
Karen Frances McCarthy – Discover the Path of the Mystical Medium



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Karen Frances McCarthy – Discover the Path of the Mystical Medium

Mystical wisdom — sourced through communion with the Divine — is always accessible.

If you’ve been searching for more purpose, tap into the connection and wisdom that revered mystics throughout history knew — within the depths of your own soul.

Karen Frances McCarthy, medium and author of Till Death Don’t Us Part, explains that mysticism isn’t just an esoteric concept — it’s a state of being that’s always ready when you enter the sacred space within you…

… and connect with the incredible power you possess through your capacity for insight, healing, and transformation.

Karen fully embraces this approach and considers it the most straightforward method to connect with the Divine, stripping away the many misconceptions that religious traditions have imposed…

… and helping you feel a deep sense of belonging, realizing that you can always find the answers you seek.

As Karen says, “The mystics were always the rebels.” They didn’t need dogma because they had direct experience.

The mystics’ approach teaches us that the Divine is not an external authority judging or rewarding us — as traditional beliefs might suggest — but is the ever-present essence of pure wisdom and love that resides within us, filling us with joy and enlightenment.

Join Karen for a transformative 7-week live video course, where she’ll guide you down the path of the mystical medium, helping you release the fears and constraints of your mind… opening your soul… and relaxing into the peace, clarity, and profound acceptance found within.

She’ll lead you in deep experiential practices — including meditations and trance exercises — to help you create more loving relationships with others (and yourself!) so you can become a vessel of positive transformation in the world.

What’s so captivating about Karen is the genuine warmth of her presence and her intuitive teaching style, which flows from a state of deep spiritual connection.

She’ll guide you to the truth of your spirit, where you can feel, with certainty, the divine aspect that is YOU.

Karen will gently encourage you to dissolve the perceived distance between you and the Divine, and help you source the answers to the questions you may have about your purpose and your role in this world from within.

Without the barrier between you and the Divine, your spirit can grow and fill with love, presence, and a heightened ability to connect with Source and those around you. You may find yourself becoming less reactive as you begin to see the “Big Picture” of life.

During this illuminating course, you’ll:

  • Learn the trance-speaking techniques of Meister Eckhart, connecting deeply with your spirit team
  • Explore vision questing with the Hopi tradition to uncover your life’s path
  • Discover the power of Zen to integrate mindfulness into your daily life
  • Learn Edgar Cayce’s methods for trance healing, helping you manage your energy and connect with healing guides
  • Experience the power of prayer through Hildegard Von Bingen’s spiritual music and meditative practices
  • Gain prophetic insights through the teachings of Abraham Abulafia and the practices of Prophetic Kabbalah
  • Learn about Rumi and the whirling dervishes as you write poetry from ecstatic states to express your spiritual revelations
  • Attune to spiritual vibrations and harness the energy of sacred sounds to impact your personal and communal spaces
  • And much more…

Discover that true mastery of mystical mediumship involves not only learning these ancient spiritual practices but also applying them in your everyday life.

Transcend the surface-level perceptions of mysticism, embracing its depth and complexity, and connecting authentically with your inner wisdom and purpose to harness the mystical energies around you.

Become a catalyst for positive change — contributing, through the divine wisdom you’ve accessed, to the healing that our global community so desperately needs.

This course will empower you to know without a doubt that you are already equipped with all you need to be a powerful source of light and wisdom in the world — with compassion for yourself and a deep connection to the universal human experience.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks
In this 7-week transformational course, Karen Frances will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully unlock the secrets of ancient mystics from Rumi to Hildegard Von Bingen, learning to channel deep spiritual energies and prophetic visions that guide your personal growth and contribute to global healing.

Join the Livestream — or Stream Later to Watch at Your Convenience

You’ll connect with Karen Frances and experience her teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Karen Frances’ transmissions. Can’t make it live? After each class, you can stream the video and audio recordings to enjoy anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Karen Frances. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world through guided mystical practices, enhancing your spiritual wellbeing and empowering you to make impactful changes in your life and community.

