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Lisa Cherney & Lisa Sasevic – Cash Through Clarity
From the desk of Lisa Cherney, Juicy Marketing Expert
Dear Frustrated Entrepreneur,
I know you have a mission.
You are meant to help people, right?
It’s your passion—your purpose in life! So why aren’t you doing it exactly the way you want to?
If you’re like so many entrepreneurs, it may be because you are struggling with your marketing.
Does any of this sound familiar?
- You feel frustrated because as much as you LOVE what you do and are driven to help others, you can’t seem to find the right words to explain exactly what it is that you do, in an impactful way. If only your words could really reflect your ability to make a difference!
- You have studied marketing courses, chosen a niche, and are doing everything the “experts” tell you… but you’re still not landing clients.
- You have given presentations, written articles, and/or even run booths… but you still don’t land enough clients.
- You have gone to all the networking events, handed out dozens of business cards and talked to tons of people… but you’re not finding the clients you really want to work with? You wonder: where can I find them and what do I need to do to get them to work with me?
- Worst of all, the clients you DO get you can’t stand working with. Every time the phone rings and you know it’s them, you get the sick feeling in the pit of your stomach. But it’s even worse than that—some of them are so unhappy with you that you know they’re complaining about you to other people…or they’ve even asked for refunds AFTER you’re turned yourself inside out to make them happy!
You’ve done everything the marketing books and courses teach you, right? But somehow, it’s just not working for you. (And it’s not for a lack of effort!) Perhaps you have begun to ask yourself: “What’s missing? Should I try harder? Do I need to be doing more? Is my message not strong enough?”
Maybe you’ve even reached the end of the line. If you don’t turn this around soon, you might just have to give up on your dreams and find a “job”. (How can you keep spending money on a business that isn’t making any?)
You are MORE than ready for your business to be successful. You’re just not exactly sure what’s wrong!
Let me shine a ray of hope into your marketing darkness…
It’s not your fault.
You’re not doing anything “wrong”.
The problem is that most marketing courses don’t teach you the number one, most important, most vital element of ALL your marketing efforts. The foundation.
But I do.
But first, who am I and why should you listen to me?
I’m Lisa Cherney, the Juicy Marketing Expert and Founder of Conscious Marketing. Over the years, I have worked with iconic brands like AT&T, Nissan and Lipton at top advertising agencies. I have also personally worked with 1000s of new and experienced business owners from at least 30 different industries. Kym Yancey, President of eWomenNetwork called her, “One of the most brilliant marketers I know!” Robert Allen, author of multiple New York Times bestsellers including The One-Minute Millionaire says, “Listen to everything Lisa Cherney says about marketing!” I’m known for my ability to cut through the hype and get to the heart of what my clients uniquely bring to the table. But my greatest accomplishment is having the courage to laser-focus my marketing (which means saying “no” to non-ideal clients) and tripling my income in 2009 while taking off Fridays and Mondays to be a mom. In 2010 Marketing Clarity was my top priority and I doubled her income again to over a half million dollars. And in 2012 I crossed the 7-Figure mark…still working part-time!
But it wasn’t always like this. In fact, there was a time when I worked for the very worst boss around—ME! And it wasn’t until I implemented for myself this simple system where I was able to turn things around.
By now you may be wondering: So, Lisa, what IS the number one, most important, most vital element to ALL my marketing efforts?
You MUST have clarity.
You have to get crystal clear in your own mind as to who you are, what service you provide, how you impact your clients, and even more importantly, who your ideal client really is.
Your Ideal Client is not a “niche”; rather, this is much more specific. That’s why choosing a niche without identifying your Ideal Client can lead to compromising your mission and a lot of wasted time, effort and money.
Here’s the great news: I can lead you through the steps you must take in order to laser-focus your marketing… so that it not only works for you, but it works effectively.
You CAN work less, make more, and have a bigger impact on the world!
— Introducing —
Cash Through Clarity™ Training and Coaching Program
Claim Your Ideal Clients and Attract ‘Em With the Perfect Words
See, I’ve been in this business for a long time, and it grieves me to see all the money people spend on the strategic side of marketing (what I call “the doing”): learning techniques, processes and steps—only to be permanently stalled when they can’t answer the big questions: “Who am I marketing to and why would they want to work with me versus a competitor?” Once this occurs, these wonderful people lose their ability to move forward. All their investments begin collecting dust while the guilt of making those purchases eats away at their self-confidence.
I don’t want this to happen to you!
And that’s exactly why I created the Cash Through Clarity™ Training and Coaching Program.
Throughout this five-part teleclass training, I share the same methods with you that have worked for hundreds of my private clients over the last four years.
I teach you to laser-focus your marketing, so it finally works for you!
Now, before I tell you what you get in this training, let me first share with you what you WON’T:
- You won’t be bulldozed into picking a niche. Choosing a niche before you’ve fleshed out (and claimed) your Ideal Client can trap you into a vicious cycle of expending more and more effort for less and less reward.
