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Bryan Franklin – Client Mastery
Learn How To Get Your Dream Clients With Ease And Make Every Month A 5-Figure Month While Fulfilling Your Life’s Purpose – Simply By Being Who You Are
Signing on new clients is both a chase and a struggle for most coaches out there… but it doesn’t have to be this way for you.
Have you ever wondered what the big difference is between a coach who’s merely getting by, who’s serving a couple of clients here and there and is constantly struggling to pay the bills… and a coach who’s successfully running a 6-figure practice and impacting hundreds of thousands of lives?
The 6-figure coach doesn’t run more Facebook ads, has more advanced training than you or a secret “magic pill” you’ve never even heard of…
He simply knows how to get clients! And not just any clients… but only the perfect dream clients for him.
In this letter, I will show you exactly how to master the art of getting those dream clients.
But let’s talk about you first…
You are outstanding at what you do and determined to positively impact as many lives as you can. This is your heart’s desire, your mission, and your life’s purpose!
You have the priceless gift of being able to help others break through their blocks and create the lives they truly want and deserve.
And what you want the most is to offer your gift to as many people as possible.
Because after all… what are your gifts and talents worth if you’re not actively using them to make the impact you know you could make? To change the lives you know you could change? And to create the impact you know you could create…
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What are your gifts and talents worth if you’re not actively putting them out there to help the people who need you the most?
And there is only one way to do this: Yes, I’m talking about sales.
Did you just shudder a little bit?
Good! That means I just pushed you out of your comfort zone – and being a coach you know better than anyone else that this is where growth happens…
Massive business and income growth in this specific case!
Because let’s face it: You can be the very best at what you do but if you don’t know how to sell, you’re doing a disservice to yourself and all the people out there who need you the most.
Plus: You’re leaving thousands of dollars on the table.
I’ll show you exactly how you can avoid this in just a second, but first let me ask you this:
Are you serving as many people as you could be serving?
Are you making the impact you’re meant to make in this world?
And are you satisfied with your monthly income?
If you said “no” or “meh” to any of these questions, I have amazing news for you!
There’s a natural, honest and effortless way to get more of your dream clients, serve the people who need you the most and grow your practice to 6-figures and more!
But let me guess… at this point you’re feeling a little resistance.
You’re not a natural born sales person and you got into because you truly want to transform people’s lives – and not feel like you’re ripping them off. But you’re also a smart and ambitious business owner and you KNOW for a fact that no sales equals no business.
Being able to sell is not just some nice-to-have asset, it’s the make-or-break factor of your business — and your impact!
And since you’re amazing at what you do, the only thing your practice really needs if you want to have a bigger impact and serve more clients like you’re meant to… is more sales!
Selling with integrity instead of selling out
If you’re afraid of being perceived as a sellout, if you think sales are pushy, sleazy and unethical or you’re irritated by the awkward moment when you have to ask for money… there’s no need to worry at all.
This might just be one of your stories.
Because you know oh so well how many different stories your clients have about why they can’t do ____ (fill in the thing they really need to do to transform their business or life).
So let’s take a look at you for a second: What’s your story of not allowing yourself to get more clients and have a bigger impact by learning how to sell effectively?
Is it that sales tactics are all manipulative and kind of disgusting to you?
Is it that you’re not a “natural sales person” and don’t fully believe that this is a learnable skill?
Or could it be that you “just don’t have the time” to learn yet another thing in your business?
Whatever your story might be, I encourage you to write a completely new one right now!
Imagine that selling to your clients could be very natural, effortless and coming from a place of service and authenticity
Imagine that every single time you do a free consultation, you know exactly what to say and instantly convert your prospect into a paying client.
And imagine you had a proven and tested system that takes the “awkward” out of selling and makes it easy and even fun for you and your client!
Effective selling is all about authentic human connections… so all you need to do is show up and be who you are!
Even if you’re afraid of selling, feeling insecure or never led a sales conversation in your entire life, joining Client Mastery will turn you into a heart-centered sales master who’s easily making 6-figures or more.
Are you tired of the endless feast and famine cycle in your business where you have to hunt clients in order to make ends meet?
Are you fed up with undercharging, selling yourself short and not being paid what you’re worth?
Are you uncomfortable when you have to ask for the sale because you’re a good person and want to be nice and liked by your prospect?
Then all you need is a proven system that teaches you how to sell with integrity and ease… and that simply gets you results!
Client Mastery is a highly effective 3-step training designed to activate the natural sales person that’s already within you! So that you can confidently close sales with ease and joy while establishing a true connection with your prospects… there’s nothing slimy, manipulative or pushy about it!
