
Johnny Russo – Street Smart Seduction



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Johnny Russo – Street Smart Seduction

Hello my friend,

If you’re a man who would like to start getting non-stop sex, then this shocking-to-the-bones letter will be the most important letter you ever read.

Here’s why: I talked with one of the most notorious pimps on the west coast. He was in jail 7 times. Two times for pimping.

And more chicks from LA know who he is than who Obama is.

He’s the guy that:

  • PIMPed married rich wives…
  • Started his “business” from scratch, finding five smoking-hot girls to work for him within 12 hours after he was released from jail…
  • Had sex with over 1300 women…
  • Dated one Hollywood celebrity for a week before he dumped her. She was so pissed off that it ended up all over the media…
  • Is known to almost every nightclub regular in Los Angeles…

Naturally, I was curious about him and I asked him how he does it.

He thought I was messing with him, and I was split-second away from getting beaten like a drum. I could feel the adrenaline pumping inside me when he stood up from his chair and said to me: “Who are you fucking with?”

I had very little time to start explaining.

The harsh reality is… this guy has learned more about women, their dirty secret desires and powerful attraction triggers than any book has ever told.

The nature selection of his business and his dangerous lifestyle forced him to discover secret “street-smart” techniques that pimps use to manipulate women.

Just picture the guy walking down the street, noticing the hot chick in her early twenties walking out of the boutique. That moment, he approaches her and touches her by the hand to get her attention. She looks at him, but not saying anything, yet. He looks at her not giving any reason why he’s stopped her. She says (smiling) “Hello?!” He then asks her if she wants to come with him for a drink and she agrees.


What just happened there?

“What a lucky bastard” – That’s what I told my friend about him when we witnessed this scene while heading towards the bar in Venice Beach.

  • No pickup lines
  • No phone numbers
  • No long speeches
  • No shit-testing
  • No resistance

Was it the lucky moment?

Judge for yourself. He has repeated his demonstration (not really to prove anything – more because of that’s the way he is)…

  • In the bar
  • On the gas station
  • In the restaurant
  • In the strip club
  • In the nightclub later that day

That’s just so incredible! Walking with two wanna-be-cool dudes (addmitedly, me and my friend) to pickup, kiss or have sex (with a dancer Sasha and one hot Russian from the nightclub)…

… With more girls in one day than me and my friend had together in over two months.

I tried to get this vault of women’s secret emotional triggers on a teleconference with me, but he refused. Then I had offered him enough cash to book all his girls for the entire night if he would reveal it all to me and let me sell it.

He agreed, but only if I didn’t mention his name.

He had to be completely anonymous.

Fair enough. All I care about is the wickedly-effective technique he uses to bed almost every women.

“The Amazing Blueprint Reveals
Shocking Techniques Of LA’s Most Desired”

I grilled him hard for over six hours – and he revealed to me dynamite-powerful, opposite-of-all-the-common-wisdom techniques that I’ve never heard of.

So when I say this guy is similar to none of the PUAs, I back it up with deep knowledge of pickup materials. Maybe he has a few similarities with David X, but only in the language. The whole game is something you’ve never seen before. At least I didn’t.

The stuff he told me about has nothing to do with women, but when done the way he teaches, it doesn’t matter what you say, it will attract women to you like a magnet.

And now the bad news for you.

“To Tap Into The Hidden Fortune Of
The Most Successful, The Most Satisfied And The Most Respected Thug From LA, You Must SERIOUSLY QUALIFY – Check Below:

I won’t be selling this interview to everyone.

I must confess… I’m a bit jealous, because now, I finally have serious advantage over the other guys. But that’s not the only reason. The thing is, I could get in serious trouble if this info gets in masses. I am not sure whether it is legal or not. I know that some stuff are really edgy.



That’s why I’ll seriously limit the quanitity of these secret reports that go out the door. And only those that agree not to share it anywhere else will get a chance to buy it.


It’s a privilege.


Not a right.



Before I tell you about the qualifications, let me tell you what this report is not about:

  • It will not teach you nice social behavior
  • It will NOT teach you the phone game (there is none of it in his method)
  • It will not teach you online dating (it’s a joke in his opinion)
  • It will not bore you to death on 100 pages of BS (instead, you’ll get an action-packed blueprint on a few pages that summarizes over 20 years of experience he has as a professional womanizer and PIMP)
  • It will NOT be something you’ve already heard of!
  • It will NOT be cheap and sold in large quantities (the offer is physically-limited to only 100 copies that I expect to be gone today).

Now, if you’re okay with it and you’re still interested, let me show you the next step.

