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Neale Donald Walsch – Living Your Life From The Source
Living Your Life from
The Source
New York Times bestselling author of Conversations with God
Let Neale Show You How to Integrate the Conversations with God Teachings into Every Area of Your Life
Including Your Health, Career, Relationships, Income, Self-Confidence…and Your Connection to God
You probably have a pretty clear idea of what you want your life to be like.
A fulfilling career, where you’re well-paid for your talents and skills…
A comfortable income and savings…
Personal and romantic relationships that nurture you and support you to continue to evolve into the best person you can be…
A deep and constant spiritual connection to the Divine energy of the Universe, to God…
A profound sense of confidence in your ability to meet any challenge that arises in your life and accomplish anything you set your mind to…
And to be healthy and happy every single day.
That sounds like a pretty good life to me.
You’ve probably even made some progress on the path to creating that life for yourself, and had real breakthroughs in some areas.
In fact, I’ll bet your life is noticeably better than it used to be in many ways…
But you’re still not there yet, are you?
You’re not yet living the life you believe is possible, and in fact know is possible…because you’ve tasted it.
You’ve tasted it in those moments of breakthrough, when everything was suddenly clear and you knew exactly what you had to do, and you did it, and your life was forever changed for the better.
But that “state of mind” isn’t easy to hold onto, is it?
And the reason it isn’t is because the world around you keeps moving. And it moves fast.
Faster, in fact, by far, than it has for we humans at any other time in recorded history.
So fast that it’s not easy to keep up with it.
One of our reflexive ways of dealing with the sometimes overwhelming nature of all that rapid change is that we develop attachments to the things around us, as well as to the things we want…
And we create expectations and set conditions around those things, believing we can’t possibly be happy unless we have them…
And believe it or not, that is exactly what pushes them away from us.
Your expectations and the “need” you attach to your desires are actually what is blocking the things you want from coming into your life.
I’m sure you’ve had the experience at one time or another where no matter how hard you tried to do all the right things—think positive, make affirmations, be the best person you can be, pray regularly—what you were trying to manifest in your life, just didn’t arrive…
And it probably felt as though there was some invisible obstacle you just couldn’t get past, which just caused you more stress, anxiety and suffering.
Well, the good news is that now you actually know what that invisible obstacle is—your own expectations and attachments to the outcome of your efforts and desires.
What this all means is that in spite of the progress you’ve made in your life, you probably still have some of the same kinds of worries and tensions you’ve always had:
- Challenges in your relationships
- Stress about money or your job
- A lack of clarity about your life’s purpose
- Or even a feeling that your connection with that Divine energy, with God, just isn’t as strong or present as you’d like it to be
If any of this sounds like your life, I want to assure you that the reason it’s been so difficult is not that you aren’t trying hard enough…
And there’s absolutely nothing “wrong” with you.
Again, the problem is that the demands of this increasingly complex world are expanding so fast, most people can’t keep up with them.
And the more tightly you cling to your ideas about what you have to have in order to be happy and fulfilled, the more quickly you’ll find yourself facing inner obstacles to your peace, happiness and success that can be very difficult to overcome without a little help.
After some challenges, struggles and failures of my own, I’ve discovered how to let go of those attachments in a way that profoundly brings God—the Source of everything—into even the most mundane and difficult moments of my daily life.
It is a truly wonderful feeling, and I’m determined to do everything I can to help you experience it, too.
In my new, 12-Week Masterclass, I will guide you and walk you through the 4-step formula I’ve used in my own life to overcome those same obstacles…
I call this 4-Step Process “The Manifestation Formula,” and every time you use it, it will bring you closer to creating the life you want to be living:
- Identify your highest hopes
- Identify your expectations
- Release your requirements
- Live from The Source (which means to be the source for others of the very thing you are hoping to receive yourself)
Once you get the hang of using this approach in your life, it can allow you to make changes more quickly than ever before, eventually leading you to the profound fulfillment, deep connection, and ecstatic joy that are possible for you, and for everyone.
