
Nate Schmidt – Ecom Copy Crash Course



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Nate Schmidt – Ecom Copy Crash Course

Ecom Copy Crash Course
Learn how to use timeless sales, marketing, and copywriting fundamentals to build highly profitable e-commerce stores that make you passive income in your sleep

Dear Friend,

This is painful for me to watch, but 99% of e-commerce beginners are strangling their sales at the source.

They’re creating beautiful stores, picking winning products, and running solid ads, yet they’re not making as many sales as the should be (or even any at all).

And there’s a very specific, yet very simple reason for this.

The good news is, it’s an easy fix!

And today, I want to share it with you.

If you don’t know me, my name is Nate Schmidt. I’m a 21 year old college drop out, and I make hundreds (and sometimes even thousands) of dollars per day (profit, not revenue) with e-commerce.

It’s totally normal to me now, but if you’d have told me this would be my life just a few short months ago…

I would’ve said you were crazy, there’s just no way!

But, that was a few months ago.

And a lot has changed since then.

So I want to tell you my story, because I think it’s gonna clear some things up for you.

“Nate’s ECCC course is the perfect primer for anyone to jump in with direct response marketing. It’s almost all substance, with zero fluff. No fancy bells and whistles, which is what makes it stand out. In a day where everybody wants the “fanciest funnel” or “super duper sequence”, a simple return to the basics of marketing in ECCC can help anyone reach their e-com goals in an efficient and direct manner.”
– Kyle Trouble, This Is Trouble

Before I dropped out, I was attending college here in my home state of North Carolina, taking out thousands of dollars in student loans to listen to clueless marketing professors who had never even done what they teach.

That didn’t add up, so I dropped out, and I set off on a journey to create a full-time income for myself online.

I worked at a pizza place as a delivery boy to support myself in the mean time, while spending every waking moment of free time chained to my desk, learning the fundamentals of sales and marketing.

And kind of by coincidence, around the time I dropped out, I found e-commerce, and specifically, Shopify dropshipping.

Once I learned about the business model, I immediately became hooked. The idea of selling products online for a profit, products I never even have to touch, using nothing but my laptop and Internet connection… it was intoxicating.

So, I built my first store in January of this year.

A few weeks later, I made my first sale. I still remember that feeling like it was yesterday. It was $6.95, and even though it took me $20 in ad spend to make that sale, at that point…

It was like a shark tasting blood!

Unfortunately, that store (a music festival accessories store) failed.

But, it was too late.

I was already hooked.

There was no going back.

So, I created another store.

And, made my “second” first sale a few days later.

That was back in February, and since then, what I’ve been able to achieve (at least, I think), is nothing short of incredible.

“I’d love to take full credit for Nate’s meteoric rise from a complete unknown to a successful dropshipper. That wouldn’t quite be honest on my part though. The truth is, while I gave Nate the roadmap to starting a profitable store, that’s not the key to his success. The reason why Nate has been able to make so much money very quickly, is his understanding of human nature, persuasion and copywriting. And that’s exactly what you’re going to learn from him in his new course, ECCC.”
– James Holt, Start Selling Stuff

I’ve made dangerously close to 6 figures with that store alone, which has allowed me to do things like travel to New Zealand on a whim, move out of my mom’s house, and just do what I love while living like a king.

(It’s crazy what’s possible with the Internet nowadays when you do the right things consistently…)

Anyways, this is what I’m here to tell you:

It’s that, if you want something like this, complete financial and locational freedom from e-commerce (which despite what these “gurus” tell you, is absolutely still possible in 2018, even as a complete beginner — I’m first hand proof)…

You have to have something that the 99% of failing newbies don’t.

It sounds obvious, but very few people actually understand what I’m about to tell you (which is why something like 90% of new Shopify stores are closed within 3 months).

If you want to have success with e-commerce, you NEED a fundamental understanding of sales, marketing, and copywriting.

Because when it comes down to it, ecom is 95% marketing.

(Arguably 100%…)

And that’s why I was able to have so much success so fast.

Because as I mentioned earlier, when I dropped out, and even while I was still in school, I was ALWAYS studying sales and marketing.

Old school guys like Dan Kennedy, Gary Halbert. These guys understood sales. And they made millions as a result. So I studied the hell out of them. I read and hand-copied their sales letters, analyzed them, and started figuring out how to apply their 7 figure strategies to e-commerce.

