
Mirabai Starr – The Shift Network – Wild Goddesses & Mystics of Mercy



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Mirabai Starr – The Shift Network – Wild Goddesses & Mystics of Mercy

With Author, Mystic Scholar & Interspiritual Teacher
Mirabai Starr
A 7-module On-demand Video Training

Awaken the powerful qualities of the great feminine mystics, already within YOU… and discover radical solutions for transforming your life and our world.

Enter into a healing sanctuary, to contemplate (and embody) the profound wisdom teachings of Mary Magdalene, the Goddess Kali, Shekinah, Rabia and many others.

Women’s voices are rising as they never have before — rising above dominant religious, social, and political paradigms. Rising above the panic of current events and intense polarization…

“Rising out of the ashes, where the Feminine has been buried alive for millenia,” says world-renowned interspiritual teacher and feminine mysticism scholar Mirabai Starr.
This is a powerful, transformative, and inspiring time…

However, if you’re answering the call to step up to be of service in the world, you may also feel overwhelmed or discouraged, or struggling with what it means to “own your power” outside the traditional hierarchy.

Mirroring the changes and challenges of the world, your own life may be in transition, too. Perhaps you’ve recently lost a loved one, let go of a significant relationship, realized your career is not aligned with your calling, or you’re facing a chronic illness.

Your intuition is confirming that “fixing” won’t work this time… something more is needed.

Becoming “empowered” or overcoming obstacles can still be actions that arise inside the framework of the hierarchical power structure (in you and in the world).

There’s a more feminine approach to transforming suffering — a way of being the world urgently needs — and the women mystics and goddesses show us the way.

The Feminine doesn’t ask us to fix our brokenness, it calls us to embrace it.

Mirabai invites you deeper into a “sanctuary”… into a refuge where you can lay your burdens down and allow solutions to arise organically out of the brokenness and the wisdom and love of the Feminine.

She encourages us to yield to a compassionate deconstructing — in which we let go of other people’s imprints and energy, religious dogma, preconceived notions of service, and ideas of personal power.

You’re invited to enter the sanctuary of the Beloved. Here, you’ll discover renewal and draw on the feminine energies of profound mercy, guiding wisdom, and creative expression.

Mirabai knows intimately the path into this sanctuary…

Mirabai’s interspiritual teachings evoke wisdom, grace and compassion in her students. Yet, her mere presence can be healing. She has been transformed by going to the depths of grief and loss — including the death of her 14-year-old daughter in a car accident — and through her intimate connection with the Beloved and the feminine mystics and goddesses.

And now, in this unique sanctuary and virtual community, Mirabai will guide YOU to surrender to your own heartaches (big and small) and recognize your struggles as a sacred call to your full humanity.

Enter Into a Virtual Sacred Space With the Wild Goddesses & Mystics of Mercy…

As you enter this timeless sanctuary, you’ll discover that the beautiful energies of the female goddesses and mystics are already embodied within you.

Mary Magdalene risked everything to stand beside the Beloved and spoke with the voice of feminine power and wisdom. She models the sacred power of grief and loss as a bridge to greater love.

Kwan Yin, Chinese bodhisattva of compassion, pours mercy from the palms of her hands onto our broken hearts.

Gaia is both our nurturing Mother and our traumatized sister… as well as bountiful and connected to all things.

Teresa of Avila will help you recognize and begin to embody sacred in all you do. Her life and teaching can guide you to cultivate the inner life with rigor and courage, and then to offer the fruits of the journey to the world in service.

The Shekinah, the indwelling feminine face of the Divine in Jewish mysticism, is the essence of the Sabbath, and invites a true integration with the Divine Masculine.

When an experience shatters you emotionally and spiritually, the beloved Hindu Goddess Kali burns her fire into your soul to liberate and transform you… empowering you to bring forth her fierce love in your work in the world.

The Mayan Goddess Ixchel represents the mystery and joy of female sexuality, mother of earth and all life. She wears a serpent on her head, representing the stages of life, from death to renewal.

Mirabai, the Bhakti poet from the Hindu tradition, chronicled her impassioned union with the Beloved in her ecstatic writings. An activist and a prophet who left a life of privilege, she lived among the poorest of the poor.

The eighth century Sufi saint, Rabia al-Adawiyya, was the embodiment of fierce devotion, of uncompromising spiritual discipline and all-consuming spiritual fire. She was not afraid to speak truth to power.