The even better news is that as soon as you develop the spiritual “muscle” to become conscious of your expectations and let them go, you can begin to easily create happiness, hopefulness, fulfillment and bliss in your life…even if the things you most desire have yet to arrive.
Once you learn how to let go of your expectations and attachments, you will at last experience what it is like to truly be free.
Now, even though I’ve just given you a whole lot of good news, I do have some bad news, too—though you probably already know what it is.
The bad news is that it’s really hard to let go of those expectations and attachments, even if you know how counterproductive they are, because the impulses to form them are rooted so deep inside you.
And that’s what my Masterclass program is all about—because I’ll be working with you every step of the way, for twelve straight weeks, to help you master using all 4 steps of “The Manifestation Formula” in every area of your life.
Then you can at long last move beyond the reach of those expectations and spend each and every moment of your day truly living from The Source.
Join me and discover just how fulfilling your life can be.
Living Your Life From The Source
Be Personally Guided by Spiritual Messenger Neale Donald Walsch and Begin to Live a Life of Connection and Joy
We’re excited to announce that Neale is about to offer his comprehensive, step-by-step program to teach you how to apply his 4-Step Manifestation Formula across the 6 “Key Life Areas” of Wealth, Relationships, Health, Career & Life Purpose, Spirituality & Self-Confidence.
Over 12 consecutive weeks, from the privacy and comfort of your own home, you’ll learn the techniques and tools that Neale has used to help positively impact the lives of millions of people around the globe.
Neale’s Students Share Their Experiences
“I realized that all the doubt and negative self talk is not really who I am.”
“I have started my second career as a METS (metabolic efficiency training specialist). If it were not for Neale’s course I wouldn’t have experienced and understood at the spiritual level that all things are possible. With his help in the course I was able to “open up” to my “true” self and allow what is in me to emerge. I realized that all the doubt and negative self talk is not really who I am. Neale’s straight forward approach and how he is able to cut to the chase helped me to “see” what I needed to see to move my needle in the right direction.”
–Caroline, Massachusetts
“I discovered who I really am.”
“Neale’s vision of the Soul gave me the possibility to pass through a very difficult period of my life, similar of the suffering Neale had when he asked God. The result of taking Neale’s courses is that I left suffering, rage and sense of revenge on life. I discovered who I really am. Neale told me to write a book. I did it. The result is much more self confidence, inspiration and creativity, which helps my career as a counselor and coach.”
–Charles, Italy
“I’ve discovered how to live my truth and be in the flow if being happy.”
“I’m so grateful because I transformed my life through the wisdom of Neale Donald Walsch. I used to be afraid of life, but since I learned how to live in the moments with no worries, to my surprise, everything worked out. I’ve discovered how to live my truth and be in the flow if being happy. My life has become easier.”
