
Katrina Ruth – The 100K Per Month Formula



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Katrina Ruth – The 100K Per Month Formula

Gorgeous one –

It was never going to be about what you do.

You know this.

You’ve always known it.

And it’s time to live into it, NOW.

The way you go to bed every damn night promising yourself you WOULD have done today,
The money | business | ‘being seen’ | KNOWING you’re living your purpose  and straight up tangible can smell-taste-breathe it results you long for? The results and outcomes you know are YOURS? The ones you at times question, let fear get in the way of for a moment, but ultimately always come back to seeing as just of COURSE?

That elusive next level which you’ve got stuck up on a pedestal?

And MOST of all – the story that business and money have to be an endlessly uphill battle, go against your soul and true nature, require you to conform, require you to DO shit you

It gets to stop.

Here’s how I know –

Over 7 years ago now, in December of 2014, I had my first $100,000 month in my online business.

Less than 2 years before that, I was still over 140k in credit card and tax debt!

And 5 years before that, I was broke AF and barely even able to buy coffee. In fact … at various points throughout that 5 years leading up to my first 100k month I STILL cringed at the grocery checkout because I didn’t know if my card would go through, and I was too scared to login and check my balance first! I used to continually roll the dice and just cross my fingers and pray that I’d be able to go home with my purchase!
7+ years FROM that first 100k month, as in, now, right now as I write this, The Katrina Ruth Show consistently makes multiple 6-figures per month, and has done so for YEARS.

In fact, after that first 100k month I only ever dipped down below the previously elusive 6-figure month two times.

And 9 months from that 2014 December I had my first 200k month!

Within a year after that – 300! And then in November of 2017, my first 400k+ month … which I then beat the following May again!

Since then, my online coaching company The Katrina Ruth Show has continued to swing it outta the park with month, after month, after month, after month, after ever-lovin’ month, of multiple.6.figures, and we are now proudly a multiple 8-figure company. Best of all – that has been done 100% by me bit by bit saying yes to ONLY following soul, and now, for many years now –

it’s all I do when it comes to the ‘work’ part of my life. Wake up. Purpose work. Make a f*ckload of money. Impact millions of people in the way I always wanted to do even if I never GOT paid. Repeat.

To be honest with you … and I get that this may be a triggering statement for some, but if you’re here then I know you WANT to hear this … I can’t even wrap my head around HOW I could make less than 100k per month (or a fair bit more) if I tried.

It seems like it would be impossible.

Is This You?

As you may know, I mentor the leaders, the game-changers, the successful AF and ALWAYS with that ‘maverick’ energy badasses of the entrepreneurial world both on and offline.

I’m known for flicking the damn switch for those who have ALWAYS been called for more,

and who know they’re gonna get it. Through my work in business, success mindset, sales and marketing and also energetics and the quantum, I’ve become known as the Worlds #1 Success Coach for Driven Women … who just want more. More what? Everything. From soul and flow and fully on their terms!

Entrepreneurs and creators who are already wildly successful in both business and life, many with a very well known brand and high-level clientele, just as many again whose work is much more in the quieter echelons of kickass society, not only seek me out as their 1:1 mentor, but regularly join my low cost courses and digital programs.

They are coaches, consultants, authors, speakers, professionals, practitioners of medicine, law, alternative health, hedge fund managers, financial advisors, artists, performers, and elite sports people. They are also parents, adventurers, hobbyists, often informal comedians, and always?

Those who just see life differently.

They are the ones who were NEVER going to conform, and know they do not have to. My clients collectively and individually do things I would have NO clue how to do! But yet I know how to do what I do for THEM. Which is to activate TF out of what was always in them such that they just.become.the person. I also help them to make a megaton of money, doing what they love, whilst creating a business (often multiple!) and a life of COMPLETE yes and flow.

They say again, and again, and again – “When I work with you everything just changes! NOBODY can help me to see it the way you do Kat”. And the results? Follow. Always. How could they not, we’re only talking about what always was there for you and just – getting it!
The way I write it on my bio is like this:

I help you remember who you are –

and then become it.

(I have more on the bio than just this, but honestly – it would suffice).

Here is why this is all relevant:
I don’t just know about consistent 100k and WAY beyond months for myself.

I have hundreds of clients / past clients, some very well known, and some you’ve never heard of at all, who have achieved that exact goal in their business during their time of mentoring with me.

Many as private clients.

And an equally impressive amount through my lower cost digital courses!
This is About YOU – Taking Responsibility For and Saying Yes to You. And About the Fact That it is Time.
I am not a magic bullet where, if you work with me, you suddenly become a gajillionaire.

My clients are the 1% within the 1% BADASS revolutionary fucking leaders who were born for more, have always known it, and are willing to do what it takes, no matter what it takes, until it takes, to create the damn EVERYTHING they see inside of them.



