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Bill Bauman – The Shift Network – Manifesting the Mystic Christ Within
Are You Ready for a Direct, Experiential Initiation into Your Full Spiritual Potential – Giving You the Practices and Teachings to Manifest the Mystic Christ in Your Daily Life?
If so, you’ve been guided to right place. In the last few years, a profound shift is happening in which an increasing number of people are realizing that it is not enough to put a single historical figure like Jesus on a pedestal, and worship him – something he actually counseled against.
No, the task ahead of us is much more potent, mysterious and illuminating. It’s to take the concept seriously that we have within us the same latent potentials as Jesus did – and that we, too, can express the divinity at our core in extraordinary ways.
It’s to walk in his footsteps into a future we can barely imagine.
Yes, you may be thinking of the many ways that you become unconscious each week or fail to live up to a saintly ideal. That is true of all of us. However, that does not deny the potential that you have within you, which is to become a vessel for the marriage of heaven and earth – a divinely embodied human.
To reach the next stage of our evolution will require a profound clearing of the old patterns and beliefs, with a deep initiation into the new possibility – such that we can really learn to live, breathe and experience ourselves as a Christ being.
We’ll need to break through our spiritual “glass ceiling” that prevents us from even conceiving of this possibility, and realize there is a blessedly ordinary dimension to what it takes to bring forth the mystic Christ within.
It doesn’t mean foregoing a life of laughter and love to be crucified by enemies. In fact, it means just the opposite. Manifesting the mystic Christ within is a path of expanded unity and heartfelt connection to all of life. It’s a journey that creates joy rather than suffering.
If you have been on a spiritual path for some time, you have likely been exposed to teachers and practices from many lineages. You may meditate or pray daily, engage in shadow work, play with mental habits – or even practice yoga. While all these things are beautiful and helpful, there’s simply nothing like being in the welcoming presence of a mystic who embodies that which we aspire to become ourselves – and who can lead us forward.
Bill Bauman is such a mystic – wise and curious, deep-seeing and free, humorous and playful. He has been steeped in transformational perspectives from his time as a priest, psychologist, and even entrepreneur. But what sets Bill apart is a vast, completely unconditional love and a history of powerful, life-changing initiations into Christ consciousness – which he can truly transmit to others.
Before we go putting HIM on the pedestal too much, what also makes Bill such a wonderful teacher is that he doesn’t take himself too seriously. He brings a tremendous lightness of being to his work of helping awaken, heal and liberate others. He’s having a blast in his life, and calls all of us into the fun, as well.
You see, we’ve inherited a vision of the Christ path that is often colored with excessive suffering and deprivation. Bill shows us how to strip away the troubled history and discover the luminous core – that we are little Godlings who have come to express our highest nature here on planet Earth and we have worlds of possibility within us.
If you’ve hungered for a direct path of connection to your truest nature – one that validates and ultimately goes beyond whatever religious training you might have – Bill Bauman is your man. He teaches us how to be a blessing with our very presence. He teaches us how to open our hearts wide. He shows us how to create truly sacred relationships.
That’s why so many of today’s top transformational leaders – including New York Times bestselling authors Jack Canfield and Marci Shimoff – look to Bill as a guide and ally.
During the seven months of the Manifesting the Mystic Christ Within training, you’ll progress through a series of modules with Bill – each carefully sculpted to build upon the last, and lead you to integrate more of your full Self – until you begin to access the Christ within you as a stable, day-to-day reality. The modules are oriented around a sequence of qualities that reflect deeper and deeper stages of opening to your deepest truth.
The Manifesting the Mystic Christ Within Immersion will take you into the rich depths and endless heights of your divine and mystical Christ nature. Even more, it will give you a profound immersion into the divine wonder that lives so intimately within you.
Does your soul sometimes ache for a “Self” that is bigger, less constricted, more divine? Are the secret chambers of your heart whispering to you – perhaps, even nagging you – to wake up to the luminous powers of your Christ nature?
This one-of-a-kind offering is fully dedicated to you. It is your personal “initiation” into the very Christ-hood that you might have seen and cherished, but never considered that you could become – until now.
Bill Bauman speaks the pure wisdom of the Christ to your mind, stirs the unconditional Christ love in your heart and opens the infinite wonder of the Christ in your soul. His aim in this unique immersion is to inspire you in your human depths, awaken you to the grace-filled presence of your inner Christ and “initiate” you into the sublime power of your calling.