–Ylva, Sweden
Here’s What You’ll Learn
In Neale Donald Walsch’s Immersive 12-Week Masterclass Program:
Each “Key Life Area” Module will span two weeks of the program
1 Key Life Area #1:
Wealth Mastery
In the first “Key Life Area” Module, you will discover how to…
- Understand what money, wealth and abundance really are so you are no longer fooled by what they seem to be
- Feel less stress around the acquisition of wealth of all kinds in your life
- Always have the money you need whenever you truly need it
- Fully understand the secret of how and why financial sufficiency can come to anyone (including you), and how to implement that secret
2 Key Life Area #2:
Relationship Mastery
In the second “Key Life Area” Module, you will discover how to…
- Understand the true nature, meaning and purpose of all of your relationships
- Live in a higher state of harmony, peace and unity with your beloved other in your relationship
- Recreate the feelings you had for each other early in the relationship and sustain those feelings indefinitely
- Connect more deeply and have better relationships with all the other important people in your life—your parents, your children, your friends, your colleagues, and your boss
3 Key Life Area #3:
Health Mastery
In the third “Key Life Area” Module, you will discover how to…
- Experience noticeable (and occasionally even miraculous) improvements in your overall health and wellbeing
- Let go of the negative thoughts you may be holding around your health
- Keep “pain” from turning into “suffering,” and be able to recognize the difference between the two so you can stop suffering in its tracks if you begin to experience it
- Trust your own body to guide you to the best things for your health
4 Key Life Area #4:
Career & Life Purpose Mastery
In the fourth “Key Life Area” Module, you will discover how to…
- Create “right livelihood” by understanding the true purpose of your career in your life
- Eliminate “going to work” forever, and replace it with “going to joy”
- Experience less frustration, anxiety and pressure around issues connected to your job (or your search for the perfect occupation)
- Be someone who has chosen to make “a life,” rather than “a living,” by using whatever you now do to generate income as a means of expressing your True Nature as an Individuation of Divinity
5 Key Life Area #5:
Spiritual Mastery
In the fifth “Key Life Area” Module, you will discover how to…
- Use the relationship between you and God in more powerful ways than you ever have before
Strengthen the “signal” between you and God so you can get clearer and quicker guidance whenever you need it - Understand in fullness the true purpose of life, the specific reason you are here, and how to make every moment feel spiritual, no matter what you are doing
- Experience the deeper connections between yourself and others, as well as between yourself and the rest of the Universe
6 Key Life Area #6:
Self-Confidence Mastery
In the sixth “Key Life Area” Module, you will discover how to…
- Gain quick confidence by realizing that everything is actually perfect and nothing can “go wrong”
- Build even more confidence by releasing the need for specific outcomes of any particular endeavor and re-aligning your purpose for the endeavor itself.
- Embrace and inhabit the real reason for thinking, saying, being or doing anything, using deep self-awareness to render self-confidence utterly unnecessary
- Recognize the difference between confidence in the “self” and confidence in the “Self” (with a capital S), and notice that when you have confidence in the ability of your Higher, True Self guide you, you’ll no longer be concerned with the smaller self you have thought yourself to be ever again.
Neale Donald Walsch
Neale Donald Walsch is a modern-day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally, yet searching for spiritual meaning before experiencing his now famous first conversation with God. The Conversations with God series of books that emerged from those continuing encounters has been translated into 37 languages, touching millions and inspiring profound changes in their day-to-day lives.
Neale’s work has taken him from the steps of Macchu Picchu in Peru to the steps of the Shinto shrines of Japan, from Red Square in Moscow to St. Peter’s Square in Vatican City to Tiananmen Square in China. And everywhere he has gone—from South Africa to Norway, Croatia to The Netherlands, the streets of Zurich to the streets of Seoul—Neale has experienced a hunger among the people to find a new way to live in peace and harmony, and he has sought to bring people a new understanding of life and of God that allows them to experience it in every moment of their lives.
Here’s What Luminaries Are Saying About Neale Donald Walsch
Marianne Williamson
Author of A Return to Love
“Neale Donald Walsch is one of the wisest, most generous people I know. He is someone from whom I have frequently sought personal advice and counsel, and whose words have never failed to illumine my understanding. He has a unique ability to focus a universal principle on a specific problem, unlocking the psychological, emotional chains that are holding us back. I know you’ll receive as much insight and clarity from him as I have.”
Barbara Marx Hubbard
Author of Conscious Evolution
“Neale Donald Walsch has brought the “voice” of God home into our own hearts through his extraordinary ability to ask, receive and offer to all of us the experience of God as the radiant ever present Source, love, and magnificence of our true being.”
Dr. Jean Houston
Author of A Passion for The Possible
“The multi-dimensional mind of Neale Donald Walsch has given us access to realms of self and spirit that announce the arrival of a new humanity. His warmth and compassion shine in this brilliant and evocative course. Using words like wands, he ignites the heart of the participant to become miracle literate, God no longer in hiding.”
