
Justin Williams – House Flipping Formula 4.0



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Justin Williams – House Flipping Formula 4.0


And The Only Three Things You Need To Get There…

Step #1 – Lead Generation
Leads are the lifeblood of your business. You need to be getting leads even when you’re working on other deals… and that means you need a system that brings leads to you.

Step #2 – Lead Conversion
Once you’re generating leads for your business, you need to have a solid lead processing system in place to ensure you’re converting as many leads as possible and not throwing money away. A good system will help you sift through the junk so you can focus on the gold.

Step #3 – Maximize Profit

Once you are generating and converting leads, your main focus will be to increase your profit on each deal. Understanding how to do this will help you make an additional $10,000 – $15,000 on each deal you do.

So What’s The Formula?
Do these 3 things and you will be successful. Create a process for them and you will have a business that not only makes incredible income, but also gives you a great lifestyle.Just imagine what your life will be like when you have these 3 systems in place and running on autopilot.

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What’s Next?

From The Desk of Justin WilliamsSan Clemente, CA

Dear Friend,

Everyone knows that real estate is the best way to acquire wealth, but most don’t know where to begin. At least that’s what it was like for me 10 years ago.

With over $120,000 of debt, little did I think I could ever invest in real estate.

I had read the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad, but I just didn’t know what to do.

Well, 10 years later and after flipping over 600 houses, I now realize what I didn’t know back then.
I now know, I didn’t need money or experience to invest in real estate, I just needed someone to show me what to do.

Unfortunately, (and I found this out the hard way) there are a lot of people and programs out there that charge too much and teach too little.

Our goal in creating House Flipping Formula has been to change all that.

We will give you absolutely everything you need to be successful in creating your very own house flipping or wholesaling business. Our mission has been to provide 10x the value at only a fraction of the cost of what other programs are charging.

Whether you are brand new or experienced, House Flipping Formula will help you take your business to the next level or create a killer real estate business starting today.

House Flipping Formula is the nation’s largest community of real estate investors who all share the exact same goal. – To create a six or seven figure house flipping or wholesaling business that will work for them so they can do more of what they love.

This year, in House Flipping Formula 4.0, we will be focusing on the 3 things. These are the things that all successful house flippers and wholesalers have in their business.  

They are:
1-  Lead Generation
2 – Lead Conversion
3 – Maximize Per Deal Profit

Do these 3 things and you will have a money making machine that will give you anything you want. Create a process for these 3 things and you will have the life you’ve always dreamed of.

I sincerely look forward to and appreciate the opportunity to work with and serve you over the next 12 months as you change your life through house flipping or wholesaling.


Justin Williams

Now with that said…let’s jump right in…

Let Me Show You Everything You’ll Receive When You Join House Flipping Formula! 

House Flipping Formula 4.0 – The Ultimate House Flipping and Wholesaling Resource 
House Flipping Formula is the only step-by-step training program that will not only teach you how to successfully flip & or wholesale houses for a profit, but will also show you how to create a business that will work for you, rather than you work for it.

I’ve taken what we’ve learned in the past ten years and have condensed it into a simple step-by-step process for you to follow.

Join HFF and your house flipping business will be up and running or you’ll take your current business to new levels!

Here are a few of the awesome things you’ll get in HFF:

  • The 7 top systems we and our students are currently   using to generate leads in TODAY’S market and how to identify the one that works best for you.
  • The 5 top strategies for converting these leads into profitable deals and help you create your money making machine.
  • We’ll teach you the 6 ways to increase your profit on each deal and help you make an extra $10,000 – $15,000 on every deal you do.
  • We’ll share our secrets for analyzing deals to ensure you’ll make a profit (98% of the “gurus” don’t teach this)…
  • Deal analysis is not the sexiest part of the business, but if you don’t do it exactly the right way, you’re dead in the water and you’ll get beat out by guys like me EVERY TIME!
  • We’ll give you our systems for automating each one of these steps so you can have a true business that will work for you. (free up your time to do what you love)…
  • We’ll teach you how to get funding the easy way (you DON’T need to use your own money)…
  • You will learn the 7 Methods I use to finance deals using little to none of your own money.
  •  I’ll teach you my secrets to hands-off rehabbing (you don’t have to know how to fix anything)…
  • How to sell your properties for MAXIMUM profit (most flippers get this part wrong)…
  • The secrets to working with wholesalers who will bring you more deals than you can handle.
  • How to work directly with sellers to bypass commissions and fees and get HUGE discounts.
  • You will also learn my quick and dirty trick to easily estimate repairs.
  • You’ll learn exactly how my team and I comp properties on the MLS.
  • Creative financing strategies that will help you buy 20% more houses.
  • Killer strategies for finding rockstar contractors that will make your life much easier.
  • You will learn the ONE tool that has saved me thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours in negotiating with contractors and has helped me avoid the infamous CONTRACTOR PRICE CREEP.
  • Instant access to extensive before and after videos with details on specific costs and repairs for each house.
  • How to properly market your properties to get the highest and best offer every time.
  • You’ll learn how to excel at negotiation to save yourself thousands of dollars at closing.
  • The simple steps to go about the appraisal process.
  • You’ll also discover why your highest offer may not always be your best offer and how to understand the difference between the two.
  • A simple, straight forward way to streamline the whole selling process.
  • How to be a master wholesaler. Andy is currently doing 20+ wholesale deals each and every month and will teach you exactly how he does it.
  • We’ll teach you the steps to creating a killer follow up system. You’ve probably heard, “You make your money when you buy,” and while this is true, I am here to tell you, the money is in the follow up.The fact is, 90% of the houses that we buy, come from a good follow up system. If you don’t have this, you just won’t make it in this business.
  • With today’s technology, most of this process can be easily automated and we’ll show you how . Like I always teach, “Think smarter, not harder and let the systems do all the work.”
  • You’ll get classes taught by real estate masters who lay it all out there and tell you exactly what they are doing in their real estate business today!
  • The House Flipping Formula also includes the automatic emails, text messages, and voice messages that that we send out to sellers that help us increase conversions and beat out the competition.
  • Recorded video trainings on exactly how we use our software for tracking and following up on every lead to maximize profitability and to make sure no lead is left behind. 
  • All of the trainings are 100% online so you can learn from the comfort of your own home and refer to it anytime you need it.  
  • The entire program is waiting for you right now. That means you don’t have to wait to dive in!

From Major Debt To 100 Houses A Year…Check Out Justin and Tara’s Journey To 7 Figures…!

Legal Document Library: Every Legal Document You’ll Ever Need!
See the actual contracts and forms we use, and use them yourself!

Sale contracts, notes, deeds, marketing documents, mailers, and more…!

  • Both Andy and I and the rest of our members, share their resources openly.
  • We have personally spent thousands of dollars on these documents so you don’t have to. 
  • The collective collaboration of hundreds of house flippers and wholesalers throughout the nation, coming together and sharing the resources they use in their business is an unfair advantage and benefit of members of the House Flipping Formula program.
  • House Flipping Formula 4.0 is your unfair advantage and will dramatically increase your chances of a high level of success in this business.
  • One student recently said “House Flipping Formula is to flipping and wholesaling houses what something is to something.  It’s just one of the tools you need if you really want to be relevant in this business. 
  • “In the past whenever I had a question or needed a specific resource, it would take me hours or sometimes even days to research and try to figure it out.  Even then sometimes I wouldn’t come up with the best solution.  Now that I have HFF in my corner, I have been able to tap into years of collective and current knowledge and experience of other house flippers and wholesalers throughout the nation, including some of the nations top investors.  And those same questions that used to take hours and days to figure out are now answered and resolved within minutes and the results are much better than what they were on my own.  Why anyone would go at this business on their own, when they have this kind of a resource is beyond my understanding.” – Kelly

Why Justin & Andy’s ‘House Flipping Formula’ is 
The World’s Best Real Estate Program You’ll Ever Find!

“I found myself at a dead end job and not much savings in the bank 15 months with a newly wed wife, and a baby on the way. I was interested in flipping/wholesaling houses but didn’t know where to begin. Since that time I have closed on almost 30 wholesale transactions and this week we closed on a total of 4 wholesale deals for a total of $67,000 in wholesale fees. I can’t thank Justin and Andy enough and am very excited and am looking forward to what the future holds for me and my family.” – Steven W. 

I wanted to take my business to the next level, from a hobby, to investing full time as a successful business that runs itself.  Justin and Andy answer every single question in the forum.  That blows me away, because you rarely see someone as high status as Justin and Andy taking the time to answer your questions.  They’re like a coach that cheers you on and pushed you to get out of the paralyzing fear stage and into taking action.  I’m very excited for what the future holds for me in this business! – Lauren H. 