Author Profile
Meet the Power Duo Coaches Who Will Take
You to Your Next Level of Client Mastery
Jennifer Russell
As a speaker, author, leadership consultant, and coach to the people shaping our world, Jennifer works with empowered people that want to create an evolutionary shift in our planet and already find themselves in decision-making positions, personally and professionally.
She brings over 10 years of experience coaching some of the most exciting executive teams in the Silicon Valley, including Google, LinkedIn, and Apple. She’s held the title of President at both an environmental science company and a personal development company. In those roles, she’s helped bring more than 40 new technologies to market in dozen different industries.
Jennifer has also created and led almost a decade of transformational and professional development programs designed to empower conscious leaders by liberating them from self-imposed beliefs and the underlying assumptions that create what is possible.
She is also the co-author of, “The Path Of The Priestess: Making It Safe To Be Powerful”, a book that recognizes the world needs feminine leadership today more than ever, and inspires and guides women to find their “true voice,” so they emerge as real leaders in the global consciousness revolution with solutions for our troubled world.
Jennifer embodies a new brand of feminine leadership, one that goes beyond just helping others feel connected, beautiful, and good enough. Her work isn’t just about feeling good about yourself and the future, it’s about leadership, influence, and collaborative systems: discovering the keys to incorruptible power — especially for women — and bringing feminine values to the forefront of our culture.
She teaches you how to connect to your innermost truth, as well as the clarity, focus, power, and raw manifestation power to create mass coordinated action toward a cause that’s universally relevant, leaving all people and the planet better than we found it.
Bryan Franklin
Bryan Franklin has been one of the world’s most successful executive coaches for over a decade. Together with his partner in business and in life, Jennifer, he is now in the iterative process of developing the most impactful group experiences available on the planet.
Bryan started out as an entrepreneur early on in high school and ran his own post production company called FranklinMedia right after college. After working on more than 300 movies (such as Saving Private Ryan, Gladiator, or The Polar Express), he finally discovered his true passion and – just like you – got into coaching.
He started coaching together with his mom (true story) and worked with Silicon Valley executives alongside Jennifer, while he was still running FranklinMedia. This quickly led to burning out, and he realized that he no longer wants to sacrifice the things that are truly important to him, such as spending time with family and pursuing his hobbies.
Bryan came to the realization that what matters most is fulfilling the heart. The truth is you DON’T have to make huge sacrifices to be successful. As long as you know you inner self, you will see that success is where your heart is.
With this new perspective in life, Bryan focused fully on the fulfillment that coaching brought to his heart. He worked with top level executives at Fortune 1000 companies including Apple, Logitech, Google, Cisco, and LinkedIn for almost a decade. He attended more than 1,000 executive meetings as a confidant and an advisor (which is something like 80 years of experience!). Alongside Jennifer, he has helped taking entrepreneurs from startups to billion dollar-generators… even though he never thought of himself as a natural salesperson. Or any salesperson at all!
After almost a decade, he expanded his reach to include small business owners and “solo-preneurs”. Bryan was initially surprised to find out the degree to which the knowledge he had picked up from working with so many incredibly talented executives was universally applicable. Now he realizes that the impact that he is called to make is much larger than his biggest dreams when he was back at FranklinMedia.
Bryan’s passion and desire is to build together a tribe full of free-hearted, entrepreneurial-spirited individuals, which when united together and unfettered in their pursuit of deepest purpose, will create a self-organizing system of an admittedly utopian possibility. Brilliant minds that will see as an emergent property a truly ‘new’ economy that diminishes the role that debt plays in our financial system, the one that places more importance on the values of non-monetary contribution.
What do Jennifer and Bryan really want for you?
They want you to be free! And they’re armed with the resources that will help you to achieve financial and spiritual freedom – freedom to do what you do best. In short, they can teach you how to sell so that you can share your gifts and be a part of the positive change they envision for the world!
They have packaged all their knowledge and years of experience into their Client Mastery training for you – to save you years of trial and error, lots of frustration, and thousands of dollars along the way! This is the same process that companies in the Silicon Valley have paid quarter a million dollars for Jennifer and Bryan to train their top executives, and today, you’ll have the opportunity to access it for YOUR coaching practice so you too can create clients that bring freedom and abundance.
What You’ll Learn
Introducing Client Mastery:
The Natural Art of Attracting and Converting Prospects into Clients in 3-Simple Steps
What exactly will joining Client Mastery do for your practice?:
01 Exponentially increase your income
By using this tested and proven system you won’t only feel more confident and authentic during your sales conversations and free consultations, you’ll also be able to close way more deals and exponentially increase your income! Happy clients have reported back to us that they convert 80% of their casual conversations into paying clients after joining Client Mastery — and so will you!
02 Sign on only the ideal clients for you
Being a coach you know how crucial it is to work with the RIGHT people. When you learn how to sell based on true human connection and with love and authenticity, you will attract the perfect clients for your personal practice: The ones who are willing and able to pay what you’re worth and not just the price shoppers who are looking for the next best deal.
