
Matt Giaro – 10 Minute Emails



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Matt Giaro – 10 Minute Emails

New Method Reveals


Dear Friend & Subscriber,

If you’d like to know how to write engaging & profitable emails in just 10 minutes using AI, then this page will show you how.

Can You Relate?

👉 You don’t know how to write engaging emails that will ethically make money (without being a jerk)

👉 You know that ‘money’s in the list‘, but you don’t really know how to write enough emails and stay consistent with it.

👉 You have the feeling that writing emails takes too much time and procrastinate on writing them… and would like to have a process that could help you write emails in 10 minutes (or less)

If the answer is “yes” to any of the above,

read this page carefully.

Is This Crucial Email Mistake Costing You a Few Thousand Dollars in Lost Profits Each Month?

Many creators are building email lists… But few are mailing it regularly.

Others haven’t started their email list…because they don’t think they have the time to write engaging and profitable emails consistently.

Both are a mistake.

If you have no list, then you’re missing on a massive ROI that would make social media influencers boil in envy.

Because it’s a stone-cold fact…

But does that mean that everyone who’s using email makes money?

Absolutely not.

Because let me tell you the embarrassing story of…

How I Unburied Several Thousands Of Dollars Of A Dead Email List

I started my first online business in 2012.

One of the first pieces of advice I heard was: “Build your list!”

So, I blindly followed the advice.

I was excited and added optin forms all over my websites. A few subscribers came in here and there…

And I thought it was just about:

  • Building a group of fans
  • Sharing cool info
  • & making $$$

But, boy, things didn’t go as planned.

I remember sitting at my desk in my bedroom, staring at my computer late at night.

Writing emails was tougher than I thought.

I was totally lost between all the different newsletter formats to pick.

I was a slow and bad writer.

And on top of that I wanted them to be perfect.

The reason? I was scared. Scared of people unsubscribing.

I would spend hours writing an email, pouring my heart and soul into:

  • Researching
  • Looking for great images
  • Proofreading the email 10 times
  • Loading the email into my autoresponder and hit “send”

…Only to see people ignoring my emails or unsubscribing.

Turns out, my emails were boring.

It’s like they were punching me in the stomach saying: “Hey, your emails suck.”

I felt miserable and it was like Gollum would look into my eyes and whisper:

That hurt my fragile ego.

So, what did I do? I started sending emails less often. I went from weekly to monthly.

I thought, “If I send fewer emails, fewer people will get annoyed and leave.”

And I procrastinated even more, since I only had ONE chance to make a sale and deliver value.

But this plan totally backfired. 

When I did send an email, hardly anyone seemed to care. Worse. People forgot about me. Few people opened them, and even fewer clicked on anything. Not to mention the sales that never came in.

And like a cherry on top of the cake: People massively unsubscribed, and flagged my emails as spam.

Was this the magic marketing channel all marketers were talking about?

That was a wake-up call. 

My email plan wasn’t just not working; it was making things worse.

During that time, I’d lie awake at night, wondering what I was doing wrong. My heart felt heavy, because my emails were failing.

But then, something clicked in my head. 

I realized being so scared of losing subscribers was why I lost their interest and trust.

I went from emailing monthly to weekly… and from weekly to daily.

This time my emails were fun and friendly, like talking to a good friend. I shared stories and tips, making each email like a little peek into my world.

Guess what?

People began to pay attention again. They opened my emails, recognized my name, clicked on links, and even replied. The next time I sold something, it was like a party!

People spent their cold hard cash on my offers!

The Exact Number Of Emails You Need To Make Money

You’re probably familiar with the often quoted rule which states a prospect needs to see your message at least 7 times to make a sale.

Turns out, that was true 15 years ago.

Today, the average person is bombarded with advertising.

Recent research shows that you might need from 20 to 500 touchpoints to make a sale!

If you only email once a week, that means it could take you 20 to 500 weeks to make the sale…and that’s if the prospect doesn’t forget about you or unsubscribe in that time!

The solution…

Send emails more frequently. Ideally, daily, or at least several times per week.

Because when you’re not emailing your list, you’re sending two strong negative messages to your audience:

  1. I don’t have anything to say
  2. I forgot about you

Remember this…

People can only buy when you’re at the forefront of their minds (& inboxes).

How To Make Your Emails Stand Out Like A Nun In Vegas

Now you might be thinking: Okay Matt, that makes sense.

But how can you stand out in a world where EVERYBODY is sending emails?

There’s a simple answer to that:

  1. Make your emails personal
  2. Send emails more frequently

The more emails you send, the more chances you have to get noticed.

