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Lisa Sasevich – ULTIMATE Telesummit Formula
For heart-centered experts looking for a simple, end-to-end system to build your mojo AND your list with hot,
happy, super-qualified, ready-to-buy prospective clients practically overnight.
Imagine – a simple, step-by-step system to own your space and boost sales with hot targeted leads in just 3 days!
I’m about to reveal the exact steps I’ve taken to quickly grow my list and expand my visibility and reach using my ULTIMATE Telesummit Formula!
Does any of this sound familiar?
- You KNOW you’re sitting on a goldmine, but you struggle with getting the word out about what you do.
- You’re sooo tired of being the best-kept secret. (In fact, if you hear that one more time you’ll probably scream.)
- Every time you finish work with a client, you feel a sense of dread in the pit of your stomach, wondering when (or if) you’re going to be able to replace that client.
- You want to partner with bigger and more well-known entrepreneurs in your space, but you know they wouldn’t be that interested in you because your list is too tiny.
- You really wish you knew what you had to do to be publicly recognized as the expert you are.
- You would love a proven system to attract warm, targeted prospects into your biz — right now you either have no leads at all, or the leads you do attract are pretty darn cold and un-targeted.
If this sounds like you, then know you’re not alone. In fact, MANY heart-centered experts struggle with these very same issues. And that’s because there is a common thread running through all of these problems –
Your list or tribe is too small and you’re not able to grow it as fast as you want to
(Your tribe/list is a database of your ideal prospects you have permission to contact and build a relationship with.)
Having your own warm list of ideal prospects you can market to over and over again is one of the main differences between having a profitable, sustainable business with a consistent cash flow… and worrying each month about where your next client is going to come from.
The problem, of course, is how do you actually build a list filled with happy, super-qualified, ready-to-buy prospective clients in the first place?
And that’s why I’m SO darn excited about my ULTIMATE Telesummit Formula.
Before we go any further, let me tell you a little bit about me. I’m Lisa Sasevich, known by many as the Queen of Sales Conversion, and I’ve built a multi-million-dollar business while working from home AND enjoying plenty of “mommy” time with my young son and daughter.
What’s my secret? Well a BIG part of my success is because I know how to convert PROSPECTS into CLIENTS without being salesy. However, before you can convert your ideal prospects into clients, you need to attract them into your tribe in the first place.
And that’s why every successful profitable business needs BOTH — a steady stream of happy, super-qualified, ready-to-buy prospective clients and a system to convert them into invested clients.
And do you want to know my VERY favorite strategy for attracting your perfect ideal clients onto your list? It’s having your own Telesummit!
Look, over the years I’ve tried LOTS of different list-building strategies, and for the most part many of them have worked — some better than others.
But, hands down, one of the BEST strategies I’ve used to build my list, my mojo and my bank account ALL at the same time has been hosting my own telesummits.
What is a telesummit?
Telesummits are when you host a gathering of speakers and experts who all speak about a specific topic. And the best part is, YOU pick the topic, you interview the speakers (which you can do via phone), the speakers help promote and together you create magic! It’s collaborative marketing at its very best, and because it’s all virtual, it’s easy for you to do this anywhere you have access to a computer and a phone! Plus it’s on your own schedule!
In fact, hosting your own telesummit is one of the QUICKEST ways to own your own space and expand your reach while creating powerful partnerships, profits and raving fans.
What’s more, we haven’t even talked about the BEST part of hosting your own telesummit yet. If you’re someone who is looking to automate your business and your income (so you can enjoy more freedom while still getting your gift out into the world) then you’ll definitely want to take a look at having a telesummit to help feed your sales conversion machine with a steady stream of hot, targeted leads.
(And building sales conversion machines is something I specialize in! So if you’ve taken some of my other programs about building the sales conversion machine, this is the next piece you’ll want to put into place.)
Now you may be thinking that this sounds great but what if I’m just getting started? Or, how do I manage all the moving parts Lisa?
It’s simple when you have my step-by-step formula, which is why we need to get started together right away.
Now before we go any further — I have something else to share with you. (And please don’t shoot the messenger here!) The word is out about how effective telesummits are — but be warned. People are screwing them up all over the place — actually making themselves and their guests look bad and frankly, unprofessional.
Plus, they are costing themselves thousands of dollars, hundreds of hours, and ending up with small drips of results instead of the amazing quantum leap that a telesummit really should be.
And one of the BIGGEST mistakes they’re making is they aren’t following my model — what I call the 3-Day Virtual Event. What you’ll love about my ULTIMATE Telesummit Formula is:
- It’s simple, quick and efficient. You get in, get out and it’s over. Just like that.
- You create a win-win-win situation— your guests win because they get a ton of exposure plus a chance to grow their list, your audience wins because they’re part of something powerful and efficient instead of a virtual event that drags on forever, and YOU win because you’re able to own your space and grow your list with the perfect ideal clients, FAST!
- You build long-term value for everyone rather than going for the quick hit (and sacrificing trust and credibility)
- You honor your guests and audience with a high-engagement, high-quality product
- It positions you as the main go-to expert and boosts your mojo very quickly
- You get to leverage your guests’ credibility and mojo so EVERYONE benefits
- You own a great list-building and mojo-building system that works if you’re just getting started AND when you become an old pro!