The great thing about sales is, the medium doesn’t matter.

Because it’s based on a fundamental understanding of human nature (fears, desires, insecurities, why people buy, etc.). And these are things that don’t change. So once you understand this stuff, you can use it to make money with any business model. E-commerce, direct mail, even selling door-to-door.

It’s all the same.

It’s just that, the overwhelming majority of people are lazy, and don’t actually take the time to learn the fundamentals of sales and marketing.

“I’ve watched Nate go from a broke college kid to making people’s rent within a few days. Why? Because he understands human nature and how to sell. But that isn’t what has impressed me. It’s the free content he puts out for people. Content that he could charge you thousands of dollars for. Whether you wanna make big money online or simply navigate through life better. ECCC is one of the few courses that’ll tell you what you need to know and leave the scraps in the trash where they belong.”
– Dylan Madden, Calm And Collected

Meanwhile, I’m over here making hundreds of dollars per day thinking,

“Well, it’s no coincidence they fail! They don’t even know the basics of the most important aspect of e-commerce — sales and marketing!”

So, if you haven’t made any sales, or not enough to support yourself fully yet, I’ll let you in on the little “trick” I used to learn sales and marketing.

I chained myself to my desk for 12-16 hours per day and learned the fundamentals!

No one likes hearing this, but it’s true.

I spent almost every waking hour that I wasn’t delivering pizza at my desk, studying, learning, and applying this stuff.

And I believe it’s the only reason I was able to create a full-time income with e-commerce so fast.

But the thing is, most people aren’t in my situation. They can’t just drop everything and spend all day everyday learning this stuff. They have jobs, obligations, families even.

It’s just not feasible.

And I get that.

Which is exactly why I created the product you see here, Ecom Copy Crash Course.

Taking everything I learned about sales and marketing by chaining myself to my desk for months on end, I applied them to my e-commerce store. I recorded the results, figured out what worked and what didn’t, took notes, the whole nine.

And now I’ve put all of that information into one place, to make it as quick and easy as possible for a complete beginner to learn the fundamentals of sales and marketing, specifically as they apply to e-commerce.

So, that’s what this is.

Everything I know that’s allowed me to make multiple five figures profit per month with e-commerce, all packaged up in one place, and designed to take a complete beginner from zero to their first $100, $1,000, even $10,000 and beyond.

Really, I think it’s the missing “puzzle piece” for anyone who has tried and failed with e-commerce and dropshipping.

But, I want to make one thing clear:

This is NOT a comprehensive dropshipping or e-commerce course.

Those are a dime a dozen nowadays and rarely ever put enough focus on the most important aspect of e-commerce (marketing). And I think that’s why most of them have such a low success rate, despite costing upwards of $1,000.

I wanted to create something different, something that would ACTUALLY help people, by providing information that can’t easily be found for free on YouTube, that is focused 100% on what I know for a FACT is the reason people in the “1%” are able to make so much money, while everyone else struggles.

And that’s sales and marketing.

Really, this course is for anyone who wants to make an income for themselves online.

It’s so principle-based it can be applied to just about anything, but it’s main focus is e-commerce and dropshipping.

I can’t tell you if it’s right for you, but there are two types of people I believe will benefit the most from this course:

  1. Those who are currently either interested or actually doing e-commerce or dropshipping, but haven’t made as much $$ as they want, or any at all (people I often, maybe insensitively, refer to as “failing newbies”)
  2. Those who currently have NO online sales experience, but know the potential it has to be truly life-changing (again, I’m a first hand example), and want to understand just how people like me are able to do it

“ECCC has given me a greater understanding behind the principles of sales and copywriting. I have applied the teachings to help make my dropshipping store profitable in it’s first week.”
– Peter Dagda, Rise And Claim

So, that’s the jist of it.

Ecom Copy Crash Course is $332, and is divided into 5 main sections + 2 bonus sections.

The first two are designed to give you a foundational understanding of sales, marketing, and copywriting, and can be applied to a wide variety of business models to make lots of sales, regardless of the medium.

The last three are designed with the goal of helping you apply these principles specifically to e-commerce.

These sections are on creating killer ads that catch attention and persuade people to click through to your website, turning your website into an online “salesman”, who 24/7, no matter what, is making it as easy and enjoyable as possible for people to give you their money, and a final section on how to write persuasive web copy that moves people to click that coveted “Add To Cart” button at a ridiculous rate. If you do this part right, it’s almost like “forcing” people to give you their money, because…

Your writing is so persuasive, they feel like they have no choice but to buy!

