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Milana Leshinsky – Tele-Summit Secrets
The Secret Weapon I’ve Kept Locked Away For Myself And My
My “Launch Pad” Formula That Will Rocket You To The Top Of Your Niche And Generate A Windfall Of Profits In One Fell Swoop
I am making my most powerful strategy for creating an instant, glowing reputation in your niche available… generating windfall profits in a few days… funneling potentially 100’s of the hottest leads you’ll ever find into your business in one giant leap… installing a lucrative passive cash flow… all without toiling over your own unique product or spending a penny on advertising!
Try out what I consider the most powerful business building tool in my arsenal – and what top consultants, authors, and information business owners are using to build a fortune in reputation points, up front profits, and long term cash flows.
And only when you’re satisfied that this is the absolute holy grail for quickly and easily launching your business into the “big leagues” do you have to decide whether or not it’s worth your hard earned money.
Keep reading for full details…
I am inviting YOU to test-drive the most powerful strategy for…
- creating an instant, glowing reputation in your niche
- generating windfall profits in a few days
- funneling potentially hundreds of the hottest leads you’ll ever find into your business in one giant leap
- installing a lucrative passive cash flow
…all without toiling over your own unique product or spending a penny on advertising!
Try out what I consider the most powerful business building tool in my arsenal – and what top consultants, authors, and information business owners are using to build a fortune in reputation points, up front profits, and long term cash flows.
Three Reasons Why This Strategy Blows Past Everything Else You’ve Ever Tried At Warp Speed And Is The King Of Creating Incredible Business Success Fast
- Nothing will get you expert status in your niche faster or easier than this system. Why spend hundreds of hours writing articles, blog posts, cold calling, networking one person at a time, speaking, or whatever else you happen to do – when in the process of a few days you can become an instant expert in your market’s eyes and leverage your stardom into unheard of profits?
- Instead of chasing down clients one at a time, or spending a fortune on advertising (in both time and money)… you can funnel 100’s of the hottest leads you can imagine into your business – leads eager, ready, and willing to benefit from your guidance – in just a few days!
- Heard of all the great benefits of having your own product but can’t find the time to create one? OR, have you created one but wish you had more easy sources of passive income to add to your business? With this strategy, you can create a unique, in demand, value packed product that people will scramble to get their hands on… without writing a single word in any e-book or struggling to come up with a presentation. And again, all in just a few days!
Do you want to take the slow way or the fast way?
For many years, I unknowingly chose the slow way of building my business.I bought ads, wrote articles, advertised in the search engines. I tried a lot of things, and a lot of them worked. But they worked slowly. And my income was growing just as slow.
It’s a frustrating feeling, isn’t it? To hear about all this success happening around you, and feel like you’re moving at a snails pace towards ever really “making it” for yourself.
I know I spent a lot of nights laying awake wondering if that high level of success really was possible for me. Wondering if maybe I just didn’t have what it took to create the dream lifestyle of several vacations each year, living in a dream house, and feeling secure and cozy in the knowledge that money would not be an issue for my family ever again.
My name is Milana Leshinsky. I know you’ve got a lot to offer the world.
But to succeed at a rapid pace, you need more than just something valuable to offer… and you need more than the “same old” marketing tactics.
Keep reading to discover my unique twist on what many marketers already consider their most powerful strategy… and learn how I made it 10 times more powerful and easy to implement!
A Glimpse Into The Future Waiting For You At The End Of This Page
Exactly How This System Works, And How Your Financial And Personal Life Are About To Become So Much Richer
Not one word I’m about to share with you is theoretical. I’ve used this very same system on numerous occasions to generate huge windfalls of $65,000, $106,000, and more… and that was just in the first few days. Over the weeks that followed I converted dozens of new clients and customers because of the huge number of extremely qualified leads I generated in the process.
All this was done by putting a unique twist on a very popular, and extremely powerful concept:
Creating Leverage (And Buckets Of Cash) Through The Power Of Collaboration
You’ve probably heard of joint ventures, strategic alliances, or endorsement deals where you arrange for a noted expert to promote you and your products to their mailing list of customers and subscribers. This is a very effective strategy, because it allows you to leverage other people’s time and energy (that they spent developing relationships with their clients and subscribers) for your own benefit. Without any up-front costs.
