
Neil Strauss – The Society International – HAVE



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Neil Strauss – The Society International – HAVE

Here’s a Fraction Of What You Will Learn In One Life Changing Weekend..

The Keys To Effective Learning
The 18 Principles of Learning for mastering any new skill faster and easier.
My 3-Step learning process that catapulted me to “expert status” in writing and with women (plus: “The Rule of 100%,” which is the guiding principle of my life).
The ONE question to ask yourself in any situation to guarantee an instant surge in your confidence and capabilities.

Mastering Your Senses
Discover a simple technique for quickly boosting your confidence, comfort, and charisma — while freeing you from self-doubt, anxiety, and limitation.
How to master the crucial skill that lets you effortlessly attract people towards you as a leader, trusted friend, or romantic partner.
How to break the dangerous habit of living life with “tunnel vision” by adopting “wide-angle vision” so you can become more present, approachable, and powerful (and less predatorial in the eyes of women and strangers).

Your World View And Inner Critic
How we shape our worldview and why most of what we think is not true and total bullshit (plus: how to destroy the destructive habit known as the biggest enemy of growth, creativity, and success)
Why “Terror Management Theory” is silently controlling your life and how to harness your self-esteem to let go of the constant cloud of fear.
The 4 “needs” society hardwired into our subconscious minds that destroy our lives (and the 4 counter-reactions you can start implementing today to start building deeper connections with people in your life, from total strangers to your closest friends)
How to calm the monkey mind, silence the inner critic, and destroy overwhelm by leveraging this weird strategy taught by the world’s leading hypnotist, Mike Mandel

Deep Inner Game
Go through a 20-minute exercise — guided by me — to identify your “operating system,” remove the viruses, and debug yourself by uncovering the false beliefs harming your life (do this and you will instantly boost your results with women, your confidence, and even your professional life).
How to study yourself from a third-person perspective to uncover your deepest wounds that are now controlling your day-to-day behavior (and undermining your efforts for growth).
My 4-step process for for unloading your “Big Bag of Shit” so you can finally start living your life free from subconscious self-sabotage.

Reconnecting With Your Emotions
The “5-Step Inner Game Solution” for boosting your self-awareness by identifying your core issues (and the simple process for self-correcting yourself so you can move past childhood wounds and become your own man).
How to become more grounded in reality, making it easier to connect with other people, so you can begin living life in a way where external events don’t trigger harmful emotions inside you.

Calming The Mind
How to become more present, productive, and intentional in your daily life by leveraging the art and science of Yoga Nidra (Plus: Experience the bliss of finally calming the incessant chatter in your head after being led on a guided meditation by Neil’s spirituality teacher).
The three best ways for creating (and sticking to) a daily Spiritual Practice that will leave you free of anxiety and worry and help you bring out your best self in seemingly-impossible situations.

Get immediately download Neil Strauss – The Society International – Human Anti Virus Experience (H.A.V.E.)

The R Factor Mindset
Discover the tried-and-true method for developing the right mindset for defeating the Fear of Failure (this lesson is taught by Neil’s trusted advisor, Brian Knight, who coaches top Fortune 500 executives on this very strategy).
How to alter your brain’s “Pattern Recognizing System” to destroy your old, harmful patterns and create new, empowering patterns so you can defeat procrastination and improve your focus.

Identifying Your Core Values
Two different strategies for identifying your core values, which will act as the foundation of your new identity (gaining clarity here makes you feel whole, like you’re living in alignment, with a newfound sense of resilience to power through life’s most difficult situations).
How to harness your newfound values as a guide for your daily actions and decisions, ensuring you never feel out of alignment or become self-loathing (and, ultimately, sluggish and unmotivated).

Finding Your Purpose
Learn one simple strategy for uncovering your life purpose (hint: it doesn’t require you to quit your job, travel across the world, and take part in an ayahuasca ceremony with a Peruvian shaman).
How finding your purpose can boost your attraction, intimacy of relationships, and, in some cases, even save a failing relationship — practically overnight.

Self Esteem And The Ego
Discover your “Three Identity Forces” constantly battling for your attention and how to end this war for good (and in the process: eliminate your neediness and insecurities)
The difference between confidence and self-esteem and how focusing on improving your confidence will actually hurt you in the long run (and why money, appearance, and life experiences don’t lead to lasting happiness)

Finding Your Core Talent
The 4-phase process for uncovering the ONE thing you’ve unconsciously invested 10,000 hours into over the course of your life (also known as: your core talent).
Five ways you can harness your core talent as your primary asset to “arbitrage” your way into new relationships and new opportunities.

Goal Setting
At this point in the event, you’ll have explored the origin of your limiting beliefs and starting taking them down one by one. You’ll also have clarity on your core values, your life’s purpose, and the one thing you can do better than anyone else. Now, you’ll discover how to set goals you’ll actually accomplish in as little as the next 30 days, so you can begin making your reality match your dreams.
The 4 questions you must ask yourself when setting any new goal to guarantee you follow through on the promises you make to yourself (this makes the S.M.A.R.T. goal framework ten times more effective).

Experiencing Pure Bliss
Discover how to master happiness by destroying the “Happiness Myth”.
Then join us for a fully immersive and experiential workshop, where you will learn the 5 crucial steps you must take to achieve lasting bliss.

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