Solution



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Kim Reilly – The Ultimate Trading Solution

Package Consists Of only 8 Video PDF Manuals

Australian Options Trader, Kim Reilly has educated tens of thousands of people in how to transform their lives using his simple options trading techniques
The Ultimate Trading Solution DVD Series, is a compilation of all the rules, strategies, hints, tips and tricks that Kim Reilly has used to trade the Australian Options Markets, and put them all together in this 8 DVD long Options Trading program.
From: The Desk of Kim Reilly
Hello! My name is Kim Reilly and I would like to thank you for taking the time to visit this site.
I have been in the fortunate position of being able to live my dreams working part-time from home and I want to give you the opportunity of seeing how this can be done.
You see, I have been able to make a living and generate wealth using various investment strategies. Not all worked, but the majority did. What’s more important is that I believe that you or anyone else can potentially become successful if they truly want to.

Let me explain a bit more to you…..
Kim Reilly – “The Million Dollar Trader”
A few years back, I completed a trade which I guess is almost the “Holy Grail” for all traders.
To make a million dollars profit on a single trade.
I did it in three weeks. With a 3000% return on investment.
Let me tell you that the interesting thing about this is much more than the amount of money I made (although that definitely kept me excited for a while!). It was my understanding of the keys that took me from knowing virtually nothing about investing five years before to being able to live the life of my dreams. And now I want to take the opportunity to share these keys with you.
Risk is Important For You To Understand

I know that part of you own ‘thinking’ may be saying: “Yes, but you are taking a huge risk investing like this, aren’t you?”

Let’s be clear about one thing. ALL investing has some level of risk. Just look at the returns of most managed funds until a few years ago! The thing is, I actually used less than ten percent of my investment “bank” to make 3000%!

To put it another way, let’s say you had $10,000 to invest, and you invested just $1,000 of it and made $10,000 in three weeks. Suddenly the old brain starts looking at it in a different way, doesn’t it? What about risking $10 to make a $100? How are you reacting to the money now…?
It’s Not The Amounts of Money That Really Matter…

What’s far more important than the amounts of money is the system that gets the results…. That’s what I want to talk to you about,

Let’s Be Clear… You Need a System

Here’s a statement I would like you to really stop and think about…
“For me, trading is far less risky
than what 95% of Australians
are doing right now”
Kim Reilly

Does that seem like a big statement to you?
Here’s why I believe it’s true…

  1. I don’t trade with more than 10% of my investment bank.The average Australian usually takes unnecessary risks and experiences the pain that follows;
  2. I follow a system with a set of rules.Most people are driven by ‘spur of the moment decisions, or fear and greed;
  3. I have had great success over my trading lifewhich gives me powerful references to continue. The best success for the average Australian is a $5 win on scratchy cards.

Most people are bashing away for 50 hours a week in the vain hope that someone will look after them when they retire. Or even more scary to me is the belief that you can achieve wealth without having a set of rules to follow (Maybe some can, but I’m certainly not clever enough to do it!)

You see, if you have a system for anything, investing, working, you have peace of mind. You feel great. You feel confident. You are ready to move onto other challenges with a passion and desire that I believe cannot be stopped.

You’re Probably Thinking: I’ve Heard All This before.

Sadly, there are many people out there making claims about their trading which are simply not accurate. This makes it a lot more difficult for you to make a decision on whether or not you would even listen to anyone. I can guarantee that my trades are 100% ‘the real deal’ and can be confirmed by my brokers.

So if you have never heard of me before please rest assured that all my trades are accountable through other accredited sources. And I am open enough to admit that like all traders I have had my losses as well as my wins, (a few shockers, in fact), which is a part of the business of trading.
You don’t need to be Albert Einstein!

You may be wondering if you need a lot of skills and to have superior intellect, to be able to use these strategies. I certainly don’t. I left school at 15, did not read a serious book until I was 25, and was only ever successful at failing in my early attempts at running my own business.

That is why I am even more confident that you can achieve your dreams as long as you have the willingness to listen and commitment to be in a better place than you are now.
Let Me Ask You A Question…
Would You be Willing to Follow A Simple, Effective Trading System Developed by Someone Who has Made A Living From Trading The Options Markets?

The only things I teach are things I know. The only things I know are the things that I have done. True knowing can only come from trial and error.

