
Melissa Ingold – Admin Tasks Super Bundle



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Melissa Ingold – Admin Tasks Super Bundle

But because I know how much of hassle it can be to train your assistant to respond to your business emails in the right tone of voice, and in the right way – I’m giving you access to the same scripts + snippets that my own team uses to manage my email.
Not only that, but you can turn these over to your assistant so she knows exactly what to say (and how to say it) in any situation. Your voice and brand is preserved, you’ll save lots of valuable time, and you don’t have to worry that something could be misconstrued.

  • Give these client care scripts to your assistant so she can use them to support your clients.
  • Use these client care scripts yourself to save a ton of time replying to the same questions over and over again.
  • Use these client care scripts to assist your own paying clients with their business emails.

In This File You’ll Get Scripts + Snippets to Help You and Your Assistant Respond to Emails Relating To:

Scripts to Assist With: (.pdf)

  • 3 Done-for-You Email Templates
  • Client Care Email Scripts:Technical
  • Troubleshooting
  • Gentle Reminders
  • Urgent Requests
  • Sincere Thanks
  • Catastrophic Failures
  • Graduating a Client
  • Firing a Client
  • Turning Down a Job/Project/Client
  • Responding to Criticism
  • Responding to Unjustified Criticism
  • Dealing With Angry/Frustrated Clients
  • Gently Requesting Payment
  • Strongly Requesting Payment
  • Requesting Feedback
  • Instilling Confidence
  • When You Don’t Know
  • Responding to PayPal Disputes/Chargebacks
  • Setting Boundaries
  • JV & Interview Requests
  • Closing the Sale

Here’s a Peek at What You’ll Get:
Client Care Email Scripts

This Bundle Includes Your Business Operations Manual
This is a key piece of documentation that is vital to your business!
You do NOT use this to teach “tasks” – but for explaining who you are, what your company is about, what you do, what your systems are, and so much more!
This information is key for any high level team member because they need to have a birds-eye view of your entire business if they’re going to be able to work with you successfully.
Just fill in all the sections and save!

The Sections Included in the Business Operations Manual are:

  • Comes in .docx format
  • Welcome Message
  • About Me
  • About [COMPANY NAME]
  • Company Organization Chart
  • Products and Services
  • Product Funnels
  • Traffic and Business Growth Plan
  • Tools and Resources
  • Top JV Partners
  • [COMPANY NAME] Guidelines
  • Scheduling & Time Off
  • Illnesses and Emergencies
  • Communication
  • Urgent Situations
  • What Constitutes an Urgent Situation?
  • Emergency Contacts
  • Specialty Contractors
  • File Structures & Naming Conventions
  • Dropbox
  • File Names
  • Financial Information & Policies
  • Accounts and Access
  • Chargebacks
  • Past Due Payments
  • Breach of Contract

All you have to do is go through each section, add/edit your information!

This Bundle Includes the Emergency Business Documentation Like a Boss Workbook
Do Your Loved Ones Have Everything They Need to Take Charge of Your Business Today?

  • Do they know how to notify your clients and reschedule projects?
  • Do they know how to withdraw funds from your PayPal account so you can pay your bills?
  • Do they even know what you want them to do?

The thing is, if you suddenly disappear for a few weeks and your clients and team have no idea what happened to you – you may not even have a business to go back to!  
Being unprepared could negatively impact your reputation if uninformed people start talking on social media.
And it could also lead to chargebacks and payment disputes because your clients think you just took off.
But it doesn’t have to be that way for you…

This Step-by-Step Workbook Covers:

Step-by-Step Workbook Covers:

  • Step 1: Decision Time
    3 Example Decision Making Scenarios
    Exercise: In Case of Emergency Worksheet
  • Step 2: Who Needs to Know?
    Exercise: Contact Notification Template Exercise: Logistics for Making Notifications Worksheet
  • Step 3: Notify Clients & Cancel Recurring Billing
    Exercise: Handling Clients + Billing Worksheet
  • Step 4: Connect With Contractors
    Exercise: Contractor Information Template
    Exercise: Contractor Notification Worksheet
  • Step 5: Cancel Systems & Software
    Exercise: Systems + Software Logins Templates
  • Step 6: Deal With Finances
    Exercise: Financial Information + Email Account Logins Template
  • Step 7: Put Everything Together
    Exercise: 4 Ways to Make Store Your Information

Here’s a Peek at the Fabulous Workbook You’ll Get:
How to Create Emergency Business Documentation for Your Business Like a Boss Workbook (25-Pages)

This Bundle Includes Work Management Hacks for Creative Entrepreneurs Kit
Are You Losing Money and Clients Because Your Business Lacks Structure and Systems?
You’re an incredibly talented and creative entrepreneur, and people love your work.
But you have to admit…your business feels messy and chaotic, and you know that it’s negatively effecting how you show up for your clients.

