
Primoz Bozic – Success Systems Master



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Primoz Bozic – Success Systems Master

“I know exactly what I need to do, I just have a hard time actually doing it.”

I’ve asked my readers what their barriers to success are. Here are just some of their replies:

“TOMORROW is the day I will get started…”

“I wait for the perfect conditions before starting something.”

“I know that I SHOULD do something to break this cycle… but I do nothing.”

“Do you relate to any of these comments?”

I know I did. We all say that we want to succeed. We want to have our own businesses. We want to get into better shape. We want to improve our relationships.

And we know that we “should” be doing something about all of this.

We know that we “should” eat healthy. We know that we “should” exercise more. We know that we “should” get more organized.

But do we ever do anything about that?

No. Instead, we’re waiting and waiting. And more often than not, we spend more time thinking about what we want to do than actually doing anything to change our lives.

It turns out that all of this thinking can be extremely draining. Why? Because it often leads into frustration.

“Why is it so easy for my friend to exercise and I just can’t get myself to even get started?”

We keep getting lost in our thoughts, hoping for a better life, while doing nothing at all to change our situation.

Why is that? Why aren’t we taking action and living the lives that we really want to live?

When someone asks us about it, we usually respond with something like this:

“I don’t have enough time and energy.”

I’ve stopped counting the times that I’ve heard something like this.

“I want to start exercising, but I just don’t have the time for it.”


A week has 168 hours. Even if we only take 2-3 hours out of it to exercise, that’s less than 2% of our time.

Yet, we find the time to watch TV for hours each evening. Or to reply to every single e-mail that we get.

The problem is that we don’t MAKE the time for the things that matter to us. But why don’t we do that? Is it because we lack energy to do it?

“I have a lot of business ideas, but when I come home after work, I just want to relax a bit, I don’t want to work even more…”

Well, if we’re trying to work on our side-business after a long day at work, that might very well be true. We’re be tired and distracted, and it’s extremely hard to get any work done in that state.

What about taking just 30 minutes off before work in the morning to work on our priorities then? At that time, we should have both the time and the energy that we need to get things done.

Yet, we still don’t… Why?

This is what one of my readers said to me:

“Even when I’m focused and I reserve the time to do something, I usually get side-tracked because of SELF-DOUBT.”

We don’t take action because we doubt ourselves.

We block the time off on the calendar. The time comes and we get a reminder. We’re feeling focused.

And then, we start thinking again. We feel this strong resistance in ourselves, as if something was physically holding us back from doing the work.

“Hmm, maybe I can do this later. It might not work out after all… Yeah, I’ll do this some other time.”

WHY are we doing this to ourselves? Why are we spending all of this energy fighting the resistance within us?

Let’s see:

“What if I succeed? What if I fail?”

“I fear that if I succeed, I will have to work all the time”

“What will my family and friends say if I’m not average?”

We’re not confident because we are AFRAID.

“If I start working on this business idea and I fail, then everyone will laugh at me.”

“What if the idea is a success? I don’t want to work 15 hours a day just to keep up with it. I want to still have time for family and friends…”

“If the idea really takes off and I get a lot of money, will my family and friends look at me differently? Will I change as a person?”

These fears usually come from past experiences. When we got a bad grade in school, everyone would laugh at us. Failure is judged and condemned, so of course we

want to avoid it as much as possible.

What about success? What do we think about those people who are “successful”? We feel like they must be working day and night and find no time for family and friends.

And we think that as they earn more money, they change.

As for our family and friends… Have you ever had a situation when you started doing something different? I know that when I started working out more, a lot of people had

something negative to say about it. “Why are you eating those protein shakes? They’ll kill you.” “Why are you working out so much? You’ll become like one of those big,

dumb bodybuilders in the gym”. “You’re spending $50/h on a personal trainer? Are you crazy?!”

Truth is, we have all of these fears because we are afraid of change. It’s easier to take no action at all, risk nothing and be the same person as always in other peoples’

eyes. No problems, no negativity.

But what we don’t ask ourselves is: Why do other people even care so much about what we do? Why are they so negative about it when we want to change something

about us?