During this 7-part video training with world-renowned interspiritual teacher Mirabai, you’ll discover:

The unconventional and intriguing life of St.Teresa of Avila and find out how she can serve as a vital and relevant companion on your own inner journey Connect with the imminence of the Shekinah in the Jewish tradition, as a guide to full embodiment Become familiar with different modes of contemplative practice and make a commitment to some form of regular meditation Reclaim Mary Magdalene to her rightful place in the mythos of the Christ Discover Julian of Norwich’s vision of Christ the Mother Listen to passages from the Showings, in which Julian of Norwich reveals why God could not possibly blame us for our transgressions Contemplate the story of how Kwan Yin became a divine being Discern between charity dispensed to those perceived as having (or being) less, and compassion based on the realization of our essential unity with those who suffer Commit to a regular Sabbath practice Identify a particular issue of personal concern regarding the plight of the planet and make a commitment to action on behalf of the Earth Discover an ecstatic love for the Divine within the poetry of the mystics

The women mystics and goddesses of all spiritual traditions are connected to a deep wellspring of wisdom and vitality, which not does the world urgently need but for which the world is at last ready. From these timeless sources and with Mirabai’s guidance, you’ll tend to the matters in your heart…

You may have deep concern about the earth and how you can help care for Her. Or you want to stand courageously with those on the margins. Or you’re feeling the need to heal your sexuality and your relationships.

You may also be yearning to cultivate a more contemplative life and for a deeper union with the Beloved…

In this virtual sanctuary, you’ll explore each of these matters through the wisdom of a woman mystic and a goddess who serve as way-showers.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational program, Mirabai will guide you through the fundamental spiritual skills and competencies you’ll need to access and draw upon the wisdom of the female mystics and goddesses of different spiritual traditions.
This course features video teachings, recitations of mystical poetry, guided contemplative practices and more — in a global community of spiritual seekers. Each session with Mirabai will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to sustain your connection with the healing wisdom you receive.

Module 1: The Desert in Bloom
The Shekinah & Teresa of Avila
You begin by taking refuge in stillness. Just as the desert looks barren at first glance and then reveals the life teeming just beyond the edges of your gaze, so too does a silent sitting practice become a space of extravagant wonder.
When you show up for what is, with curiosity and courage, you carry that presence into your daily life, rendering everything sacred. The Shekinah, the indwelling feminine presence of the Divine in the Jewish tradition, and Teresa of Avila in the Christian tradition, illuminate a radiant path to the center of your own being and show you the way to carry that light into the shadowed world.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover the unconventional and intriguing life of St.Teresa of Avila and find out how she can serve as a vital and relevant companion on your own inner journey
  • Connect with the imminence of the Shekinah as a guide to full embodiment
  • Develop the courage necessary to speak for the voiceless, even when it’s neither convenient nor socially acceptable
  • Become familiar with different modes of contemplative practice and make a commitment to some form of regular meditation
  • Expand your conception of what it means to be of service
  • Commit to a regular Sabbath practice

Module 2: Meeting the Marias
Mary Mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene & Miriam Sister of Moses
Miriam followed her baby brother’s basket as it flowed down the Nile to safety, and then finagled to get the Pharaoh’s daughter to adopt him and hire his own mother as wet nurse. Mother Mary agreed to be the vessel for the incarnation of the Divine and then to bear loving witness to his execution.
Mary Magdalene risked everything to stand beside her beloved and speak the voice of feminine power and wisdom. In this session, you’ll look at each of these three great prophets through the lens of peaceful resistance and compassion in action.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn about Mary in the Bible and the Qur’an
  • Reclaim Mary Magdalene to her rightful place in the mythos of the Christ
  • Uncover your own story in stories of Miriam
  • Engage in a guided meditation to deepen your connection to the Divine Feminine
  • Find your unique prophetic voice

Module 3: Wild Mercy
Kwan Yin & Julian of Norwich
Kwan Yin, the Chinese bodhisattva of compassion, is known as “She Who Hears the Cries of the World.” She pours mercy from the palms of her hands onto your broken heart and offers sanctuary.
The medieval English mystic, Julian of Norwich, promised that, “All will be well and all will be well and every kind of thing shall be well.” For Julian, God is an unconditionally loving mother who adores you exactly as you are. During these times of intensifying polarization and rampant “otherizing,” these wisdom beings generate a space of safety, forgiveness, and deep rest.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover Julian’s vision of Christ the Mother
  • Listen to passages from the Showings where Julian reveals why God could not possibly blame us for our transgressions
  • Contemplate the story of how Kwan Yin became a divine being
  • Discern between charity dispensed to those perceived as having (or being) less, and compassion based on the realization of our essential unity with those who suffer
  • Find refuge, comfort, and support in the embrace of the feminine