And the more you get noticed, the more sales you’re going to make.

You only need enough ideas, and interesting content.

I can show you a better way to accomplish both goals.

But before showing you how, you might be thinking…

Will Email Providers HATE You If You Start Sending More Emails?

The answer is no.

I email daily. And Gmail awards me a high 5 on my email domain reputation

Email providers like Gmail or Outlook don’t hate people who mail often. Instead, they hate people who spam their list…

And you’re in the danger zone if your subscribers aren’t actively opening, clicking, and replying to your messages.

You need to send frequent emails that engage your audience:

  • they open
  • they read
  • they reply
  • they click
  • they buy

That’s it.

How To Get AI To Write More Entertaining Emails That Sound Just Like You (Or Even Better)

The key to writing emails that stand out is to make them personal.

That’s where AI usually falls flat on its spooky robotic face.

If you’ve been playing around with AI, you know that the content is generic.

When I first tried AI, its content was dull and tasteless.

If you go back to my articles from months ago, I was one of those yelling trolls who played down ChatGPT because of its robotic output.

Turned out, I was dead wrong.

Did you know that ChatGPT can emulate your writing to a shocking point, where even you might not distinguish between what you wrote and what the robot wrote?

To turn generic ChatGPT garbage into gold, give ChatGPT instructions to write like you.

And how do you do that?

By simply asking it to analyze your writing style.

You’ll see that the output will spookily sound like you.

Because that’s just the tip of the iceberg. 

Writing like you is a great starting point. But it ain’t enough. You still need to write in such a way that makes your emails engaging, come up with enough ideas to write about, create great subject lines, etc.

Can you do this with AI? Absolutely.

All it takes are the right instructions.

This is the reason why I’ve created…


A Self-Paced Online Course That Shows You Exactly

How to write newsletters using AI in 10-minutes or less that your list is looking forward to read (and buy from you)

How To Write Profitable & Entertaining Emails

👉 How to create profitable emails that stand out, are fun to read, and generate income – no matter how ‘weak’ you think your writing is.

👉 The technique used by Cicero (perhaps the greatest orator of ancient Rome) you can use to write engaging emails that hold even with the most attention-deprived audiences captivated.

👉 The “2-punch” strategy to get your emails opened, read, and clicked (Most creators only focus on the second punch, that’s why their emails never get the open even though they have “great” subject lines.)

👉 The 5-Layer Subject Line Prompt: My copy-and-paste prompt that will help you create irresistible subject lines that boost your email open rates in just 15 seconds. (Works for literally ANY EMAIL in ANY NICHE.)

How To “Force” AI To Write Emails In Your Unique Voice…

👉 Why you should NEVER write AI without these 4 secret parameters: These prompts force AI to write entertaining emails that sounds like you (instead of a soulless bot).

👉 A total noob & beginner-friendly way to write with AI that requires nothing else than copying-and-pasting a few prompts, and filling in the blanks

👉 How to get AI to write your PERSONAL stories in your own voice… Something many experts say is impossible (because they haven’t invested the 100+ hours I have in creating unique prompts like this)

👉 How to use AI in “incognito mode“: A shocking way to create your emails with AI…and even your best friends would never know (that’s how personal these emails are going to be!)

👉 The exact questions you need to answer to let AI write personal emails in less than 47 seconds

Exactly How To Write Emails Fast…

👉 How to write emails in record time without sacrificing quality – essential for content creators who value wanting to be productive, profitable and don’t want to spend all their day in front of a keyboard!

👉 The 3-Step Email Skeleton to Profitable Emails: This is the easiest way I’ve found to churn out a lot of fast, fun emails that your audience loves to read!

👉 What your most valuable subscribers secretly crave in your emails – and how to speak their language for max profits.

👉 From Draft to Dazzle in 10 Minutes: Harness the power of AI to take your rough ideas to polished, persuasive emails faster than you can finish your coffee.

👉The #1 easiest way to write an email by simply “scrolling” on social media. (This technique will not only help you grow your audience on social media and build your list, but also grow your wallet!)

Plus A Whole Bunch Of Other Email Marketing Secrets To Help You Maximize Your Income Like:

👉  Turn Stories into Profits: Master the art of email storytelling with the help of AI. Weave compelling narratives that not only engage but also convert your readers into loyal customers.

👉 How to Profit from (Almost) Every Email: Discover how AI can turn each email into a potential profit-making machine & make offers to your list that people love to buy.

👉 How to create “infinite email ideas” with AI: Come up with over 700 emails ideas in just 30 minutes…that’s enough to last you for the next 2 years if you’re emailing daily.

