
Laura Lopuch – Find Your Lead Workshop



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Laura Lopuch – Find Your Lead Workshop

Find Your Ideal Client to Cold Email in Less than 60 Mins

Without sinking hours into research, needing previous clients, or if you’re a total newbie

Here’s what you might not know

Everybody’s talking about cold emails, right?

We’ve all heard of a copywriter or consultant who got a client from a cold email.

Or uses cold emails as their main lead generation/prospecting method.

But what almost no one understands about cold emails is the concept of finding the right lead.

It’s not how long (or short) your cold email is that makes it a winner. Nope, rather it’s making sure you’re cold emailing the right person (aka your ideal client) for your offer.

And that happens even if your cold email feels really-not-short — as long as you’ve found your ideal client to cold email

Sending cold emails has some incredible side effects

1 – Control your client flow vs an unpredictable referral network

You don’t have to worry if your referral network will deliver. Like, on your schedule instead of your mortgage’s “due on the 1st” schedule.

Instead, you send a cold email — to your ideal client — and get a new client. It’s a direct cause-and-effect where you control your client flow.

2 – Hand-pick your next project (so it’s an exact fit for you)

You don’t have to wonder what projects your ideal client will offer you, because you’ve already planted the seed about the precise projects you’re best suited for.

Or if you don’t know what projects you like and you need your first client, you control how quickly you sign that first client.

You can play the field and sample projects at will, instead of having to rely on some mystical referral network to offer up different projects, so you can try those out and see if you like those better than the gigs you’ve landed.

3 – Ditch the annoying, red-flag waving client that drives you bonkers… and is stressing you out

You know the one that makes you hate yourself for putting up with their crap. Yes, them. Finally, you say “Good riddance,” to them.

Because you can get another client like that. *snap*

4 – No more stress-tumor wondering where your next client comes from

Rather, you control the in-flow of your clients, neatly lining them up. So no white space exists in your calendar.

Or you know exactly how much available time you have for new projects…

… and exactly how to fill that space.


You’re handing over the big decision of your business to the gods of chance…

…will enough clients and big projects *hopefully* wander through my door, so I can make my mortgage?

… to pay for my kids’ school?

…to afford the Costco bill this month, ’cause we’ve been cooking up a storm at home with this pandemic?

Then, the second piece of the puzzle must fit into place:

If enough clients wander in, will they offer me the projects I love — the ones that let me fall into the blissful Flow of Work where time doesn’t exist?

…or will the project feel like pushing a house-sized boulder up a mountain?

The clincher is:

Will that client say “yes” to my proposal, so we actually work together?

That’s a lot of dominos to line up… completely by chance.

But — what if you had the power to control those dominos?

To hand-pick the clients that need your help on the projects you absolutely love, like sales pages or about pages or welcome emails.

Imagine if you had that power: to control the flow of your clients.

And if you need more clients one month, you simply push a lever and more flood in.

Imagine how exhilarating that would feel — that thrill of excitement in your belly and a shiver in your fingers that “this is my job! I get to do this… and I even get paid for it.”

Need to get a new client with cold email? Awesome…

…but, what the heck do you do next?


Because they get stuck

They can’t find the answer to the question:

Who should I cold email?

Here’s why that can be a HUGE problem:

Even if they have a vague idea of who to cold email, it’s nearly impossible to replicate. Or tap into an endless list of your ideal clients.

All of whom are perfect to cold email…

…and waiting for your solution to their problem.

4 Reasons Most Wannabe Cold Emailers Never Click Send…

And how to guarantee you WILL


When you don’t know who to send a cold email to, well, it’s hard to send that cold email.

After you’ve worked with a handful of clients, you’ll know who to send your cold email to.

What if you’re a total newbie, seeking your first client? Even better. Using cold emails to test out offers and get your first client is a breeze.


(or worse, treating it like Costco)

Your ideal clients are freaking everywhere. Seriously. And they’re all shouting out for your help. But you have to know where to look.

As soon as you start treating one spot — like, Google searches or Instagram posts — as The One and Only Spot to find your ideal clients, your brain narrows to restrict your view.

Making it so you literally don’t see other outlets for your ideal client. Once that happens, if your ideal client waterhole dries up, you’re outta luck.


No joke — sending cold emails is a wee bit scary.

But if you allow that fear to block you every time you go to click “send,” you’ll never see success. Behind every scary, uncomfortable action is huge growth. This truth is one I’ve seen play out again and again in my business.

If you let the fear rule you, you’ll never experience the power of sending a cold email and getting a new client, seemingly hand-picked for your business.

Plus, when you cold email your ideal client who NEEDS your help, the chances of them saying “no” drops dramatically.


Smart cold email superstars never start with a blank page.

They grab another cold email, rework it to their current goals, and click send. Not just any cold email. But one that’s succeeded in the past as it’s far easier to tweak existing words than it is to fill a blank page.

As Jerry Seinfeld says, “Writing is the most difficult thing in the world.”

