
Robin Sharma – MindValley – Hero Genius Legend



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Robin Sharma – MindValley – Hero Genius Legend

You’ve Transformed Your Mind And Spirit With Mindvalley. Now Let’s Transform Your Performance At Your Work

Based On Science. Proven By Results. The 66-Day Challenge To Super Performance With Legendary, Robin Sharma
A New Quest By The Legendary Robin Sharma That Over 66 Days Is Designed To Turn You Into A Hero, Genius And Legend At Your Workplace

This course is for you if you are looking for the tools, mindsets and habits that can help you get to the next level in your career, business, fitness, relationship, impact and even spirituality.

If you’re reading this, it’s highly likely that…

From the time you can remember, you have suspected that you have within you what it takes to be a hero, that you have genius-level gifts waiting to be unleashed and that you are born to be legendary in all aspects of life.

Well, your suspicions are correct. High performance have nothing to do with genetics and everything to do with core rituals, routines, and mindset.

But it’s not just the rituals, routines and mindset that you think “are crucial.” There are specific, emerging skills and tools that if you apply immediately, you will see results within days in your work.

That’s why we highly encourage you to read on and discover a revolutionary approach to not only bringing out the gifts you know you have, but also…

  • To help remove fears within you so that you can aim for visions and goals that you once thought impossible.
  • To learn the skills of remarkable leaders so that people are inspired to work with you.
  • To learn the essence of what makes super performers at work – the 1% in a company or business – who they are. It has nothing to do with skills but a particular set of rituals attitude and mindset.
  • To become so good at what you do that people can’t ignore you.
  • To develop the same mindset that world class entrepreneurs, sports stars and geniuses have.
  • To make quantum leaps in your effectiveness at work.
  • To stay positive and productive at high stress times.
  • And do all of these without sacrificing your health, your family, or your lifestyle. Because ultimately, productivity has nothing to do with time put in. But with how you spend your time doing the work you’re meant to do.

Mindvalley has been recognised for Workplace Happiness (World Most Democratic Workplace Award 10 Years Running) and as Top Ten in Customer Support worldwide by So when you order from Mindvalley, you know your happiness is our top priority.

What You’ve Been Told About Habit Formation Is A Myth
It has been regurgitated over and over and over again by countless personal growth “gurus” from as early as the 1960s…

… That is takes 21 days to form a new habit.

And it is Dr. Maxwell Maltz who is often credited for birthing this idea from his personal growth classic, Psycho-Cybernetics.

We were lead to believe that it didn’t matter what new habit you wanted to adopt, or what bad habit you wanted to get rid off – to quit smoking, to lose weight, to be more productive, to not procrastinate, to start exercising – all you needed to do is grind it out, get past those 21 days, and it’ll become automatic every day after.

But there’s a BIG glaring problem with this oversimplified and idealistic approach…

Dr. Maltz never actually suggested this idea in his book. (His idea was about accepting a new mental image of oneself – NOT habit formation.)

So, it turns out, the 21 day habit formation idea is a complete and utter myth.

Habit formation is far more complex.

But it’s not impossible.

The key in transforming yourself into a super performer lies in incorporating THREE key elements together.

What The Science Really Says About Habit Formation…
According to a study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology, it takes on average, 66 days to transform a new behavior into an automatic habit.

(Not 21 days as most people were lead to believe.)

Which is why the Hero. Genius. Legend. Quest is specifically designed to be 66 days long.

But it’s not just the duration of the program that makes this so effective.

Unlike the majority of online courses that overwhelm you with 10+ hours of content all at once (which has been showed to be a highly ineffective way of learning with a less than 5% completion rate)…

This program is specifically designed as a daily 10-20 minute “challenge” where you’ll unlock one mental model, or one ritual, or one tool of the super performer, over the course of 66 days.

And this creates a powerful phenomenon known as “habit stacking”.

By incorporating a single habit on a daily basis, in a highly specific order, every new idea, tool, or ritual you learn, builds on and supports the previous one – Making the habits more deeply ingrained into the very core of your being.

