
Mindvalley, Denis Waitley – The New Psychology of Winning



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Mindvalley, Denis Waitley – The New Psychology of Winning

All over the world, people are grinding away, working long hours for little reward – and then there are natural born winners who seem to succeed easily and effortlessly.

You’re about to join that second group.

Denis Waitley is America’s top performance coach. His program The Psychology Of Winning has sold 2 million copies and has become the greatest personal growth course of its time.

Along with US Olympians and NASA Astronauts, companies such as GE, Microsoft , and Mercedes Benz have brought this program to their top executives for the unique opportunity to train with Denis.

There’s a diamond within you, waiting to shine.

The traditional school system doesn’t teach you how to polish it. Your family may not have known how either. The methods Denis has used on the world’s top achievers are equally usable by any person willing to learn and take action.

This is how you polish the diamond inside.

This Quest is for you when you’re ready to:

  • Come back from any setback with a bang and prove you’ve got what it takes to make it after all.
  • Deliver mind blowing results at work…so you are recognized and rewarded for being the #1 performer in any company you join.
  • Get twice as much done so you can double your results in half the time… without giving up the rest and rejuvenation you need to be at your best.
  • Attract other super performers to your vision… so you can avoid costly mis-hires and build an enviable track record of success.
  • Become highly sought-after for your expertise so you can call the shots, get paid what you deserve and design the lifestyle of your dreams.

Join Denis Waitley, America’s Peak Personal Growth Legend for the next 82 days, as he shows you how to master the mindsets of champions so you can conquer any challenge you face and live a life of meaning, accomplishment and significance.

Denis Waitley

What REALLY Separates Super Performers From Everybody Else?

Denis Waitley has dedicated his entire career to the study of success and how people can replicate it in their lives.

And what he’s discovered is truly profound.

Success begins with a unique twist in the way he teaches people to think.

The thoughts they shape behind the scenes rehearsing their inner game weeks, months, or even years before they take their place in the spotlight.

Let’s not kid ourselves… to become a super performer in any field, you need ingenuity, hustle, and a bit of help from the universe.

The undeniable truth is that every single super performer is made from the INSIDE out.

And that’s *splendid news*… because it means you now have the power within to discover…

The Secret To Repeatable, Unbeatable Success In Any Field You Choose

What if you knew you could install the same winning attitudes super performers like US Olympians, Grammy winning musicians and NASA Astronauts use to experience consistent success in everything they do…

So you could land that promotion, get that raise you crave and 10X your business success?

How thrilling would it be if you could become the all star at work that knocks every opportunity out of the park… so top companies started chasing after you(instead of the other way around)

And just how high would your confidence soar if you had America’s greatest coach on the sidelines, cheering you on every step of the way?

Would you want that for yourself…or for your team?

If your answer is YES, then keep reading, because you’re about to learn how this unique capability can be yours today

In a bold and brand new 82 Day Quest on Mindvalley.

America’s Human Performance Legend Denis Waitley is inviting you on a mission to discover the secrets to super performance… so you too can pull off buzzer beating victories that serve humanity.

Whether that means starting a conscious business… writing a book… launching a speaking career… or becoming a transformational coach or emerging as a superstar CEO

You’re about to discover how to become truly world-class at whatever you choose to do.

In a moment, we’ll show you how to join us on this jaw-dropping journey, however before we get into that, allow us to share a scenario with you…

That reveals the surprisingly playful way our minds can save us… even in the darkest days of our lives.

What Years Of Torture And Isolation Taught Denis About Winning From Within

Much of Peak Performance Coach Denis Waitley’s genius comes from the insights he discovered after interviewing hundreds of returning American POWs from Vietnam…

Men and women who spent up to 7 years inside of tiny cells… who were often tortured and experienced long periods of hunger and isolation.

As a veteran and POW rehabilitation coordinator, Denis noticed something extraordinary about a very special group of these POWs…

While many individuals had their spirits broken, this group emerged from their imprisonment to do amazing things in their lives:

Here are just a few of the spectacular results Denis Waitley discovered:

  • A colonel stuck in an 8 by 8 foot cell played imaginary rounds of golf in his mind for 5.5 years… and returned home to play the best game of his life on the PGA stage.
  • A detainee came back to the USA in such amazing shape, he smashed a world record for sit upswithout resting… 4500!
  • A group of POWs who had never held a guitar in their lives, created crude instruments out of sticks and strings… and 7 years later emerged to become accomplished flamenco guitarists…
  • Another group of POWs taught each other foreign languages and 50 of these returnees came back home speaking several languages fluently…

It’s these stories of ingenuity and extraordinary achievements that inspired Denis to create The Psychology Of Winning (POW). A program he named in honor of these exceptional individuals.

Now just imagine what you could learn from…

A coach who knows these inspirational stories from the inside out…

A coach who has taught Superbowl athletes, Olympians, and Astronauts to win from within

A coach who wants you to thrive wherever you may be in life.