But –

They come back to me again, and again, and again, and again, because there is something about how I show up that flicks the switch in who THEY are, to be that version of themselves they thought they still had to wait to be.

Oh –

And I also know a hella bit of good stuff around making serious coin on the internet, growing a soulmate audience of raving crazy loyal (and they are often a bit crazy haha) fans who love you, and who buy from you again and again and again!
In other words …
I will kick yo’ butt back into alignment and massive freakin’ action the way it’s meant to be and that, frankly, your higher self has been hand on her hips, toe tapping and rolling her eyes about for ages now –

And I will also help you to easily identify the VERY few practical things you need to do to drop into a deeper level of creative flow and magic, and GET THE THINGS OUT INTO THE WORLD IN A WAY THAT GETS YOU PAID.

Big time.

So let me ask you – Are you ready for SERIOUS next level money results?

Are you DONE with waiting years to finally reach those elusive holy grail numbers?

Do you feel OUTRAGED that you’re not there yet, it’s ridiculous, outrageous, and ‘who allowed this’?

Do you GET that 100k months … or any ‘cool’ or ‘big’ money goal is not for everyone, and not for the faint-hearted, but you STILL DON’T CARE BECAUSE YOU KNOW IT’S FOR YOU?!

Do you KNOW you’re doing good work in the world – GREAT in fact, and that people love you and want more of you, but for some reason you just can’t seem to shift beyond your current norm … a pretty okay norm, but still – not where you wanna be?!

Are you sick of trying to teach and shift everyone else on how to expand their mindset and capacity to receive, and wondering where the person is who is going to hold THAT level of space for YOU?

Are you so.freaking.done with EVER having to tell yourself that the next level you’re looking for requires you to do a, b or c that you don’t wanna do, would rather claw your eyeballs out than do, thank you very much, and deep down don’t believe you have to do?

And do you need to plant yourself in an energy, a space, a place where it cannot NOT happen … plus so much more besides?

Allow me to suggest –

You need the 100k Per Month Formula.

Your 100k Per Month Formula Modules!

Module 1: The Truth!

The truth about who you were always meant to be. We REALLY need to strip you back to the bloody raw soul of you, and that’s what we’re going to do. I have a way of helping you to own your true power and fuck yes-ery beyond what even YOU can imagine. Put simply … there is no hiding from ALL that you actually are, when you do this work with me. It’s exactly why so many of my clients, achieve SERIOUS money results but also do it in a way that is fully about being THEM. Because I take you deeper than what you ever dared, or knew how.

Truthfully? This module, all in on, is all you need. But we will continue beyond it anyway 🙂

Module 2: Why You’re Not There Yet!

Why you’re not there yet (honesty time and a lil healthy bitch slapping).

Time to spill blood, and then clean it up and heal you. Yes … bloody and raw is a theme here. Yes … you know you like and are here for it. Yes … when we crack you open and then let you heal back together it will be in a way where the world better watch TF out. Yes … I can do this with and for you in a matter of a couple days, in fact a couple hours, in fact a couple minutes; often. We will do it for a whole module 🙂

Module 3: What It’s Time To Claim

What you’re refusing to show the world that you know you MUST. Also … what you are not CLAIMING yet that you know you must.


Module 4: 100K Money Flow

100k+ biz systems it’s time to get serious about. Hint: I do not make you do shit you don’t wanna do, in a way that doesn’t suit you. I’m not about that for you OR me. What I do do, is help you to find the EXACT systems that YOU need in place. And show you how to implement ’em.

Module 5: Money Practicality, Making, Biz Systems

Support. People who play at this level have serious soulmate support. We’re talking in team, home, and from life itself. Some sort of mix. Usually all these areas. I will show you how to identify, call in, train (the easy way, I don’t do managing people; ugh), and then hand over EVERYTHING that stops you from being more you, to the right people who will help you to get to where you’re meant to be. Starting from wherever you’re ready to start.

Module 6: Leveraging & Cloning Your Genius

Cloning and leveraging your genius. It’s a thing. ALL of my clients and friends who make 6, multiple 6, 7 and multiple 7-figs per year have learned to do this. In many cases … it required a hefty amount of me kicking their butt around permission and allowance to let it be easy. I am happy to do this with you as well! Speaking of which –

Module 7: Permission & Allowance To Do It Your Way

Permission and allowance module. Allow me to dig into the recesses of all the bullshit you have still been carrying around, as to why not you, why not now, why it won’t be sustainable, or why it’s gonna cost you something you don’t wanna give. ETC. Allow me to show you how to shift it … FAST.

Module 8: Launch It Motherfucker!

