
Michael Senoff – Hidden Marketing Assets Pro System



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Michael Senoff – Hidden Marketing Assets Pro System

Become A High Paid Marketing Coach Working From Home Even If You Have No Prior Marketing, Business Or Consulting Experience

I’m Michael Senoff

I don’t want to waste your time.

So I want to answer the number one question I get asked by folks looking to make money helping businesses in the marketing consulting game.

Does your HMA System Work For Making Money And Getting Clients?

And the answer is a resounding and definite


It works.

Out of respect for you and your time, I want to make learning about my HMA Pro Coaching System simple.

There is a short version of this letter.

And there a long version of this letter.

And I understand that you may appreciate the opportunity of choice.

The short version of this letter and offer is this.

For a one time payment you’ll have access to over $29,000 of the retail value of my marketing products, seminars, and training that I’ve been publishing over the last 13 1/2 years.

You’ll have it ALL.

You can download all the mp3 files, PDF transcripts, and the audio mp3 recordings.

And you’re about to lay your eyes on the best marketing SYSTEM in the world.

And why should you believe me?

You shouldn’t

Check HMA Pro out for your self.

For details on exactly what you get, keep reading because I’ve got a story to share with you.

Let’s get going . . . .

In this letter you’ll learn a simple, painless and inexpensive way to become a high paid marketing coach complete with paying clients and a steady flow of income that comes in month after month and year after year.

It doesn’t matter what your current skill level is now.

It doesn’t matter if you have any “connections” or business experience.

In fact, all you really need are a few simple systems my friend Richard has developed over the years to become a highly paid in-demand marketing consultant.

And the best part is, you do NOT have to shell out tens of thousands of dollars up front for these secrets . . . and you can even use them for your own business or for the businesses of your family, neighbors and friends.

Let me tell you what’s in Richard’s “Hidden Marketing Assets” system, and how you can be up and running earning money soon after getting it.

To begin with:

If you do your homework, you’ll find there are several competing marketing coaching and consulting opportunities in the marketplace.

And I’ll be the first to advise you to look into all of them before you invest in any of them, including Richard’s HMA Pro System.

I’ve interviewed countless people who have paid enormous up front fees to attend this training.

I have received firsthand feedback on Y2 Marketing, Power Marketing Consultants, Action International, Quantum, Topline, Peter Sun Consulting, Kennedy and Glazer and other opportunities and many of them are actually pretty good.

But what separates Richard’s system from the other ones I’ve seen is that, with Richard’s system, you don’t need any previous marketing experience, any business connections or even a lot of money.

In fact, Richard will be the first person to tell you if he can do it… you can do it too.

How can he be so sure?

Because when Richard started he was broke himself, and had very poor selling, speaking, marketing and presentation skills.

Below is an interview I did with Richard about the Coaching business and if you are more of a listener rather than a reader, I invite you to hear Richard’s story in my interview below. You can click the play button or download the mp3.

Of course you can skip the interview for now and keep reading the letter and come back to the interview later.

Getting Started In The Coaching Business

Richard didn’t create a coaching business so he could retire. He’s still out in the field selling and working his coaching business. And in this interview, you’ll hear what he’s been up to for the last couple of years along with 10 of his most recent coaching case studies that illustrate important lessons about his (HMA) Hidden Marketing Assets System.

Richard has his business down to a science and that’s probably because he knows how to close deals by showing prospects the money. According to Richard, if you can’t show decision makers where their companies are losing money, you’re just another marketing guy – and businesses are tired of those.

So in this interview, you’ll hear exactly how Richard closes his deals and where he finds his coaching clients. Believe it or not, he gets most of them from the same alliance.

And at the end of the interview, Richard also answers questions from HMA students like you.

You’ll Also Hear . . .

* Who are the best businesses to target for your coaching practive.

• Where to find alliances to work your coaching business within your area – and how to consistently close deals

• The newest coaching ideas and tips for finding new coaching business clients’ businesses

• How Richard knew he had missed the mark on one of his USPs – and what he did to correct it

• How Richard’s been running easy group training, how much he charges, and who this type of training appeals to

• Ideas for time management – and shortcuts for coaching business success.