03 No more undervaluing your services or undercharging because of the fear of rejection
Nobody likes to hear “no”. But when you join Client Mastery, you won’t let the fear of rejection stop you from selling your services anymore. On the contrary: You’ll know exactly how to handle your prospect’s objections (and excuses!) and will be able to charge what you’re worth without feeling guilty or ashamed.
04 Gain confidence and get new clients with ease
How can somebody trust you and buy from you if they can tell you’re nervous and insecure? (Hint: Not at all!) Having a reliable system in place will give you the confidence you need to get new clients with joy and ease. Your prospects will be able to feel your confidence and respond to it by trusting you, believing in you and your services and buying from you with a smile on their face.
05 Get loyal customers for life
Client Mastery focuses on building solid, lasting relationships between you and your clients so that they see you as their one and only go-to person. And once the connection is established, they’ll happily come back to you again and again… and again.
06 Enjoy the process and have fun
You’ll be surprised how relaxed, easy and fun your sales conversations can actually be when you use our low-pressure sales method. When you know exactly what to say, how and when to say it and even what to do when things go slightly different than planned… you have absolutely nothing to worry about and can focus on providing true value to your clients. It’s a win-win situation!
07 Repeat!
Client Mastery is a proven and tested formula that dramatically increases sales for Fortune 1000 companies – and it will do the same for you! You can repeat it over and over again and you’ll discover that you just keep getting better at it!
How does Client Mastery work?
Client Mastery – The Natural Art of Attracting and Converting Prospects to Clients in 3-Simple Steps is a highly effective training designed to get you maximum results within minimum time. We cut through the masses of sales content out there to give you the exact systems, scripts and tools you need as a coach. Not more, not less! You get:
- 3 in-depth training videos that take you by the hand and walk you through the 3 simple steps of attracting and converting prospects to clients – so that you can easily apply the strategies to your practice and start closing sales right away
- easy-to-complete action worksheets for every video lesson so that you can instantly put your knowledge into practice and master the content within less than 5 minutes per exercise
Course Information
What you will get in the self-paced home study video course, “Client Mastery: The Natural Art of Attracting and Converting Prospects into Clients”
Part I: Sequence of Emotions
In this video we’ll be introducing the Sales Process, sharing with you where it came from, and talking through the emotional stages that reliably create a sale. We’ll share with you the three misconceptions or ‘lies’ people buy into that have them struggle. You’ll also learn the difference between Commodity, Intermediate, and Value markets and how you can position yourself towards the Value side.
- Sales Process #1: 3 Lies of Sales Worksheet
- Sales Process #2: Commodity vs. Value Markets Worksheet
- Sales Process #3: Sequence of Emotions Worksheet
- Sales Process #4: Network Interview Worksheet
- Sales Offer Sequence Platform Selling Worksheet
Part II: Benchmark Questions
In this video we’ll be diving in with more detail into the Sales Process teaching you each of the phases in the process. You’ll learn how to structure your sales conversations and how to make sure your potential customers are experiencing the emotions in the right order. We’ll also be teaching you benchmarks questions that let you know when its time to move on. We share with you some tips for how to elicit the right phase and some common mistakes to avoid and what to do about them.
- Sales Process #5: The Sales Process Worksheet
- Sales Process #6: Curiosity Meter Worksheet
- Sales Process #7: Value Calibration Worksheet
- Sales Process #8: Sales Process Scorecard Worksheet
Part III: Black Belt Techniques
In this video you’ll learn the art of the non-sequitur AND the 6 ways to create value in a sales conversation. We talk about the importance of effectively dominating in a sales conversation and how to lead someone in the direction YOU want to go. We’ll teach you how to get into their world that will having you understand them better than even they do.
- Sales Process #9: The Four Types of Non-Sequiturs Worksheet
- Sales Process #10: What Customers Want To Know Worksheet
- Sales Process #11: 6 Ways To Create Possibility and Trust Worksheet
- Sales Process #12: Getting Clear About What They Want Worksheet
- Sales Process #13: Did You Get Into Their World Worksheet
Part IV: Bonus Materials
Audio sales trainings that have never been available outside of Bryan and Jennife until now:
- Top 10 Ways To Improve Sales Conversions
- Focusing On Your Sales Prospect’s Pain And Desires. In this audio training we talk about utilizing the proven sales format of focusing on your sales prospect’s pain and desires in order to be able to express to them that you understand their pain, you have a unique perspective on their situation they might not be aware of, and that you have a solution that will solve the underlying problem.
- Making Sales Fun Through Contribution. In this audio training we talk about how to make the sales process fun through contribution, caring, and being brave enough to speak the truth. We also talk about an effective game you can play at conferences that will help you to connect with your ideal clients.
