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Mario Castelli – The AI Avatar Machine
The AI Avatar Machine
How to use advanced, step-by-step AI workflows to uncover “Obsessed Stalker” level insights
into your prospects’ psyche…
So you can tell them EVERYTHING they need to be told…
and sell them in the EXACT way they WANT to be sold…
To make buying YOUR products/services their ONLY sensible option.
(It’s Like Getting Your Customers To Write High-Converting Sales Copy FOR You!)
A Letter From Mario Castelli:
This is the shortest sales letter I’ve ever written…
Because there’s only ONE concept I need you to grasp here.
And as long as you master this one thing…
It’s going to grant you a “checkmate” level advantage over your competition…
If you’re a copywriter…
This ONE secret will almost INSTANTLY vault you into that top 5%…
So you can start landing MORE clients…
And charging HIGHER fees…
Because you’ll be able to use this “secret weapon” to OUT CONVERT almost anyone you’d usually compete with…
Even if they have YEARS more experience…
And more polished “copywriting skills” than you.
And if you’re someone who runs OFFERS…
As a marketer, coach, affiliate, agency, or business owner…
Grasping this concept is the FASTEST way I know to gain massive traction…
And rapidly SCALE your business…
By FUNNELING clients and customers away from the “big dogs” in your market…
Even if they have other advantages…
Like a whole team of employees behind them…
Millions of social media followers…
And a massive advertising budget that DWARFS yours.
Because NONE of those things…
Are even CLOSE to as important…
As TRULY understanding your customer… on a deep, primal level.
When It Comes To Marketing, Whoever Knows Their Customer Best… WINS!
It SOUNDS pretty simple…
In fact, most copywriters and online business owners get OFFENDED when I bring that up.
“Of course we know our customers!”
And being that naive… is kinda cute.
But The Rabbit Hole Goes SO Much Deeper Than 99% Of Marketers Realize.
Because we’re NOT just talking about the basics…
The pain points, benefits, and other watered-down surface-level bullshit covered in some Marketing 101 course.
That’s NOT enough.
When I mention KNOWING your customer…
I’m talking about the kind of insights you’d USUALLY only uncover by…
Lurking in the bushes outside their home…
Spying on the frustrated car monologues they launch after a stressful day at work…
Listening in on the 1AM blowups they have with their spouse…
Sneaking in and STEALING the notes from their last 10 sessions with their therapist…
And a whole bunch of other unethical and frankly, ILLEGAL tactics… that reveal what’s REALLY going on beneath the surface.
(Keep reading. We’ll show how to leverage AI to do this WITHOUT breaking any laws… or bending any morals.)
Because if you want to consistently turn STRANGERS into customers and clients…
And effortlessly crank out high-converting copy that makes the sales register RING…
So you can generate a fuckton of money that finally funds YOUR ideal lifestyle…
You Can’t Sell To Your Prospects’ Carefully-Constructed
“Public Personas…”
You Need To Appeal To The REAL Human Lurking Underneath!
You need to speak DIRECTLY to the person they ACTUALLY are…
And who they ASPIRE to be…
Beyond the layers upon layers of social conditioning we accumulate while trying to navigate LIFE.
You need to know your prospects’ most PRIMAL hopes and dreams…
What keeps them up at night… tossing and turning with anxiety…
And all the pains, frustrations, and REGRETS they would LOVE to leave buried in a ditch.
I mean, when you think about it… it makes perfect sense.
Because if creating customers is about INSTALLING the beliefs your prospects’ need to buy…
(Which it is)
How can you possibly shift someone’s beliefs…
If you don’t understand what your prospects CURRENTLY believe?
How Can You Possibly Get People Excited About Working With YOU…
If You Don’t Even Understand
How THEY View The World?
That’s like throwing darts in a crowded bar…
You’d be more likely to put someone’s eye out than hit the bullseye.
And NO amount of fancy, copywriter wordsmithing is going to change that.
In fact… here’s a secret that I probably shouldn’t even reveal.
When You Understand
The CORE Drivers Of What Makes Your Prospects Tick…
The Most “Technically Skilled”
Copywriters On The Planet…
I know… it sounds hard to believe.