Who is Bill Bauman?
In a very human and lovely way, Bill lives in the quiet serenity of the divine, plays in the expansive beauty of the Light and delights in the marvel of our human creation. He deeply embodies and expresses the Christ in ways that are heartfully passionate, purely loving and powerfully transforming. Indeed, he is a recognized model and example to those whose own Christ nature is now emerging and growing.
Historically, Bill has been a Catholic priest, a religious science minister, a licensed psychologist, a business entrepreneur and an advocate for world peace. For the past 30 years, he has served our world as an inspiring spiritual leader, gifted healer and expansive visionary. Bill’s human self has profoundly merged with his infinite Christ self – which, in turn, has moved him to be a Christ-centered empowerer to many of our world’s transformational leaders.
Particularly since December 2012, Bill has dedicated himself to supporting not only our recognized leaders, but also the informal, often unrecognizable ones – those, like you, who will craft a new human world in the image of your own Christ-ness, and bring our human family’s hidden possibilities to life. Are you among those emerging leaders? Most definitely – you are!
What is the Christ?
This term, “Christ,” means many things to many people. For many religious persons, it may refer to the historical figure of Jesus, Buddha – or one of the many gifted avatars who have lovingly graced our human domain.
For those not necessarily oriented to these historical traditions, “the Christ” may capture that unique divine quality, or light-filled nature, that resides in all of creation – that “Christ nature” that you have undoubtedly felt within yourself for many years.
For many of us in this modern age, “the Christ” characterizes that same infinitely-loving divine light that placed itself in those precious leaders of past ages, but now has chosen us as its human home – so that it could bless and enhance our world anew – both in and through us. It’s in this sense that you may be a part of the “collective avatar,” or “collective Christ,” that many believe is how our world will now be blessed, expanded and enriched.
This in-depth initiation into your Christ nature is for you if:
- You feel soulfully drawn to experience the Christ – externally in the world, or internally within yourself.
- You feel spiritually hungry for being more – more of your “true” self, more of your God-self or more of the beautiful being that you truly are.
- Your mystical nature has been whispering – or calling – to you.
- You have a genuine longing for unconditional love, internal peace, quiet simplicity, pure light – all the qualities of the Christ nature.
- You are willing to open the floodgates of your heart to drink in the infinite blessings gifts of the Christ nature within you.
- You want to feel your life as one of blessing – filled with grace.
This inspirational, transformational and initiatory experience will take place over a seven month period – three evenings each month – to allow for both the time and intensity of your personal deepening and expansion.
You need not have participated in earlier programs offered by either Bill Bauman or the Shift Network. The only prerequisite is that you feel soulfully drawn to this remarkable gift – the gift of the Christ essence at your core.
Those who have participated in Bill’s earlier classes or gatherings have often described three unexpected phenomena. First, they have found “their tribe.” The sense of community or family that emerges in Bill’s group experiences is both profound and empowering. Participants report feeling sacredly held, loved and supported – not only by Bill – but by everyone else in the group. Secondly, because of the loving depth of the experience, participants tell us that they have finally discovered who they are and how they fit on Earth. Finally – as viewed through the eyes of the inner Christ – their life makes sense. These experiences await you, too.
This unique offering may be the one-of-a-kind opportunity you’ve been waiting for – the grace-propelled, spiritually-empowered leap into your very own Christ Heart. Search your all-knowing soul, ask your innermost wisdom, and discover whether the hidden potential within is calling you to this luminous doorway – the opening to become your destined Self as a present-day expression of the Christ.
What You’ll Discover in This 7-Month Advanced Immersion:
Throughout the seven sacred months, you will experience a profound deepening and immersion into your very own nature as a Christ being. You will be genuinely initiated into the Christ essence that you came to Earth to grow into and become.
Partnering with Bill Bauman and the other “Christs-in-training” who join with us, you will expand your capacity to:
- Bathe in the delicious Love and endless Light of the Christ.
- Experience the healing and empowerment capacities of the Christ energy.
- Awaken to your position as a true “son” or “daughter” of the divine.
- Embrace your own divine nature, and swim in its grace-filled possibilities.
- Find yourself – your real and true self – as never before.
