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Martin Rutte – The Shift Network – Project Heaven on Earth
With Project Heaven on Earth Founder &
Bestselling Co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul™ at Work
Martin Rutte
Do you hold in your heart a dream for a world in which everyone truly thrives and we eradicate the worst forms of suffering?
And do you know, deep in your bones, that it’s in your soul’s code to help create this world, starting in your own life?
Then you’re a potential collaborator for Project Heaven on Earth, which is both an opportunity to fulfill your own sacred purpose and to be part of a living, global experiment: the co-creation of Heaven on Earth.
There are literally millions of us, perhaps even billions, who have been coded with the knowledge that we are here to create something of deep beauty, leaving a legacy for our grandchildren that we can be proud of.
It’s not enough to us to have a “ho-hum” life with just enough resources to get by and little impact from our lives.
If you’re like us, you don’t want to just survive, you want to thrive. You yearn to finally fulfill your destiny, which is to help bring your own version of heaven down to earth — a project that is in your heart and soul to do and that will contribute to this larger vision for humanity.
And heaven is not some far-off future state but right here, moment-to-moment, living and breathing in a state of gratitude for the amazing world we’ve inherited, which is filled with blessings including the genius of technology, the adventure of travel, and power of art and culture.
In so many ways, we are already living in heaven on earth… and in so many other ways, we live in a kind of hell with terrifying crises from ISIS to extreme poverty to global warming.
How, you might ask, can we have heaven on earth on any scale as long as humans are trafficked and enslaved? While children die every day from preventable diseases and starvation? While some corporations squander the world’s resources and pollute our ecosystems?
That’s where you come in.
If we’re going to create heaven on earth for REAL in a lasting way, we each have to face both the light and the shadow operating in the world and then work passionately on our unique signature contribution to creating a BETTER world that fully embodies our highest ideals and greatest love. We have to be smart, strategic and loving.
Becoming a co-creator of heaven on earth is really about discovering all the little (and big) ways you can make the world reflect your deepest, most heartfelt vision, your divine essence.
In Project Heaven on Earth, each of us will commit to creating a specific project that we can move forward easily and joyfully, building little actions towards bigger changes.
Examples of projects involve collecting pennies to stop violence against women and donating a percentage of each house sold to end homelessness.
Your own project will reflect and express YOUR sacred purpose — the beautiful mission you arrived here with. It might also address what Martin Rutte calls your “keystone suffering,” the one suffering that you feel most deeply needs to end.
You will be empowered in making your unique contribution AND you’ll learn how to support others in their projects.
Together, we’ll create something amazing.
And to build heaven on earth, step by step.
This is what fulling your sacred purpose is all about: Living at the highest possible level of consciousness and growing more skillful in making your unique offering to a better world.
It’s a journey into serving the world from a place of joy and fulfillment, knowing that even if your contribution may seem small to you at times, it is ESSENTIAL because heaven on earth is a team effort that takes every single one of us, building a new world brick by brick.
It’s a journey we take together.
This shared journey into the higher potential of our world is at the heart of The Project Heaven on Earth Program, which has been designed to empower you in making your greatest contribution and leaving your brightest legacy.
Your guide and heart-friend on this journey is Martin Rutte, the New York Times business bestselling co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul™ at Work and a man who has devoted his life to empowering every person’s contribution to heaven on earth.
He’s inspired people to weave the mission of heaven on earth into businesses, non-profits, and evolutionary movements, as well as into the everyday moments we share with our beloveds.
Martin’s work shows us that heaven on earth is not a “pie in the sky” dream or an idealistic fantasy, but a highly practical and inspiring mission that builds from the most meaningful experiences of our lives.
He shows you that manifesting heaven on earth is actually humanity’s oldest dream coming true. It’s about the yearning living inside of you — to create a world that works for all of us.
However, we are also fully aware of the pain from the gap between what we know is possible and the parts of today’s reality that don’t work: destruction, polarization and oppression.
It’s easy when we face these gaps to feel helpless or confused about what you can do to contribute to lasting transformation and build a world where EVERYONE can flourish.
That’s normal.