But unlocking this DEEP understanding of your customers truly IS the ultimate shortcut.
And when you HAVE this unfair advantage…
You don’t NEED to be a world-class copywriter…
In order to start driving world-class conversions.
Because with THIS systemized shortcut…
You don’t really even NEED to “write copy” anymore.
All YOU Have To Do Is Follow This Proven Process, And Your Prospects Will Write High-Converting Sales Messages FOR You!
Because not only will you know EXACTLY what your prospects NEED to hear…
You’ll be able to deliver that message TO them… in the way they WANT to hear it…
As if they were writing a sales letter to THEMSELVES!
You’ll be able to systematically “tick” ALL the boxes of your prospects’ Buying Criteria…
Trigger the kind of visceral, HORMONAL responses that are ONLY possible when you speak to their TRUE desires…
And gracefully MURDER their limiting beliefs and objections like a femme fatale…
To create the kind of resistance-free buying EXPERIENCE… they’re EXCITED to take part in.
Imagine that…
Getting Prospects EXCITED
(And Grateful) To Buy From YOU…
Because They Finally
Feel TRULY Understood!
This is a SUPERPOWER as a copywriter or marketer.
Back in the day…
Uncovering THIS level of insight into your prospects’ mind used to take MONTHS.
Which is why many of the most LEGENDARY copywriters of all time would spend 3-6 months working on a SINGLE promotion.
But in today’s hectic, hyper-competitive world…
We don’t HAVE that kind of luxury.
Between rising traffic costs…
And crazy inflation…
And the oversaturation that comes from hundreds of new copywriters and offer owners entering the market DAILY…
We need to be able to generate high-converting copy QUICKLY.
We can’t risk having our offers bomb.
Which means that our messaging NEEDS to be on target.
We need to be able to deliver WHAT our prospects want to hear…
In the SPECIFIC ways they want to hear it.
Luckily… With Today’s A.I. Tools,
We Can Deliver 6+ Months Of Intense, CIA-Level Insights Into Our Prospects’ Minds… In A Matter Of Minutes!
Some of you may have ALREADY seen a small glimpse of this.
Because last year, when we released the “Build A Better Buyer” prompt…
It changed the game.
Since then, that ONE prompt has DIRECTLY led to 8-figures of revenue.
Because many of the TOP copywriters, direct response brands, and agency owners out there…
Are now LEVERAGING the “Buyer Profiles” from the Build A Better Buyer… on ALL of their personal and client projects.
I know this…
Because every time I go to an event…
They stop me in the halls… to THANK me for sharing it with them.
And to tell me how much MONEY they’ve made with it…
Like the agency owner who used to SELL these AI generated buyer profiles to clients for $3000 EACH.
(Even though it takes less than 60 seconds to generate the reports.)
Or the entrepreneur…
Who used the Build A Better Buyer…
(And some basic prompts I gave him…)
To generate over $250,000.00… selling MICRO-BIKINIS.
(He always jokes that he has the “best job in the world.”)
And don’t get me wrong…
Hearing these results is extremely rewarding.
I love it.
But at the same time… I can’t help but chuckle.
Because The “Build A Better Buyer” Was BARELY Scratching The Surface…
Compared To The ADVANCED
A.I. Customer Profiling Methods…
That Luke & I Have Been Working On
In The Background…
As powerful as the Build A Better Buyer is…
It’s ENTRY level stuff.
A simple, foundational proof of concept of what AI powered marketing research is capable of.
But if you think we’d stop there… you’re CRAZY.
And for months now…
We’ve been building advanced AI customer profiling workflows…
Which is like taking the basic “Build A Better Buyer” framework…
Then injecting it with high-performance ROCKET FUEL.
Comparing the basic “Build A Better Buyer” to our NEW frameworks…
Is like comparing a 1908 Ford Model T…
To a 2024 McLaren 750!
Because we’ve been creating full-blown AI research SYSTEMS…
For deciphering ALL the key insights you need to know about your prospects…
And getting YOUR market to write high-converting sales copy FOR you…
So you can make effortless sales… like clockwork.