This concept by itself has made many people very rich and successful.
But what I’m about to share with you takes this same concept and straps a high powered rocket to it! Allowing anyone, no matter what their knowledge of marketing is, to quickly and easily…
- Create a dozen of these strategic endorsements and connections in one fell swoop.
- Get other people to create a value rich, high ticket info product for you. Don’t like slaving months over your keyboard to create a product? This approach is for you.
- Have instant access to promote this product to 1,000’s of the most targeted, eager buyers in your niche… all without spending a penny on advertising.
- And have the ability to sell all your other products and services to this same group of people, month after month.
How I stumbled into what is now consistently my biggest money maker…
My name is Milana Leshinsky, and four years ago I had an idea to invite several experts to present their ideas and strategies to my site users at a special “telephone conference event.” At the time, I didn’t expect to make a lot of money from it. And did it more than anything to help my members in areas I wasn’t particularly knowledgeable in.
I was excited about the small success I had with this initial event, and as time went on I began putting together more of them. I mean, who doesn’t like the idea of getting paid for other people to deliver great content (did I mention I didn’t have to pay these people a penny to get them to come speak?).
Breaking Into The “Big Leagues” Without Even Having To Step Up To The Plate!
After the first couple times of putting these events together, the potential really started sinking in…Not only could I basically create an instant information product without having to develop any content myself. Not only could I make a big chunk of cash up front, and for months after the live event by selling the recordings…
But I had the opportunity to become associated with, get endorsed by, and get access to the mailing lists of all the speakers I brought together to do these events. Essentially, I could get access to 1,000’s of the hottest buyers in my niche, via the best possible endorsement anyone could ever ask for!
Once the power I had at my finger tips struck me, I knew I had to start putting together these events on a bigger scale.
Through the “school of hard knocks” I discovered how to get the top names in my industry to speak at my events, how to effectively organize super events with over a dozen speakers, how to charge top dollar for admission, and how to capitalize on all the recognition and publicity the event brought me.
Today, I’m recognized as one of the foremost experts in the consulting industry. I don’t say this to brag, but to prove an important point: that this very reputation, which has earned me a very good living for many years, is due in large part to the amazing publicity and connections I generated through these telesummits.
Take Your Niche By Storm!
Just imagine, connecting with the top experts in your own and related fields and simultaneously getting their highest endorsement of you and your offerings to all their subscribers and customers.Imagine getting these experts to essentially create a value packed information product for you… that you can quickly and easily turn into a lucrative passive cash machine!
Picture the industry buzz that an event like this will create around you, and the huge reputation points you’ll score by being at the center of the biggest names in your niche.
What would this mean to you?
For me and a handful of other consultants, and authors who have used this strategy it’s meant…
- Having your schedule packed for month’s in advance, and not having to scrape and scrounge for clients or worry about where your next pay check is coming from.
- Becoming the leader of your niche and leveraging your new found popularity and expert status into exciting money making opportunities you never even realized existed (you’ll be amazed at the collaborations, partnerships, free publicity, and other hidden opportunities that will find you once you’re well known).
- Establishing a practice where freedom is the corner stone of your money making foundation, where passive income allows you to step back and focus on what you love instead of grinding by on hourly fees, and where you don’t waste time chasing leads because the leads come to you.
What Makes A Tele-Summit The Best Info-Product You Could Ever Create?
And unlike a tele-conference where it’s completely up to you to deliver a killer presentation, with a tele-summit you don’t have to give a presentation of your own at all if you don’t want to!
With a tele-summit, all you have to do is bring together other speakers to give presentations on topics you’re market is interested in. They do all the work for you, like putting together a value loaded, clear presentation. I’ll even show you how to get them to do all your marketing for you, so you can have a packed summit without spending a penny on advertising!
And with my proven blueprint for rolling out a successful summit, you’ll be able to get the top experts in your industry eager and willing to give a great presentation – without having to pay a penny in speaking fees.
So, what makes a tele-summit the crown jewel of info products?