That’s the layout, and honestly it’s a lot of really hard information.

Other courses I’ve taken contain a lot of “fluff” to make it seem like there’s more information than there actually is. I think that’s incredibly dumb, because not only does it not serve a purpose, but it actually can make you lose credibility.

When creating ECCC, I made it a point to make sure every sentence, every piece of content, was there for a reason.

And that reason is to teach you the fundamentals of sales and marketing as they apply to e-commerce so you can see what us “successful” (I don’t really consider myself super successful, but) ecom guys are doing, and apply it to your own stuff and start making money now, not later.

Anyway, this means ECCC can be a lot to digest.

So if you decide to get the course, I’d highly recommend you consume all the material multiple times over to make sure you get the most out of it.

And while I’ve only just recently launched Ecom Copy Crash Course, I’ve already gotten tons of really great feedback from people who are using this stuff to make real money with dropshipping.

So you can check that out at the bottom of this page if you want.

Overall, if you’re looking to make money with e-commerce, and feel like you’re going at it blindfolded…

I think this will be the best investment you’ll ever make.

This stuff has helped me immensely, and I think really is the entire reason behind my success in the first place.

There’s nothing more important when it comes to earning an income online than sales and marketing, and that’s exactly what Ecom Copy Crash Course will teach you.

So, I really hope you take advantage of all the work I’ve put into creating this.

I truly believe it will remove the “blindfold” for a lot of people, and just save so much time and headache compared to everyone else who just simply doesn’t understand this stuff.

To get the course, just click the button below that says, “Enroll In Course For $332” and you’ll be taken to a secure checkout page where you’ll get access to the course immediately upon completion of payment.

Thanks for reading.

Nate Schmidt

Course Curriculum

    Introduction (3:36)
    Understanding Ecom
    Before You Do Anything…
    Introduction (2:20)
    The “Why” of Writing Copy
    Features vs. Benefits
    People Buy On Emotion, Not Logic
    Write Less, Say More
    Kiss Me
    Get In Their World
    Buy NOW, Not Later
    Entertainment Runs The World
    Give The People What They Want
    Introduction + Visuals (3:23)
    Hook ‘Em
    The Deets
    The Call-To-Action
    Closing Thots
    Introduction (3:17)
    Product Pitchers
    Urgency & Scarcity
    Social Proof
    Introduction (3:01)
    The Hook
    Short Description
    Addressing Objections & Concerns
    Your Call-To-Action
    Closing Thoughts (For Now…) (4:08)
  • BONUS #1
    What Now? (10:15)
    Analyzing IG Ads (27:00)
    Big Nate’s “Troublesome Radio” Podcast Appearance – FULL Transcript
    The ECCC “Cheat Sheet”
    Big Nate’s Big Tweets
  • BONUS #2
    Exposing My Exact Product Page Strategy (16:32)
    My “Secret” Product Page Building Tool (2:09)
    Revealing One Of My Ads (5:08)
    How I Find Winning Products With Facebook & AliExpress (17:46)
    Basic Facebook Ads Goodies (11:42)
    Niche-Picking For Dummies (15:13)
  • Frequently Asked Questions:

    1. Innovative Business Model:
      • Embrace the reality of a genuine business! Our approach involves forming a group buy, where we collectively share the costs among members. Using these funds, we purchase sought-after courses from sale pages and make them accessible to individuals facing financial constraints. Despite potential reservations from the authors, our customers appreciate the affordability and accessibility we provide.
    2. The Legal Landscape: Yes and No:
      • The legality of our operations falls into a gray area. While we lack explicit approval from the course authors for resale, there’s a technicality at play. When procuring the course, the author didn’t specify any restrictions on resale. This legal nuance presents both an opportunity for us and a boon for those seeking budget-friendly access.
    3. Quality Assurance: Unveiling the Real Deal:
      • Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
        • No coaching calls or scheduled sessions with the author.
        • No access to the author’s private Facebook group or web portal.
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        • No direct email support from the author or their team.

      We operate independently, aiming to bridge the affordability gap without the additional services offered by official course channels. Your understanding of our unique approach is greatly appreciated.

    Refund is acceptable:

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    Thank you for choosing us! We’re so happy that you feel comfortable enough with us to forward your business here.

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