I will edit the interview for you and write it as a special report. It will probably take me a week or so to complete it. I’ll make it as clear and as easy to apply for you as possible. But, I won’t hide anything. And don’t ask me to. It is up to your personal judgement to decide which techniques you can apply and which you cannot.

But it will be worth it!

Among his fast-seduction tips, I will show you the exact techniques he uses to get new girls to work for him.

Warning: in most countries pimping is illegal. You must check the law before applying any of these techniques.

Listen, I did it for myself mostly, okay?

Some of the stuff is potent, I won’t recommend it to anyone. Surprisingly, most of the stuff isn’t and the average Joe can apply them easily and comfortably.

There is something you should know…

“Only If You Meet The Criteria Spelled Below, You Can Get Your Hands On This Explosively-Powerful Info – It Is NOT For Everyone.”

This extremely advanced info is not for newbies. It will not teach you how to get balls to approach women. It will only show you wickedly-effective techniques to easily handle women on their deepest emotional level.

If you cannot approach a woman, I seriously don’t recommend you order this info. It’s just too powerful. Like giving a gun to a kid – it’s too dangerous. Unless you can control yourself and use these manipulation techniques ethically – don’t continue reading.

Inside this powerful street-smart report you’ll discover:

  • How to pickup a stripper even if your mother says you’re ugly (and why being average or even a bit homely actually works in your favor with experienced strippers).
  • How to get a spoiled, rich woman in bed within 24hrs.
  • How to get nightclub hotties to work for you
  • His usual strategy to pickup a girl in front of her boyfriend.
  • 3 sex tips that will get her the strongest orgasm she has ever had – and get her attracted to you on the deepest level (his actual technique to get the girl to listen to you and never dare to play any games with you).
  • The ultimate relationship management technique, contrary to most info in women’s magazines and just partially similar to the common techniques.
  • What to do when you absolutely MUST seduce that particular chick (the infamous HOLA technique he used on “special orders”).
  • Some wuss mistakes most of us make in a relationship thinking it is ALPHA.

It is a manipulation treasure-chest for guys that want to skyrocket their success with woman and become mind-blowing effective pickup machine.

You’ll also discover…

  • “The Turkish Technique” that will get you at least a blowjob from almost-every girl in the nightclub within 15min max (Again, not for just anyone).
  • The one simple tweak that will unlock the natural seducer within you (it is a breakthrough realization, but very simple and easy to grasp)
  • How to effectively use wingmen – 1) hot female wings, 2) UG wings and 3) male wings.
  • Dealing with “high class” women and their dirty desires.
  • How to screw 3-girls-in-two-hours – a curious little concept that will enable you to get from the meeting to the action – fast and with little or no sissy talk.
  • Evil method that works magic for affairs with married chicks. That’s right – how to bang married women.
  • 11 Rules for fucking married chicks that you must obey if you want to get all the no-strings sex your heart could desire…
  • The truth of nice-angel girls and their dirty, hardcore fantasies.
  • Actual examples on how to tease women and turn up the heat to the point where she has to either bang you or go home and cry…
  • The P.T.E. technique that will transform you from kiss-ass boring dude to KICK-ass attractive guy.
  • 3 Most important physical alpha behaviours that you can easily fake until it becomes your second-nature. And why you shouldn’t even think about talking with extremely hot chicks until you master it (it’s easy once you are aware of it).

And some really advanced, Street-Smart wisdom…

  • The sex myths about the ass, swallowing, and what most men will never know on going down on her…
  • The BURNOUT method – How to dump her in just ONE week, AND keep her around for a “bed-buddy” as long as you want to…
  • The surefire test to find out whether the girl will cheat on her boyfriend or not, before you even approach her – (Chapter “How To Steal Her From Her Boyfriend”)
  • How To Get a Girl’s Number In Front Of Her Boyfriend Without Any Tension Whatsoever (Nice Little Trick That Works Like A Charm)
  • Street-Smart Negotiations – This one might not have anything to do with sex, but EVERYTHING to do with human nature. It shows you how to pump up the value of just about anything the same way hustlers use.
  • Why most guys never get women open up to them at her deepest, the most intimate level and one single deal-breaker errors common in “macho” guys. THIS IS THE MISTAKE THAT WILL CUT OFF ALL THE TRUST IN AN INSTANT AND MAKE SURE SHE NEVER SPEAKS WITH YOU OPENLY AGAIN – when it comes to sex.