Here’s What You’ll Receive
in the Living Your Life From The Source 12-Week Masterclass Program:
Six Video Masterclasses with Neale Donald Walsch
In each Masterclass Session, Neale will teach you, step by step, the practical tools and techniques you will need to be able to live your life from The Source. Neale will support and guide you through each Key Life Area module and work with you to master his 4-Step “Manifestation Formula.”
Training Schedule:
We will spend two weeks in each key life area, with the masterclass sessions being released at the beginning of the module.
Six Downloadable “Integration Sessions” with Neale Donald Walsch
One of the most challenging aspects of learning how to live from The Source is shifting out of your old behavior patterns and into the new ways you will be learning to engage with others and with the world during the Masterclass Sessions. These special Integration Sessions will help you fully and seamlessly merge what you have learned in the Masterclass Sessions into every area of your daily life. You’ll have unlimited access to one of these recorded “Integration Sessions” with Neale with every module of the program.
Six Downloadable “Virtual Living Room” Video Workshops with Neale Donald Walsch
For every Key Life Area of the Masterclass Program, you’ll have the chance to see Neale in an intimate gathering with past participants on VIDEO as he answers common questions received during that module of the training. The inspiring and illuminating content these sessions contain will make them an invaluable resource for you during the program. Many participants have shared with us that watching and listening to Neale coach others is just as powerful as having their own questions answered, and often reveals questions they didn’t even know they had.
Six “Action Guides,” One for Each “Key Life Area” Module
To guide and support you through these transformative processes, Neale has created Action Guides for each module that will provide you with practice and reflection assignments that will deepen your learning and enhance your training.
PDF Transcripts of Each Monthly Masterclass Session
PDF transcripts are a great resource to go back and quickly reference key concepts covered in the Masterclass Sessions with Neale. If you prefer to follow along with a written format, you’ll love these downloadable transcripts.
All of your training materials will be easily accessible throughout the training in our custom Online Learning Portal. Access training audios, action guides and transcripts anytime from your computer or mobile device. And these training materials are yours to keep! Just download them at the end of the training and continue to draw upon them for inspiration and reinforcement for your ongoing journey.
Create Your Best Life
The bonus workshops are taught by leading experts (and good friends of Neale’s), who are all uniquely qualified to give you additional training to help you manifest your best life in each area.
“Unlocking Your Money Power: How to Reclaim the Wealth of Your Inner Resources and Move into Sufficiency and Freedom”
with bestselling author Lynne Twist
Shame, insecurity and scarcity—or fear—haunt even the most successful and highly developed people in our relationship with money and wealth.
Some of the biggest psychological blocks we have in our lives can be in regard to money. In this bonus workshop, Lynne will show you how to change your beliefs and mindset in regard to your life and what is real and possible for you. She’ll also show you how to more deeply address particular challenges in that process and remove the one thing standing between you and financial sufficiency.
In this Guest Faculty workshop, you’ll discover how to…
- Let go of your money baggage—the hurt, fear and doubt—so you can create new money patterns in your life.
- Shift your scarcity mindset.
- Experience a state of “enoughness” that will help you more deeply appreciate what you have and open up to creating true prosperity.
- Awaken yourself from the trance that sends you on wild goose chases trying to “get rich quick” and separating you from your deepest values.
- Experience the true wealth that is achieved not just by financial independence but by a deeper connection to the “soul of money” itself.
Lynne Twist has been a recognized global visionary for more than 40 years, committed to alleviating poverty and hunger and supporting social justice and environmental sustainability. As a fundraiser and a philanthropist, she has raised hundreds of millions of dollars and worked with some of our global billionaires on their own relationship with money, as well as with Mother Teresa and people living in abject poverty. She is the author of the bestselling, award-winning book The Soul of Money: Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Life.