It’s because deep down inside, they are afraid as well. They have their own barriers that are keeping them from changing themselves, and they don’t want you to do

something that they’re not capable of doing. So they would prefer that you stay exactly where you are and do nothing to improve yourself in any way.

Let me ask you a question.

A year from now, what will you regret? Will you regret working out and getting into the best shape of your life? Will you regret starting your own business?

Or will you regret doing nothing at all to change your life and being in the same situation as you were a year ago?

Think about it.

Now let’s say that you do want to take action and do all that it takes to succeed. What kind of issues might you run into then?

“There are so many things I want to accomplish that I hesitate to start ANYTHING.”

“I am doing too many things at once without finishing the ones I’m working on.”

We get paralyzed by choices.

Either we have so many choices that we don’t know where to start, or we keep jumping from one idea to another without ever finishing anything.

In a world of endless opportunities where you can find any knowledge with a few click on the internet, we don’t know what to do.

We might start reading a book, and after a few days we might switch to another one. And another one.

As we keep consuming all of this content, we aren’t really making that much progress though. Imagine building just the engine of a car. Even if you build 10 different

engines, you still can’t drive around without the wheels, seats and all the other parts that are missing.

So how do we know what to do when, and how to organize all of the choices that we have?

“I’m not able to organize a system around what I need to be doing.”

“It’s impossible to do everything from my TO-DO list.”

By creating systems.

Systems help you keep control of your life and your choices.

In fact, by creating systems, you will be taking a lot of your choices away, which will then allow you to focus on the tasks at hand.

Think about it. Have you ever been in a situation where you had no idea what to do? Wouldn’t your life be much easier if you had a protocol that you could follow in a

certain situation?

Let’s look at a practical example: Starbucks.

The employees at Starbucks know that there are a ton of different situations that happen while in a bar. The customer might not be satisfied. Maybe they will want a refund

for the cold coffee. Or, they might get angry and throw a coffee on the floor.

How would you react to such a customer? Who knows what you would do. Maybe you would stay calm. Maybe you would call your manager. Maybe you would start

screaming back at the angry customer.

Luckily, none of those things happen at Starbucks, because the employees go through an extensive training before they even serve their first coffee.

They predict that these situations will happen and develop solutions for them. And then they practice those solutions until they can do them automatically, without wasting

valuable energy.

As they already know what to do in each of those situations, they can relax and get much more work done than if they didn’t have this knowledge.

So if Starbucks is using systems and they seem to work well for them, why isn’t everyone using them?

Because creating systems isn’t always easy. Oftentimes, we don’t even know where to start.

And even when we do manage to create some systems, what happens then?

“I have tried implementing many different systems, but they haven’t stuck.”

They don’t stick.

Just like we keep jumping from one thing to another, we keep switching systems as well. And because of all the information that we’re getting every day, we forget about

them and stop using them at all.

Or, we create systems that take a ton of time and energy to use, and of course we don’t enjoy using them.

When you don’t enjoy doing something, you’re setting yourself up for failure.

So how do you get out of this mess? How do you overcome your mental barriers, get started, prioritise and create systems that will help you reach your goals that actually


What separates successful people from the mediocre masses?

Hi, my name is Primoz Bozic and I’m the founder of Skyrocket Your Productivity.

I’ve spent years figuring out what separates the successful people from the mediocrity of the masses. I sought answers to the questions like:

  • Why do some businesses succeed while others fail?
  • Why do some people manage to build exercise habits while others struggle?
  • How can you be extremely successful at your job while still finding time for your family at friends?
  • Is there a proven framework that you can follow to succeed at anything?

Is there just one framework that you can use to succeed at anything? I don’t think so. But what I did find out is that extremely successful businessmen, sportsmen and

employees do things a lot differently than the rest.

An average basketball player just comes to the practice and plays basketball.

A professional basketball player systematically improves parts of his technical game, psychology and physical condition.

An average entrepreneur designs a product in his head and expects people to just buy it.

A successful entrepreneur systematically tests and validates different ideas and makes sure that his prospects need and want the product before spending years

developing it.

An average job seeker sends the same the same CV to a hundred companies and doesn’t get a job.

