
Melissa Ingold – Project Kit Get Visible! How to Attract Your Soul Mate Clients & Grow Your Coaching Business with Ease



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Melissa Ingold – Project Kit Get Visible! How to Attract Your Soul Mate Clients & Grow Your Coaching Business with Ease

Afraid of Putting Yourself Out There?

My “Get Visible! How to Attract Your Soul Mate Clients & Grow Your Coaching Business with Ease” Project Kit Will Help You (Finally) Feel Confident Showing Up Online So You Can Make Authentic Connections with Your Audience & Sign More Clients!

Hi gorgeous,

You desperately want to show up online in a big way.

(And truth be told, your dream clients desperately need you to.)

But honestly? Trying to “get visible” feels super hard.

At every turn, you’re met with crazy resistance.

Creating content takes hours & hours (not to mention buckets of caffeine and/or sugary snacks) because you have exactly zero clue what to say–and usually wind up giving up anyway.

Sharing content leads to sweaty palms and heart palpitations (if you ever decide to share at all).

And getting engagement–or dare I mention it, #allthesales–from your content?

Ha! That’s a joke, right?

Finally Show Up Online with Confidence, Clarity and Certainty!


  • You don’t even know what you want to say or how to say it, so it actually leads to new clients (so you barely say anything)
  • You’re not sure what you truly want to be known for (so you’re not “known” at all)
  • You worry you’re “not engaging enough”–and TBH, getting people to care about you & your offers feels like pulling teeth
  • You’re dying to share more of who you are online, but don’t want to look like a hot, unprofessional mess in the process…so you shy away from sharing at all
  • You craft brilliant content that never sees the light of day because you’re terrified your real opinions/message/makeupless face will turn people off
  • Your current “content strategy” feels like a stressful, clunky, annoying process instead of an outpouring of your unique love, knowledge & expertise

You feel stuck, frustrated & mired with next-level self-doubt because potential clients aren’t sliding into your DMs asking to work with you…no matter how many times you tweak your IG caption’s call to action.


Sound familiar? If so, I get it.

Don’t Let Your Fears Stop You From Creating the Connections–& Cash–You Deserve!

The truth is there’s actually a lot that goes into “getting visible” – and even more that goes into getting visible and getting clients as a result. Sounds incredible, right?
(Because real talk: You and I both know you can put yourself out there relentlessly and still not book a single Discovery call, am I right?)


If you want to create thought-provoking content that gets the exact people you’d die to work with to go all, “I’m obsessed with her and need more! Where do I enter my CC details?” — AND have the confidence to put that content out there, there are a few pretty darn important things you need to nail.

I won’t give it all away here, but here’s what I will say:

From getting your fears about “being seen” in check and your ultimate vision on point…

…to shifting your energetic frequency so you’re infinitely more attractive to dream clients (trust me, this matters!)…

…to knowing what to say and how to say it so it actually turns into sales…

…there IS an actual method to the madness.

And all those business owners out there rocking social media and landing new sales every single day from their fully-expressed online presence? They know it and follow it (even if they don’t realize it!).

Imagine Knowing EXACTLY How to Show Up Online to Skyrocket Your Visibility, Credibility & Cashflow!

Now here’s the juicy part:

You don’t have to sit back & let “those other business owners” have all the fun and make all the money!

Instead, you too can learn how to consistently & confidently get visible online in a way that serves your ideal clients & speaks SO clearly to what they want & need that people think you’re a mind-reader (or secretly watching your audience from outside their windows–which doesn’t sound creepy at all).

But seriously…

You, too, can expand your coaching business and touch the lives of thousands (or millions!) around the globe.

And when you do?

Well, instead of your current reality, life will look a lot more like this, beautiful:

  • You have a powerful, clear & defined core message that underpins everything you create–from your content to your offers to every.little. interaction. with your audience
  • You’re wildly confident in who you are and what you’re here to share
  • You’re (finally) comfortable telling personal stories in a way that inspires, empowers & deeply resonates with people who want to pay you (yes, want to!)
  • You’re able to attract, share and sell in a way that’s so natural it barely feels like selling
  • Your energy and conviction around your values, what you stand for and who you are is unshakable
  • You easily draw in the perfect clients, customers & collaborators–while simultaneously repelling the naysayers, haters & shamers
  • You have no qualms showing up as EXACTLY who you are because any fears around being polarizing are–poof!–gone
  • You’ve made permanent internal shifts that help you show up consistently on video, audio or in writing–without it ever feeling forced
  • Your soulmate clients read, hear or see your content and immediately trust you at an instinctual level
  • Oh, and of course you’re making more money & touching more lives, too!