Module 4: Longing for the Beloved
Mirabai, Lalla, Rabia, Radha
In light of the popularity of nondual teachings, you may have felt pressured to reject the yearning that burns in your heart for union with the Divine. The great secret of the mystical journey is that devotion is the catalyst for connection, and the duality of lover and Beloved melts into an undifferentiated experience of pure love.
The poetry of the mystics not only describes this ecstatic love dance with the Divine; it evokes it. Union with the Beloved is your birthright. Reclaim love-longing.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn how the young Mirabai fell in love with Krishna and overcame unimaginable odds, including numerous attempts on her life, to devote herself wholeheartedly to Krishna
  • Explore the poetry of mystics from multiple traditions who express the transformational power of love-longing
  • Learn to integrate your spiritual passion with your life, allowing that sublime love to permeate every aspect of what you do and who you are
  • Explore the mythologies of lover and Beloved and why they most closely mirror the connection between the individual soul and her divine source

Module 5: Our Sister, Mother Earth
Gaia   Ix Chel
The Earth is both our nurturing Mother and our traumatized sister. You can let yourself down into her arms, feel the roots that extend from the soles of your own feet and entwine with hers, and rest in the safety and connection she offers. You must also lean close to listen to her moans of pain, and activate to protect and care for her.
As Indigenous wisdom has long proclaimed, the Gaia Theory postulates that everything is interconnected and mutually dependent. The Earth is a living being, and what touches one part affects the entire system. Ix Chel, the fertility goddess of the ancient Maya, is an artist who weaves the world into being. She heals and protects all of life with creativity and beauty. This is our task, too. Art is medicine.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Reclaim the wild holiness and unshakable wisdom of your own body
  • Identify a particular issue of personal concern regarding the plight of the planet and make a commitment to action on behalf of the Earth
  • Develop a personal relationship with Earth as Mother, and address her as a cherished relative
  • Recommit to spending regular time connecting with nature as part of your spiritual practice
  • Commit to some form of creative practice as a form of healing prayer

Module 6: Sacred Rage
Kali & Marguerite Porete
In different ways, both women and men are conditioned to fear our anger. Religions reinforce our mistrust by judging anger as a spiritually inferior state to equanimity, and evidence of moral corruption. The earth is in peril. The water and the air are poisoned. Governments collude for profits at the expense of those on the margins, who grow increasingly more vulnerable. Anger is the appropriate response to these widespread abuses.
Like the Hindu goddess, Kali, and the courageous Beguine, Marguerite Porete, you’re called now to transmute the lead of your outrage to the gold of sacred rage, to raise your voice together with a roar of resistance and sing the song of love loud enough to be heard above the deafening silence of complacency.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Expand your conception of what it means to be of service
  • Find a healthy balance between personal spiritual practice and caring for others
  • Develop the courage necessary to speak for the voiceless, even when it’s neither convenient nor socially acceptable
  • Find yourself in the web of interbeing so you may respond to crisis from a space of connection, clarity, and love

Module 7: Transformed in Darkness
Demeter & Persephone, Machig Labdrön
True transformation requires some degree of annihilation. You do not choose the difficult things that happen to you, but if you show up for them and yield to the shamanic descent into the dark mystery, your soul is remade and you carry both the fruits and the scars back into your life where they empower you to be of service to other suffering beings.
When Demeter’s beloved daughter Persephone was abducted by Hades, she made the journey to the Underworld to negotiate her release, changing not only her own life and the life of her child, but of the Earth herself.
Machig Labdrön, the 11th century Tibetan Buddhist master and wise dakini, initiated the powerful practice of Chöd in which the seeker of truth visualizes demons consuming her body and liberating her from the illusion of separation. By surrendering to the transforming fires of the human experience, you become more fully human and available to step up as an instrument of peace.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Understand the difference between “becoming nothing” and “being unworthy”
  • Embrace the fire and allow it to transfigure you
  • Explore the connection between missing loved ones and spiritual longing
  • Develop deeper compassion and more vibrant resilience in the face of difficulties

The Goddesses & Mystics Bonus Collection

In addition to Mirabai’s transformative 7-module online training, you’ll receive these powerful program sessions with some of the world’s leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions are being offered to complement what you’ll discover in the course — and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Entering the Castle
Audio Dialogue With Mirabai Starr and Caroline Myss
In her iconic book about St. Teresa of Avila, Entering the Castle, Caroline used Mirabai’s translation of The Interior Castle. This launched a profound spiritual companionship that unfolds to this day. Join these two lovers of La Madre for a teaching about navigating the path of contemplative prayer, that leads us home to the center of our soul.
Caroline Myss is a 5-time New York Times bestselling author and internationally renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, health, energy medicine, and the science of medical intuition.

Breaking the Rules & Calling Her God
Mirabai Starr Reading From Her Book God of Love
In this warm and evocative piece, Mirabai shares her spirited and unorthodox view of the feminine face of the Divine, inviting us into an intimate relationship with love itself.