Your journey to awaken into your Christ-hood will happen in ways that are bathed in bounteous Grace, bestowed with a generosity of Divine intervention, gift-wrapped in pure Love – and sealed with the kiss of the Christ’s innate power to transform.
Yes, we’ll bypass many of our learned “human” styles of growth, and allow the very “miracle-oriented” Christ that we all are, to move us powerfully to this amazing state of “being the Christ.”
While Bill’s approach mostly defies any attempt to describe it in words, the module descriptions that follow best explain what he will share and what you can expect to gain in participating in this innovative experience:
Each core module will last one full month – with three classes per month. The main course sessions will air live on Primarily Tuesdays at 5pm Pacific Time/ 8pm Eastern time starting Sept 3, 2013. However, even if you cannot make the live calls, you can still get the full benefit of this training.
If you are truly ready to dive deep into the transformative field of awakening your true Self – and embrace the beautiful present-day Christ nature within you – this 7-Month
Advanced Immersion with Bill Bauman is the perfect training for you.
Module 1: Living the Christ as Love
Class 1: Discovering “Christ love” within your own heart
Class 2: Awakening your love’s authority to heal and empower
Class 3: Becoming love fully … as your very own Christ
In this month’s experience, you will:
- Develop a fresh and intimate relationship with your own heart – embracing it’s endless love, compassion, sensitivity and capacity for oneness with all life.
- Discover the many ways in which the Christ – including the Christ that you are – lives deeply and powerfully in your heart.
- Allow yourself to merge with Love itself, which is the source of your Christ-ed nature, and become Love ever more fully.
- Find yourself more alive with love, more empowered by love, more centered in love – in short, more loving to yourself and everyone around you.
Module 2: Expressing the Christ as Truth:
Class 1: Finding your “Christ Truth” amid your learned stories
Class 2: Owning and immersing yourself in that essential Truth
Class 3: Manifesting your Christ Truth in yourself and your life
In this month’s experience, you will:
- Move beyond the many stories – beliefs, assumptions, theories, principles that you have owned – to find the central truth of your being, the Christ Truth.
- Ground yourself in that Christ Truth, and find your identity, authority and power in it’s majesty.
- Experience how the Christ Truth is the very power behind all creation, and behind everything that you are.
- Establish yourself more fully in that “above the forest” position as a visionary and holder of a fuller wisdom.
Module 3: Embodying the Christ as Healer:
Class 1: Owning your right to heal
Class 2: Becoming the healer of everything in your life
Class 3: Living in a state of perpetual healing
In this month’s experience, you will:
- Dare to call yourself a healer of everything in your self and life, because as a Christ being, you are exactly that – a true, authorized healer.
- Practice healing any and every leftover issue or pain in your life.
- Own your right to be a healing presence to everyone around you.
- Feel healed, alive and empowered – in the midst of your human condition.
Module 4: Enacting the Christ as Liberator:
Class 1: Are you a Savior, a Liberator? You bet you are!
Class 2: Freeing yourself from humanity’s underlying limitations
Class 3: Awakening to the freedom that lies within our human-ness
In this month’s experience, you will:
- Open yourself to become your very own savior – freeing yourself from our shared human feelings of disempowerment at the core of your being.
- Discover how your personal freedom allows you to be a liberating presence to others who suffer – or feel stuck – in pain.
- Be more able to walk the Earth as a Christ being who influences outcomes and changes the status quo, simply by the power of your liberating presence.
- Dare to experience every situation you encounter as a Christ being who sees it’s potential for freedom – and who knows your own power to create that freedom.
Module 5: Opening to the Christ as Light:
Class 1: Living as the 99.9% Light of our human and Christ nature
Class 2: Being initiated into the radiance and power of your Christ Light
Class 3: Being Light fully – as a blesser and empowerer of all life
In this month’s experience, you will:
- Feel deeply initiated into the Divine, Christ Light – with full rights to experience it’s love-filled Grace, live in it’s unlimited potential, and discover it’s creative magic.
- Allow the Light of Christ to take over your heart and express in your soul, so that you can actually feel “lighter,” and enjoy the very humanity that you came here to serve.
- Accept that Grace lives now fully within you and is your gift to disperse to those around you.
- Experience yourself as a blesser of everything and everyone you encounter – as a Christ-filled Light, a dispenser of Grace and a wielder of creation’s magic.