The Project Heaven on Earth Program will provide you with the essentials to move forward and make your contribution. It will offer profound hope as well as the start of practical strategies for change as you form what we are calling your Heaven on Earth Project that you will advance over the 12 weeks and beyond.
If it’s time to activate YOUR visionary project and ground it in powerful personal steps to make YOUR life a shining example of heaven on earth and inspire others to do the same, then this is the program for you.
When you join this empowering journey, you’ll:
- Get into focused, joyful action on a Heaven on Earth Project
- Fully understand the powerful new story that’s being unleashed for all of humanity
- Explore in specific detail what heaven on earth means for you personally, and start to plant the seeds for your own project
- Discover how you can cultivate a state of being that expresses higher dimensions of your consciousness, right now
- Receive paradigm-shifting strategies for transforming societies
- Understand how you can engage socially in a way that is constructive, positive and forward-looking
- Recognize the blocks or patterns in your relationships that prevent true connection
- Learn practices to make heaven on earth real in your relationships
- Begin to claim your perfect role in co-creating a world that works for all
- Learn from inspiring true stories of Heaven Makers — courageous people who are actualizing heaven on earth through their own innovative projects
- Develop practical strategies for ending some of the worst kinds of suffering in your community and around the globe
- Learn how to radiate and express more of the heaven on earth already within you — along with practices that help amplify this state of being
- Clarify how to make your unique personal and planetary contributions
Together, we’ll enter into a space of fearless visioning, inspired thinking and courageous contributions.
You’ll come away engaged and empowered in your own heaven on earth efforts and better equipped to support others in making their own contributions.
Additionally, you’ll learn what you can do to sow the seeds of this vision into your spiritual practice, relationships and spheres of influence.
Anything less than Heaven on Earth is beneath us.
– Rinaldo S. Brutoco, Founder & President,
World Business Academy
What You’ll Discover in These 12 Weeks
In this 12-week transformational intensive, Martin will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies that you’ll need to clarify and open to the higher mission that lives within you and manifest that in the form of a concrete Heaven on Earth Project.
Each weekly, LIVE contemplation and training session will build harmoniously upon the next, so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to create Heaven on Earth for you and your loved ones.
Module 1: Revealing Our New Story:
The Co-creation of Heaven on Earth
I had a dream once of a long dining table, yards long, at which guests carried on animated, fascinating conversations with one another. I sat in on many of them, wide-eyed like a child, taking in all the exciting ideas flying around the table. People were talking about how the world could be and what it would take to create Heaven on Earth.
– Marianne Williamson
As humans and humanity we live inside a story. Our current story is no longer adequate given our awareness, needs and potential. It is completing itself and we are transitioning into a new, larger narrative. We’ve had a theological story, a nation-state story and an economic story. Our new story must meet the challenges of our times. We need a new “civilization-fueling” story that takes us into the next chapter of our evolution.
In this module, you’ll discover the new collective story — Co-creating Heaven on Earth — and how it applies to you.
We’ll explore how your understanding of heaven has evolved and shifted over time.
What is Heaven? Where is Heaven? What are your assumptions about Heaven and Heaven on Earth?
Following this exploration, you will begin to imagine your own Heaven on Earth project.
In the first live session you will:
- Learn how the current story, while bringing us much good, is fundamentally unworkable and responsible for separation, fear, lack, violence, powerlessness and cynicism.
- Explore and help define a new civilization-fueling story so that you can engage in building the kind of world you deeply long for.
- Discover what it means for you to author this new story, individually and as part of the collective — and what it means to humans and humanity within this evolutionary narrative.
- Remember a time when you experienced Heaven on Earth so that you can see clearly that this state of being has always been inside you.
- Recognize the fullness of Heaven on Earth for you and the world, if you were given complete permission to create it, without perceived limitations.
- Expand your experience of the depth and presence of Heaven on Earth in your own life.
- Begin the journey of creating your own Heaven on Earth project… something that you’re passionate about, that’s easy for you to do and that will make a difference to others and to you.
Every week we’ll spotlight a Heaven Maker, a person who’s discovered and is manifesting Heaven on Earth in their own unique, creative way.
Spotlight on a Heaven Maker:
Katherine Burnett, founder of Lady Baker’s Tea Trolley.
