Kimberley Wenya – Abundant Money Attraction download, Kimberley Wenya – Abundant Money Attraction review, Kimberley Wenya – Abundant Money Attraction fee
Kimberley Wenya – Abundant Money Attraction
Hey beautiful!
It’s finally here. The KW money course. And boy is it POWERFUL.
For one reason or another, you’ve landed on this page.
You’re interested in having more money.
First of all, own the fact that you want that – because you’re allowed to.
Heart to heart, let me share with you a few things.
Money used to be a struggle for me. I worked my butt off from the minute I could get a minimum wage job, and earned $120-400 a month.
This continued to be the case for me because that was all I was open to at the time.
I didn’t understand that money was all about energy – that there was an energetic component to how much money I was receiving.
For the longest time, I would screwge and skim on spending for fear of losing all my money or never having enough.
I would skip buying coffee, I’d buy the cheapest option or low cost clothes that were low quality.
What I didn’t realise was that all that ever did was deepen the amount of scarcity I felt – which perpetuated me staying in a lack mentality and reality.
I used to have thoughts like:
I’m forever going to be struggling for money. Money is so FREAKING hard to make.
You’re only rich if you’re born into a rich family.
You have to be a doctor or lawyer to be rich.
Rich people are snobby and that makes me scared to be rich.
I can never afford the things I want *gets into a bitter mood*
I have to work hard for money and if I don’t work hard, I could never make a lot of money.
Money only comes to me on pay-day.
It’s hard to get a job to get money.
I thought all of these thoughts constantly and all they did was create scarcity in my life.
The fact is, these are the thoughts of someone who is struggling with money.
So what are the thoughts of people who are abundant?
Money comes to me daily. Money is here all the time. Money is always finding ways to get to me and I just allow.
Money is easy and I always say yes to money. Money loves me and I love money. I am proud to like money.
There’s nothing wrong with wanting money. The more money I make, the more good I can do.
I am always in the receiving of money. I always earn more than I spend. I am in abundance energy.
(PS – these are GREAT affirmations… if I were you I’d save these somewhere and repeat them to myself!)
No matter what your money reality is right now, you have the ability to shift into abundance.
Hey, I’m Kimberley. I’m a Mindset and Manifestation Coach who teaches women how to create their strategic futures by design. One of my specialities and loves is talking about money. As women, we can empower ourselves to create our abundant realities no matter WHAT we think we were born into. As a child we learn to see money in a certain way and this is the very blueprint which creates your money reality.
In the last 12 months I have made quantum progress in changing my money reality to go from $400 per month to 5 figure months, and ultimately a 6 figure year.
How did I do it?
Through a beautiful balance of energetic work, and practical work.
I found that there is an art to how we can hold our energy.
When we combine the energetic with universal law and inspired action, money can be received with ease.
○directly with Kimberley on Wealth Creation + Money Manifestation (everything that’s required to manifest money)
○to facilitate your high vibe money transformation!
○By entering this course and program, you are entering an unseen yet palpable energetic room where you are in the uplevel.
○You are in a high vibe, abundant energetic room to create your money transformation!
Is this really for me?
The girl who this is for knows that they want money to be easier.
She doesn’t want to sloth over hard work anymore for money. She doesn’t want to fight with her boyfriend ever, or her family about money.
She wants to be able to treat her family to their dream gifts and vacations. And she also wants to be able to spend on herself luxuriously.
The girl who is ready for this is the girl who keep going back and forth between abundance and scarcity.
Maybe sometimes you feel on top of the world! And like you can make your dreams come true!
And then the next week you feel scared, you have no idea where more money can come from.
Perhaps you thought you weren’t born into a rich family and so you’re not “meant to be” rich (lies).
Or maybe you just really are SO SICK of working so damn hard for money.
Let’s get this straight.
All of these thoughts used to be things I felt and believed. This has shifted COMPLETELY for me and has changed my life. I’m sharing the exact energetic shifts and secrets with you in Abundant Money Attraction.
I know you may have fears like “will I make this back?” or “is this really worth it?” but over all the questions, the most important question to ask is “do I truly feel called and led to this course? Is this ALIGNED with me?”
If you’re coming back to this page over and over – that’s a sign. Heck – if you’re even reading until here – that’s a sign!
I know the girls that this course is for and it’s not for everyone.
It’s not for the girls who want to “find their own way” and trial and test through their money mindset.
It’s not for the girls who aren’t willing to do the energetic work.
But the thing is, that I believe that if you really are called to this course, you already are ready for this.
You’re ready for the shifts. For the money to FLOW!!
You’re ready for people to cut the BS on money – and just give it to you STRAIGHT UP.
No more waiting around, no more “patience” – just the real deal on how to ATTRACT money – and do it abundantly – the modern girl way.
So – my last little message to you.