  • You have trouble managing your time.
  • You tend to take on too many clients at once.
  • You don’t have an efficient system for doing consult calls and oboarding your clients.
  • You don’t have a time limit on your calls, so you always end up spending way to much time talking with clients on skype about their projects instead of working on them.
  • You frequently drop the ball on client communications because your schedule is so overburdened (and your clients wonder where you went).
  • You sometimes make promises to your clients that you can’t keep.
  • You allow your clients to control your time and you don’t really have any boundaries in place.
  • You have a tendency to hop from client project to client project…doing just enough on each one to keep your clients from complaining about the lack of progress.

And secretly, you sometimes get sick of your own drama.

The Work Management Hacks for Creative Entrepreneurs Project Kit Includes a Step-by-Step Marketing Plan + Templates + Checklists + More!
Now you AND your assistant can easily tackle your marketing to-do list using my done-for-you marketing plan + templates!
Many of the documents in this project kit come in .docx format so that you can customize them to your business needs, and add in any additional information you’d like to include.
But here’s the sweet part: All you have to do is customize the plan to your specific business goals and needs and hand it off to your assistant, confident she’ll know EXACTLY what to do the ENTIRE MONTH.
And then, you can let out a sweet sigh of relief, confident that stuff’s actually gonna get it done…and finally book that much-needed mani/pedi (without guilt).

This Step-by-Step Plan Covers: (.doc format)

  • Getting Started
    Marketing Strategy Overview
    Timeline & Budget
  • Section One: Business & Lifestyle Goals
    Step 1: Accurately Track My Current Time Management Routine
    Step 2: Time Management Analysis and Summary
    Step 3: Determine What I Actually Earn and What I need to Earn
  • Section Two: Get Clear on What You Do and Who You Work With
    Step 4: Pre-qualifying My Ideal Client and Re-affirming My Boundaries
    Step 5: Setting Boundaries and Amending Policies
    Step 6: Outsourcing Tasks and Processes with a Negative ROI
  • Section Three: High Level Planning & Milestones
    Step 7: Organizing My Year for Action and Implementation
    Step 8: Reaching and Managing Milestones
  • Section Four: Daily Organization & Time Management
    Step 9: Gatekeeping
    Step 10: Time Blocking
    Step 11: Anticipation, Prevention, and Synchronization
    Step 12: Daily Maintenance

PLUS, You’ll Also Get All These Materials Included Inside this Kit Too!

  • Templates + Worksheets + Swipe Files + And More!
    Business and Life Goals Template (.docx)
    Ideal Project Worksheet (.docx)
    Ideal Client Worksheet (.docx)
    Passion Project and Hobby Tracker (.docx)
    Client Criteria List Template (.docx)
    Energy Tracker Template (.docx)
    Ideal Client Avatar Template (.docx)
    Non-Billable Tasks Template (.docx)
    Life and Work Goals Contract (.docx)
    3-Client Response Email Series Templates (.docx)
    Daily Calendar (.docx)
    Weekly Calendar (.docx)
    Monthly Calendar (.docx)
    Annual Calendar (.docx)
    Resources (.pdf)
  • 2 Checklists to Help You & Your Virtual Assistant Stay on Track (.doc format)
    Client Criteria Checklist
    Maintenance Essentials Checklist
    – Set-up
    – Maintain
  • Task Tracking Calendar (.doc format)
    This calendar is such a simple, but powerful tool with task reminders to help your assistant stay on schedule, and meet your deadlines. She can print off a copy to keep on her desk, or she can add the tasks to her calendar in Basecamp or whatever project management system you use.
  • Monthly Results Report (.pdf format)
    This is a fill-in-the-blank report that your assistant can fill in at the end of every month. It will give you a snapshot of your business after the new marketing plan has been implemented, what your assistant worked on, and what else she can do to help you clear your plate. She can share achieved results, any unexpected hurdles that came up and and how she handled them, as well as any feedback she has.