Module 2: The Voice of Humanity
What is the common work of Humanity?
– Rob Lehman
In module 2, you’ll experience humanity in a new way.
As long as humanity remains a concept, we can’t fully engage with it. But the moment it becomes real, in your gut, as familiar as your own family, each of us us becomes more willing to be responsible for having it work.
In this session you’ll discover:
- Easy, effective ways to engage with humanity and results you can anticipate.
- What humanity has to say to us as individuals and as a civilization and know how to respond.
- Presence humanity by experiencing its magnificence and immediacy, so that you can actually feel it.
- Discover humanity’s ultimate purpose, align yourself with it and help manifest it.
- Update others on your Heaven on Earth project and share what you’re doing to make it real.
Spotlight on a Heaven Maker:
Dr. Nicholas Beecroft, creator of The New Magna Carta: A Psychiatrist’s Prescription for Western Civilization
Module 3: Overcoming Obstacles & Misbeliefs
We can choose to be audacious enough to take responsibility for the entire
human family.
– Werner Erhard
Whenever you’re faced with an audacious goal, roadblocks are inevitable. Module 4 examines the roadblocks and misbeliefs that come up as we engage in co-creating Heaven on Earth.
In this module, you’ll come to understand:
- The nature of roadblocks, how they work and their purpose.
- How to use roadblocks to help you co-create your Heaven on Earth.
- Your mis-beliefs about what it will take to create Heaven on Earth.
- The source and cost of your unwillingness to be responsible for it all.
- How the underlying misbelief that Heaven on Earth is impossible prevents your deep longing for such a world from being satisfied.
- You don’t have to believe you can do something in order to do it. (This is one of the biggest misbeliefs that get in our way!)
- Reports on participant Heaven on Earth projects.
Spotlight on a Heaven Maker:
Laurie and Jacob Teitelbaum, creators of The Heaven on Earth Video Contest
Module 4: What the Faith Traditions Say
Religion… calls the soul to the highest adventure it can undertake, the call to confront reality and master the self.
– Huston Smith
The world’s faith traditions have been reflecting on Heaven on Earth for centuries. They’ve distilled their wisdom down to its essence. In this module, you’ll find out what the faiths have to say individually and collectively and how this benefits you.
You will:
- Hear what the world’s faith traditions have to say singularly and as a collective institution about Heaven on Earth.
- Clear out any “baggage” and blocks you have about heaven, religion and God — and look with fresh eyes as new freedom, possibilities and creativity emerge.
- Revisit the story of the Garden of Eden to explore your beliefs about this version of Heaven on Earth.
- Examine your beliefs about why humanity was “kicked out of Paradise” and can never return — and why this simply isn’t true.
- Share reports on Heaven on Earth projects.
Spotlight on a Heaven Maker:
Brenda MacKenzie, founder of A Home for Everyone, a Community Initiative
Module 5: The Gateways to Heaven on Earth: Your Inner World
Heaven on Earth is realized to the extent that one accepts the state of Heaven within themselves.
– Jeffrey Milburn
The next several modules will focus on four major gateways into Heaven on Earth: Inner, Relationships, Outer and Now.
Heaven on Earth is already alive within us. Our job is simply to allow and support its emergence and expression.
In Module 5, you will:
- Have a direct experience of the Inner world gateway.
- Learn how to radiate and express more of the Heaven on Earth already within you — along with practices that amplify this state of being.
- Continue clearing up roadblocks to experiencing the Heaven on Earth of your Inner world.
- Discover a more empowered perspective on your personal blocks to a truly heavenly experience here on Earth.
- Share reports on Heaven on Earth projects.
Spotlight on a Heaven Maker:
Dana Colson, Doctor of Dental Medicine & Heaven on Earth messenger
Module 6: The Gateways to Heaven on Earth: Relationships
If we could only perceive each other like works of art… we would then see life as Heaven on Earth.
– Karen Chastain-Haughey
The Relationship gateway bridges the Inner and Outer worlds. Heaven on Earth relationships are an expression of the strength, clarity and brightness of our connections.
But many relationships call on a part of ourselves that may be hard to enter. With practice though, our relationships can start to work better — eventually becoming heavenly.