To sum it up?

When you learn how to ditch your visibility fears, doubts & insecurities and (finally) show up online in an impossible-to-resist way, everything changes.

And if that sounds like one kinda change you can definitely get behind, then I’ve got something for you.

Start Using My “Get Visible! How to Attract Your Soul Mate Clients & Grow Your Coaching Business with Ease” Project Kit to Connect with More Ideal Clients with Less Fear!

This Step-by-Step Plan Covers: 

Getting Started

  • Marketing Strategy Overview
  • Timeline & Budget

Section 1: Increase Your Flow & Vibration to Expand Your Purpose

  • Step 1: Inspire Clarity on Your Purpose & Vision
  • Step 2: Hone In On Your Confidence to Attract Dreamy Clients
  • Step 3: Build an Energy That Magnetizes Those Around You

Section 2: Unleash Your Destined Success to Create Massive Impact

  • Step 4: Your Message Matters: Empowering Your Inner Goddess
  • Step 5: Double-down On Your AUTHENTICITY
  • Step 6: Clever Content That Literally Seduces Your Potential Clients to Take Action

Section 3: Discover A Provocative Approach to Showcasing Your Expertise

  • Step 7: Creating Credibility That Serves Your Soul-mate Clients
  • Step 8: Create Meaningful Connections to Ripen Relationships
  • Step 9: Network (and network more, and still more) to Build a High-class Brand

Section 4: Build a Purposeful Strategy That Welcomes Buyers and $$$

  • Step 10: Deliver High-end Results for High-dollar Payout
  • Step 11: Package Your Brilliance and Sell Your Genius

Here are a Few Examples of Some of the Items You’ll Get:

Step-by-Step Marketing Plan

You can hand this step-by-step plan to your virtual assistant and she can follow the steps to help you in your business. You can edit and tweak this document with additional information your team may need, or you can even remove anything that doesn’t apply to your business.

You can even record a training video covering each of the steps in this plan that walks your VA through exactly what you need her to do to help you with this project. Then just upload to dropbox and share it with her.

Monthly Results Report

Give this fill-in-the-blank report to your assistant at the completion of your project. It will give you a snapshot of your business after the new marketing plan has been implemented, what your assistant worked on, and what else she can do to help you clear your plate. She can share achieved results, any unexpected hurdles that came up and how she handled them, as well as any feedback she has.

Task Tracking Calendar

This calendar is such a simple, but powerful tool with task reminders to help your assistant stay on schedule, and meet your deadlines. She can print off a copy to keep on her desk, or she can add the tasks to her calendar in Basecamp or whatever project management system you use.

Connection Outreach Templates

Use these templates to reach out to and connect with influencers in your niche and field.

Craft Your Business Statements Worksheet

Use this worksheet to craft your business statements, taking them from generalities to a specific, clear picture of what you do, why you do it, and who it helps.

Credibility Booster Worksheet

Use this worksheet infographic to create an effective credibility-boosting strategy.

Data-Driven Decisions Guide

Use this guide to make data-driven decisions that take the guesswork out of planning your offers and consistently increase your business growth.

Energetic Affirmations Template

Use these affirmations to raise your energy and focus on your purpose.

I Believe Exercise Worksheet

Use this worksheet to list twenty-five beliefs that are important to you.

Pitch Templates

Use these templates to write your pitches for personal contact requests, guest spots, and JV pitches.

Power Up Your Purpose

Use this worksheet to get your best game on when creating the perfect low-end offer.

Rituals for Confidence Worksheet

Use this worksheet to plan powerful rituals to help you boost and increase your confidence too.

Visibility Content Template

Use this template to plan a content mix designed to give you maximum visibility in front of the right audience.

Authenticity Checklist

Use this checklist to build-in authenticity appearances and content.

Confidence Builder Checklist

Use this checklist to give followers and customers confidence in your products and offers.