Here are a Few Examples of Some of the Items You’ll Get:

  • Step-by-Step Marketing Plan
  • Monthly Results Report
  • Task Tracking Calendar
  • Daily Task Tracking Calendar
  • Weekly Calendar
  • Monthly Calendar
  • Annual Task Tracking Calendar
  • Client Inquiry Response Email Templates
  • Client Criteria List
  • Business and Life Goals Worksheet
  • Life and Work Goals Contract
  • Ideal Client Worksheet
  • Ideal Client Project Worksheet
  • Ideal Client Profile
  • Passion Project and Hobby Tracker
  • Energy Tracker
  • Non-billable Tasks Template
  • Work Management Checklists

This Bundle Includes Team Onboarding Template + 10 Letters
Get Your Fill-in-the-Blank Completely Customizable Team Onboarding Template + 10 Letters to Help You Communicate with Your Team!

  • Do you know how to welcome a new assistant to your team, and share important guidelines with them?
  • Do know what to say to an assistant who frequently misses deadlines?
  • Do you know how to handle and refuse a team member’s letter about their prices going up?

If not, you’ll LOVE the kit of 10 Letters + Onboarding Template that I’ve put together for you.
Just edit all the letters and template with your own info, save, and send!

Here are the 10 Letters You’ll Get:

  • Virtual Assistant Termination Letter
    Send this letter to your assistant if things are not working out and you need to let her go.
  • Response to a Virtual Assistant Quitting Letter
    Send this letter to your assistant if she informs you that she is quitting as your assistant.
  • Frequently Missed Deadlines Letter
    Send this letter to your assistant or team member if deadlines are being frequently missed.
  • Cut in Hours/Fewer Responsibilities Letter
    Send this letter to your assistant or team member if you need to cut back the number of hours that they are working for you.
  • Inattention to Detail/Frequent Mistakes Letter
    Send this letter to your assistant or team member if they keep making mistakes, or if they are not paying attention to details.
  • Rate Increase Refusal Letter
    Send this letter if an assistant or team member tells you that their rates are increasing, but you don’t not want to pay more.
  • Respecting Boundaries Letter
    Send this letter if an assistant or team member is overstepping boundaries regarding communication and work hours.
  • Additional Responsibilities/More Hours Letter
    Send this letter to an assistant or team member if you would like to ask them to take on more responsibility and increase their work hours.
  • Constructive Criticism Letter
    Send this letter to an assistant or team member if you need to offer them constructive criticism on their work.

PLUS, You Also Get the Team Onboarding Template:
The team onboarding template is completely customizable. Simply edit it with your information and business logo, turn it into a PDF, and send it to your brand new team member.

  • Welcome to the Team Letter
    Send this letter to your new team member to welcome them to team. Along with a nice welcome, this letter covers 7 areas of important information, such as: payment, project management, shared files, password security, vacations and time off, birthdays, and team meetings.
  • Company Directory
    Fill in this section so that your new team member will know who else is on the team, and what their responsibilities are.
  • Company Branding & Style Guide
    This is important information that your new team member will need to know so that all of your branding stays consistent – whether posts are being added to your blog, or graphics are being created.
  • Announce a New Team Member Letter
    Send this letter to your current assistant or team members letting them know about your new hire, and any details they need to know.
  • Policies & Expecations
    This area of the template includes a few policies and expectations that your new team member will need to know, and you can easily add in your own.
  • Team Member Information Form
    This form collects important information from your new team member so that you can have it on file. But it also has a few fun questions too, so that it makes it easy for you to send them a birthday or thank you gift.
    All you have to do is go through each section, add/edit your information!

Here’s an Example of the Items You’ll Get:

  • 10 Team Letters/Emails
  • Team Onboarding Template

This Bundle Includes Project Management for Business Leaders Kit
The Project Management for Business Leaders Kit Includes a Step-by-Step Marketing Plan + Templates + Checklists + More!
You’ll get this in .doc format so that you can customize it to your business needs, and add in any additional information you’d like to include.
But here’s the sweet part: All you have to do is customize the plan to your specific business goals and needs and hand it off to your assistant, confident she’ll know EXACTLY what to do the ENTIRE MONTH.
And then, you can let out a sweet sigh of relief, confident that stuff’s actually gonna get it done…and finally book that much-needed mani/pedi (without guilt).