In this module, we’ll explore what Heaven on Earth is for your relationship with yourself, others and the Divine.
You’ll discover:
- How to recognize the blocks and patterns in your relationships that prevent true connection.
- How to clear them out as well as suggestions for how to disengage from those that simply don’t work for you and the higher good.
- Who you know that has remarkable relationships and what you can learn from them.
- How to acknowledge and celebrate the Heaven on Earth relationships you already have, and how to exalt those relationships so more Heaven on Earth flows in.
- How moving away from blaming (others or yourself) frees up room for freedom, accountability and miracles in your relationships.
- A year-long practice of not blaming, and what it can do for you and others.
- Reports on Heaven on Earth projects.
Spotlight on a Heaven Maker:
Patty O’Sullivan of Santa Fe, New Mexico
Module 7: The Gateways to Heaven on Earth: Ending the World’s Major Sufferings
Our mission is to end slavery worldwide. We believe that ending slavery is an ambitious — and realizable — goal.
– Free The Slaves
Whether it’s the violence or hurt you read about happening halfway around the world or needless pain right in your own community, our hearts break when confronted with unnecessary suffering.
We yearn for it to be over, for peace, calm and comfort to reign. We’ve ended suffering before, in the discovery of the smallpox vaccine, to name just one example.
We can end ALL suffering.
In this module, you’ll come face to face with the hell and horror of the suffering in the world. Why? Because part of co-creating Heaven on Earth is cleaning up the hells on earth.
You’ll discover:
- Your “Keystone Suffering,” the suffering that hurts you most, deep down in your soul.
- How the end of your Keystone Suffering helps inspire the end to other sufferings.
- How to transform feelings of overwhelm and helplessness into action with simple steps you can take in the next 24 hours.
- Reports on Heaven on Earth projects.
Spotlight on a Heaven Maker:
Sue Bookchin, founder of Making Change
Module 8: The Gateways to Heaven on Earth: Having Our Institutions Take Their Rightful Place in Co-creating Heaven on Earth
We judge institutions productive, efficient and rational not only to the extent that they maximize wealth and power but also to the extent that they maximize our capacities to be caring, ecologically aware, ethically and spiritually sensitive, and capable of responding to the universe with awe, wonder and radical amazement at the grandeur of creation.
– Rabbi Michael Lerner
Our business, religious, education and healthcare institutions are comprised of people trying to make a positive impact. But in day-to-day reality, most institutions are sources of frustration instead of solutions.
When we think of our institutions, Heaven on Earth is not the first thing that comes to mind. But isn’t that what we long for?
Imagine our institutions actually contributing to the co-creation of Heaven on Earth.
In this module, we’ll explore what it would be like if this was the main purpose of our institutions.
What would our world be like? How can we influence this shift in simple, powerful ways?
In this session, you will:
- Unearth underlying negative beliefs and feelings about institutions, what it costs you and others and how to step outside of these blocks.
- Explore how you might be empowered by an institution, and imagine every interaction with an institution being an experience of Heaven on Earth.
- Discover specific steps you can take to affect change in our institutions so that they can take their rightful place in co-creating Heaven on Earth.
- Reports on Heaven on Earth projects.
Spotlight on a Heaven Maker:
Justin Criner, creator of Discovering Heaven on Earth for Law Enforcement
Module 9: The Gateways: Nation(s) Building
Heaven on Earth is for Israel, in my eyes, when all wolves and lambs live together in harmony — even if they disagree about many things, including the question of who is the wolf and who is the lamb.
– Yehuda Stolov, Director, Interfaith Encounter Association, Israel
Is it possible for an entire country to be a Heaven on Earth nation? Yes!
Let’s start with imagining your own country as such a place, and then move to the countries in your region and then all around the world. This kind of thinking has to start somewhere. It has to start sometime. Why not here, why not now, and why not you?
In this module, you’ll discover:
- The beliefs you have about not being able to influence the direction of your country to take a stand for the values you cherish.
- How to step outside of these beliefs and claim your power to have an impact.