“Secrets to Creating Flourishing Spiritual Partnerships”
with Michael Bernard Beckwith, Rickie Byars Beckwith, Gay Hendricks and Katie Hendricks
What is it that makes for a truly “spiritual” relationship? This workshop features two couples who have created thriving spiritual partnerships that have stood the test of time, and they’ll share with you everything they’ve learned about how to create that in your life.
In this Guest Faculty workshop, you’ll discover how to…
- Create authentic, nurturing and mutually supportive soulmate love.
- Ensure that your spiritual connection is the foundation of your relationship so it stays vital for the long-term.
- Maintain a balance between “together time” and “alone time.”
- Keep the passion alive, even when you’ve been together for decades.
Michael Bernard Beckwith is Founder and Spiritual Director of the AGAPE International Spiritual Center in Los Angeles. He has authored many books including Spiritual Liberation and his latest, Life Visioning, which was released in January 2012.
Rickie Byars Beckwith is Music and Arts Director at AGAPE and director of the more than 200 voice Agape International Choir. She has recorded 8 original solo albums and has produced 5 albums for Agape, 4 of which include the Choir.
Drs. Gay and Katie Hendricks are co-founders of The Hendricks Institute, which offers seminars worldwide, and have co-authored many best sellers, including Conscious Loving and Five Wishes.
“Living the Food Revolution”
with food experts and activists John and Ocean Robbins
Trying to stay informed about food these days isn’t easy, which only further complicates the process of trying to make healthy decisions for you and your family. In this timely bonus workshop, John and Ocean will fill you in on everything you need to know to make healthy, heart-centered choices in regard to your food, and they will train you in the art of staying informed.
In this Guest Faculty workshop, you’ll discover how to…
- Bring your food choices into alignment with your values.
- Find out the global impact of the food you eat, and how to thrive on delicious planet-friendly food.
- Have more energy, be sick less, and make yourself virtually heart-attack proof.
- Find out the truth about food labeling and certifications.
- Raise healthy kids (and adults) in a toxic food culture.
“Discover Your Purpose, Calling & Path to Career Success”
with founder & creator of the Feminine Power Courses for women, Claire Zammit, Ph.D.
Discover the difference between your higher purpose, calling, career and desires for fun, creativity and play, so that you can create a life overflowing with meaning, fulfillment success and impact. Claire will share power practices, tools and techniques that will be most helpful in gaining the clarity and power that you need to get to the next level in each of these areas.
Claire Zammit is a transformational teacher, leader, and creator of the Feminine Power courses serving hundreds of thousands of women from more than 100 countries. Her mission is to is to empower women to fully express their gifts and talents by sharing the Feminine Power teachings that she credits as the source of her own fulfillment, success and impact. She is a member of the Transformational Leadership Council and was the recipient of its achievement award. And, in 2014, she received the Just Like My Child Foundation’s Women’s Leadership Award in recognition of her contributions to funding The Girl Power Project. Claire is an active member of Jack Canfield’s prestigious Transformational Leadership Council and was the recipient of its achievement award, and she is also a participant in Deepak Chopra’s Evolutionary Leaders Forum. In 2017 Claire was awarded her Ph.D. in Transformative Learning & Change from the California Institute of Integral Studies after completing her decade long dissertation research project on women, power & self-actualization.
“Activating the Impulse of Evolution: The Simple and Radical Shift that Can Liberate You From the Patterns of the Past and Unlock the Door to an Authentic, Enlightened Life”
with Integral Enlightenment Founder Craig Hamilton
What’s really possible for our higher spiritual evolution? In this evocative seminar, Craig Hamilton shares from his own experience on the spiritual path to illustrate the profound evolutionary potential for your life—and all of human life.
He illuminates how you can awaken to the evolutionary impulse—the powerful creative force that animates the universe—and align with it so that your entire orientation towards life is infused with deeper meaning and higher purpose.
In practical yet inspiring terms, Craig reveals how you can begin to access this vital energy and approach life through this empowering perspective. And he offers specific practices that will allow you to begin cultivating an evolutionary relationship to life today.