And before the 66 days are up – You’ll find yourself naturally thinking like a Hero.

But there’s a second critical element of high performance that often gets overlooked.

The Invisible Common Thread Among The World’s Greatest Geniuses
The geniuses, the virtuosos, and the great masters – past and present – are often revered as women and men with exceptional God-given talents.

We’ve dissected just about everything about them – from how they think, to how they work, to how they live – in hopes that we to too can emulate their same brilliance in our own lives.

And while reading an autobiography or an inspirational article about how they performed may give us an instant boost in motivation to strive for high-performance, it’s often short-lived.

For most of us, it doesn’t take long before we revert back to our old ways.

So why is it so hard to sustain the same level of high-performance of these great geniuses?

The answer is less about the genius themselves… And more about the people they surround themselves with.

It’s the people that supported them when they were about to give up.

It’s the people that kept them accountable to their visions and goals.

It’s the people that inspired them when they hit a brick wall.

Which is why, at the heart of the Hero. Genius. Legend Quest, is a tribe of hundreds of like-minded people from around the world who are on the same journey as you, learning the same lessons as you, striving for the same level of high-performance as you – every step of the way.

It’s this supportive Tribe behind you that is the secret rocket-fuel to push you forwards into the world to take inspired action in your work and in your life.

And before long, you’ll start performing like a Genius.

But like trying to sit on a stool with two legs, you need the third “leg” for a solid foundation.

And that third element of what really makes this program one-of-a-kind.

Based On The Ideas, Mental Models, Rituals and Tools Of High Performers
What we’re talking about is a blueprint that includes specific ideas, mental models, rituals and tools that have created fortunes of success and impact for countless heroic billionaires, NBA stars, extraordinary leaders, genius inventors, award-winning artists and famed CEOs.

Imagine a blueprint that makes it automatic for you to…

1. Polish your character so you can shine on your own

2. Exploit your genius hours so you’re always outdoing yourself

3. Raise your bar higher so you have new goals to reach

4. Make your mornings incredible so you can be a champion all day

5. Upgrade your systems of living so you get more things done in less time

6. Pursue excellence in your work so you can stand out in the world

7. Lead from your heart so you can leave a meaningful legacy

So you can live the most amazing life you’re meant to live.

That’s what you can expect from our latest Quest with the Legendary – Robin Sharma.

And it’s called… Think Like A Hero. Perform Like A Genius. Live Like A Legend.

A Revolutionary Training That Invokes In You The Passion, The Creativity, The Intuition, The Resolve And The Focus You Need For Legendary Results And Impact
In just 66 days, the Quest lights a fire, in your being, so bright that nothing will stop you from living your mission on this earth.

It is a journey to unleash your true potential.

Think Like A Hero. Perform Like A Genius. Live Like A Legend. Quest starts on 18th June 2018.

Robin has sold over 15 million copies of his best-selling books, and in a survey from over 22,000 business leaders, he was rated as one of the Top 5 Influencers worldwide.

You’ll acquire the mindset, the heartset, and the soulset you need to… Think Like A Hero. Perform Like A Genius. Live Like A Legend.

Every day, every week, thousands of students will join you. And Robin Sharma will guide you all together through video.

Every day, you unlock a new genius-level insight. Every week, you step into more of your legendary self.

At the end of this journey, you’ll find that…

  • You’ve made the life changes you never seemed to be able to make.
  • You’ve learned more about yourself in these 66 days than your entire life.
  • You’ve multiplied your health, creativity, intuition, authenticity and happiness.
  • You’ve installed a mission that’s larger than you and serves humanity.
  • You’ve leveraged Robin Sharma’s tools, strategies and insights to map out a path to make a mark on the world.

At the end of 66 days, these habits and practices will no longer need your willpower. It becomes automatic.

Why 66 days?

Because according to a study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology, it takes on average, 66 days to transform a new behavior into an automatic habit.