- What Heaven on Earth is for your country, imagining specific problems disappearing and in their place, new “heavenly” solutions
- What Heaven on Earth is for the nations in your region and other nations in the world.
- How to move from “This is impossible,” to “Wow, I can actually envision it!” to “I can help make this happen.”
- Reports on Heaven on Earth projects.
Spotlight on a Heaven Maker:
Gabriel Nossovitch, creator of El Cielo En La Tierra Para Mexico
(Heaven on Earth for Mexico)
Module 10: Other Gateways
We are at the dawn of an age in which extreme political concepts and dogmas may cease to dominate human affairs. We must use this historic opportunity to replace them with universal human and spiritual values. And ensure that these values become the fiber of the global family which is emerging.
– His Holiness, The Dalai Lama
In this module, we’ll examine three other possible Gateways to Heaven on Earth.
Your Profession
You’ll discover:
- The essence/soul of your profession.
- Your profession’s Heaven on Earth purpose.
- Simple, concrete steps you can take to make your profession a co-creator of Heaven on Earth.
A Long-standing, Seemingly Unresolvable Problem
You will:
- Identify a persistent problem in your life or the world that seems unsolvable.
- Step outside this problem so you can view it clearly.
- Discover what you can do to get into action and begin solving it.
Discovering & Living Your Global Values
You will:
- Discover your “global values,” those values you want to see lived by humanity now and long into the future.
- Identify your contribution through living your global values.
- Discover reports on Heaven on Earth projects.
Spotlight on a Heaven Maker:
Alima Susan Friar, a microgreen farmer on Kaua’i, Hawaii
Module 11: This-Here-Now Heaven on Earth
Heaven on Earth is… perceiving the Divine perfection in all that is.
– Daniel Kinderlehrer, MD
The gateways we’ve examined thus far create the Heaven on Earth of the future. They’re about Heaven on Earth becoming real. And becoming is doing — taking action and getting the job done.
There is also being Heaven on Earth.
In this session, you’ll experience:
Living Heaven on Earth right here and now — the fullness and magnificence that is Heaven on Earth, individually and collectively.
Spotlight on a Heaven Maker:
Jocelyn Ann Flores, a young poet in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Module 12: Y(our) Leadership
Heaven on Earth is the understanding by every individual that they can pull a lever large enough to affect the world.
– Catherine Spear
As a participant of this amazing journey, you may yearn to inspire others in co-creating Heaven on Earth. Leadership comes in many shapes and sizes and in this final module, you will:
- Examine your unique Heaven on Earth leadership role and how to engage in concrete actions that can inspire others to make their own contributions.
- Measure your progress and chronicle your successes in your own Heaven on Earth project.
- Revisit humanity’s new story to really embed it in your soul and psyche.
- Be inducted as a Heaven on Earth Ambassador!
The Project Heaven on Earth Bonus Collection
In addition to Martin’s transformative 12-week virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with additional visionaries who are co-creating Heaven on Earth. These bonus sessions are being offered to complement what you’ll learn in the course — and take your understanding and practice to a deeper level.
Being Deeply Engaged in the Conversation
Audio Interview with Martin & Lisa Garr
Martin calls his interview with Lisa Garr the deepest he’s ever gone. You’ll explore how he began thinking and working on Heaven on Earth, why he thinks Heaven on Earth is so important now, how this meme is spreading globally and, what will unlock deeper regions of Heaven on Earth within you. You’ll also get to know this leader in a very personal, intimate way. And you’ll experience how we all play our part in our emerging new story.
Lisa Garr is the host of The Aware Show radio program on KPFK-FM in Southern California. Since 1999, Lisa has interviewed over 1,500 best-selling authors and experts in the fields of health, healing, spirituality, and personal growth. She is considered an expert in the field of lifestyle and transformational media programming and is committed to providing messages that inspire positive growth and change. In addition to being a sought-after emcee, Lisa hosts her own TV show and popular online personal-development teleseminar series and is the author of Becoming Aware: How to Repattern Your Brain and Revitalize Your Life. .
Heaven Maker Interview Series
A Heaven Maker is someone committed to creating and experiencing more Heaven on Earth. In this bonus recording, you’ll join Martin Rutte as he interviews six Heaven Makers sharing how they’re making Heaven on Earth real.