Ask the universe for a sign. If you get your sign – that is super positive feedback that this is aligned for you! If you don’t get your sign and you’re disappointed – that is feedback that you truly do want to do this course and you’re resisting it. Eitherway, the choice is ALWAYS yours. There is no right answer – just the one you feel is right for you.
PPS imagine you clicking the join button – the pay button – then FEEL the feelings of how that woudl feel – does it feel positive and expansive? That is a CLEAR sign that this is aligned!
Time and time over again, I’ve had clients smash their money goals! (Some are shortened/paraphrased to keep these quotes short & sweet!)
>> “I got a $10,000 raise!” – Rebecca Hawkins
>> Within 3 days of coaching with Kimberley, I manifested $50k with ease! – Julia Lai
>> I manifested a job promotion as a chef! – Annika Puusalu
>> I manifested $3,500 within 2 weeks of working with Kimberley! – Meredith Wadsworth
>> I hit my $8k goal in my business! – Bonita Bollinghaus
>> I hit my $4444 goal this month! – Stevi Thomas
Personally, I love to make sure that if I’m going to invest in a course, that it’s ALIGNED with me. So I’m about to download a whole lot of thoughts on things that you may be curious about.
First of all – if you’re reading this already – you feel ready for change.
Maybe you’ve reached the stage where you’ve HAD ENOUGH!
No more striving, no more pointless working for a small amounts of money.
>> You DESIRE to have money flow to you. You’ve seen others do it and now you’re ready for YOUR TIME to happen – NOW!
You’re ready to CHANGE states.
You’re ready to SHIFT into abundance.
Girl, it’s YOUR TIME to shine – to be the girl who buys the designer clothes she wants.
To hire the coaches she truly desires to be in the energy of.
No. More. Waiting.
Maybe you’ve had dreams of hitting 5 figure months in your business, or getting that job promotion – or maybe you can’t even THINK of how money can come to you right now but you’re damn ready to let it find you.
This course is for the girls who have listened to all the money episodes on all the podcasts.
It’s for the girls who have done ALL the free trainings, read all the money books – and now they’ve hit a plateau.
They’re ready to freaking TAKE IT to the NEXT LEVEL.
You’ve been waiting for THE course to invest in.
Sure – there are many courses out there on money – but let me tell you that if you’re looking to be led by someone who is 1) a modern girl herself 2) speaks in girl language (none of this old English talk that’s in Think and Grow Rich) and 3) calls upon the universe to download what must be said, heard and felt of the HIGHEST good in order to create the most QUANTUM of shifts in money mindset and history — then THIS is your home.
THIS is where your transformation can occur.
NEVER again will you be questioning why you should have more money than others when others are less fortunate.
Never again will you be asking yourself how to make enough just to pay the bills.
WE shift into FULL mode where you >> always earn more than you spend.
In fact!
You may have NO CLUE how you’re going to pay for this course, YET you are drawn to it – you have full belief in your ability to change your state of abundance.
I’ve been there in a mind boring crossroads where I’ve been trying to decide if I should Uber or take public transport squished into strange energy in a train. (Is worth it? Ugh the money? And then the trip back? Should I pool? But it’s unethical for the drivers…)
Maybe you’re always going to the sales rack and checking out what’s on sale before looking at what you REALLY want to wear.
Or your line of thought in clothes stores is first:
1. How much is it? (Turns over the label – somewhat apprehensive)
2. Does it fit me? (Good enough)
3. Do I like it? (Maybe it’ll go with these old shorts I have)
4. Maybe I’ll buy it, maybe I’ve got a 10% coupon code in an email somewhere in my inbox…. Oh wait I’ve used that – maybe I can use my other gmail account I never use anymore… (You wonder as you walk to the cash register) – DON’T TELL ME YOU’VE NEVER BEEN THERE!
Let me tell you that I’ve now gotten to the stage where I can go:
1. Do I LOVE it? (Yes I LOVE THIS it’s super cute)
2. Do I fit it? (Omg it fits! Perfection!)
3. Take it to the cash register to pay in full. (I pay this with love and full abundance knowing that there’s always more where that came from!)
There’s the times I’ve been able to buy presents and gifts for others – or shout them lunch! There’s literally nothing better than seeing their faces light up with joy and gratitude as you say “it’s on me, I’ve already paid!” *feel the feelings of the joy*
These are all scenarios I once dreamed of.
Actually, let me be FULLY honest.
These are scenarios I thought would NEVER be for me. I thought that it was only for those born in a rich family. For those who worked in corporate or business wearing black suits and carrying briefcases. (Untrue).
After working with multiple mentors including Amanda Frances and Gabby Bernstein – both of who I know wear yoga pants to work whenever they want – it made me realise that I would LOVE to wake up, chuck on some yoga leggings and get to work.