Module 1: Explore Mindfulness & Zen to Unlock Your Mystical Mind 
Explore mysticism’s foundational elements, its relevance to the modern world, and its connection to Zen practices and the teachings of the Buddha.

Begin with an overview of the role of mysticism today, before diving into the mindfulness and awareness principles central to Zen.

Examine significant moments from Buddha’s life, discerning practical insights you can use for your own spiritual growth. Through discussions and guided practice, learn how to harness mysticism in your daily routines.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Gain an understanding of how mysticism integrates into contemporary life and your personal experiences
  • Learn the core principles of mindfulness in Zen and develop foundational mindfulness skills
  • Engage in Zazen meditation to observe and understand your mind
  • Discover techniques to experience and sustain ecstatic states of consciousness

Module 2: Practice Trance Healing in the Style of Edgar Cayce to Expand Your Healing Powers 
Discover the healing techniques of Edgar Cayce, one of America’s most renowned mystics, in this module focused on trance healing.

Be introduced to Cayce’s life and his approach to spiritual healing.

Then, learn how to identify and manage your energy imprint, helping you distinguish between your own emotions and those you absorb from others — crucial for maintaining emotional balance.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Learn about Edgar Cayce’s life and his healing methodologies
  • Differentiate external influences from your own energy and learn to manage them
  • Understand and practice trance healing to access higher consciousness
  • Meet and work with your healing guides to channel healing anytime
  • Practice trance-healing techniques to help yourself, others, and the planet

Module 3: Engage in Prayer to Channel Divinity With the Wisdom of Hildegard Von Bingen
Explore the mystical perspective on prayer through the insights of Hildegard Von Bingen, a 12th-century mystic known for her spiritual music and profound connection to the Divine.

Examine how prayer can transcend traditional boundaries to reveal the sacredness within ourselves and the world around us.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Learn about Hildegard Von Bingen’s life, her music, and her unique approach to spirituality
  • Attune to the power of sound vibration through Hildegard’s choral music
  • Reframe your understanding of prayer to connect deeply with the divine within
  • Practice using prayer as a means to contribute positively to the world around you

Module 4: Learn to Trance Speak in the Style of Meister Eckhart  
Discover the teachings of Meister Eckhart, an early Christian mystic known for his profound insights — and for the controversial nature of his wisdom.

Be introduced to the concept of trance speaking — and learn to connect deeply with your incarnate spirit and the universal wisdom of the Tao or the One.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Explore Meister Eckhart’s life and his unique approach to mysticism
  • Connect with your spirit team and learn to surrender to the wisdom of the Tao
  • Discover how to clear your mind and allow your spirit’s voice to emerge
  • Learn practical exercises to connect with your spirit team
  • Practice the art of trance speaking to articulate spiritual wisdom

Module 5: Illuminate Your Life’s Path With a Hopi Vision Quest
Draw upon the rich traditions of the Hopi tribe, focusing on their Prophecy Rock and the spiritual practice of vision questing.

Explore how these ancient teachings can offer insights into your life’s purpose — and guide you in developing deeper levels of trust, surrender, and stillness.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Explore Hopi tribal traditions and prophecies
  • Develop trust, surrender, and stillness through traditional practices
  • Experience a guided vision quest to explore deep personal insights
  • Practice dream journaling to capture and interpret visionary experiences

Module 6: Whirl Your Way to Mystical Wisdom With Rumi’s Insights 
Immerse yourself in the spiritual practices of Rumi, Sufism, and the whirling dervishes, combining music, movement, and poetry to unlock deep mystical states.

Learn about the rich traditions of Sufism through engaging video content and discussions.

This session features a practical experience of whirling, adapted to all mobility levels, including modified movements for those who need to remain seated.