👉 1 simple idea = 7 Unique Emails: Discover my “idea cloning” method to turn one idea in 7 total different & unique emails (This is perfect to write a bunch of email fast when you’re going on vacation or just want to take a few weeks off while keeping your list engaged & profitable.)

👉 How to annihilate spam complaints: The two short sentences to squeeze into your very first email that allow your emails to constantly hit your subscribers inbox and keep your spam levels fascinating low (even when sending MULTIPLE emails a day like I do!)

👉 A surprising simple automation you can set up in just 3 minutes on your iPhone (and iPad)to create your first email drafts automatically (this is especially useful if you want to stay consistent in producing high quality emails like clockwork!)

👉 And much more…

By The End Of This Course You’ll:

✅ Be able to write emails in just 10 minutes

✅ Never run out of email ideas to write about

✅ Be able to write as many emails as you want, for the years to come

✅ Make money with (almost) each email you send out

Even If:

👉 You don’t have time (because you’ll learn how to craft those emails blazingly fast)

👉 You don’t know where to start (because I’ll provide you with my exact step-by-step process)

👉 You’ve never written an email sequence in your whole life (because all you need to do is fill in the blanks based on the prompts I’ll provide.)

This Training Will Pay For Itself (At Least) 10 Times

Reason 1: Value your time

How much time, energy, and money did you already lose trying to write profitable emails?

A few hours here and there?

Okay. And how much is your time worth?

Let’s say $150. Simply do the math…

If all this course did is provide you with a simple step by step system to save you 90 minutes (which it will) it will already have paid for itself.

Reason 2: Cheaper than hiring a copywriter

What if instead of learning the stuff for yourself you just hired an email copywriter?

Do you know how much copywriters charge to create emails for you? At the lower end, somewhere between $100-$200 per email. And that’s for an unexperienced copywriter…

Not to mention all the hassle that comes with outsourcing: finding the right person, etc.

You can get rid of all this hassle and master the skills and use them to write as many emails as you want!

Reason 3: How much money are you leaving on the table?

How many people are signing up to your email list each week?

If you’re not sending emails than you’re leaving them empty handed. How many sales did you miss simply because you left your subscribers to themselves?

Now, you can get access to my proven methodology that I’ve developed over the years and get all done at a FRACTION of the cost…

Because of these 3 reasons, you’ll make the investment for this course back at LEAST 10 times…

Tim Pearce – DCAM 2.0 Aesthetics Marketing & Social Media

Course Contents

Video Modules
Get Their Attention
Become Their Bestie
Become Their Hero
Trigger Them To Book
Save Time
Tech Tutorials


Video Introduction by Miranda Pearce

Did you know that a shocking 69% of Injectors are only getting 0-1 booking per week from social media?
And what’s worse… they’re spending up to 5+ hours creating content every week… but getting almost no results from it.

I hear Injectors struggling with this every day…

“The time it takes to create content doesn’t reflect the revenue that should come from my efforts”.
I get it… it’s like adding a full-time job on top of everything you already have on your plate as a Practitioner.

You put your heart and soul into creating the perfect post, you spend ages on it, you hit publish… and… nothing. Crickets. Or maybe a few views from other Practitioners, your mum and your grandma.

But no real engagement from potential clients.

And definitely not enough bookings to make it worth your while.

You get so tempted to throw in the towel because it feels like it’s all a waste of time.

But on the other hand, you also know that social media can be a GOLDMINE.

And you also know that if you just rely on word of mouth, you’ll get left behind.

You know others are having success with social media… you see those Injectors that get huge engagement, lots of bookings.

They’re posting content online and laughing all the way to the bank.

So why is it just not happening for you??

What are they doing that you’re not doing?

Do they know something you don’t?

The truth is… they DO know something you don’t.
And they ARE doing something you’re not.
Over the past few months I’ve had more and more Injectors telling me they’re in the same situation…

And if you’re stuck there too,


Reach, views and engagement have dropped for everyone. It’s the algorithm’s fault.

But I know it’s not the answer you want to hear.

I’ve helped thousands of Injectors tap into the power of social media over the past XX years and I noticed something curious happening lately…

While a lot of Injectors are struggling to get consistent engagement and bookings from social media…

There’s another group of Injectors that are absolutely crushing it.

And I wanted to know why.

I wanted to figure out what that successful group of Injectors were doing that was helping them to get 6+ bookings per week from social media.
So I set out on a mission.

I surveyed over 870 Injectors and audited hundreds of social media accounts and a pattern started to emerge…

And I realised that the Injectors missing even ONE of these things, were struggling to get any results from social media.