The good news is you no longer have to imagine this… because starting today you can start training your brain to win from within by going straight to mission control…

And working directly with legendary coach Denis Waitley on Mindvalley’s newest program:

The New Psychology Of Winning: Unleashing The Champion Within

A New 82 Day Program Designed To Help You Master Medal Winning Mindsets, Talk Yourself UP To Success And Train Your Brain To Win

Join Legendary High Performance Coach Denis Waitley for this incredible adventure so you can absorb the $100 million dollar insights he’s shared with over 2 million people and counting…

Just imagine how much more effective you will be when you discover:

  • Two “polar opposite” emotions that yank on our motivation strings… and exactly which one to pull tight quickly hit your income and personal growth targets.
  • How to attract conscious superstars to your business… so you have a tribe of “A” players who know how to bring your vision to life in record time.
  • What a US Navy flight training exercise can teach us about trusting our hunches and you can make decisions with precision every time an opportunity comes your way.
  • The mind movies US Olympians like Michael Phelps play to rehearse for game day and how to “pre-create” your own scenes… so you too can win before you begin and relax into achieving all the success you desire.
  • The internal Goal Positioning System (GPS) you can use to quickly pivot when conditions change… so you always move in the direction of your biggest opportunities.
    This is the same “virtual reality” exercise NASA astronauts used to get the Apollo spacecraft to the moon and back… and it’s now available to you on Mindvalley for the first time.
  • How to override disempowering thoughts stored in your subconscious through mental rehearsal that never ever feels repetitive… so you follow through with speed and efficiency on every commitment you make.
  • Get instant stress relief with this tiny “tweak” to the way you start your day… so your productivity and energy levels soar and you get more done.
  • How replace 350,000 hours of negative conditioning with a 2 minute free-flowing affirmation that works ten times better than therapy and instantly puts you into a state of bliss whenever you need it.

Every day of this 12 week journey you’ll learn new how to become the ultimate self-starter and a sought after winner and finisher who tackles every project with energy, integrity and vision.

What You’ll Learn

How The New Psychology Of Winning Will Help You

After finishing this 82 days program you will discover:

  • The single most powerful way to flip your brain’s switch to “win” and crank up your imagination to high so you can talk yourself UP to success. All in less than 15 minutes of fun practice a day…
  • How to discover your priceless potential so you can become your own greatest mentor, role model, best friend, coach and inspiration…
  • The Waitley Way: How US Olympians use visual simulation to succeed before they compete… and how to stay humble and hungry in the heat of competition.
  • Why your outward success is a mirror image of what you think you’re worth on the inside… and how to truly become an “A” player that inspires your tribe.
  • The “I got this” mindset that gets you recognized as the “go to” girl or guy leaders trust to help them win big
  • The “future me” seeing-eye “trick” that’s helped American POWs endure years of captivity… and how to harness the same mental technology so you can win no matter what setbacks you face or how long it takes.
  • How to hardwire your brain to consistently perform at the top of your game from the locker room to the boardroom… so you can lead with compassion and resourcefulness.
  • How to be more persuasive in the company of other super performers… so you can attract winners who can’t wait to contribute to your vision of success
  • And much, much more…

This newly updated version of the top selling personal growth program in human history will motivate you like no other, and you’ll do it all with the support, inspiration and encouragement of a group of likeminded souls, your Quest Tribe.

As you quickly absorb the wisdom Denis Waitley shares with your Tribe, you’ll be amazed how deeply you connect to your peers and how emotionally invested you become in supporting their growth as they strongly support yours.

As a result of participating in this 82 Day Program…

  • You’ll train yourself to build a “muscular mindset” so you can access your built-in super strengths and lead your team past any obstacles you face
  • You’ll discover the “easy button” that allows you to size up growth opportunities on the spot and only say YES to the projects that move your mission forward
  • You’ll discover the secrets to motivating superstars so they are loyal and committed to your vision…and are free to use their greatest gifts to boost your bottom line
  • You’ll learn to spark feats of creativity so you discover and implement game-changing ideas on a daily basis
  • You’ll learn how to use habits like hammers so you can run lean and outhustle the competition even if your practice isn’t perfect.
  • You’ll learn a rare lesson in empathy and why it’s never too late to communicate and how friends and family can help you find richness and meaning in what you do
  • You’ll be able to apply flexible thinking when you’re at a crossroads so you can quickly pivot to new opportunities when circumstances change.

Imagine arriving at work with knowing you’ve already got the talent and team you need to conquer any business or personal challenge you face…

By the end of the day, knowing the mission you’ve chosen in life gives you and those you care about in your life a lasting feeling of abundance and meaning.

It’s true, you can have ALL of these things…when you choose to join this 90 Day Program today.


Here’s everything you get when you order:
  • Start The New Psychology Of Winning with thousands of others.
  • A 82 Days Quest with packed with deep insights and powerful exercises.
  • 3 pre-recorded Q&A sessions where you can access Denis Waitley answering your personal challenges and questions during the program
  • FREE mobile app (Compatible with iOS and Android) so you can experience it anywhere, anytime.
  • iPad App to consume on your Apple iPad.
  • Community support from a vibrant online community of like-minded students led by a dedicated Tribe Facilitator
  • An unconditional 10-day money-back guarantee (from the start date of the Quest), so you can be sure this program is the perfect fit for you with no risk on your part.
  • And award-winning customer support whenever you need help, so you know you are always taken care of.
  • For an extra $50 you can choose to get a certificate to recognize your achievement.

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