• What kind of people are the easiest to coach- and who to avoid

• And much more

Richard charges different clients different rates for his services, and you’ll hear how he determines when to charge the big bucks and how to do it. (He made $48,000 from one recent coaching client alone!)

So sit back and listen to how this coaching business expert works his coaching magic and find out how you can leverage off of his expertise along with the combined credibility of the HMA Pro System of marketing.

Richard’s Was Just As Shy And “Introverted” As The Next Guy.

In fact, the only difference between you and Richard – is because of the simple system he invented after attending a Jay Abraham marketing consulting seminar over 25 years ago.

You see, Richard discovered that while Jay Abraham really is a marketing genius, his system (like most other marketing coaching programs today) was not geared toward “ordinary” people who don’t have a lot of money or natural marketing talents.

Jay Abraham in the early 1990s had credibility, contacts and millions of dollars. The training Jay taught was from his own millionaire perspective.

But Richard was nearly broke. So broke he had to borrow money from his Dad to attend Jay’s $15.000 dollar training.

He had to be away from his wife and children.

He had to pay for air fair, food and lodging too in addition to the $15.000 dollars.

Richard had no credibility and few contacts.

And when Richard went out in the field to test Jay’s teachings, he failed.

But Richard did not quit.

After years of experimenting and organizing the marketing concepts into a workable system, Richard began to experience success.

Richard discovered his own unique “system” to make money as a marketing coach that is easy to follow and simple to learn.

Richard created a system that will work whether you are a millionaire like Jay Abraham or broke and struggling to make your rent, car payment or utility bill.

It’s taken Richard 25 years to perfect and tens of thousands of dollars working out the “bugs” and getting his system so you can approach virtually any kind of business that has HMA’s (“Hidden Marketing Assets”) to offer your coaching and consulting services.

And since sharing his system to the public, Richard has trained hundreds of marketing coaches in the US, the UK, Nigeria, Luxemburg, Australia, Greece, Ireland, Canada and even Holland (some who were totally new to marketing when they started).

He’s also got Dell and IBM using and teaching his marketing system in their online learning management platforms.

Here’s why…

With Richard’s system all you do is use the tools he’s created for you the exact way he says to use them…and within just a few weeks you can have a marketing coaching business with paying customers and paid coaching fees dwarfing anything you could make at a regular JOB.

And best of all:

You can do it all without pressure…without strain…and without the unbearable personal rejection most marketing coaches endure when getting started.

For example, most people getting into the consulting business believe making cold calls to get clients is the worst and most difficult way to get clients.

And the truth is, it can be.

This method is usually reserved for the coach who has no contacts whatsoever.

While other consulting training tells you to make prospecting calls yourself, Richard’s system trains you to get others to do your prospecting work for you.

Take for, instance, the telephone prospecting scripts in the system.

All you do is download and print these proven phone scripts, hand them to a part-time telemarketer with good leads that fit your target market, and have him or her call businesses and read the scripts word for word.

This simple method for getting new clients works time and time again.

You do none of the calling and you can still generate clients.

This way you can be sleeping in, playing golf, or even taking a vacation…and have an endless stream of fresh, quality appointments coming in each and every day.

Without You Lifting A Finger

Plus… In addition to these proven phone scripts, you’ll get an audio training called “How To Get Appointments” which takes your people step by step through the whole process on how to use the scripts.

That means, if you don’t want to pay a lot of money for a professional telemarketer, just hire a student or a stay-at-home mom and give her the “How To Get Appointments” training and she can be as good (if not better) than anyone else at getting you appointments.

Of course, the phone is not the only way to get clients.

  • Your HMA Pro system also has already-tested, direct-mail letters for selling your consulting services such as:
  • An approach letter.
  • A joint venture letter and
  • A follow-up letter.

And with the simple tools, he’s created, you’ll be hitting your prospects from every conceivable angle, giving yourself the maximum chance of capturing those high-quality clients within days of starting your consulting business.