And something PIMPS know the most about – SEX…

  • Dirty Talk – The easy to learn technique that will show you how dirty you can be at which point in intercourse. It will show you magic phrases that turn from deal-breaker into an irresistible turn-on if you use them in the right sequence (Check the chapter on sex)
  • The PIMP Truth of importance of a dick size and one so important factor that, if applied, will put a small dick in huge, primal advantage above a big dick. You can put a big dick at an extreme disadvantage (and the absolute must-know for small dick guys).
  • How to add an inch (or more) to your “mental” size with any woman so that she never questions your manhood…
  • Anal Sex – Discover the truth behind myths about anal sex – This chapter shows you how to start, lead and treat anal sex. Most guys that fail to understand this amazingly simple concept never get a second chance, while those who do it the right way deepen their relationship and make their women as horny as a sex addicts.
  • Porn Industry Insiders – How to eat her out. The way of licking her clit that won’t make it “too sensitive” – and enable you to create a body-shaking orgasm – fast.

These three concepts below will quickly transform a boring nerd into a cool, gotta-bang-him desireable guy…

  • Scripted teasing – discover some cool phrases that you can use to put your mind on auto-pilot while making a strong attraction to sexy chick you don’t really care about (ideal for nightclubs and show-off to your friends – it works like a gangbuster).
  • FOR WUSSIES: If you are a WUSS and still decide to read this advanced material (I think you shouldn’t!), there is a list of big, crucial mistakes that you MUST avoid if you want to survive first 15 minutes of meeting a hot woman.
  • SMS Autopilot – sometimes you are just too bored to invent deep-touching, cool SMSes – in this section on SMSing, you’ll find out the best, tested text messages (“sexting”) to get you responses and set up the woman for whatever your goal is.

And these, will easily make your wild dreams come true (for players only):

  • The Reverse Lets-Just-Be-Friends Method – How To Get Girls to CHASE You Just Because You Don’t Want To Chase Them – The attractive way and the real “lets just be friends” method.
  • How To Fuck Her Sister Or Her Best Friend – The bullet-proof test that will immediately reveal to you how good your chances are (some unique methods you have never heard before)
  • Threesome – it is easier than fucking her sister, but you should know how. In this chapter you’ll discover two easy ways on how to have a threesome. One, if you already have one steady girlfriend and another technique if both girls are new ones that you’ve just met.
  • How to dump her without getting any shit thrown back at you – the ultimate way.
  • What food you should eat on which days when meeting chicks that will turbo-charge your inner-pheromones and setup the vibe for you (no shittin’, this is so wicked, but you’ll notice that on those days you are “in the mood” for picking up chicks, talkative and ready to go-for-it).
  • A stupid-simple breathing exercise that can prolong your sexual intercourse by 27% (according to doctors that have verified these field-tested methods). And the best part of it… you can use it when you feel you need it.
  • And finally… The Ultimate Secret To Make Your Girl So Bonded To You That She Will Scream For God With Your Name On Her Lips…

That’s it.

It’s raw, go-get info. When I’m done, it will be 70 or 80 pages max. Sent to you via courier (discreetly packaged) after you sign the Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA).

And there is one more thing.

“In total, I will sell only 100 reports on a first-come-first-served basis – and then the doors will shut for good.”

This info is too powerful for the masses. It will reveal to you a powerful method that has survived the natural selection on today’s streets and created the most desired “ladies man” in LA.

No-BS. No scientific explanations. Just the white-hot, hands-on method.

This is a pre-sell page. If you choose to grab one of the 100 reports for yourself now before I am done with it, I’ll give you a $100 discount on your order. I’m finishing this report in the next week and I’ll have it printed and ready to send to you right away.

Plus, I’ll throw-in these extra bonuses you can’t get anywhere else:

Super Bonus #1 – Pornstar Secrets

In this super bonus you’ll discover stuff like:

  • All-natural way on how to get your dick up QUICK
  • How to practice your “shoots”
  • Actual pornstar training routine
  • Bunch of other cool stuff

Super Bonus #2 – Pickup Cheat Sheets

– Yes, so you don’t have to go over the whole report. These are handy summary of what to do in each situation. It will keep on reminding you until it becomes second nature. And then… you’re the king.


Mind-Blowing Bonus #3 – This 4-step method adds bonus points to your appearance, creates instant-chemistry and builds a year-like rapport with her within two minutes.

And finally,…

Bonus Video: Exclusive 60+ Video Interview With Mr X: 12-Year Veteran Strip Club Manager Bares All — How YOU Can Seduce & Sleep With The Hottest Dancers WITHOUT Paying A Single Red Cent!

e sat down with me for this exclusive, one-on-one interview where he blows the lid on the inner workings of how to get these super-hot women into bed… every single time.

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