The Project Management for Business Leaders Kit Covers: (.doc format)

  • Getting Started
    Marketing Strategy Overview
    Timeline & Budget
    Business & Lifestyle Goals
  • Section One: Preparing for Success
    Step 1: Choosing a Project Management Tool
    Step 2: Creating File Sharing Systems
    Step 3: Add Our SOP and Other Documents to the PM System
  • Section Two: Systems Development
    Step 4: Company Organizational Chart
    Step 5: Types of Tasks and Potential Assignments
  • Section Three: Project Assignments
    Step 6: Projects Into Tasks
    Step 7: Develop Recurring Projects
  • Section Four: Follow-Up Systems & Quality Control
    Step 8: Scheduling Follow-Ups
    Step 9: Quality Control
    Step 10: Project Completion
  • Section Five: Ongoing Maintenance & Future Planning
    Step 11: Testing, Tracking, and Tweaking
    Step 12: Future Planning

PLUS, You’ll Also Get All These Materials Included Inside this Kit Too!

  • Templates + Worksheets + Swipe Files + And More!
    Monthly Projects Planner for One Time Tasks (.docx)
    Sample Business Organization Chart (.pdf)
    Project Flowchart (.pdf)
    Project Assignment Template (.docx)
    Recurring Monthly Tasks Planner (.docx)
    Task Training Template (.pdf)
    Login and Passwords Template (.pdf)
  • Task Tracking Calendar (.doc format)
    This calendar is such a simple, but powerful tool with task reminders to help your assistant stay on schedule, and meet your deadlines. She can print off a copy to keep on her desk, or she can add the tasks to her calendar in Basecamp or whatever project management system you use.
  • 5 Checklists to Help You & Your Virtual Assistant Stay on Track (.doc format)
    Project Management System Checklist
    File Sharing System Checklist
    Project Assignment Checklist
    Project Completion Checklist
    Monthly Review Checklist
    Weekly Review Checklist
    Daily Review Checklist
  • Monthly Results Report (.pdf format)
    This is a fill-in-the-blank report that your assistant can fill in at the end of every month. It will give you a snapshot of your business after the new marketing plan has been implemented, what your assistant worked on, and what else she can do to help you clear your plate. She can share achieved results, any unexpected hurdles that came up and and how she handled them, as well as any feedback she has.

Here are a Few Examples of Some of the Items You’ll Get:

  • Step-by-Step Project Management Marketing Plan
  • Task Tracking Calendar
  • Monthly Results Report
  • 7 Project Management Checklists
  • Task Training Template
  • Monthly Projects Planner for One Time Tasks
  • Recurring Monthly Projects Planner
  • Sample Business Organization Chart
  • Project Flowchart
  • Project Assignment Template
  • Logins and Passwords Template
  • Resources

Melissa Ingold is a genius! She’s taken all the work out of delegating tasks to your team with her Freedom Finder toolkits.  It’s so easy. You just open it up, answer a few questions and hand off the rest to your virtual assistant. Now an entire part of your business is handled and you’re getting reports and status updates from your team without you having to beg for them. You don’t have to understand how the entire process works and you don’t have to build out the entire process. It’s as turn-key as you can get. You’ll get more accomplished in your business, without working harder, and your assistant will be happier because you’re giving her everything she needs to be successful. It can’t get better than that. 
Deanna Maio

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Innovative Business Model:
    • Embrace the reality of a genuine business! Our approach involves forming a group buy, where we collectively share the costs among members. Using these funds, we purchase sought-after courses from sale pages and make them accessible to individuals facing financial constraints. Despite potential reservations from the authors, our customers appreciate the affordability and accessibility we provide.
  2. The Legal Landscape: Yes and No:
    • The legality of our operations falls into a gray area. While we lack explicit approval from the course authors for resale, there’s a technicality at play. When procuring the course, the author didn’t specify any restrictions on resale. This legal nuance presents both an opportunity for us and a boon for those seeking budget-friendly access.
  3. Quality Assurance: Unveiling the Real Deal:
    • Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
      • No coaching calls or scheduled sessions with the author.
      • No access to the author’s private Facebook group or web portal.
      • No entry to the author’s exclusive membership forum.
      • No direct email support from the author or their team.

    We operate independently, aiming to bridge the affordability gap without the additional services offered by official course channels. Your understanding of our unique approach is greatly appreciated.

Refund is acceptable:

  • Firstly, item is not as explained
  • Secondly, Item do not work the way it should.
  • Thirdly, and most importantly, support extension can not be used.

Thank you for choosing us! We’re so happy that you feel comfortable enough with us to forward your business here.

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