So. What are we doing to attract money with flow and ease and abundance? Here’s but a sneak peek.
4 weeks of undreamable transformation on your money mindset.
Creating a bright-room, crystal core foundation for your money mindset.
Clearing. Releasing. Bringing the dark to the light — shining the WHITEST, BRIGHTEST light on all that you have fear, shame and “less-than” energy around (relating to money). Saying hello to all the things we keep within us that stay within but need to be let out.
For so long you’ve been sacrificing, setting aside your highest desires ALL because of the limit you have with money. We take your mindset that’s made sacrifices and settled for the average lifestyle that “makes do” and RE-TARGET it to not only be OKAY with, but to actively SEEK SUCCESS. MONEY. ABUNDANCE. LOVE. VIBES OF ALL THE HIGHEST GOOD. We reprogram that which NO LONGER serves you for your audacious money goals.
Let’s face it – you’re not drawn to this course for the accounting. (Boring).
That’s EXACTLY why there’s none involved in this course (we delegate that sh*t!). HOWEVER! There is the energetics behind the low months and the high months you’ve experienced in the past (or maybe the low and lower months) – and we get REAL and raw about how you can get those months only getting HIGHER and HIGHER and HIGHER – by the power of energy and frequencies. (We talk REAL talk on money maximums and minimums). Also budgets – the energy around these and how to create one for ABUNDANCE.
The number ONE thing I get asked – and is of HIGH importance when it comes to money manifestation. I share my secrets to feeling abundant when you really don’t feel like you are. And trust me – they WORK – it’s what got me to where I am now where I’m making bigger and bigger months.
Knowing and realising that money comes through ways that you expect, but also ways that you don’t expect. THIS is exactly why babes of ALL job backgrounds can do this course. Because just because you own a business – doesn’t mean the money has to come through there – just as with a day job! We get you into FULL receiving mode to say yes to both. Which leads us into….
This is one of the HARDEST parts that people get to – they find it immensely hard to lean back and sit back to receive the money – the fruits of their “labour”. (I use quotation marks because it’s not JUST the labour that creates the fruits – it’s the frequency and energy combined also!) We get you into a state of knowing how to LEAN BACK and not feel like you’re needing to keep chasing money on a hamster wheel. What I have to share here is going to CHANGE. THE. MONEY GAME FOR YOU!
We say good-BYE to the strain. No more over working, over-hustling. HELLO to money on days you don’t even work. When you’re asleep. When you’re having drinks with the girls.
You may be thinking that in the past it’s taken straining to get to your next level – well we OPEN your mindset and do mindset work to FLIP the switch on this belief. We DITCH the straining and painful work so that upleveling to your next money goals becomes simply a NATURAL eventuation of your journey and success path.
>> FULL immersion into seeing money appear in your life – bringing it in at ALL ranges, ALL levels, ALL forms. We say yes yes yes to it all and let you FEEL like you’re floating in a high vibe money stream. MONEY HERE, MONEY NOW, MONEY EVERYWHERE.
Cultivating the fearless faith that is required in order to manifest money — fiercely.
Getting your energy around the money that you’ve been LONGING and WANTING to bring in. How to NOT give up even when you think you’ve “failed” in the past.
So we get you to your goals – we get you smashing your goals – BUT THEN WHAT?
This course is not designed to simply let you hit your goals. This course is designed with the imbued love and energy that allows you to follow on with your bigger and bigger goals in the future. We get you into EXPANSION and GROWTH as a part of how you LIVE and BREATHE!
Now the best part of this all?
(And how this sets this course apart from others) –
I, in the past, have been a personal development fiend (and still am) meaning I’ve done the courses, read the books, listened to the podcasts. And for so long, I’ve heard the same money principles circulate over and over. I’ve seen courses where people have re-purposed courses they have taken (eek! bad vibes) – and they’re teaching you what they once learnt from someone else (nothing wrong with this BUT! I always want some part of the original – like where is the original?!) No more Chinese whispers – I want to hear from the SOURCE! – so whilst a portion of this course is what I myself have learnt in the past from mentors, A MASSIVE portion is in itself DIRECT downloads from the universe – things I have NEVER read in books, heard in other courses or from other mentors.
I know I’m making a bold statement – but by working with this course, Abundant Money Attraction, you’re also working with organic, fresh new principles never-shared-before right from the universe itself.
You will see me having these downloads in the course as I answer questions, bring to the table your aligned homework and more.
This is going to be – UN. REAL.
You’re still here. And you’re still reading.
Some part of you knows it’s called. Some part of you KNOWS there’s money and riches on the other side for you – of the highest good.
Let me tell you that once you shift, YOU SHIFT. The earlier you can shift your mindset, the more of your life you live comfortably – luxuriously – in your wildest and most OUT THERE Tumblr and Pinterest dreams.
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