And after a lot of testing, refining, and rapidly improving this system…
We’re FINALLY ready to share this system with a small group of copywriters and direct response marketers…
Who want the ULTIMATE advantage over their competition.
I can tell you with FULL CERTAINTY…
This is the most comprehensive customer profile modeling system that’s EVER been put together.
The Beautiful Thing ABOUT This Step-By-Step System… Is That It Doesn’t Depend On The USER’S Skills At All.
We can hand this system to a robotic, emotionless sociopath…
With a mutation that DISABLED all the empathy genes in their bodies…
And they’d STILL be able to follow this process…
To understand their prospects… better than those prospects understand themselves.
Because this system is DESIGNED to produce a step-by-step BLUEPRINT to the buying center of your prospects’ brains.
ANYONE who follows the steps will end up with that blueprint
So when YOU start operating this system…
With the marketing skill
And emotional intelligence you already have?
It makes you UNDENIABLE.
And we’re going to make SURE you master this skill.
Because over 3 action-packed training sessions…
We’re not JUST gonna show you how to uncover your prospects deepest fears, dreams, desires, pain points and frustrations…
We’re ALSO gonna show you how to pinpoint their Awareness Levels… so you can EASILY “enter the conversion already taking place in their heads…”
Identify their HIDDEN Buyer Lenses…
Map out their “Belief Trees” which gives you a DEEP understanding of how they view the world…
Use “Aspirational Modeling” to uncover the CORE drivers that motivates them to buy…
And so much more!
The best part is…
This ISN’T just an AI “guesstimate” of your prospects…
Because The AI Avatar Machines Leverages REAL Market Data…
To Give You A Crystal Clear Viewing
Into Your Prospects’ Emotional Brain!
We’ll show you…
How to leverage “market cheat sheets” created by some of the BEST copywriters in the world… that reveals the MAJOR driving forces in different niches…
Scrape the web to find REAL conversations that your ideal prospects are having RIGHT now…
Craft innocent-looking surveys you can send to your list… which reveals your prospects’ most VITAL buying triggers…
And if you’re a copywriter who works with clients…
Or a marketer who doesn’t have an existing audience yet…
You’ll LOVE this next part.
We’ll Show You How To Leverage “Synthetic AI Audiences” To
TEST The Persuasive Power
Of Your Marketing Messages…
Before You Ever Show It
To REAL Traffic!
Imagine that…
Getting AI to create an audience FOR you…
Filled with virtual representations of your IDEAL prospects…
That you can test your ads, emails, and sales letters on…
And receive SPECIFIC instructions from…
So you can make sure your marketing messages are OPTIMIZED for maximum conversions.
This is like having your ideal prospects craft all of your marketing material FOR you… in the EXACT way they want to be sold.
It allows you to “read the minds” of your entire MARKET…
To MULTIPLY your chances of nailing “home run” marketing messages every time you touch the keyboard.
That’s important, too…
Because The AI Avatar Machine
Isn’t Just Some Research System…
It’s An IMPLEMENTATION System That Makes It Almost IMPOSSIBLE To Fail!
We’ve structured this training in a way that makes it IMMEDIATELY actionable for you.
Because we aren’t just going to throw a bunch of disconnected research strategies at you.
We’re NOT inviting you into some psychological circle jerk that feels you feeling confused or overwhelmed…
Or thinking “That’s cool, but how do I actually USE this stuff?”
We’re not trying to “IMPRESS” people with a bunch of complicated BS that SOUNDS important…
All we care about is giving you a system you can use…
To generate REAL results.
The whole point of The AI Avatar Machine is to make your life EASIER…
And allow you to start PRODUCING higher-converting copy, immediately…
So We’re Going To Show You How To INSTALL All These Customer Insights…
Into YOUR Sales Messages!
Because By The End Of This Training…
You’ll Leave With A COMPLETED
“Million Dollar Marketing Brief…”
Which Acts As A
Comprehensive BLUEPRINT For
Getting YOUR Prospects To Buy!
This brief gives you a step-by-step roadmap for turning YOUR prospects into clients and customers.