This is the big secret that nobody talks about: start with a proven cold email template. That’s how the pros do it.

Can I let you in on a dirty little secret?

The secret sauce to a winning cold email isn’t the copy…

As a former copywriter, I wish the copy was the trigger. Only it’s not. And it’s not 100% the offer or the pitch.

Here’s the true secret sauce:

Finding your ideal client to cold email.

Because then you know — and feel comfortable — that you’re emailing people who want to hear from you.

Yes, the work that happens long before your hands type out that winning cold email.

Find Your Lead

A Cold Email Workshop

I’ve taken everything I’ve learned about picking your cold email recipient

— a literal make-or-break decision —

from 6 years of sending 1,000s of cold emails for my own business (and for private clients who’ve paid $10,000+) and distilled it into this workshop.

Yes, you’ll learn the strategies behind hand-picking your ideal client who is unconsciously waiting for your cold email.

But, more importantly, you’ll know WHY your prospect is waiting for you to reach out.

Feeling that powerful confidence boost — that switch from “eh, maybe they could be interested” to “heck YEAH, this is totally for them!” means you’ll actually send your cold email.

Therefore, you’re fired up to click send. And you’ll do it, even if you’ve shied away from sending cold emails in the past. Or you have and gotten crickets in reply.

My guess?

You were likely trying to solve a problem your recipient didn’t have.

Inside this workshop, you’ll get:

  • The 4 big (secret) places to find your ideal client
  • How to know WHO is your ideal client (even if you’ve never had a client before)
  • Step-by-step process to finding your ideal client’s email address
  • Get a never-before-released cold email template, so you don’t need a cold email draft for this workshop!
  • Replay of the workshop
  • Conquer the OMG-sweaty-armpit fear just before you click “send”
  • 2 weeks of email support from me on finding your lead AFTER you get the workshop (so all your q’s get answered)

This workshop is the quickest and easiest way to start sending cold emails ASAP.

Imagine what your business would be like if…

  • You fired the client you dread working with and got a new client within the week to replace that red-flag, annoying one
  • You *finally* know who your ideal client is
  • It’s not scary to try out different projects without having to niche down (just yet), so you dabble to your heart’s content
  • A swagger in your step from knowing that prospects really need your help (i.e., what you offer is super-valuable and it’s needed)
  • You know exactly HOW you help your prospect and HOW to sell to them without feeling sleazy



Hi, I’m Laura Lopuch (LOW-pitch).

I’m a cold email and pitch expert who helps service professionals and consultants send high-converting emails to make more sales naturally.

Maybe you’ve seen my work on CrazyEgg, Kissmetrics, Predictable Revenue, and Unbounce.

Or you heard me on Quiet Rebels or TCC podcast. I’ve also spoken at conferences like MicroConf and Shine Bootcamp.

I wrote a viral article on cold emails for Copy Hackers.

To say I’ve built my entire business on cold emails is a bit like saying a library has books.

Now I’m on a mission to help entrepreneurs — like you — make more money using cold emails that sell naturally.

Find Your Lead

is the first workshop of its kind that…


Let’s clear this up right here: you’ll be working inside this workshop.

I’ve taken many workshops where the info is easily digestible and wonderful.

Afterwards, I leave that info inside an Evernote, slowly collecting dust, never to see real-world action where shit actually happens and becomes real.

I am you.

Which is why I made this workshop with time for you to do what you just learned. Let’s make this easy, shall we?


You’ll put into practice right away what you learned moments before.


Each part of the workshop builds on the part before. 5-minute “implementation times” are built into this workshop, so you do what you just learned.

This method cements this new info into your brain. So you’re not digging through your Google Drive for notes the next time you need to find your ideal client to cold email. Your muscle memory knows just what to do.


At the end of this workshop? You’ll stroll out with a ready-to-send cold email.

For real. Cuz that’s how we roll.


Never sent a cold email? Have no idea who your ideal client is?

Want to test drive a new offer? Sent a cold email and got crickets, so now you’re super nervous?

You’re perfect for this workshop.


Is the uncertainty that your recipient might not need your help making you shy away from cold emailing?

After this workshop, you’ll know 100% that your recipient will welcome your cold email.


I’m not gonna give you a hard sell on this workshop. That’s not my style.

But I got two questions to ask you…

1 – Have you been dying to try cold emails, but can’t quite click “send” on your draft because you’re not sure if THIS is who you should be emailing?

2 – Do you need to get your first client and know that cold emails are your path?

Well, my friend, this workshop is for you.

I want to help you find your ideal client to cold email.

So you see cold emails’ priceless biz-boosting power for yourself.

And, y’know, take some feel-good action in this world of self-isolation and the sense of waiting… waiting for the virus to pass… waiting for the world to return to normal.

Create momentum for yourself by DOING something.

Little ripples make big waves.

Big waves, well, they enact huge, powerful change.

I can’t wait to see how cold emails change your business.

You’re amazing,


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    • Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
      • No coaching calls or scheduled sessions with the author.
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