The person who lands a top job in a company systematically identifies how he can help his future employers earn more money, save time and solve other problems before he even gets in touch with the company’s hiring manager.

What I’ve learned from this is that success isn’t random. The successful people use proven systems that they have learned by studying the most successful people in their fields or experimenting on their own, whereas the average people just mindlessly do what the masses do.

As Albert Einstein famously said, the definition of insanity is repeating the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Over time, I have developed my own systems that I used to become a location independent full-time entrepreneur, surround myself with other successful people and live my dream life. I have shared these systems with a lot of my 1-on-1 consulting clients in the past, and now I’ve packed them into an online video course.

Introducing Success Systems: Learn how to create your own systems that stick to earn more money and get more done in less time.

With Success Systems course, you will be able to live up to your full potential in business, career and life. Here are just some of the things you can do once you learn how to design your own systems:

Your Business:

  • Find more clients by creating testimonial, referral and outreach systems
  • Delight your existing clients by creating systems to follow up with them and add value to them over time
  • Save hours of time by automating repetitive and boring parts of your business process

Your Career:

  • Be the first one to find out about new opportunities at your job: by creating systems to connect with and add value to your co-workers and bosses
  • Excel at your existing job by automating parts of your job, completing the unpleasant tasks faster and systematically improving your skills
  • Find new job opportunities by systematically connecting with people from your dream companies

Your Life:

  • Maximise your potential: Create systems that allow you to get better each and every day, both at things that you’re already good at, as well as the ones that you struggle with.
  • Find life balance: Make time for the things that you “should” be doing but aren’t, like spending time with your kids, wife and friends, or simply finding more time for yourself.
  • Improve your health: Get more sleep, find the time to exercise and finally stick to your nutrition plan.

Once you finish the course, you will be able to pick up any book, online course or a video and know that you’ll be able to put it into action. You will know that your ideas won’t just get lost and forgotten because all of them are going to go into a system that you’ve created. You will know exactly what to do when you get stuck, and how to make your systems stick.

You will be able to take on any challenge in life and know that you will find a way to handle. That can mean building a 6-figure online business, improving your social skills or getting in the best physical shape of your life. You won’t be relying just on your willpower and energy levels, because you will have systems set up that will work for you.

These systems will work for you regardless of how tired or stressed out you are, and many of them will even work while you sleep, are on a date with your wife or party with your friends. You will be able to scale your systems and get more and more work done automatically that you never could have done on your own. You will be able to save the energy and willpower that you spend by making unnecessary choices and invest it into the high leverage activities that will help you improve yourself, your career and your business.

On top of all that, you will be able to create systems that work for you and stick with you. You won’t have to rely on motivation to use your systems because you will avoid the typical mistakes that people make beforehand, and if a part of a system will break, you will know exactly what to do to make it work for you.

Here’s what’s waiting for you in the Success Systems course:

Week 1: Learn how to design your own systems and get clarity in your life

  • A step-by-step framework for designing good systems will answer your questions like: “What does a good system looks like?”, “What should you even try to systematize?”, “When should you design systems?”, “How many systems should you design at once?” and guide you through the process of creating basic systems.
  • What NOT to do when designing systems: Avoid the common mistakes that people make when designing their own systems that result in systems that are hard to use, drain your energy and time and never stick.
  • Create your first system: Take a look at some of the examples of my systems (How to wake up productive, how to read more books with investing no extra time, how to go for a jog every morning) and design your first system.

Week 2: Introduce systems to your work

  • Design better systems: Get familiar with all of the basic system design tools through step-by-step video tutorials.
  • Simple technique for bulletproofing systems: Learn how to iterate through your systems and make sure that they give you the desired results and go over specific examples for bulletproofing your systems.
  • Introduce systems to your work environment: Create your first online system using the basic system design tools and look at my system for effective scheduling.

Week 3: Become a systems master and save hours of your time each week

  • The ultimate time saver: Automate parts of your existing systems to get more done in less time.
  • How to scale: Prevent your systems from breaking as they get bigger and bigger and create multi-user systems that you can use with your friends and co-workers.
  • Supercharge your systems: Connect your systems with one another to make them even more powerful.

