
Mindful Power Bundle Part 4 – Mind Enhancement Systems



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Mindful Power Bundle Part 4 – Mind Enhancement Systems

We all face challenges, but how come some people suffer through them while others thrive through them? Is it just a difference in attitude? Often, those who are fast to rise above difficulties are those who see the problem as a small issue within in the larger context of their life, and in so doing are able to respond more resourcefully?

The way in which we observe our external reality determines our internal experience in relation to it. Albert Einstein reminded us that “the significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them.” So what level of thinking, or what kind of observation will enable you to respond to your situation or approach your task resourcefully?

As a Coach, many of my clients bring issues to their sessions relating to their fixation of attention on something that they call a problem. The way in which they focus on their issue essentially blocks their awareness of what else is going on and what else is possible. Through the coaching process they learn to expand their awareness, thereby gaining emotional freedom and becoming aware of choices that they never knew they had.

Life can be viewed as an endless stream of experiences that nudge us to adapt to constant changes. The meaning which we give each of our experiences is determined largely by our attitude and beliefs, which in turn determine our behaviour in response to the experience, as well as our performance in relation to it. Our current attitude and beliefs are based on the meaning we’ve given past experiences. Therefore the quality of our current thoughts, feelings and actions is to a large extent determined by the past. But, it doesn’t have to be that way!

Good news is that right now you can consciously override any past conditioning and choose how you want to experience the present.

Your state is the key! The present state of your mind, as in – the mood you’re in, has an influence on your level of resourcefulness, and therefore also impacts on the meaning you give your experience, as well as the choices that you make in response to it.

States that feel bad trigger the thoughts and feelings that cause us to behave unresourcefully; and states that feel good trigger the thoughts and feelings that cause us to behave resourcefully.

So the question is: how can you manage your state?

Every state has a physiology. In other words there is a unique body posture and breathing pattern to match every mood. Changing your state is as simple as shifting your body posture or changing the way you’re breathing. Your physiology affects how you think and feel, which then determines how you behave.

Deciding what to do while in a negative state will drag that energy with us and result in negative outcomes. Deciding what to do while in a positive state activates our intuition and taps our deeper wisdom. So, in any challenging situation first assume the physiology of the outcome you desire. Place your body in the posture and breathe in the manner that resembles the state that you want to be in. This action will induce its matching mental and emotional state within a few seconds. Once you’re in the optimal state your mental capacity and performance is enhanced and you’re better prepared to deal with any challenge.

So, in any situation, before you respond, first make sure you’re in the most appropriate state.

For intense and persistent states that feel bad, shifting your attention away from negative thoughts and reactive tendencies, and rather focussing on your current feelings can be truly liberating. Tuning into how your body feels, without labelling those feelings, allows them to loosen their potency and move on. When doing so you will notice how tension begins to seep out of your body.

Our achievement driven society has forgotten the value of first being, then doing. Being in the right state, gets the job done better and faster. Being in the state associated with our desired outcomes motivates us to take appropriate action. Being in a receptive and agile state enables us to be spontaneous, creative and resourceful.

Do you ever feel like “Bambi in the headlights”, frozen in fear and unable to respond to the situation resourcefully?

To defrost the freeze reaction so that you can think clearly and take appropriate action, simply remember to breathe. The shock of a sudden unexpected situation can cause us to momentarily forget to breathe. This not only inhibits your oxygen supply to the brain, it also keeps you stuck in an un-resourceful state. Focusing on breathing keeps you vital in that moment when vitality is crucial. The breathing technique that forms part of the Mindful Power Enlightened Brain Technique is the ideal way to re-activate your optimal level of performance.

The Mindful Power Enlightened Brain Technique includes two versions. The first version includes a constructive visualization, and is intended for dealing with complex challenges like indecision and perceived dilemmas, as well as enhancing creative thinking.

The second version is intended for dealing with immediate challenges like stuck thinking, bad moods, and procrastination.
Think about what you will achieve when the mental blocks stated above are no longer an issue for you?

Consider what you will experience when you’re able to quickly get back in the flow and enjoy more productivity, creativity, resourcefulness, and trust in yourself…

Here’s your opportunity!

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