- You don’t have to do any writing. You don’t have to come up with some amazing idea. You don’t even have to present anything. Because you can secure the rights to some of the best content your market has ever seen, and other people will create it for you – oh, and did I mention they’ll do it free of charge?
- Not only can you make a boat load of money from the live event, you’ll also have exclusive rights to the recordings of every presentation that you can sell individually or package together – either way, you’ll have a cash machine that you can extract money from month after month, long after the live event has ended.
- Having your own info product is one of the best credibility boosters you can add to your arsenal. People automatically recognize you as an expert when they see you are selling in a book, course, report, or audio. But having a product that brings together already recognized experts, with you as the leader at the center of it all, is a credibility launch pad that will rocket you to the top of your niche almost over night! People will instantly associate you with the big names at your summit, and place you in the same bracket (or even higher since you are the master mind behind the whole event and are connected with not one, but many top experts!).
- You don’t need to have a big mailing list to launch it. You don’t need to take $1,000’s out of your nest egg to promote it. And you don’t have to spend months just to make a few sales. With my tele-summit launching system, you’ll discover how to get other people to promote it all for you – and bring in hundreds of participants.
My Proven, Step-By-Step Tele-Summit Blueprint
Now, Get The Plan My Private Inner Circle Clients Paid $5,000 For… And That I’ve Used To Generate Cash Gushing Revenue Streams Year After Year!
My first attempts at organizing a tele-summit resulted in some nice pay checks, but I also had to spend months figuring out what to do, developing marketing materials, learning how to negotiate with speakers, and dealing with problems I never even knew could happen.
Each time I organized one, I came across more pitfalls and hassles that I had to figure out how to overcome. I also honed and sharpened my planning and marketing skills to gradually increase the number of attendees and the quality of the presentations with each new event.
All together, I’ve spent thousands of dollars having marketing materials developed and hundreds of hours learning all the in’s and out’s, all the pit falls, and every big and small ingredient to rolling out a wildly successful summit with huge rewards.
My private inner circle clients who pay me $5,000 are the only one’s I’ve shared all my secrets, strategies, and steps for rolling out a hugely successful summit with… and they’ve benefited tremendously from putting on these types of summits as a result.
And now, for the first time ever, I’m unlocking my “vault” and giving a handful of a chance to learn these secrets for themselves – at a fraction of the price my inner circle clients have happily paid.
“Holding a telesummit in my niche market exploded my professional visibility. The first year we had 7 pages of spontaneous testimonials. I knew we had to do it again. I also realized we could repackage everything after the telesummit for more income sources. It opened all kinds of ways of doors into collaborating with people. Most importantly it made me see the range of possibilities of new products this could use and really getting clear on what my market needs. Thank you for putting this together, I wouldn’t have done this without you!”- Ariane Goodwin
Now You Can “Raid My Vault” And Grab The Step-By-Step Blueprint I’ve Personally Used To Generate Hundreds of Thousands Of Dollars
In A Matter Of Days
I’m laying out my entire plan, step-by-step, to a select who are ready to launch their business into a whole new passive income producing, client generating, business and life mastering level – a level that will put you in control, and free you from the income, time, and lifestyle constraints you’re facing right now.
Here’s what you’ll get with my “Launch Pad Tele-Summit System”…
1) 90 Minute Step-By-Step Video Laying Out Everything From The Big Picture Overview To The Nitty Gritty Details Of My System
Take my hand in this three part video series as I guide you through all the key elements of planning, marketing, and directing your own super successful telesummit.
You’ll discover my proprietary six-step formula for quickly and easily rolling out a high profit event, including exactly how to…
- Create an irresistible theme for your event that will have prospects lining up to reserve their seat at top dollar.
- Choose topics that tie into your niche’s most powerful desires and biggest problems so they won’t have any trouble making the decision to attend.
- Attract the biggest names in your industry to represent you and share their most powerful, life changing ideas with participants.
- Structure an offer that people simply can’t refuse: what perks to include that won’t cost you a penny but will raise the perceived value of your event through the roof!
- Get the word out to literally 1,000’s of eager and willing prospects without spending one penny on advertising (in fact, you can get other people to do all the promoting for you!)
- The three qualities every speaker you invite must have. Overlook these, and your event could crumble at it’s foundation and leave you worse than when you started.