“Since joining Justin’s program my business has taken off tremendously. In the past year I have rehabbed over 12 homes for $750,000 in total net profit. I am currently in the process of rehabbing my dream home on the gulf of Mexico!” – Jerry R. – Florida

The House Flipping King
When I started investing in real estate, I was scared. I had already had a failed business before and didn’t want my wife to have to go back to teaching in order to support our family.

But I was scared! Scared of the unknown. Scared to take the leap. Scared of failing. Yet my desire for freedom was so strong, I decided to take the leap…

Well, things didn’t go exactly according to plan. After 6 months of hard work and spending about $20,000 on education from a guru who promised the world, and gave me very little in return I still had nothing to show for it, and started to wonder if my dreams of creating a life of abundance for me and my family were just a mere fantasy.

But I had not choice, I had to make this work. There weren’t any other options. Then finally it happened. We closed on our first deal and made a $17,000 profit! We soon came to the point where we were able to do about a deal a month and we felt like we were on top of the world! We were living the dream!

Then in 2010 we moved, the market was changing, and the way we were doing transactions just wasn’t working the same so we had to make some changes, and needless to say that year was a very tough year for us.

I decided to start buying rental properties with a goal of buying 50 so we could produce enough income to pay our monthly expenses and get out of the “rat race” and become “financially free.”

We purchased 12 rental properties and life was good. However when I went to buy property number 13, we and our investors were completely out of money. Since the rental properties weren’t yet bringing in much income, and we weren’t sure how we were going to be able to pay our bills, we were left with no choice but to sell 4 of the houses.

However when we sold those 4 houses something INCREDIBLE happened! Not only were our returns MUCH higher than they were from the rental properties but we made enough money to pay for ALL of our expenses for the next 12 months!

For the first time I knew what it was like to be financially free for an entire year, and it felt good!

Then I had my “ah ha” moment! What if we could do that ever month? What if we could make more money than we would need for an entire year EVERY SINGLE month! and what if we could do it with systems that would work for us rather than us doing all the work ourselves? So that is what became my main focus, and in 2011 we ended up flipping 60 houses and our life was forever changed!

Since that time we have been flipping over 100 houses a year and have created systems that allow this machine to work for us so I can focus on spending more time with my family and doing the things I love.

I still remember that day when I had my breakthrough. I’ll never forget the feeling I had when I realized my life would be forever changed and I could call my own shots.

There is nothing like that feeling of FREEDOM!

The Wholesaling King
Andy McFarland has been a full time investor for over 11 years and has done well over 500 real estate transactions.  Including 160 transactions in 2015 and is closing over 20 wholesale deals a month.

Andy is currently wholesaling and flipping houses in 3 different states and has mastered automating a multi-million dollar wholesaling business.

The only thing he loves more than real estate is helping others learn it for themselves, so they can have the freedom and life they want too.

So, What’s The Catch…??
I realize that this program is inexpensive…and you might be asking yourself, what the “catch” is.

And I know there are a lot of programs out there that offer to teach you about real estate and then they stick you in some class being taught by sales guys who’ve never even done the business before in their lives…

That’s not what this is and there’s no random guy in some cubicle, teaching you about investing or anything remotely like that.

We literally teach you exactly what we do currently in our businesses so we give you a TON of value.

Our hope is that you will love it and this will be the beginning of a business relationship for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Innovative Business Model:
    • Embrace the reality of a genuine business! Our approach involves forming a group buy, where we collectively share the costs among members. Using these funds, we purchase sought-after courses from sale pages and make them accessible to individuals facing financial constraints. Despite potential reservations from the authors, our customers appreciate the affordability and accessibility we provide.
  2. The Legal Landscape: Yes and No:
    • The legality of our operations falls into a gray area. While we lack explicit approval from the course authors for resale, there’s a technicality at play. When procuring the course, the author didn’t specify any restrictions on resale. This legal nuance presents both an opportunity for us and a boon for those seeking budget-friendly access.
  3. Quality Assurance: Unveiling the Real Deal:
    • Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
      • No coaching calls or scheduled sessions with the author.
      • No access to the author’s private Facebook group or web portal.
      • No entry to the author’s exclusive membership forum.
      • No direct email support from the author or their team.

    We operate independently, aiming to bridge the affordability gap without the additional services offered by official course channels. Your understanding of our unique approach is greatly appreciated.

Refund is acceptable:

  • Firstly, item is not as explained
  • Secondly, Item do not work the way it should.
  • Thirdly, and most importantly, support extension can not be used.

Thank you for choosing us! We’re so happy that you feel comfortable enough with us to forward your business here.

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