And if you’re really ambitious, you can also use Richard’s system to create what’s called “the podium effect.”

What’s the podium effect?

The podium effect is this phenomenon where people automatically respect, trust and believe people who talk at seminars or small workshops.

And since Richard also includes prewritten seminar, done for you, PowerPoint slide presentations and workshop fliers; you can fill a room, give your presentation and watch as you’ll get clients who want to hire you the second you step out from behind the podium.

Not sure how good you’ll be at putting on a presentation?

No problem.

Because Richard has already created a powerful, professional seminar outline for you — complete with a PowerPoint presentation and all the training you need to be up and running fast.

This is the same presentation Richard uses to capture clients today.

More on this later.

You won’t have to try and figure anything out or structure your presentation.

Just plug in Richard’s “pre-made” seminar presentation; follow the word-for-word transcripts and you’ll be delivering a powerful, proven presentation that gets clients fast.

Easy As 1-2-3.

And here’s something else to think about:

With Richard’s system, you won’t have to worry about not having a reputation or a “track record” of helping business owners with their marketing.

If you’ve never done coaching before, I know what you may be thinking now.

You’re asking yourself, why should these business owners believe anything I say?

You’re afraid that they will ask you for proof that you can get results.

You think they’ll want referrals before they work with you.

You’re thinking that you have no credibility. This is only an illusion in your imagination.

It’s a FEAR not based on reality.

I am here to tell you this will not happen to you and here’s why.

You must understand that your clients are not interested in you.

They are only interested in the results you can bring to them.

Being a fully certified HMA Pro Marketing coach means you’ll be able to draw on the successful track record of the HMA Pro system.

It’s actually pretty simple:

Richard has discovered a proven way for you to use his testimonials, his stories and his success for your business.

And by following Richard’s simple instructions, you’ll be able to “borrow” Richard’s credibility for yourself.

Plus, you will also learn how to “create” your own credibility within the first thirty seconds of meeting a potential client…

Without Needing ANY Testimonials, Success Stories
or Past Successes.

This is one of Richard’s “trade secrets.”

And it works like gangbusters for almost everyone who uses it.

But here’s the thing…

Getting the appointment or filling a room with prospects is only step one.

You can get all the appointments in the world…but if you can’t close the sale, then it’s all for nothing.

Richard knows this more than anyone.

And after spending hundreds of hours and tens of thousands of dollars of “trial and error” — he has created a truly foolproof system that lets almost anyone turn up to 25% of your appointments into up front paying clients.

You get a check BEFORE you start any work!

And what makes this possible is Richard’s proprietary “Opportunity Analysis Worksheet and Training.” or O.A.W.T for short.

With your O.A.W.T document, you can walk into any business, command immediate respect and attention and literally become a marketing “miracle man.” to the owner of that business.

The reason why is because this O.A.W.T lets you literally “make over” a business owner’s marketing and show them exactly how you will create real cash profits right before their eyes.

And if the business owner you are talking with has any desire to grow his business at all…then he will have no choice but to be impressed by you and want to work with you.

In fact, the opportunity analysis worksheet makes converting appointments into paying clients so simple.

You Can Even Do It Over The Phone

And don’t worry about giving away all of your secrets. Most business owners are too busy working in their business to do anything about it.

They simply don’t have the time and that is the exact reason they are talking to YOU!

Richard also shows you how to command large fees and even get paid on a portion of the sales you make for your clients for years into the future.

This is called a “contingency” fee agreement.

This should only be used with a client after they have hired you and paid you to do project work.

Other expensive consulting opportunities teach you that contingency is the only and best way to sell consulting services.

And this can work but often the consultant finds himself in a compromising position.

They end up working many hours with only a promise to get paid.

The client has nothing to lose and since you’ve never worked with this client before you risk working for little or no money.

It’s like getting married on the first date.

It seems like a good idea at first but later you realize it was a big mistake.

But, if you do it Richard’s way and “Date” your client for a while it can work out great like this:

If you help your client make an extra $100,000 a year and you make a 15% “contingency” agreement with that client, you’ll pocket an extra $15,000 on top of your regular project fees per year.