- What magic words you need to use to get even the most intimidating, high profile experts excited about speaking at your event!
- And much more!
No stone is left un-turned. You’ll be taken from the drawing board, to developing a killer idea for your summit, brainstorming topics you’re niche will pay top dollar to hear about, bringing together the right speakers, all the way through to the launch and actually directing the summit when it happens live.
You’ll walk away with a complete, easy to follow blueprint of every step in the process. All the details of these steps took me years and hundreds of hours of hard work to figure out, and now you can take a giant leap forward and learn everything you need to know in just a few hours!
2) Complete, Ready To Go Templates And Plans For Attracting Top Speakers For Your Event… Even If No One In Your Niche Has Heard Of You!
You’ll get my step-by-step plan for contacting and convincing top experts in your own and related niches to come speak at your event, promote it for you, and make you a ton of money!
Plus, you’ll get ready to go templates you can use for contacting and explaining what you want to do with them. These template emails are perfectly formulated to pitch the idea in the most compelling way. All you need to do is fill in a few unique details and hit send!
3) The Turbo-Charged Launch Strategy I’ve Used To Pack My Own Summits With 100’s Of Participants Without Spending A Penny On Advertising!
I’ve developed a ready-to-go, template launch system you can use to generate enormous buzz around your telesummit and pack it full of high paying, eager attendees.
You’ll get the announcements you need to send, the follow-up messages, the web site templates, even sample scripts you can use. And of course an easy to follow plan that shows you how to use all these materials to generate a windfall of profits you won’t believe!
4) Everything You Need To Execute Your Summit Without A Hitch, Generate Glowing Reviews, And Finally Establish Yourself As The “Reigning Champ” Of Your Market!
When “game day” comes, you don’t want to find yourself running around like chicken with it’s head cut off (trust me). That’s why I’m including all the tips you’ll need to bring everything together in a smooth and easy fashion when it comes time for the actual summit. So you can feel confident and relaxed, instead of nervous and confused.
You’ll also get all the tools, resources, check lists, and time lines to make sure your telesummit goes off without a hitch — and turns into an event that your industry will be raving about long after it’s over!
5) How To Manage The Technical Side Of Your Summit, Even If You’re A Total Dunce With Computers
While tele-summits give you incredible freedom by allowing you to create an event involving 100’s of people, all from the comfort of your own home… that freedom does involve getting acquainted with the technologies that make all these great benefits possible.
I’ll walk you step-by-step through all the technology you’ll need to create a breakthrough summit experience for everyone involved! You’ll learn how to get access to all the tech tools you need on a shoestring budget, and even how to get someone else to handle all the tech stuff if you don’t want to learn about it.
With these tips, you’ll be able to execute everything like a pro… even if you happen to be a total computer dunce!
6) What To Do Once The Event Is Over To Maximize Your “Post-Event” Profits And Opportunities
Now that your event has gone off smoothly and you’ve pocketed a nice chunk of change, it’s time to leverage all the recognition and notoriety you’ve generated in the process! This is where things get really exciting, and profitable.
I’ll take you by the hand and guide you through all the “gold mines” of opportunity that await you once the live event is over. You’ll discover…
- How to create a steady passive income stream selling the recordings and transcripts of the live event (and exactly how to put those things together)
- How to leverage the relationships you’ve built with speakers and participants to unlock a plethora of money making opportunities.
- The “little extra” that will have participants of the live event raving about you to all their friends and colleagues, and whipping out their wallets to buy even more of your products and services!
- And much more
7) Complete Answers To All Your Questions… Including The Ones You Don’t Even Realize You’ll Have Yet
Planning a big event gets overwhelming very fast if you don’t have the answers to all the questions and obstacles that are bound to pop up along the way. This is the main reason you don’t see more of these events taking place. There are simply way too many elements and variables for a beginner to figure out.
But with this system, you’ll have every based covered like a pro before you even start brainstorming ideas for your event. I’ll hold your hand through the entire process and answer all your pressing questions like…
- How do speakers get paid?
- How do I price a telesummit?
- Will people really stay on the phone for 8 days in a row?