Week 4: Learn how to keep track of all of your systems and make them stick

  • Take Massive Action: Learn how to move from consuming learning materials to creating systems out of books, online courses, TED talks or advice that you are given from other people.
  • Master systems: Create “Master systems” that give you a bird’s eye view of your systems and make all of your systems super easy to use and access.
  • Create systems that stick: Make sure that you actually keep using your systems over time and get back on track when you don’t use them for a few days.

Bonus #1: Step-by-step Worksheets and System Templates
Along with the videos, you will also get step-by-step worksheets and system templates that will allow you to set up your own systems as fast as possible without having to think about what to do next or how to put the theory into practice.

Bonus #2: Master Your Mindset Course
With Success Systems, you will also get access to my Master Your Mindset course, which you can’t get anywhere else. Master Your Mindset includes 30+ videos with some of my favorite mindset shifts that will help you get more work done and become more successful.

Here are just a few things you’ll learn from Master Your Mindset:

  • What to do when you lose motivation to get yourself back on track without wasting days or weeks being stuck.
  • How to stop overthinking and start taking action (this technique is super simple, but works like a charm).
  • What to say to family and friends who don’t support you to stop them from holding you back (and actually get them to support your dreams and goals)
  • How to say NO to things that you don’t want to do without burning any bridges and feeling guilty about it.
  • A system that you can use to have a perfect week every week and find the time to do the things you really want to do that just don’t fit into your schedule.
  • How to be less affected by your mood, weather and the people around you and perform well, no matter how bad of a day you are having.
  • How to stop being paralyzed by self-doubt and fears and take massive action instead.
  • …and more!

Success Systems Master Classes
Because I wanted to give you access to real life examples of systems that successful business owners and employees use, I decided to reach out to some of my mentors and advisers and got them to share their systems with you. These are the people that I reach out to if I can’t figure out a system on my own, and some of their systems have helped me completely revolutionize my life and work.

Maximize your potential with Marc Aarons
Marc is a high-end Web Content Specialist, a nutrition expert, as well as the most positive person I’ve ever met. He will show you how to:

  • Make every second of your days count towards your goals
  • Stay at the top of your game in business and life by getting in amazing physical and mental shape
  • Identify and overcome your deepest mental barriers

Become the master of automation with Frank Magnotti
Frank is a Product Development Engineer and the real master of automated systems. He will show you how to:

  • Use the digital willpower of computers to double your productivity
  • Supercharge your existing systems by automating them
  • Get work done in your sleep by using Virtual Assistants

Grow your network with Raj Bandyopadhyay
Raj is a Data Scientist at one of the hottest Atlanta start ups. He went from being a shy software engineer to creating a meet up group of over 1200 like-minded people which set him up for success. He will show you how to:

  • Overcome shyness and social awkwardness
  • Be the first to find out about the new opportunities at your job
  • Organize the best parties and meet ups ever

Live your dreams with Jacqueline Du Plessis
Jacqueline is a Singer/Songwriter, World Traveler and a Marketing Consultant. She taught me how to enjoy my life to the fullest, and she will teach you how to:

  • Find your dreams and get the courage you need to pursue them
  • Finally start working through your bucket list
  • Create experiences and moments that you will remember forever

Learn the art of communication with Rafael Elizalde
Rafael is a 6-Figure IT Consultant and he’s an expert communicator as well. Regardless whether you talk to him or exchange a few e-mails, he will blow you away with his kindness and warmth. He will help you:

  • Delight your customers every time you speak with them
  • Build deep, meaningful relationships in both life and business
  • Stay in touch with the people you truly care about

Avoid burnout with Alexander Barron
Alexander is an entrepreneur and freelancer who obsessively studies how nutrition and health impact work performance. In our master class, we will talk about how to:

  • Boost your focus and concentration levels while working
  • What to do once you notice you’re burning yourself out
  • Prevent yourself from burning out on tight deadlines

Stay productive while travelling with Thomas Carney
Thomas is a Digital Nomad and a Freelance Copywriter who is constantly experimenting with creating new habits and hacking his own psychology. He will show you how to:

  • Stay productive while commuting on a train/plane
  • Maintain your habits while travelling
  • Get back on track with work once you move into a new city