You can use this brief to craft ANY marketing messages you need…
With the CONFIDENCE of knowing that your messaging is going to be on point…
Filled with the kind of “how the hell did they know that?” insights…
That you’d usually have to STALK your prospects to uncover.
This brief gives you ALL the emotional firepower you need to craft high-converting copy…
Even if you DON’T consider yourself a highly-skilled copywriter…
Because following this brief is like holding a MIRROR up to your prospects…
And reflecting all their pains, frustrations, dreams, desires, and beliefs back TO them…
In the EXACT way they WANT to hear it.
This makes the process of turning prospects into BUYERS…
Smooth, painless, and almost AUTOMATIC.
And we’re going to demonstrate this… WITH you.
We’re going to show you how to UTILIZE this Million Dollar Marketing Brief…
To crank out REAL, high-converting copy… whenever you want.
(We’ll use it to write LIVE emails… DURING the training.)
So you NEVER have to stress over WHAT to say…
Or wonder IF your messaging will resonate with your prospects…
Because you’ll have CERTAINTY that it does.
That’s The Power We Want To Give You… When You Join Us For
The AI Avatar Machine Training!
The ability to CONVERT prospects… on COMMAND… using THEIR very own language.
This is a foundational skill that very few people on the planet possess.
So once you master this, you’ll almost immediately vault yourself into that ELITE tier of marketers…
Who operate with the sense of CERTAINTY…
Knowing EXACTLY what their prospects want…
And EXACTLY how to speak to them… so they willingly ABSORB your sales messages… until they vigorously pound the BUY button.
Do I Even Need To EXPLAIN
How Valuable This Is?
The AI Avatar Machine gives you a DEEP understanding of ANY prospect you’d ever choose to sell to.
And it grants you this understanding in a matter of MINUTES.
So not only does it make your marketing messages infinitely MORE effective…
But it ALSO shaves hours of time off your research process.
So if you’re a copywriter…
Getting the AI Avatar Machine is a no-brainer.
It’s no exaggeration that leveraging The AI Avatar Machine can easily TRIPLE the amount of clients you’re able to service.
WITHOUT adding any additional hours to your work week.
And if you’re able to take on 3X… 5X… or 10X as many clients…
Obviously that can add a SERIOUS boost to your income.
And the best part is…
Using The AI Avatar Machine can help you GET those clients.
Likely as many as you want…
Because when you run this process FOR potential clients…
When you reach out to them with these Million Dollar Marketing Briefs…
And SHOW them that you know ALL the essentials about THEIR audience…
And PROVE that you know EXACTLY what THEIR market needs to hear in order to buy…
How could they NOT want to work with you?
Because you’re going to seem like a SORCERER to them…
With the power to open up a portal and make piles of cash fly in.
Because The AI Avatar Machine gives you a BLUEPRINT to the buying centers of your prospects’ brain.
So when you start leveraging The AI Avatar Machine on copy projects…
And you start producing world-class results…
This opens the door to charging higher fees… and demanding royalties and other juicy performance bonuses.
And if you’re NOT a copywriter…
But someone who wants to generate new customers/clients for your OWN offers…
Then The AI Avatar Machine can feel like a gift from the heavens.
Because it tells you EXACTLY what you need to say to your prospects…
WITHOUT having to spend hours of your already busy week… stressing over the right words.
Or digging through a bunch of copywriting courses… from “experts” who’ve never sold anything BESIDES copywriting courses.
Because THIS system gives you a CUSTOMIZED roadmap…
For generating the perfect sales messages for YOUR business.
With that said… IF we charged $5,000.00 for access to The AI Avatar Machine… that’d be a great deal.
Because this process can literally save you hundreds of hours over the next year.
While making it EASIER than ever to enroll new clients and customers.
And in the FUTURE…
We might build a “book a call” funnel around The AI Avatar Machine… where we WILL offer it for $5,000.00.
Maybe even more.
But NOT today.
Because when you join us for The AI Avatar Machine Workshop TODAY…
You won’t pay $5,000.00.
You won’t pay $3,000.00.
You won’t pay $1,000.00.
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