4 Things About This Program That Make It One Of The Best Performance Enhancement Tools You Can Have In Your Work

1. The Result Of Over 20+ Years Of Work In Leadership Training
Hndreds of geniuses and legends from around the world over the past 20+ years, Robin Sharma has perfected the process for invoking legendary results in students like you.
2. It’s Not Just A Program
This Quest aims to transform your energy, install new methodologies and tools to make big things happen with it… so all of us can elevate the world in the process. It’s a calling that will be ingrained in your bones long after you’ve finished the Quest.
3. Powerful Psychology That Installs High Performance Habits
Scientific studies show that it takes 66 days to form a habit that sticks. That’s why in this Quest you’ll actually be doing work that is brilliant, living a lifestyle that is magnificent and leading life at a profoundly beautiful level for a full 66 days so it makes greatness a default habit for you.
4. Designed On Mindvalleys New Quest Platform
Rather than overwhelming you with an 8-10 hour course, Mindvalley’s Quest platform is based on the concept of Microlearning, where you get short digestible 10-20 minute lessons designed to create permanent behavioural change and transformation.

What If I Am Already A Leader? Will This Quest Help My Team Become Happy, Productive And Creative?
Think Like A Hero. Perform Like A Genius. Live Like A Legend. is all about building a lifestyle of greatness. To achieve the following results:

1. Stay amped to get much more premium quality work done in far less time.

2. Develop a world-class mindset so they can own their field while serving the world.

3. Let go of scarcity and negativity and join forces to build a legacy they’re proud of.

As you can see, these are the values that will lead to legendary results in any organization.

In times of great change, this can help your team stick together and carry the baton of excellence.

Meet Robin Sharma
Robin Sharma is considered to be one of the top 5 leadership experts in the world. His work is embraced by rock stars, royalty, billionaires and many celebrity CEOs.

But for Robin – This wasn’t an easy journey. As a young and successful lawyer, Robin would wake up in the morning, and look at the person in the mirror who was successful on the outside but not fulfilled on the inside. This “pain,” as he calls it, drove him to study the lives well-lived and extract a robust framework for greatness that when applied can turn anyone into a genius and unleash their capacity to live like a legend.

Based on this framework and his own life’s transformation, he then wrote the #1 International best-selling book, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari which instantly become a global phenomenon.

Today, Robin is on a mission to share his masterpiece framework to millions more people.

What Some Of The World’s Top Figures Have Said About Robin Sharma
“It was a powerful event.”
We brought Robin to speak to our Young Presidents Organization Chicago Chapter. I’m still getting phone calls from people telling me about how they’re changing their lives based on some of the strategies Robin shared with the audience. He really challenged us to reflect upon how we are taking care of ourselves as leaders before we deal with our employees, our families and our constituents. He provided tactics and takeaway value, which our audience appreciated. We loved sharing the day with Robin. It was a powerful event.
Bryan Schwartz
Education Chair, YPO Chicago

What You’ll Learn
6 Ways You Will Be Transformed

1. You Face Challenges With A Smile
As you go through the program, you’ll find yourself with a mindset of the legends. You’ll find that you’ve risen so much above your everyday problems that you’re no longer bothered by them.

2. See Your Future With Excitement
This program also rewires your brain to let go of your past, release deep-rooted fears and expose the possibilities that lie ahead of you. The result is you’ll feel unstoppable and excited about your future plans.

3. Start Producing Genius-Level Work
As you install the insights, frameworks and daily tactics to unleash peak productivity and focus, you’ll find yourself doing more, quality work in far less time than it used to take you. It’s as if you have super powers.

4. You’ll Feel Younger, Healthier And More Energetic
Because of the lifestyle improvements you make during this program, you’ll experience bodily shifts that make you feel younger, lighter and more energetic with more stamina than you’ve ever had before.

5. You’ll Display Originality In Your Thinking
The day-by-day you’re about to experience in this Quest is scientifically designed to deliver a copious amount of small victories that force your brain to think different and to let go of anxiety.