You’ll hear how each person has created a simple, easy, concrete way to express Heaven on Earth in the world. As you listen to each person be open to something being catalyzed in you… something that becomes your Heaven on Earth contribution.
- Brenda MacKenzie: A real estate agent ending homelessness by creating A Home for Everyone.
- Katherine Burnett: Brewing up a heavenly blend of tea.
- Justin Criner: Heaven on Earth for Law Enforcement.
- Catherine Burnett: Imagine a Heaven on Earth — a student presentation of songs, spoken word and dance.
- Sue Bookchin: How one penny makes a difference.
- Dr. Dana Colson, DDS: Heaven on Earth in a Dentist’s Chair.
Here’s What You’ll Receive
Twelve 90-Minute Class Sessions with Martin Rutte
Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored and learn with visionary global change agent Martin Rutte — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session guides you to learn the specific skills and abilities to come out to the world as a Heaven on Earth Ambassador.
Twelve Audio Recordings of
Class Sessions
After each class, the audio will be available for you to download in high quality MP3 format. This way, you’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere — on your iPod, in your car and at your convenience.
Twelve PDF Transcripts of
Class Sessions
In addition to the high quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. This way you can review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices that you’ll learn.
Interactive Exercises for Each Lesson
After each lesson, you will then have the option to do related exercises, practice new tools in order to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.
Project Heaven on Earth Bonus Collection
- Being Deeply Engaged in the Conversation
Audio Interview with Martin and Lisa Garr - Heaven Maker Interview Series
An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the
Project Heaven on Earth Virtual Training
We at The Shift Network feel deeply honored that Martin Rutte has chosen to partner with us on this exclusive, LIVE online training. As you may know, this is a rare opportunity to learn directly from a dynamic and inspiring change agent whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves — and our world.
Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals — which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll benefit from Martin’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home — at your own pace!
If you are serious about transforming your relationship to your service in the world by co-creating Heaven on Earth, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.
About Martin Rutte…
Martin Rutte is a dynamic international speaker and consultant and president of Livelihood, a management consulting firm in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, that specializes in vision, corporate spirit, performance management, facilitated dialogue and creative leadership.
He is co-author of The New York Times Business Bestseller, Chicken Soup for the Soul™ at Work, translated into over 20 languages.
Martin sees Heaven on Earth as the new story of what it means to be a human and what it means to be Humanity. For more than 15 years he has been exploring people’s vision of the kind of world they deeply long for as part of Project Heaven on Earth.
He’s a contributing author of How to Achieve A Heaven on Earth: Seeking the Sacred and Glimpses of Heaven on Earth, and he’s currently completing a book on What 3 Questions Will Change the World?
Martin has worked with many corporations assisting them to expand their outlook and position themselves for the future. Among his clients in the U.S. are Sony Pictures Entertainment, Southern California Edison, Virgin Records, Apple Computer and Marion Merrell Dow. In Canada, he has worked with Esso Petroleum, London Life Insurance and Labatt Breweries. He was the first Canadian to address the Corporate Leadership & Ethics Forum of The Harvard Business School, returning four consecutive years as keynote speaker. He has also twice addressed joint meetings of the American and Canadian Chambers of Commerce in Hong Kong.
Martin’s pioneering work on spirituality in the workplace was featured in an address he gave to The World Bank which was shown in part on the ABC-TV special, Creativity: Touching the Divine. He was a keynote speaker at all six international conferences on spirituality in business in Mexico. Martin was also co-founder and former Chair of the Board of the Centre for Spirituality and the Workplace, Sobey School of Business at Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Canada.
He has given talks and workshops in Mexico, Brazil, South Africa, New Zealand, Britain, Spain, The Netherlands, Sweden, Germany & the U.S. Articles on his innovative work have appeared in The New York Times, The Miami Herald, The Wall Street Journal, South China Morning Post, Personnel Journal, US News and World Report, The Toronto Star and The Boston Globe. Martin has served as a board member of Money Concepts Canada, Global Family, The Hunger Project Canada, and as a committee member of The Canadian Cancer Society. He has been happily married to Maida for over 40 years.
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