- You won’t start by focusing on copywriting or branding or any of the “how to” of marketing. Before you can think about any of that, you need clarity. You cannot market authentically without it! (Branding without clarity is like beautiful wrapping on an empty package—very pretty but it’s got no content!)
- You won’t be taught a one-size-fits-all strategy to magically turn your marketing around. You see, I believe that everyone is unique and your business is as unique as you are. Your marketing should be in perfect alignment with your gifts!
- You won’t have to struggle through this alone. This is NOT just another cookie-cutter info product, this is a FULL implementation program COMPLETE with coaching and masterminding so YOU get the personal attention and specific strategies to YOUR unique situation. Plus, you’re going to get full access to our private Facebook group (we call it Team Clarity), where you not only get an opportunity to share ideas, insights and inspirations with your fellow CTC participants, but you ALSO get consistent, ongoing coaching from Yours Truly and my Head Juicy Marketing Coach. Your business is different, so you should get the personalized help and support you need to make sure your marketing honors that difference AND gets you the results you’re looking for.
Now here is just a taste of what you WILL get with the Cash Through Clarity Training and Coaching Program. You will learn how to:
* Finally discover and claim your Ideal Client—get this foundation right and all your marketing becomes easy. (Not knowing your Ideal Client IS a recipe for disaster… so avert it now!)
* Tune in to your Ideal Client’s frequency, join their wavelength, and choose the words that inspire them to say “I need that!”
* Laser focus your marketing so you attract more of the people you love to work with. (This involves learning how to say “no” to the ones you don’t, too!)
* Walk away with THE juicy words for ALL these marketing pieces:
- Juicy websites
- Effective Juicy 30-Second Introduction
- Cool Opt-In Quiz/Assessment
- Powerful Headlines
- Catchy Talk Titles & Program Names
- Business Card (Make it a keeper!)
- Juicy Benefits
- Juicy Brochure/flyer words
- Bullets for sales page
- Posts on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.
- Words for all sales conversations
* Find your own authentic marketing voice instead of latching onto what someone else thinks ‘your market’ will like, or what will sell.
* Discover your own “juicy” words, which you’ll immediately be able to incorporate into ALL your online and offline marketing materials (websites, brochures, sales letters, etc.) plus use them in your conversations with prospects and on the stage… AND in all your networking situations, too! Best part? It will feel SO natural and authentic! (Formulas and templates provided!)
* Differentiate yourself from everyone else out there in your field.
* Build your confidence and conviction in the value of what you’re offering, and raise your fees! Earn what you are worth, and what your Ideal Clients will be more than happy to pay you.
* Develop your own unique Marketing Plan tailored specifically to you, your strengths and your Ideal Clients. (Stop listening to the “gurus” and searching for the “right” way! With this in place, you save time, energy and money. You get focused, maximizing results with less effort!)
* Get the courage to charge what you are worth (and more). When you have the words to describe what you do for people, and you do it with confidence and conviction, something changes inside and you find yourself able raise your fees…a lot! (And when you don’t know how to describe what you do, you feel smaller, tend to discount or even give it away.)
* Eliminate the guilt you have around other investments. Clients tell me over and over, “Working with you has made all my other investments pay off.” They are collecting dust because you are not clear. Get clear and you will now use all the programs you invested in. (Because it’s not YOU that’s the problem — it’s because you didn’t have clarity.)
* Fine tune your product or service so it’s an exact match to your Ideal Client’s needs. (Accomplish this and you’ll have them crawling over broken glass to work with you!)
* Simplify your marketing so you can focus precisely on where your Ideal Clients hang out—this will save you hours and hours, not to mention hundreds of dollars.
You don’t have to let go of your dreams because you need more income. You CAN find your authentic message, and I can help you do it.
Here is an overview of what you can expect to learn with the
Cash Through Clarity Training and Coaching Program:
BONUS: Pre-Work To Get You Started IMMEDIATELY
Diagnose and Cure Your “Multiple Ideal Client Personality Disorder”
Once And For All. Focus Gives You Freedom!
MICPD Diagnosis Kit
This bonus training (that you will get right away upon reserving your spot) is designed to prepare you for our first call, “Claim ‘Em.”
Do you have Multiple Ideal Client Personality Disorder? Do you want to help everyone?
Is your head spinning with all the different types of people or organizations you can help?
Until you clearly choose a place to start, your success will be stalled. Follow our proprietary diagnoses formula and you will see more clearly than ever before – and your marketing will be more authentic – and therefore more effective than ever.
You’ll hear me coaching my VIP Juicy Marketing Clients – what better way to introduce you to the complexity of this “Claim ‘Em” process?
Listen in as I reveal several access points to diagnosing the puzzle of MICPD – from demographics, to products, to programs. Get concrete tools and words and messaging you can use right away within your marketing, in all areas (online and offline).
In the end, you get clarity, clients, confidence and cash.
Module 1 – Claim ’Em
Tune Your Marketing To Your Ideal Client’s Frequency,
So They Hear You & They Buy!
- Differentiate between Target Market, Niche, and Ideal Client—get this and you’ll be streets ahead of your competition!
- Discover how to uncover and claim your Ideal Client so you really know who you are targeting. (No more settling for less than your Ideal!)