If you do this for just five of your clients, you will make an extra $75,000 a year. If you do this for just ten of your clients you will make an extra $150,000 year.

But wait. Richard is going to show you have to structure a contingency agreement to get paid not just for one year, but for as long as they are using your intellectual marketing property.

After all, these are your marketing systems that the client is licensing from you.

So imagine now that you are making $15,000 per year for 10 of your clients for five years.

Now that $150,000 turns into $1,500,000.00 over 5 years.

And so on.

Again, this is in addition to your regular fees. You can typically charge a client anywhere from $500 to $5000 per project. And most clients will need at least four projects.

And it’s so easy once you understand Richard’s HMA Pro System.

Because Richard really has done 90% of the “work” for you already.

For example, his system includes…

Endorsed letter samples.

All you do is find businesses that sell similar (but not competing) products and services as the business you are helping and strike a simple deal with them where they send your offer to their customer list for a portion of the profits.

This way, you and your client make a bundle off the initial sales, and an even bigger windfall from additional sales later.

All from leads that didn’t cost your client a penny to generate.

Client reactivating letter samples

This is your easiest way to make fast and immediate profits for you and your client because almost NOBODY goes after his or her inactive clients and customers.

And all you do is take one of your prewritten e-mails or letters and send it to your client’s inactive customer list.

Watch your clients shake their heads in disbelief as inactive customers (they thought would never buy again) come back to life — spending their money with your clients again and again and again.

And remember, if you set up simple contingency deals with these clients (as Richard explains in his system)…

You Will Get Paid On All This Action Year After Year.

Anyway, these are just a few of the reasons why you should consider the HMA Pro System and coaching business part or full time.

And this is why I have no problem saying nothing could be simpler than using Richard’s HMA Pro system to make money as a marketing coach.

And realize this: Every time you make one of your client’s money using Richard’s “paint by numbers” pre-created tools…

You’ll Become Your City’s Marketing And Business Guru.

And you’ll have the instant reputation as the guy who turns straw into gold.

You’ll be the person your clients won’t be able to help but rave about to their business friends who will also want to pay you for your expert advice.

And your whole consulting practice can “snowballs” from there until you have a controlled stream of clients and profits coming to you.

As I said before, I have seen all the other marketing coaching programs out there. And I have not yet seen anything that even comes close to Richard’s System.

But you certainly don’t have to take my word for it because you can try everything and you’ll see for yourself.

But first, here is a quick break-down of only a few of your exclusive marketing training you’ll get with your HMA Pro Marketing & Coaching System:

HMA Pro Resource # 1:

(10) HMA Pro operations models

This is the Main Guts of your HMA Pro “System.”

You’ll get digital versions of ten (10) HMA Pro Operations Modules showing you each step of the way how to capture clients and make them real profits using a systemized way of marketing.

This collection represents the core of the HMA Pro System.

Each module walks you through all the steps of the system.

You’ll reference these materials as you take your client through the 8 steps of the HMA Pro system.

Richard has spent years creating and refining these modules.

You’ll get digital access to all 10 operations modules as downloadable and readable PDF files.

You’ll use these manuals as you follow along in Resource #2 & #3.

Here’s the outline of each module and what you get.


*System Philosophy and Uniqueness
*Actual Case Studies
*Sample System Outline/proposal
*Sample Client Agreement
*Fee-Based Agreement
*Contingency Agreement


* Mission Statement/USP of HMA Pro Marketing System Tele-prospecting scripts to generate manufacturing client leads Telephone follow-up letter
* Marketing Assessment Questionnaire Marketing presentation to prospective client How to close a new client
* How to determine the fee
* Fee based direct mail letter/E-mail marketing brochure ideas
* Large postcard promoting 30 minute consultation Seminar flyers/promotion pieces
* 21 page marketing report for use in prospecting
* FREE REPORT: How to Increase your business revenue and profits 25%-100% Chamber of Commerce Endorsement letter
* Seminar workshop on hardcopy and PowerPoint
* New promotion letters and agreement for Group training – Train the trainer workshops Quick fix marketing – one-shot turn around strategies for 50 different companies
* The Headline Bank – 100 of the top money making headlines ever written
* Other prospecting methods – business shows, groups and
associations, niche marketing Vertical marketing and Long Distance consultation
* Phone consultation outline