What Graduates of Mirabai’s Courses Are Saying…

“I feel much more connected to the Divine Feminine…”
Mirabai made so many links between the goddesses of many of the world’s wisdom traditions that I was unaware of and so I learned so much. I love this breaking down of barriers, this decomparmentalization, and I now feel more empowered to share those links with friends and family. Also, I feel much more connected to the Divine Feminine than I did before taking this course. Thank you, Mirabai.
— John, Garberville, California

“I feel opened and curious to go further”
For me, the overall experience of this course has been so richly worthwhile… I feel opened and curious to go further. I love that I can further digest the material and re-attend via the videos, transcripts, and images — this is definitely a value added. I was very moved by Mirabai… her genuine, kind spirit and her intelligence and familiarity with which she graciously delivered the material was very apparent. The tone of the course seemed more like a personal and intimate gathering among like minds instead of the usual electronic presentation.
— Risa, Laguna Niguel, California

“The foundations for community building were built upon hard rock…”
The biggest benefit I’ve enjoyed from this course is meeting with the same group of friends each week to learn interesting and challenging subject matter, and later to be able to reconnect on our community page to discuss in depth anything we had on our minds… The fellowship and trust built from that style of relationship, in my estimation, made the whole course very worthwhile for stimulating thoughts and feelings and reactions and responses. The foundations for community building were built upon hard rock rather than soft sand, I believe, and I look forward to sharing other such get-togethers again, and often, in time to come with Mirabai Starr at the helm of the ship under full sail. She’s a great captain, I think.
— Barbara Miley, Camden, South Carolina

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-minute Recorded Class Sessions With Mirabai Starr
Experience a rare opportunity to learn from mystic-scholar and interspiritual teacher Mirabai Starr — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session guides you to discover the specific skills and abilities to understand the interconnected wisdom at the heart of the teachings of the goddesses and mystics.

Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions
In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson
After each lesson, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Goddesses & Mystics Bonus Collection

  • Entering the Castle
    Audio Dialogue With Mirabai Starr and Caroline Myss
  • Breaking the Rules & Calling Her God
    Mirabai Starr Reading From Her Book God of Love

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Wild Goddesses & Mystics of Mercy Virtual Training
We feel honored Mirabai Starr has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from an internationally renowned mystic-scholar and interspiritual teacher whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken the Divine within us, and our world.
Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations, and meals — which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Mirabai’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home — and at your own pace!
Among Mirabai’s many gifts are her own interspiritual practices and authentic embodiment of the teachings of the ancient traditions. She lives a life grounded in love and creates a teaching environment in which you’ll feel truly held in a safe and compassionate container as you experience this profound inner journey.
If you’re serious about experiencing the Oneness and deep unconditional love at the core of the teachings of the goddesses and mystics and opening to a life of wholeness, service, and sacred balance, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

More Praise for Mirabai Starr…

“Mirabai will help open up your heart to love”
Ever since I met her when she was a teenager at the Lama Foundation, Mirabai Starr has been absorbed in the teachings of the great mystic saints, especially the women. Like her namesake, the poet-saint Mirabai, she brings to her work an intense love of God and a passion for the Beloved. My Guru said, “Love is the best medicine.” Mirabai will help open up your heart to love.
— Ram Dass

“Anyone who comes to her will find their cup will be filled”
Mirabai is an authentic mystic, a true teacher and a wonderful soul. Anyone who comes to her will find their cup will be filled. I recommend her as a person and as a teacher with great confidence and joy.
— Andrew Harvey, spiritual teacher and mystic scholar

“Blessed with the capacity to inspire others…”
It’s with great pleasure and delight that I endorse the work of Mirabai Starr, who I find to be a soul companion as well as a professional colleague. In addition to being a gifted author, Mirabai is blessed with the capacity to inspire others with her wisdom and understanding of mystical theology. I referred to her translations of Teresa of Avila’s great masterpiece, The Interior Castle, while writing my own book, Entering the Castle, because of the excellence of her work. Mirabai is a rare jewel.
— Caroline Myss, Author of Anatomy of the Spirit and Entering the Castle

About Mirabai Starr

World-renowned interspiritual teacher Mirabai Starr is an award-winning author of creative nonfiction and contemporary translations of sacred literature. She received critical acclaim for her revolutionary new translations of John of the Cross’ Dark Night of the Soul and Teresa of Avila’s The Interior Castle.
Mirabai is also the author of the poetry collection, Mother of God Similar to Fire, a collaboration with iconographer William Hart McNichols; and God of Love: A Guide to the Heart of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Her book, Caravan of No Despair: A Memoir of Loss and Transformation, received the Spirituality & Practice Best Books of 2015 award.
Mirabai taught philosophy and world religions at the University of New Mexico, Taos for 20 years. She now teaches and speaks internationally on contemplative practice and interspiritual dialogue.
Mirabai’s latest book, Wild Mercy, is forthcoming from Sounds True.
She lives with her extended family in the mountains of northern New Mexico.

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