6. You’ll Be Fiercely Committed To Help The World
As you go through the Quest, you’ll be surprised by your innate capacity to do the extraordinary. This fortifies your beliefs and sets in motion a mission 100X larger than you that benefits the world.

Program Information
An Extraordinary Quest That Gets You To Think Like A Hero, Perform Like A Genius And Live Like A Legend
The Quest runs for 66 consecutive days starting from 18th June 2018. During this time, you’ll spend around 10 minutes daily to unlock insightful ideas and actionable tactics from Robin Sharma via video.

You’ll unlock each day through Mindvalley’s exclusive Quest learning platform. So what happens is you’re going to go through the program along with thousands of others under real-time guidance from Robin Sharma.

This Is How The Quest Is Structured So You Get Fast, Lasting Results In The Shortest Time Possible

Part 1: Foundation For Influence, Impact & Results
This is where you lay the groundwork that fires up your innate capacity to be the hero of your life and ignites a burning desire to live your dream life. You will start small and practice simple rituals that gives you a sense of possibility.

Highlights include:

  • How to inject a perfect dose of gratitude into your busy day.
  • How to put your mind in greatness mode.
  • How to bounce back even if you don’t feel like it.
  • How to navigate around the negativity bias of your brain
  • How to stay utterly and magically inspired all day, everyday.

Part 2: Rituals For Extreme Focus & Productivity
In this second part, you’ll practice thinking like a Superhero. It includes among other things, streamlining your mental processes to achieve maximum productivity and focus in an age where constant distractions are the norm. This is critical to your success.

Highlights include:

  • How to set goals like a history maker
  • How to install a new habit successfully
  • How to make your mornings amazing
  • How to wake up productive and positive
  • How to remain productive throughout the day
  • How to keep raising your bar in every aspect of life

Part 3: Winning The Race Before It Starts
This is where it gets exciting. You’ll dive into powerful strategies to switch your inner state from hopeful to unstoppable. You’ll fortify your mind so strong that no matter where you go, what you do, you’ll come out victorious.

Highlights include:

  • How to condition your mind for consistent success
  • How to build an empire in your mind and force your outer world to match it.
  • How to kill the temptation to quit even before it rises
  • How to be resilient to discomfort and even pain
  • How to be so amazing that you need no introduction
  • How to have everything and need nothing at all
  • How to light the fire of authentic bravery in your belly
  • How to use love as a tool for great achievement

Part 4: Cutting Through Mental Materialism
This fourth part deals with advanced tools for mental mastery that cuts out inefficiencies and superficialities to bring you crystal clear clarity of purpose and definiteness of your path forward so you’re automatically pulled toward your dreams.

Highlights include:

  • How to be okay with being different
  • How to hardwire the 8 mentalities of mastery into your brain
  • How to use your personal mastery power grid
  • How to discard your past and believe in a remarkable future
  • How to learn without feeling bloated with knowledge
  • How to become a habitual giver instead of a taker

Part 5: Being The Master Of Your Universe
This fifth and final part is where you take the leap into owning your craft, dominating your industry and flooding the world with your gifts. Before that you’ll remove the final barriers – and shine up your mental armor.

Highlights include:

  • How to beat procrastination
  • How to be unconditionally brave
  • How to use meditation to conquer fear
  • How to practice the 5 tactics of global influencers
  • How to be a hero

What Students Say

Case Studies Of Students Who Took Robin Sharma’s Quest – Hero. Genius. Legend.

Robin Sharma is an amazing teacher who has taken the essence of a lifetime of teachings and put together an incredibly life changing program.

I’m still working on getting into the 5 am club (I worked late nights for almost 15 years and just moved on from my previous remote job on the US time zone; so I’m adjusting gradually) but -I try to wake up earlier and do the 20/20/20 – I already feel way fitter than before.