Credibility Checklist

Use this checklist to build credibility into your offers.

Packaging Your Brillance Checklist

Use this checklist to make sure your knowledge, wisdom, tips, and secrets are packaged to attract your best client.

Visibility Checklist

Use this checklist to make sure you create maximum visibility in front of the right audience to attract your ideal customers and clients.

If you’re an assistant / business manager / operations manager you can:

You can get on the phone with your client for a strategy session, and use the kit as a guide. You’ll come across as a total expert AND you’ll create an action plan for your client at the same time.

  • Print off the kit docs to have in front of you during your call.
  • Discuss each step in depth using the kit content as a guide.
  • Walk through the questions and exercises with your client, and write their answers right onto the kit pages.
  • Wrap up the call with a plan of action for how you’ll proceed and assist your client in their business.

And hey, if you or your client are not able to, or don’t have time to get on the phone – record all the information, and then send the recording and the list of info you need back from them to proceed.

Seriously…there is nothing more powerful to a biz owner than an assistant who shows initiative. We want people on our team who can take an idea and come back to us with a plan of action for how to get it done!

And I’ve made it super easy for you to do all of that with the project kit on this page…

I’ve loved Melissa since 2009 and everything she puts out is golden. These project kits are complete time savers. If you are a business owner, it has everything you need, a turnkey solution to hand over to your assistant. If you are a VA, you will WOW your client by anticipating their needs and having an organized system ready to go. Love these kits!

Lisa Wells,

Melissa Ingold is a genius! She’s taken all the work out of delegating tasks to your team with her Freedom Finder toolkits. It’s so easy. You just open it up, answer a few questions and hand off the rest to your virtual assistant. Now an entire part of your business is handled and you’re getting reports and status updates from your team without you having to beg for them. You don’t have to understand how the entire process works and you don’t have to build out the entire process. It’s as turn-key as you can get. You’ll get more accomplished in your business, without working harder, and your assistant will be happier because you’re giving her everything she needs to be successful. It can’t get better than that.

Deanna Maio,

3 Reasons Why You Need this Project Kit…

Grow Your Biz + Make Money

Now your assistant can stop wasting her time and your money working on dead-end tasks that lead you nowhere! These kits give her direction for working on real projects that will actually help you grow your business and your income.

Save Money + Boost Your ROI

Paying your assistant by the hour can really add up, especially if the tasks you assign really aren’t doing anything for your business, and your outsourcing dollars are being wasted on dead-end projects. Using this project kit will shave hours off your invoice because she won’t have to start from scratch – and she’ll be able to easily “rinse + repeat” it whenever you want – no more wasted money on tasks that don’t get results.

Save Time + Avoid Frustration

Your time is crazy valuable, so why waste it with tons of back-and-forth emails as you try to explain to your assistant exactly what you want done. With this project kit, you don’t even need to know ‘exactly what you want done’, because she’ll have tons of templates and tools that will help her get right to work.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Innovative Business Model:
    • Embrace the reality of a genuine business! Our approach involves forming a group buy, where we collectively share the costs among members. Using these funds, we purchase sought-after courses from sale pages and make them accessible to individuals facing financial constraints. Despite potential reservations from the authors, our customers appreciate the affordability and accessibility we provide.
  2. The Legal Landscape: Yes and No:
    • The legality of our operations falls into a gray area. While we lack explicit approval from the course authors for resale, there’s a technicality at play. When procuring the course, the author didn’t specify any restrictions on resale. This legal nuance presents both an opportunity for us and a boon for those seeking budget-friendly access.
  3. Quality Assurance: Unveiling the Real Deal:
    • Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
      • No coaching calls or scheduled sessions with the author.
      • No access to the author’s private Facebook group or web portal.
      • No entry to the author’s exclusive membership forum.
      • No direct email support from the author or their team.

    We operate independently, aiming to bridge the affordability gap without the additional services offered by official course channels. Your understanding of our unique approach is greatly appreciated.

Refund is acceptable:

  • Firstly, item is not as explained
  • Secondly, Item do not work the way it should.
  • Thirdly, and most importantly, support extension can not be used.

Thank you for choosing us! We’re so happy that you feel comfortable enough with us to forward your business here.

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