- What are the best ways to market a telesummit?
- What’s the timeline of planning and promoting this event?
- What if some speakers don’t show up?
- How do I record my telesummit and put it on CD?
- How many speakers should I have?
- How should the schedule be structured?
- How do I add value to my event to make it irresistible?
- Is there a way I can let my participants network and form alliances?
- What are the most important criteria for choosing a speaker?
- How can I get speakers to accept my invitation if I am little known?
- How can I get my telesummit transcribed inexpensively?
- How to prevent and handle sound problems on a bridgeline?
- How can I turn of my participants into clients after the telesummit?
- How do I make everyone in my industry talk about my telesummit?
- …and many more important questions!
Your Complete “Telesummit-In-A-Box” Package, So You Can Cruise To The Top Of Your Niche In Record Time
Once you try it for yourself, I’m sure you’ll agree, there really is no faster or easier way to establish the kind of “instant” connection with your marketplace than a telesummit. What other strategy allows you to envelop your business in endorsements from the top people in your field? That’s why I call it my launch pad formula, because that’s what it is. A place where multiple factors come together to launch your business into the stratosphere in a single, perfectly synchronized move.
Once you put this formula into action for your business, you’ll be able to…
- Fill your list with the hottest buyers in your market, that you can continuously “mine” for more and more profits long after your telesummit is over.
- Finally have your own product to generate a passive income with OR have another powerful passive cash flow to add to your existing system.
- Establish dozens of long term friendships, clients, and partners that will enrich your life on so many levels for years to come.
- Increase sales before the event (as a side affect of the promotion of the event), during the event, and after the event.
Remember, you’re getting absolutely everything you need to roll out your own successful telesummit without a hitch…
You’ll be able to take an otherwise confusing, pitfall riddled process and turn it into a truly “turn key” opportunity. Simply follow the blueprint I’ve laid out for you, fill in the blanks, and watch the profits and reputation points roll in!
Just to re-cap, you’ll get…
- The 90 minute video series where I take you by the hand, just as if I was in your home or office, and walk you through every key step you need to take to create a high profit summit.
- Information on how to brainstorm a theme and topics your market will pay top dollar for, how to choose and entice top experts to speak without any speaking fees, how to structure your event, and more!
- My proven launch formula for marketing your event at no-cost to you, and packing 100’s of seats
- Fill in the blank templates for marketing your event, inviting speakers, and even scripts for the event itself so you don’t have to worry about anything… just plug and play!
- And much more!
The Next Step You Should Take Right Now…
By now it should be clear that my proven “Launch Pad Tele-Summit System” is at the very least worth taking for a no-risk test drive. Remember, if you aren’t completely thrilled with what you find or the results you achieve – all the risk and down side is on me.
All that’s left is to fill out the no-risk order form by clicking the link below. Once your order has been submitted, you’ll be rushed the full package including the videos, marketing materials, and training modules to take you by the hand in duplicating my entire process for yourself quickly and easily.
To your success,
Milana Leshinsky
Frequently Asked Questions:
- Innovative Business Model:
- Embrace the reality of a genuine business! Our approach involves forming a group buy, where we collectively share the costs among members. Using these funds, we purchase sought-after courses from sale pages and make them accessible to individuals facing financial constraints. Despite potential reservations from the authors, our customers appreciate the affordability and accessibility we provide.
- The Legal Landscape: Yes and No:
- The legality of our operations falls into a gray area. While we lack explicit approval from the course authors for resale, there’s a technicality at play. When procuring the course, the author didn’t specify any restrictions on resale. This legal nuance presents both an opportunity for us and a boon for those seeking budget-friendly access.
- Quality Assurance: Unveiling the Real Deal:
- Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
- No coaching calls or scheduled sessions with the author.
- No access to the author’s private Facebook group or web portal.
- No entry to the author’s exclusive membership forum.
- No direct email support from the author or their team.
We operate independently, aiming to bridge the affordability gap without the additional services offered by official course channels. Your understanding of our unique approach is greatly appreciated.
- Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
Refund is acceptable:
- Firstly, item is not as explained
- Secondly, Item do not work the way it should.
- Thirdly, and most importantly, support extension can not be used.
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