In this Guest Faculty workshop, you’ll discover how to…
- Use a powerful practice you can engage anytime during the day to infuse your life and actions with the boundless energy of evolution itself—and why this kind of “engaged inquiry practice” is often more transformative than silent meditation and contemplation
- Cultivate an “inner compass” that will enable you to stay “on purpose” and aligned with Spirit even when you’re feeling overwhelmed by the chaos and complexity of daily life
- Make the profound but simple shift in orientation that can allow you to bring the wisdom and awakening you’ve experienced in your deepest moments into every moment of your life
- Access the three pillars of conscious evolution and why ignoring any one of them will always sabotage our efforts to evolve
Craig Hamilton is the founder of Integral Enlightenment and is a pioneer in the emerging field of evolutionary spirituality. In his inspired writings, talks, and teachings, he calls us to awaken beyond the confines of the separate ego and dedicate our lives to the further evolution of culture and consciousness itself. Craig’s work articulates the vital relationship between individual and collective evolution, and provides practical spiritual training and tools to facilitate it.
“Igniting Self-Confidence: Discovering the Courage to Live Your Greatest Life”
with bestselling author and spiritual teacher Debbie Ford
In one of her final seminars, Debbie speaks from the depths about the true source of authentic confidence: our relationship with the Divine. By awakening to this relationship to God/Spirit/The Universe, we tap into a wellspring of confidence and courage, an acceptance of our full selves, past and present.
No longer slaves to approval, fear, and other external influences, we embody our own strength and discover that we have the energy to rewrite our future with a relentless commitment to our truest self. We enable ourselves to realize our vast potential, making real those things we had previously only dared to imagine.
In this Guest Faculty workshop, you’ll discover how to…
- Uncover the seven guiding principles of courage, the secrets to becoming your strongest, most confident, and loving self
- Open up to the full breadth of your courage, tapping into the part of yourself that can accomplish anything
- Accept and transform your fears, flaws, and weaknesses into powerful assets
Debbie Ford was the founder of The Ford Institute. She dedicated her life and career to helping people break free from the emotional baggage that holds them hostage. The bestselling author of nine books, including The Dark Side of the Light Chasers & The Shadow Effect. In her final and most poignant book, Courage, Debbie revealed a life-altering path to discovering confidence and authentic self-expression.
**New Bonus Just Added!**
We are God in the Making
Discover the True Nature of God That Yearns to Be Expressed Through You
An Audio Seminar with Ken Wilber and Neale
In this supplemental bonus session, philosopher-psychologist Ken Wilber brings his unique gift of insight to the most essential question asked by spiritual seekers throughout history: What is the true nature of God?
Many of us have had moments of “enlightenment” or feelings of transcending normal reality into something Divine and timeless. For a brief time, we experience ourselves as part of a greater, higher consciousness. However, these moments rarely last, and even fade quickly once we enter back into the “real world” of everyday life. What will it take to incorporate these peak experiences into our life in a way that’s permanent and makes a profound difference in how we live and feel?
In this inspiring audio session, Ken and Neale will explore how you can…
- Reach a deeper understanding of what the science of evolution has revealed about the true nature of God, and how this can expand your perception of who you are in relationship to the Divine
- Be part of the process of giving birth to an entirely new spiritual impulse and creating a more effective framework for engaging in spiritual practice
- Ensure that your individual spiritual practice will lead to a truly integral and lasting transformation
About Ken Wilber
Ken Wilber is the most widely translated academic writer in America, with 26 books translated into some 30 foreign languages, and is the first philosopher-psychologist to have his Collected Works published while he’s still alive. Wilber is an internationally acknowledged leader and the preeminent scholar of the Integral stage of human development. His many books, all of which are still in print, include Integral Spirituality, A Brief History of Everything, and A Theory of Everything. Ken Wilber is the founder of Integral Institute, Inc., the co-founder of Integral Life, Inc., and the Senior Fellow of Integral Life Spiritual Center.
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