Module 6: Experiencing the Christ as God and Grace:
Class 1: Expanding your Personal identity – “You are God / Goddess!”
Class 2: Owning the power and authority of the Divine as your own
Class 3: Experiencing yourself as an embodiment and expresser of Grace
In this month’s experience, you will:
- Expand your very identity – daring to own your Christ nature as a true son/daughter of Divinity, and by extension, as a living embodiment of the Divine itself.
- Experience your human nature as so merged with the divine that, more and more, you experience yourself as a divine being having a beautiful human experience.
- Realize that – as a Christ-ed God/Goddess – you now have certain rights and privileges: i.e., to enjoy life, to be free, to love unconditionally, to care deeply and passionately, to take authority over every aspect of your life.
- Allow the Divine to bless, support and empower your human presence like never before – simply because you have God-given rights to that limitless support.
Module 7: Manifesting Yourself as the Christ:
Class 1: Owning your Christ nature fully
Class 2: Owning your Christ gifts fully
Class 3: Expressing and manifesting your Christ-hood everywhere
In this month’s experience, you will:
- Experience yourself as a unified Christ – as embodying Love, Light, Divinity, Grace, Freedom, Empowerment, Authority, Truth, Healing and Wonder.
- Define more fully what kind of Christ being you are – and what kind of Christ work/play you’re here for.
- Begin to experiment with being and expressing your Christhood in your life – with yourself and others, in service and in play – in every domain of your existence.
- Giggle, laugh, have fun and enjoy the human show because you came here to remind the world – including yourself – that humanness is inherently designed to be great entertainment.
Awakening the Mystic Christ Within Bonus Collection
In addition to Bill Bauman’s transformative 7-month intensive and the extra Embracing the Christ Within 7-week course package, you’ll also receive these powerful bonus sessions with the world’s leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions will complement the intensive – deepening your understanding and practices.
The Soul Within
Mini-Course from Bill Bauman
- Two chapters from Bill’s inspiring book: Soul Vision: A Modern Mystic Looks at Life Through the Eyes of the Soul:
- Powerful audio meditation, Being the Fullest Possible You
- 40-minute audio training: The Life and Times of You, According to Your Soul
What Graduates of His Courses Are Saying About Bill Bauman. . .
“After more than 40 years exploring in the spiritual movement, I find Bill’s teaching the most inviting I’ve ever encountered. He integrates all dimensions of our humanity and divinity in a most powerful way. I have never before had a teacher (and there have been beautiful ones) who lives pure love so simply and fully as Bill does.”
-Hannah Woods, Philadelphia
“Having this experience with Bill Bauman was one of the best things I have ever done for myself. Bill is a total jewel and I fell in love with him over the course of the seven weeks! He, from his Christed Beingness, managed to make me feel loved, to feel special, to feel seen and acknowledged and appreciated and so worthy. I feel empowered to live as a Christ now, knowing that this is truly who I am and why I have come here to this planet at this important time. I love life and all that I AM, and I thank Bill Bauman from the very depths of my being for all that he is and all that he shared so completely with us. I am so grateful! With love and great thanks.”
-Joanne Bracken, Baltimore, MD, USA
“The Mystic Christ has been the most miraculous class and I have received so many blessings from it. I have such gratitude to The Shift for offering it, and to Bill Bauman for being the embodiment of divine love, light, and power that he is. I would recommend this class to anyone wanting to make major breakthroughs in their life, and wanting to be transformed into their own most sacred self.”
-Julie, Virginia
What You Receive
Three 90-Minute LIVE Teaching Sessions with Bill Bauman Every Month (21 Sessions)
Experience a rare opportunity to mentor and learn with one of the world’s leading spiritual teachers – from the comfort of your own home. Each live class session helps you create the specific skills and abilities to awaken your spiritual potential.
Audio Recordings of Each Class (21 Recordings)
After each live class, the audio will be available to you to download in high quality MP3 format. This way you’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere – on your iPod, in your car – and at your convenience.
PDF Transcripts of Each Class Session (21 Transcriptions)
In addition to the high quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. This way you can review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices that you’ll learn.
30-Minute Interactive Connecting and Deepening Practice Sessions
(21 Sessions)
Following each class session there will be a live 30-minute interactive connecting and deepening session – where you will be placed into an intimate group with several other participants on the conference call to connect and provide support to each other, and help further integrate what what transmitted by Bill.