So that’s when I put all my findings together to create a simple framework ANYONE could follow to get amazing results.

I call it… The Stairway To Bookings

Just imagine…

No more wasting time and energy wondering what to post or creating content for the sake of it. You know exactly what to share, and best of all, every post feels like a direct conversation with your ideal client – it never feels like wasted effort.
Confidently waving goodbye to your public health sector job knowing you’re on your way to building a wildly successful business. You open up your booked-out calendar every morning, all thanks to the magnetic pull of your social media presence.
No longer hoping for word-of-mouth referrals. Instead, you can rely on your social media to act as your unstoppable, 24/7 ambassador, bringing in clients even while you sleep.
Clients walking into your clinic fully trusting you and your expertise. They’ve seen your content and they’re already convinced they’re in the right hands. No hard selling, just genuine connections.
Having a reliable and proven strategy to grow a thriving clinic that gives you the financial freedom you dream of and deserve. You know how to get clients consistently and you can finally focus on your dreams, passions, and maybe even that dream holiday you’ve been putting off.
This is all possible when you follow a PROVEN system to turn social media into your own goldmine.

Dream Customer Attraction Method 2.0
Dream Customer Attraction Method (DCAM) 2.0 is an online marketing course designed specifically for Aesthetic Clinicians who are serious about growing their business. Updated for what’s working NOW in social media and based on evidence-backed strategies that TRULY WORK.

Everything you need to know from top to bottom and beginning to end is inside, so that you can:

Easily create social media posts that get ENGAGEMENT and CONSISTENT BOOKINGS, instead of wasting time creating content that gets ignored.
Set up a proven step-by-step system to convert scrollers into clients, so you can create financial freedom for your family.
Stop trying to attract patients with discounts, and instead, attract the RIGHT kind of patients by establishing trust and genuine connections. Get people to see you as the expert and as their trusted friend, so that they don’t want to book with anyone but YOU.
Do all this with a tribe of like-minded clinicians to cheer you on.
All delivered in a clear, easy to use way, and not just from some random marketing generalist. This course is 100% bespoke to aesthetics based on myself and Tim’s success in this industry…

Founders of a multi-million pound clinic
Trained 20k Practitioners in our training academy and online
Combined social media following of over 290,000
Here’s What’s Included:

Video Masterclasses
You’ll learn how to:

Set yourself apart and get attention from the right kind of followers.
Create content that makes people online gravitate towards you and want to book with YOU and no one else.
Create content that shows off your knowledge and expertise so that patients come to you already trusting you and ready for treatment.
Trigger people to actually book in, so that they’re not just seeing your content and scrolling on.
Plus 6 incredible bonuses:

The Purple Book
This is the marketing bible! This gorgeous book will be delivered to your home and includes all the course material from the video masterclasses in a book. And it’s got space for reflections in there so you can use it like a journal as well and it’s also a great accountability tool.

Content Cheat Cards
These cards are designed to make content creation feel FUN instead of feeling like a chore. There are 52 cards with step-by-step instructions and content ideas you can use. No more overthinking what to create – each content card gives you the hook, instructions about what to do, a call to action, and some fun tips to make your post even better.

30 Days Of Done-For-You Canva Templates
You don’t even have to think about what content to share – we’ve created one month’s worth of content that you can just plug and play easily with these beautiful templates. You can add your own touches to the templates using Canva and you’ve got an entire month of content ready to publish. And you get to reuse these forever.

Canva Mastery Course
Canva is an amazing and free online software you can use to easily create professional-looking content, even if you have absolutely no experience designing graphics. We’ve worked with a Canva expert and this course walks you through everything step by step, including editing the templates & designing your own content. You’re never going to need a graphic designer again after this.

Time-Saving Bible
I know that creating content can be really time-consuming, so this is a print-out you can refer to any time with 7 hacks that professionals use to save time when creating content. You’ll learn how to use ChatGPT to make creating content so much easier and faster, and some amazing apps you can use to save time.

Meet Miranda Pearce

​Expert Marketing Advisor for thousands of Aesthetic Clinicians
​Founded SkinViva Clinic in 2008 with husband Dr Tim Pearce (over 1,000 5 star reviews)
Successfully grew the business to over £3 million per year
​Took Dr Tim brand from 5,000 – 37,000 Instagram followers in 18 months
Co-hosts the UK’s number 1 aesthetics podcast
Founded ‘Medical Aesthetics Mindset Warriors’ Facebook Group with 4,500+ members
DCAM 2.0 Aesthetics Marketing & Social Media By Tim Pearce, What Is It Included (Content Proof: Watch Here!)

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