If you’ve been following me for a while, you may have seen me host two 3-Day Virtual Events: “How To Sell To Women” and “Automated Income Secrets.” (Maybe, in fact, you’re someone who found me because of one of these telesummits.) And maybe you’ve tried to duplicate my model by saving my emails and watching the process from the outside.
“I’m Now Entirely Virtual!”
“I wanted to narrow my niche from ‘anyone who was committed to improving their health,’ (which is hardly a niche at all), to those affected by Type 1 Diabetes. But this brought up the challenge of…how was I going to reach this narrow niche?
This is when Lisa taught me the concept of having a Telesummit to quickly grow my list of ideal clients. I jumped on this and in 3 months, presented an online conference featuring 12 expert interviews in a program called, How To Thrive With Type 1 Diabetes. I now have a list of 835 potential future clients as a result, as well as 8 people in my first ever 8 week online course.
I will soon have a recorded 8 week Type 1 Diabetes online training course to re-market as often as I want to my list.
Thank you Lisa Sasevich for expanding my business concept beyond anything I ever dreamed of and for teaching me how to get my work out into the world in such a bigger way, freeing me from being stuck in my office (I’m now entirely virtual!). I’m getting better results for my patients while making more money and breaking out of the time demands of a typical physician’s schedule and enjoying more free time than ever before!”
Dr. Jody Stanislaw
Naturopathic Doctor
Let me share with you a sampling of what you’ll get when you dig into this system:
MODULE 1: POSITIONING: My EXACT steps on positioning your virtual event so your ideal clients can’t wait to sign up!
This is one of the most important steps — and also the one that most entrepreneurs skip. If you don’t take a little time in the beginning to properly position your telesummit to make it both enticing to your ideal clients AND set you up as the expert you are, you risk courting disaster with your telesummit (EVEN if you work really hard and try and do everything else right).
In this module you’ll learn:
- How to set up your virtual event to magically attract your ideal clients to it like bees to honey. (Once you know the secret it may feel as effortless as magic!)
- My EXACT formula to properly position your event for BIG success — I make it super easy to do this right!
- How to get your own “crystal ball” that shows you EXACTLY what your audience is looking for. You’ll be able to customize your virtual event to be irresistible and have a landslide of registrations!
- And more!
Accelerator #1:
Sample new subscriber welcome email — now that you’ve done all this hard work to attract your ideal clients onto your list, let’s keep them there. You want to give all your new ideal prospects a big warm welcome so they know they’re in the right place.
MODULE 2: PARTNERS: How to attract the perfect guests and partners and create that win-win-win experience!
The right speakers can make ALL the difference between a virtual event that’s a massive success and one that’s a disappointing failure. That’s because the right speakers will not only help attract your ideal clients but create a perfect environment to encourage them to stick around, learn as much as they can and invest to go deeper with you.
Compare that to what happens when you DON’T have the right guests. You struggle to attract people to register, and the ones who DO aren’t your ideal clients.
But, I have great news! It’s not as difficult as you might think to choose and invite the perfect guests so they say YES! (Plus if you ask them right, they’ll be as excited as you are to be a part of your virtual event!)
In this module you’ll learn:
- The 3 types of speakers available to you — who they are and how many you need of each type to create the best virtual event combination.
- My step-by-step system for selecting the perfect speakers (it’s easier than you think once you have my simple system).
- EXACTLY how to invite your speakers so they not only just say YES but they’re EXCITED to be a part of it.
- What you need to do to properly prepare your speakers so you create a win-win partnership (this is an often-overlooked step and it’s CRUCIAL. If you don’t follow these steps, your speakers or your virtual event will appear unprepared or unprofessional).
- And more!
MODULE 3: PARTICLES: All the Moving Parts in One Easy-To-Find Place
If there’s one thing you’ll quickly realize when you start putting together your own virtual event, it’s that there are quite a few details that need to be managed. In fact, you may find yourself a bit overwhelmed if you try to go at it alone and create everything from scratch!
Never fear! Here’s where we break it all down with checklists, samples and our proven templates so you can stay organized and free of overwhelm as your virtual event comes together. (And the BEST part? There’s no need for YOU to do all the work! You can also turn everything over to your virtual assistant or team member and let them take the reins and run with it!)
In this module you’ll receive:
- COMPLETE swipe file of everything you need to attract the RIGHT speakers who are EXCITED to be a part of the your virtual event (not to mention promote it)!
- Sample speaker invitation email.
- Sample speaker welcome and checklist.
- Sample speaker pre-call confirmation.
- Sample freebies perfect for list-building (both for you AND your guests).
- Sample questions for speakers.
- Sample speaking agreements.
- PLUS in this module you’ll get a handy dandy telesummit checklist and timeline to make it super-easy to keep your virtual event organized and on track.
Accelerator #3:
Lisa’s opening ceremony script. Oh wait — did you forget about yourself? You’re not alone — most telesummit hosts completely forget to highlight themselves. But never fear, you’ll have it covered with my script in hand. Now you’ll know exactly how to position yourself as an expert on your own telesummit (not to mention set the right tone for your audience).