- Build your Ideal Client Profile so you can tune into their frequency, use the words they want to hear, and know where to find them.
You can’t find your ideal clients if you don’t know exactly who they are… so let’s find out! Finally, cure your Multiple Ideal Client Personality Disorder for good! Get down to the nitty gritty – who do you want to work with? Who do you NOT want to work with? And where to look to find your Ideal Clients? Get your answers, here.
Module 2 – Attract ’Em
Master This Marketing SuperPower &
Attract Your Ideal Clients Like Magic!
* Discover how to “get inside the head” of your Ideal Client, use their words, and inspire sign-ups.
* Create headlines that attract your Ideal Client by applying Headline Questions of Attraction.
* Create a quiz or assessment you can use on your business card, website and even when you’re networking—this is a marketing Super Power as good as being able to read minds!
* Walk away with THE juicy words for ALL these marketing pieces:
- Juicy websites
- Effective Juicy 30-Sec/Elevator Pitch
- Cool Opt-In Quiz/Assessment
- Powerful Headlines
- Catchy Talk Titles & Program Names
- Business Card (Make it a keeper!)
- Juicy Benefits
- Juicy Brochure/flyer words
- Bullets for sales page
- Posts on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.
- Words for all sales conversations
“Attract ‘Em” Maximizer: HEADLINE QUESTIONS OF ATTRACTION FORMULA PROCESS™ containing my proven methods for creating headlines and titles that grab your Ideal Clients’ attention and hold it, so you can put your juicy marketing magic to work.
Module 3 – Help ’Em
Confidently Express How You Help ‘Em
So You Charge What You’re Worth!
- Distinguish your product or service for your Ideal Client Group.
- Determine the perfect Juicy Benefits that will attract your Ideal Clients.
- Discover the antidote to “I can’t afford to work with you”. (It’s easier than you think)
- Build your confidence and conviction in the value of what you are offering. (Without this, you’ll never be able to persuade your Ideal Clients to invest with you.)
- Find the courage and confidence to charge what you’re worth (and more). No more discounting your fees — you’ll be able to start charging what you want AND your ideal clients will be happy to pay it!
- Get “full of yourself” so people believe you can create the outcome for them!
- “Help ‘Em” Maximizer: THE WORDS TO GET PAID WHAT YOU’RE WORTH – The Juicy Benefits worksheet and guide will help you know exactly how to say the things that will attract your ideal clients by letting them know how you can help them, and exactly when and where to place your juicy benefits for maximum effect. This is the VERY thing that inspires people to invest in themselves through YOU!
Module 4 – Find ’Em
Easily Find Your Ideal Clients & Get The Maximum Impact
With The Least Amount Of Effort
- Locate where your Ideal Clients are hanging out. (Imagine—no more wondering where they are, you’ll KNOW exactly where to find them!)
- Strategize how you will show up there, in their hangout, and in such a way they won’t be able to resist working with you!
- Find your Marketing Strategy Sweet Spot™ and maximize your efforts creating more free time. (After all, that is why you started your business in the first place!)
- Discover your marketing “fun zone” (Yes marketing CAN be fun—let me show you how!)
- Create your own unique Marketing Plan that focuses on your Ideal Client and your personal strengths and preferences. (You wouldn’t squeeze into someone else’s shoes… and now you won’t have to try to squeeze into anyone else’s marketing plan!)
- “Find ‘Em” Maximizer 1: JUICY MARKETING STRATEGY WORKSHEETS step-by-step guide designed to help you locate your ideal clients and make a great entrance when you finally meet them – because a first impression really can make or break a relationship!
- “Find ‘Em” Maximizer 2: 90-DAY MARKETING PLAN GUIDE so you know exactly how to create a plan to get you where you want to go. No more going in circles. You will know WHAT to do WHEN, how and why!
See everything you’ve learned, in action. This 19-page report shows you real-life examples of exactly how other Juicy Grads have successfully put it all together in powerful, results-based marketing materials that get the job done. Examples of business card layouts, websites, marketing brochures, and materials using all of the Juicy Marketing Strategies you developed in the Cash Through Clarity Program.
Still wondering if Cash Through Clarity™ is right for you?
Ask yourself this: Where will I be in three months time?
Will you still be struggling with your marketing? Not getting the leads or clients you need to keep your business alive? And the clients you DO get are ones you dread working with? Will you still be in business at all, or will you have closed the doors and crawled back to a “job”?
Or, will you invest in yourself now, gain the clarity you must have to underpin all your marketing, and ultimately, change your life?
Attract and keep as many clients as you want. Increase your rates because people are desperate to work with you. Work less, and enjoy LIFE more!
“The program shifted my thinking – I got clarity!”
When it became clear that it was time to grow my business to the next level, Lisa gave me what I needed to move forward. Lisa’s program shifted my thinking from identifying client solutions to unearthing my Ideal Clients’ problems. I got accountability and healthy peer pressure around doing the marketing homework for my business, plus Lisa gave me affirmation and coaching around the clarity and focus of my marketing strategy.
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