- Systematizing Your Sales. In this training we share real world examples of systematizing the highest leverage activities in your sales and marketing, identifying the most effective sales affiliates to promote your product or service, and why it’s important to experiment more in your lower priced products and services.
- Identifying and Converting New Sales Channels. In this audio training we share a real world example of how to identify new sales channels and convert them into paying customers. We specifically talk about how to walk your prospects through the proper sequence of emotions, how to keep control of the conversation using non-sequiturs, and how to get referrals during your sales conversations even if the person you’re talking to isn’t a good match for your product or service.
- Identifying and Filling Missing Competencies. In this audio training we talk about identifying missing competencies that cause projects to fall through in the bidding process, and how to fill in that gap with your strengths so that you are seen as a central part of each project. We also talk about the role of leadership in making the competition irrelevant, and how to come up with a pricing structure for requests that are outside of your traditional offerings.
- Creating Curiosity In your Sales Emails
- End of Marketing – Viral Loops
Part VI: Trainings from Zentrepreneur
Zentrepreneur is designed as a mastermind that connects together entrepreneurs with ambitious dreams and businesses who are looking to make a powerful impact on humanity while creating strong bond and friendship between its members.
As a way to thank you for joining Client Mastery, we’ve prepared three inspiring videos from Ajit Nawalkha, co-founder of Evercoach and mentor at Zentrepreneur, on the art of content marketing, sales and marketing systems for success and how to launch a product.
- Special Bonus 1: The Facebook Newsfeed Hack: Simple Guide to Showing Up More Often on the Facebook Feed of Your Clients. This training will help you get more clients from Facebook.
- Special Bonus 2: The Client Enrolment Formula. So you can get more clients, easier, faster and without being salesy. A must have training for every coach.
No matter whether you’re new to sales or a seasoned VP, each video comes with action worksheets that make sure you implement the lessons into masterful selling that is fun, easy, and creates life long customers.
In 3 simple steps Client Mastery will teach you:
- The 3 biggest lies about selling you’ve bought into and how they’re holding you back from becoming the natural sales person you could already be
- Why not knowing which market you’re REALLY in will break your neck in sales and how exactly to identify your spot the marketplace
- The secret sequence of emotions that will get your perfect prospects to happily say YES! to anything you offer over and over again – no matter what you’re selling
- The only script you truly need to lead through your sales conversation with joy and ease – no more awkward silence or dead-end conversations!
- The 5 phases of the natural sales process that establish trust and build a true relationship with your prospect so that they can buy from you feeling relaxed and in charge
- Why curiosity will rapidly increase your sales and which one word you must avoid like the plague if you don’t want to scare people off when they were just about to say yes
- The exact 3 questions you need to ask to build massive value and effortlessly make them want to work with you even more
- Why the best way to keep a conversation going is to interrupt them and 3 techniques that teach you how to do this like a pro
- How to translate your customers’ questions and figure out what they REALLY want to know so that you can give them the answers they need in order to say yes!
- 6 master tools to create instant possibility and trust without coming across as needy or pushy
- A tiny conversation hack that will have the biggest impact and make people feel like they’ve been buying from you for years
Multiply your income. Multiply your impact!
Client Mastery: The Natural Art of Attracting and Converting Prospects to Clients in 3-Simple Steps combines my 10+ years of experience as not just a sales professional… but also as a world-class coach.
As coaches oursevles, we know that what you truly desire is to make an impact in this world… and how much resistance you might be feeling towards learning how to sell. But with our proven 3-step formula, any coach at any level of experience can learn how to sell in a natural, feel-good way that achieves big tangible and monetary results.
What’s the best part? Your prospects won’t even know you’re selling them because your conversation will be so natural and effortless that they’re going to want to work with you simply because you’re NOT trying so hard to make a sale.
What Students Say
Here’s what people say about Jennifer & Bryan
“The best in the world at teaching people how to integrate these skills”
“One of the best training programs for sales, marketing, and leadership in the world. They are possibly the best in the world at teaching people how to integrate these skills in their lives”
– Eben Pagan,
Marketing Guru
“I couldn’t have done it with you and your program”
“I have the career I’ve always wanted to have – and I couldn’t have done it with you and your program. The kinds of companies I wanted to work with didn’t used to take me seriously – and now they ask me to speak at conferences as a thought leader…”
– Bob Gower,
Agile Programming Expert at Rally Softwrare Development
“I built a business from scratch that replaced my income”
“I changed industries and built a business from scratch that replaced my income – I’ll make $100,000 this year and the best part is that what I’m doing feels so good to me – I don’t feel like I’m torn between what I want to do and what I should be doing anymore”
– Michael Costuros,
Founder Live Books | Thriving Develop…
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