Getting out of your way each day to do what you gotta do, create or unleash or download what must come out, and then monetize TF outta it.

Module 9: Open Conversation About All Things Income

NEVER BEFORE HEARD OF OR SEEN OR TAUGHT EVER. Full behind the scenes access on Katrina Ruth Show current income streams. Includes templates / downloads / full access to our exact automated income sequences, sales copy, under radar and behind the scenes sales and so on. You can literally plug in your own offers and duplicate exactly what we are doing … as well as how we are doing it.

Module 10: Locking Down The Next Level You & Beyond!

Locking down the energy, mindset and also practical shiz of you as that ALREADY THERE YOU to the point where it becomes part of you to play at that next level, and you never again need to doubt or question whether or not you can make money like that.

Bonus: Module 11

One of the things I am most famous for teaching on, and also being able to teach/translate in a way for you that makes TOTAL sense, and you can actually understand and implement, is how to access your gifts and powers in the supernatural, and create from that place.

I will teach you the most important stuff you need to know about going BEYOND the physical and the so-called ‘now’, in order to ‘snap down’ an alternate reality which is indeed already available to you.

This is crazy shiz which you know is real … and you know you get to go deeper into!

Bonus Module 12: Intentional Elevation of Finances 

As you may have noticed me mention – I am recording a NEW module (Module 12) LIVE with you as part of this class. This module is on Intentional Elevation of Finances. I am so excited to create this module alongside you and share things I have learned and gone deeper with since first creating The 100k Per Moth Formula!

About Katrina Ruth


I’m Katrina Ruth. I’m a self-made multi-millionaire, and I work with successful badasses like YOU, who kick their OWN ass already, who were always gonna do and BE the damn thing, but who maybe want me to kick their ass that little bit harder. I love God, following soul, running EVER deeper into trust, and plenty of strong black coffee and gritty red wine.

What I do?? I flick the damn switch for the called ones, and I get you ALL riled up on your own YOU-ness, as I help you remember who you always were – and then become it.

I currently live on the Gold Coast of Australia, and I’m Mum to my two beautiful children, Alyssa and Nathan.
I also recently got re-married to their Dad, Enzo. We divorced in 2016 and reunited (‘out of nowhere, except – of course’) and then re-married in 2021! I travel a LOT with my business (sometimes with the fam, sometimes not, a little more restricted these days but still on the go!), and my business allows me to be fully location free.

After many MANY years of not going all in, NOT speaking my truth or doing what I really wanted to do in the world, I finally said yes to purpose and sharing my deep soul message, AND to doing the damn work, and now, well –
Here we are.

I have been fortunate enough to build up an INCREDIBLE online community of driven entrepreneurs and leaders and creators, and each day I get to do what I always wanted to do, which is to motivate, educate, empower and inspire you to press play and create the business and life YOU want.

I’ve made over $20,000,000 (yes, 20 million dollars) online (and have several other offline companies and business, plus investments!) just by speaking my truth and following the path of my soul, breaking any and all rules that don’t feel fuck yes for me, and also – and this is my fave! – really just being ME. Yeah, I might have some fancier stuff now than when I started, but my business was built on, and still runs on, me being the girl who just loves to write and say what needs to be said running around usually in her gym gear as a hot mess, in between being a Mum and wife and just, well, living life!

You do NOT have to be anything other than who and what you already are to create all of this. Other than just that part of you who you’ve not yet dared to own, hmmm?! But you sure as shit don’t need to be polished, prepared, perfect. I’m still not! And never will be. What you do need to be is this:

Ready to fucking claim it. To recognise that yeah, the hardest work in the world is to march into our dreams without looking back, and to choose to be the version of us we know we’re meant for, every damn day, with zero availability for anything except seeing it ALL come to life.

How to Know the 100k Per Month Formula Is For You!


You know this, and the truth is – you’ve always known it.

The place you’re still waiting to be (and damn well should be by now, let’s face it!), was never going to be a place you get to because of what you do.

Especially –

(and this is the kicker now, so brace yourself, it’s smackdown time already, and we just gettin’ started here!)

– ESPECIALLY when the endless think think thinking about what you’re not seeing and still need to DO is taking you out of the one thing it was always gonna be about.

Your magnetism, unleashed on the world, in a targeted and energetically as well as strategically packaged and positioned way, that makes your soul peeps scream YES,

to the tune of money results
soulmate audience growth
and more

is about one thing and one thing alone:

You decide to put yourself in the damn room,

and make it that you’re unavailable not to get the damn EVERYTHING you see inside of you.

That’s what I’m here to do with you,

in the 100k Per Month Formula.

See you inside gorgeous, because after all –

It’s time to run the damn thing the way you were ALWAYS gonna do.

And remember – !

Life is Now. Press Play.

Kat x

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