My mornings start off with learning/ reading something inspirational and a gratitude journal, so the rest of the day is so much more high consciousness! I do the second wind workout and feel wonderful 🙂

I’ve either meditate or watched movies or slept on long haul flights before. Now, I either meditate or hear podcasts and documentaries! I got off an 8-hour flight and was still so fresh!

Robin’s every sentence is a gem. One of the many is “Unexpressed potential turns into pain” That is a life changer for me! I am going all out now to take action and execute on my inspiration.

Also, I’ve been teaching this and so many other maxims to my family members and the impact on them is phenomenal.

I watch and appreciate sunsets, flowers and nature deliberately – that fills me with inspiration and more gratitude!

Robin Sharma pays equal attention to ‘Mindset’ and ‘Heart set’ – that’s why this quest is so unique. There are so much information and inspiration packed into each day that I listen to them over and over again – and each time I feel empowered!

The programs build small habits and encourage the consistency of regular actions that over time becomes part of your life!
I now have a basket of great growth considerations for my journey. Some of the Robin Sharma guidance thoughts that are now part of my daily ritual are the morning declaration (repeated many times a day), doing the best I can on a task early in the day, the deep learning focus, the second wind workout that has been incorporated into my health and exercise routine, regular journaling and in particular the blessings, wins and gratitude reminders – we can never say thank you enough for what the cosmos brings to each and every one of us.

Thank you for the opportunity to learn from Robin Sharma and to grow in a unique and inclusive way that covered mind, body and soul.

The changes that I have experienced from embracing the strategies is my reason for the recommendation
Whilst prior to engaging The Hero.Genius. Legend. program with Robin I chose changes and specifically ‘Success’ for 2017. I type it multiple times a day to integrate my focus. I also step through collages that I have made, I place them like a mat on my floor and walk into them many times a day. The pictures are of what I seek and they are the first and the last image I see each day.

The Hero.Genius. Legend. program has supported me along this focus offering me new strategies and inspirations to strengthen my commitment to my changes which include packing up and selling my home, changing location, new work, a new relationship and I am so grateful for all the variety the daily lessons have offered. I’m outdoors more, moving more, I’ve changed shape and I’m healthier and all these changes support me energetically and mentally to help me get to where I want to go. I’m seeking the changes for my fabulous life. I can hear Robin saying – ‘it’s hard at first, messy in the middle and beautiful at the end’. and there are moments when recalling this is most helpful 🙂 It’ great to be able to listen and see the daily lessons as its help with the recall to a variety of senses – visual, auditory and certainly emotion as Robin expresses with great enthusiasm.

Life is to be experienced. I’ve kept up my 66 days traveling between countries, at airports in Starbucks, on the highway in both Australia and Hawaii.

With gratitude and thanks,

The information Robin Sharma provides in the course has been life transforming in my professional life and personal life
I am more efficient at everything. The daily practice of identifying 5 daily wins and 10 blessings at the start of my day sets the tone for a great day every day regardless of what transpires during the day. The 10 maxims, 8 mental masteries and all the other amazing time and mind hacks (brain tattoos) I learned during the course have been priceless.

I received a professional award of being recognised as ones of the top 10% lawyers in the profession and also starting a new business as a result of Robin’s course.

It is an extraordinary course.

Hero. Genius. Legend. Quest and Robin’s teachings have been extremely fun to learn and participate iny professional life and personal life
It’s helped me hone my morning practice and to do it with consistent, intentional action.

The impact of fear and why stepping into it is the only way to fulfill our potential. Little daily hacks (Second Wind Workout, Journaling, Reading, 5 AM Club, Habit Installation Protocol).

Reassurance that it is okay (and intelligent) to continue to invest in myself and work on personal mastery

“Big Picture” ideas such as: how to live a beautiful life, how to live with no regrets, and that who you become and the relationships you foster are much more important than what you accomplish or acquire in your lifetime,and, of course, the highly profound quotes he drops on a regular basis (which seem to be endless, by the way).

It is an extraordinary course.

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