Deepening Insights and Practices for Each Lesson
After many of the sessions, Bill will provide deepening insights and practices for you to bring into your daily life – to continue to integrate what has be transmitted between sessions.
Awakening the Mystic Christ Within BONUS Collection
- The Soul Within:
Mini-Course from Bill Bauman
An Unprecedented Opportunity to Awaken to a Deeper Life
We at The Shift Network feel deeply honored and humbled that Bill has chosen to partner with us for this LIVE online training. As you may know, this is a rare opportunity to learn directly from an awakened teacher and connect with a global community of like minds and hearts who are doing this important and transformative inner work.
Through this powerful LIVE online format, you’ll not only save time and money on retreat costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals – which would cost thousands of dollars). But you’ll be able to benefit from his incredible teachings and transmission from the comfort of your home – at your own pace!
More Praise for Bill Bauman…
“Bill Bauman is the most profound and wise healer, counselor and teacher that I have ever known. Bill has the ability to find out your soul’s deepest calling, to help you get in touch with that calling, to open up your heart and to inspire you… Bill speaks with profound authority, truth, light and love. There is nobody that I know that I would rather work with than Bill Bauman.”
-Marci Shimoff, Author, Happy for No Reason and Love for No Reason
“If you’d like to have an experience in your life that would take you to the spiritual heights, to the emotional depths and to the relational expressions that you want to have with people – and you want to do it with a real master, someone who is very subtle but very powerful – then I want to recommend to you the work of Bill Bauman. He is an incredible being who has touched me in my heart.”
-Jack Canfield, Co-creator, Chicken Soup for the Soul series
“Bill Bauman’s seminars are the most transformative seminars that I have ever taken. From the moment you walk into the room and sit down, Bill’s energy starts entering your whole physiology. And by the time you leave, you are completely transformed into an individual who is thinking clearly, feeling extremely open, with a heart filled full of love – wanting to do nothing but be of service to the rest of humanity – because you have just been served so totally from Bill.”
-Janet Bray Attwood, Co-author, The Passion Test
About Bill Bauman, Ph.D.
To describe Bill Bauman is a relatively impossible task. People have called him a unique and inspiring human presence, a selfless and humble being. As you experience Bill, however, you find that he possesses a compelling giftedness – a beyond-words quality that has deeply touched and transformed the lives of countless people.
Bill’s loving heart is at the forefront of his every interaction. His expansive vision moves people to hear their own truth most compellingly. His transformational gifts are deeply healing and magically empowering. His charismatic touch awakens people to claim their fullest freedom. And his own personal ultimacy is an inspiration for – and mirror of – the “ultimate human” that we all can become.
Bill was a Catholic priest in the 1960s, a practicing psychologist from the ‘70s to the ‘90s, a business consultant and leader for two decades, a noted leader in the global peace movement in the ‘90s and a spiritual leader from the ‘80s to today. Currently, Bill has combined these many systems into a dynamic and life-changing approach that he now calls “the ultimate human,” “the ultimate healer” and “the ultimate leader.” In this approach, he is a noted trainer, heartful speaker, loving motivator and visionary of life’s possibilities.
With a doctorate in Counseling Psychology, a Master’s degree in Theology, and a Bachelor’s in Philosophy, Bill embraces life from a broad perspective and expansive vision. Thousands of people have attended Bill’s seminars on personal empowerment, dynamic leadership, love and relationships, personal and spiritual growth and empowered healing – which he has led nationally and internationally over the past 30 years. He has given hundreds of growth-oriented seminars, trainings and presentations to groups of every size.
A proven entrepreneur, Bill started and led four profitable private businesses, as well as his own successful private practice as a psychologist. Also, with his adored wife Donna, he founded and led two non-profit organizations – Washington, DC’s World Peace Institute (through the 1990’s) and The Center for Soulful Living (through the 2000’s).
He has recently authored three groundbreaking books: Oz Power: How to Click Your Heels and Take Total Charge of Your Life (2005); Soul Vision: A Modern Mystic Looks at Life Through the Eyes of the Soul (2009); and The Soul in Love: Heartful and Inspirational Poetry (2010). He is currently writing a book on (you guessed it!) the Ultimate Human.
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