This physical expression is designed to help you transcend the analytical mind and engage with the ecstatic states that inspired Rumi’s most profound poetry. Following the movement, capture your spiritual insights by writing poetry, channeling your inner mystic in the same vein as Rumi.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Explore the life and teachings of Rumi, the essence of Sufism, and the practice of the dervishes
  • Participate in whirling and dance to experience ecstasy and transcendence
  • Write poetry from your ecstatic state, expressing your newfound spiritual insights

Module 7: Receive Prophecies for Personal & Global Guidance Using the Kabbalah 
Explore prophetic mysticism with the teachings of Abraham Abulafia and the prophetic doctrine of the Kabbalah.

Building on the foundation of previous modules, this module deepens the techniques learned in trance speaking to use mystical practices to yield prophecy either for the self or the world.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Learn about Abraham Abulafia and receive a brief overview of the Doctrine of Prophetic Kabbalism
  • Practice working in altered states to receive letters and words of guidance to achieve union with the Divine, the divine within, or a supreme angel
  • Develop the ability to interpret and articulate these insights into personal and transformational prophecies

Here’s What You’ll Receive

  Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Karen Frances McCarthy
Experience a unique opportunity to be mentored by and learn from medium, author, and mentor Karen Frances McCarthy —  comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a livestreaming video option and will guide you to experience profound mystical visions guided by the teachings of Sufism, Kabbalah, and other spiritual paths, as well as from the wisdom of luminaries such as Rumi, Hildegard Von Bingen, and Edgar Cayce. Course sessions are on Tuesdays at 1:00pm Pacific.

 Seven Video Recordings of Class Sessions
After each class, the video will be available for you to stream in a high-quality format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

 Seven Audio Recordings of Class Sessions
After each class, the audio will be available for you to stream. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

 Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions
You’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson
Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Online Course, Discover the Path of the Mystical Medium
We feel honored that Karen Frances McCarthy has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive LIVE online course. This is a unique opportunity to interact directly with a medium, author, and mentor whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about diving deep into the teachings of legendary mystics like Edgar Cayce and Meister Eckhart, mastering mystical practices that offer you a pathway to personal enlightenment and the power to bring about positive change in the world, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind program.

More Praise for Karen Frances McCarthy…

“I left this 6-week experience more confident (and with expanded skills) in my mediumship and with more awareness and presence in my everyday life.”
Karen creates an atmosphere that encourages participants to elevate their confidence and expect the best from themselves. I left this 6-week experience more confident (and with expanded skills) in my mediumship and with more awareness and presence in my everyday life. I am truly thankful for every session and teaching from this course!
Mel McCutcheon

“In six short weeks, my mediumship went to a whole new level.”
Karen is an extraordinary teacher. In six short weeks, my mediumship went to a whole new level. I have more confidence and am able to relax and be more present, feeling into what spirit is communicating. I appreciate her method of “following the story,” which leads to a more meaningful communication than just “skimming” for facts. Karen showed us just how easy it is to feel into that information. I also appreciate Karen’s Zen and helping students understand the challenges of ego. I have grown not only as a medium, but personally as well.
Julie Parker

About Karen Frances McCarthy
Using the immense power of mediumship to heal the heart, Karen Frances McCarthy, MA CSNU, a progressive Irish medium and the author of Till Death Don’t Us Part, strives to provide comfort in times of need. She blends the Celtic mysticism of her upbringing with the loving-kindness of her Buddhist practice to bring messages of joy, healing, and support from loved ones in spirit form. She offers healing mediumship and soul readings to restore harmony and wellbeing to body, mind, and spirit.

An advocate of the ethical practice and healing potential of mediumship, Karen underwent years of intensive training at the world-renowned Arthur Findlay College in England. She holds three Certificates of Recognition in mediumship, spiritual healing, and public speaking from its governing body, the Spiritualist National Union.

Karen teaches at the Arthur Conan Doyle Centre, the Edgar Cayce Center, Humanity’s Team, and One Spirit Learning Alliance. She also offers talks and classes with the Global Afterlife Group in Australia. She is currently a doctoral candidate, researching twenty-first-century ghost literature at the prestigious Russell Group University of Birmingham in the UK.

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