MODULE 4: PROMOTION: You’ve positioned your virtual event, got your hot speakers on board and now it’s time to INVITE THE WORLD!
It doesn’t matter how FANTASTIC your telesummit is if no one comes! You STILL won’t grow your list, own your space and build your mojo without getting the word out.
That’s why I devote an ENTIRE module to how you get “butts in seats” (or ears on phones as the case may be).
You’ll learn my SPECIFIC strategies to attract hot, happy, super-qualified, ready-to-buy prospective clients to your telesummit.
It doesn’t matter if you have a big or small list, I’ll show you how you can fill your virtual event – EVEN WITH PEOPLE WHO HAVE NEVER HEARD OF YOU BEFORE.
In this module you’ll learn:
- How you can make money BEFORE your virtual event even starts!
- My specific, step-by-step strategies on filling your telesummit with super-qualified ideal prospects even if you don’t have a list yet.
- Sample speaker welcome and checklist.
- 3 simple secrets to getting both your speakers AND affiliates on board and promoting for you. If you’ve done any sort of campaign where you’ve asked people to promote (including having hosted a telesummit in the past and had issues getting your guests to do what they said they would) you know darn well it’s getting tougher and tougher to get everyone to promote. My simple secrets are KEY to getting this to happen.
- An easy way to leverage your relationship with your speakers to keep the promo love going.
- Samples of ALL of the copy we use including list emails, affiliate emails, speaker emails plus the exact schedule you need to follow for all email promotions.
- And more!
Accelerator #4:
Facebook and Twitter Promotions – model our exact strategy for attracting hot, qualified leads from Facebook and Twitter and show your telesummit speakers how to do the same! It will make you look really smart and will help to expand your reach and opt-ins 12-fold.
MODULE 5: PAYDAYS: Discover simple strategies to have your big telesummit payday plus ongoing automated paydays for years to come!
You know what the BEST part of the 3-Day Virtual Event model is? That along with getting all the awesome long-term benefits — like owning your space, building your list with hot, happy, qualified, ideal prospects, and super-charging your visibility — you ALSO can cash in IMMEDIATELY.
How? Well that’s what this module is all about! I’m going to show you not one, but MULTIPLE ways you can cash in – both long-term AND immediately!
In this module you’ll learn:
- EXACTLY how to set up your 3-Day Virtual Event to maximize IMMEDIATE sales of your telesummit product (entrepreneurs get this wrong all the time and when you do, you can leave thousands of dollars on the table).
- Then after you’ve taken care of all the immediate sales, I’ll walk you through how to set up your telesummit so it can keep paying you for years to come!
- THEN you’ll learn my step-by-step system to invite all those ideal prospects to try your core product or program in a way that doesn’t feel hypey or salesy.
- Enjoy sample sales letters, every email we use to sell before, during and after the summit, plus our social networking ads to model.
- And much more!
Accelerator #5:
How you can turn your 3-Day Virtual Event into an ongoing list builder! We’ll show you exactly what to do to have the work you did to create your telesummit pay you for years to come. This is where the positioning you did in the beginning and the care you took in selecting your speakers will really pay off!
So now you may be wondering, “Lisa, how EXACTLY are you going to teach me…
- POSITIONING: Position my telesummit to attract hot, happy, ready-to-buy ideal prospects to my list
- PARTNERS: Invite the PERFECT guests and partners to create a win-win experience
- PARTICLES: Wrangle all the moving parts into one organized easy-to-follow system
- PROMOTION: Fill my 3-Day Virtual Event with qualified prospects
- PAYDAYS: Maximize my sales — both during AND after the telesummit
- AND create long-term sales and list-building opportunities
- So that I can grow my list, own my space, boost my mojo AND expand my visibility and reach like you have?
Valid question!
Here’s my answer…
I’ve designed this training to go much deeper than one of those “in-a-box” info products that gets you all excited and then leaves you alone to struggle your way through finding the time and the focus to get going. Sorry, I care too much to do that to you!
I’m going to hold your hand all the way through this one. It’s not okay with me for you to do anything but maximize your sales and your ability to serve from your investment here.
Here are the SPECIFICS
- As soon as you complete your investment, you’ll be sent both the first class and pre-work, so you can immediately jump in and get started. The pre-work includes my Offer Communication Worksheet and 90-minute Audio Training to help you nail down your event promise and the exact words to articulate it AND our “Players and Partners Worksheet” to help you identify who the perfect speakers are for your Telesummit in preparation for Module 2.
- Access to the Virtual Retreat recordings and transcripts. Listen and learn at your convenience.
Frequently Asked Questions:
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- The legality of our operations falls into a gray area. While we lack explicit approval from the course authors for resale, there’s a technicality at play. When procuring the course, the author didn’t specify any restrictions on resale. This legal nuance presents both an opportunity for us and a boon for those seeking budget-friendly access.
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- Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
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We operate independently, aiming to bridge the affordability gap without the additional services offered by official course channels. Your understanding of our unique approach is greatly appreciated.
- Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
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