Design your systems like a CEO with Carolynn Ananian
Carolynn is a Direct Response Copywriter and Resume Writer. She also worked as an Executive Assistant with some of the top Wall Street CEOs, where she learned all about designing effective systems. She will help you:

  • Become the master of scheduling and using your calendar
  • Deal with failure without losing your motivation
  • Create micro systems that you can re-use with every new system that you build

Success Systems course is NOT for you if:

  • You are looking for quick fixes to your problems. Systems require a lot of time and effort to get up and running and they take more time to perfect.
  • You don’t like playing around with concepts and experimenting. Yes, some of my systems will work out of the box for you, but to get the most out of this course, you will need to develop some of your own systems as well.
  • You can’t invest at least 2-3 hours a week into implementing the action steps from this course.

Success Systems course IS for you if:

  • You want to solve your problems once and for all and make the systems work for you.
  • You want to overcome your mental barriers that are holding you back from becoming the best person that you can be.
  • You don’t want to rely just on motivation for getting stuff done any more, and want to take control of your life.
  • You don’t want to feel “lazy” and procrastinate. With the Success Systems course, you will set yourself up for success and become a far more productive person.
  • You are willing to invest at least 2-3 hours a week into completing the action steps from this course and designing your own systems.
  • You know that after you invest the initial time into getting your systems right, you can reap the benefits from them for YEARS to come.

How is Success Systems course different from other productivity courses?

There are plenty of other courses out there that give you tactics that are supposed to help you overcome your mental barriers, become more productive at work and get more from life.
However, what they don’t give you is the actual framework for designing systems. You can use the tactics from those courses to get some results of course, but if you don’t know how to tweak them and make them work for you, they will never stick. You also won’t know why these tactics are working/not working, and you will find it hard to use them to improve in other areas of your life as well.

Success System will help you:

  • Design your OWN systems: After you read a book, go through an online course, attend a conference or even watch a TED talk, you will know EXACTLY how to move from an idea to taking action.
  • Make the systems work for YOU: A lot of systems that work for one person might not work for the other in the exact same form. However, if you know how to tweak these systems to fit your needs better, you can MAKE these systems work for you – and I show you exactly how to do this in the course.
  • Create systems that STICK: You will learn how to design systems in a way that they actually stick. In fact, you will LOVE using your systems and you won’t imagine living a life without them any more.

How I’ve helped some of my past students succeed.

I’ve been creating productivity systems for a while, but they often don’t last. Success Systems fixed this by showing me how to iterate my systems so they don’t fall apart. Primoz is truly a master systems designer who has been instrumental in helping me develop easy to manage systems that increase my productivity.
Alec B.

Within 5 months, I went from being an unemployed student to starting my own company and earning more than $10,000/month. I’m 18 years old, I have my own company with enough money to live comfortably and travel around the world.
Blaz H.

Join Success Systems
With the Success Systems course, you will get access to:

  • EIGHT 60-minute Master Classes from my mentors and advisers that will give you specific systems that you can use in different areas of your life.
  • A four-week Success Systems video course that will teach you how to design your own systems and make them stick.
  • BONUS: Master Your Mindset course that includes 30+ of my favorite mindset shifts that will help you overcome your mental barriers and go from thinking about doing things to taking massive action.
  • BONUS: Step-by-step Worksheets with specific action steps to put the knowledge from the video course into practice.

More Success Stories From Success Systems Students

I really feel like I’m finally taking better control of my time! I’m now thinking for everything I do as a system! I started a diary (every new day) that I use to test out even small systems (grocery shopping-2 twice a month, cook-days off work, etc…), and I even test introducing myself in different ways. This works perfect because I just started a new job and all of my co-workers have been asking me these types of questions.
Jessica G.

I start almost every morning very productive. Through the systems I set up earlier I know that my best “Flow” time is from 8:00 to 10:00 in the morning and I guard that time. Some days I can get almost my entire To-do list done in this timeframe if I don’t have any distractions. This is a huge change from a few months ago.
Also, I wanted to share that I really enjoyed your video with Frank Magnotti on automation. It gave me the push to dive into learning some basic coding, something I’ve said I wanted to do for over a year.
Matt M.

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