You will make mistakes and you will suffer losses. Get this idea firmly planted in your mind before you begin. If you cannot take a loss, or believe for some exotic reason the market will let you escape unscathed then my advice is never to trade.

If, however, you are committed to plotting a course for your own financial freedom and you are prepared to do whatever it takes, you can never fail, unless you quit.

The information in this course will never take the place of commitment, practice and patience.
This course is designed to give you a raw plan for your voyage, it is not the be all and end all and it is certainly not the ‘holy grail.’
There are many authors from which I have learned,
but my greatest teacher has been the market itself.

Here is a quick preview of one of the videos from the Course…

Introduction to the Ultimate Trading Solutions:

There are two parts to making things happen – you need a method and you need motivation. What this course will give you is the method of trading options that I use, the actual nitty gritty, as in; this is what you look at and this is what you do, but you, and only you have to put in the motivation.

One thing that I found over 10 years of going to seminar after seminar after seminar, was that you get all pumped up at the seminar, you get all excited about stuff and go “that’s the number for me.” That’s it baby – I’m on fire now – and then about a week after the seminar – nothing really happened – and it wasn’t because I didn’t get the information. It was because I wasn’t clear about why I was doing things, so that clarity is vitally important for you, not only for you to start trading but also for you to continue trading.

Gradually, you will know, not only from a theoretical point of view, but from a practical point of view, exactly, how this whole monster comes together and you’ll start to realize, that the stock market is a massive, massive thing. It’s a huge entity, with endless opportunities.

What we’ve taken or what we focus on is a very, very, small but lucrative part of it.

So, if you are committed to supplying the motivation, then as I said I am committed to supplying the method.

The Ultimate Trading Solution DVD Program, is your method, I have compiled all the rules, strategies, hints, tips and tricks that I have used to trade with over the past few years, added all the feedback from traders and would-be traders and put them all together in this 8 DVD long Ultimate Trading Solution

Here is just a glimpse of what the Ultimate Trading Solution DVD Program, will enable you to do…

  • We start off by demystifying the stock market, You will understand exactly how the market works, what effects the markets movements and how you can use this information to make profits.
  • What is the All Ordinaries Index that you hear so much about on the news, and market reports, What it means to your trading and how to use it to enhance your trading.
  • Learn The Importance Of A Plan—If you Fail to Plan, you are Planning to Fail, Nothing is more true, especially to a trader.
  • Understand how to take advantage of the massive Leverage that Options can provide, while helping to reduce your risk.
  • Learn completely every aspect of Options, and how to use them effectively.
  • Discover how Options are priced, and how to make sure your not paying too much.
  • Learn the Importance of timing to your options trading, ignoring these rules can be catastrophic to your trading capital.
  • Delta, Gamma, Theta, Discover the Greeks of Options, and how to use them to give yourself an edge in the market.
  • Find out what Open Interest is, and how if NOT used effectively it can leave you stuck in a position that you would rather not be in.
  • Fully understand the different types of analyses that is available to you, and which one you will be using.
  • You’ll find out about the different types of charts Kim uses to make his trading decisions.
  • A quick and easy way to tell if a share in likely to continue in the same direction in the short term.
  • Learn the best times to do nothing, and sit out of the market.
  • You have heard the Golden Rule is “Always Trade With The Trend.” Find out the Surprisingly simple way to tell which way a stock is trending.
  • Time tested Price Patterns and how to recognise them.
  • How to tell when a stock is in a channel and how to position your trades.
  • Learn a hundred year old method for picking major Market Swings.
  • Daily, Weekly and Monthly Charts, which ones to look at and base your decisions off.
  • Demystify some of the Jargon used by Market Professionals.
  • How to read your charts so you know exactly when a trade is about to break.
  • The exact entry signals that Kim uses to trade.
  • The Valuable insight that Volume can give you when making your trades.
  • Learn all about the Relative Strength Index and how I use it to confirm my trades.
  • Using Bollinger Bands to determine how far a stock is likely to move.
  • Before committing a cent to the market, take the market simulation and get real feedback on your understanding of the rules and principals presented.
  • By analysing Gaps, you will be able to tell the difference between a Market Breakout or an exhaustion gap.
  • Money Management, Money Management, Money Management! Perhaps the most important part of any trader’s toolbox.
  • How to place your orders, learn exactly what to say to your broker, so you can both understand what you are doing.

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