3) MODULE THREE: DETERMINING A BUSINESS USP – Unique Selling Proposition – 68 pages

* Overview
* Definition of what a USP is Examples of Successful USP’s
* Project Implementation – the four steps needed to successfully implement this module How to determine and write-up a USP for your client
* Competitive Analysis Matrix


*Overview: How to determine a client’s current selling process
*Project Implementation: the four steps needed for successful implementation of this module
*Implementing follow-up systems
*Customizing a SALES TRAINING workshop for your client Sample of
sales training workshop with the answers – also on DVD Developing packages and value added services
*Productivity and sales report samples Personality profile to identify the right sales people


* Overview
* Project Implementation – the four steps needed to successfully implement this module Identify and segment customer base
* Back-end selling opportunities
* Seven sample letters to increase purchases from current customers letters to reactivate past customers
* Letters to use in follow-up to prospective customers 12 additional sample letters
* Special savings certificate sample


* Overview
* The Advertising Situation Analysis tool The creative strategy
* How to do good copy writing for advertising Developing the Media Plan
* 50 page report on Yellow Pages Advertising Newspaper Scoring
* How to write and schedule effective Radio Commercials
* Project Implementation – the four steps needed to implement this module How to use local advertisers, designers, printers for outsource help


* Overview
* Project Implementation – the four steps needed to implement this module How to uncover marketing alliance prospects
* Sample letters of cross promotion Ticket to event cross promotion value card cross promotion Reverse Cross promotion
* Joint venture sales letters
* Joint venture prospecting letters


* Overview
* Project Implementation – the four steps needed to implement this module How to determine and create newsworthy material about your client How to get FREE publicity
* How to write a press release
* How to increase the public awareness of your client Sponsorship/contribution: How to turn them into marketing tools
* Implementing community marketing efforts. How to turn your business into an education/teaching business.


* Overview
* Project Implementation: the four steps needed to implement this module How to find mailing lists
* Determining the proper lists/target marketing Testing the list
* How to write direct mail copy
* How to get the best response to any direct marketing effort:

– the envelope
– postage
– headlines
– interest
– urgency
– P.S.
– Compelling offer
– Short or long copy?

*What are all the direct marketing tools and how to use the right one!

– tele-prospecting
– direct mail
– E-mail
– Website
– Salespeople
– Infomercial
– Newsletter/E-zings

10) Internet Marketing – 241 pages

* Overview
* What is your business objective – website scorecard
* Branding on the web
* Steps to an effective website
* E-commerce with your website

HMA Pro Resource # 2:

HMA Pro Live Seminar Training Vol. One

You’ll own 25 hours of cutting edge HMA Pro marketing training in downloadable mp3 audio.

Richard’s first live marketing consulting seminar was conducted in early 1995.

This training features Richard at the top of this game teaching a room packed with students his system for becoming a successful marketing coach.

Each student paid over $5000 to attend.

You’ll be able to download, hear and learn everything you need about capturing clients and creating marketing systems for them.

It’s like having Richard right there with you showing you exactly what to do each step of the way.

HMA Pro Resource # 3:

HMA Pro Live Seminar VIDEO Training.

You get 17 plus hours of HMA Pro Marketing Consulting Training Videos.

You’ll be able to play online from any computer.

Your HMA Pro Marketing Consulting Training featuring Richard at the top of his game.

Richard is teaching a packed house full of want-to-be marketing consulting students his HMA Pro system for becoming a successful marketing coach or consultant.

Each student paid thousand of dollars to attend this live training.

You’ll be able to download, hear and learn everything you need about capturing clients and creating marketing systems for them.

It’s like having Richard right there with you showing you exactly what to do each step of the way.

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