
RSD Madison – Boss



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RSD Madison – Boss

Hi, this is Madison,
It all started about 10 years ago with “The Game”. I picked up that book and my whole world changed. It ignited a fire and a passion in me to learn absolutely everything there is to know about GAME. Every night out, every epic pull, every stunner, every hilarious joke, and even every failure made me feel ALIVE.

My first steps along this path were marked with a lot of pain.

I was introverted, reserved, and all-around had issues with socializing and making friends. I moved around a lot, and – I was always picked on. I always felt weird, isolated, and out of the group – The more I tried to make friends, the worse it got.

The first girl I liked slapped me in the face, the first girl I approached gave me a fake number, and the first girlfriend I had wouldn’t even have sex with me.

The friends I was surrounded with started ignoring me, I ended up feeling left out, and getting pushed deeper and deeper inside my own head.

When I finally started going out – I spent my first 2 years of going out… ALONE.

I faced rejection on top of rejection on top of rejection – it was depressing.

I got used to the pain – I started from such a low place – the rejection was better than nothing.

Regardless of the struggle, I kept going. The reason was – I had a big “WHY”… I HAD NO OTHER CHOICE.

I couldn’t turn around, because I had nothing to go back to.

All I wanted was to be accepted, to feel loved, to be able to connect with those around me and to make real friends.

I went out, night after night, pushing harder and harder and harder.

Then, after countless night of going out… I finally got a girlfriend.

The thing was, even though I “had a girlfriend”, she wouldn’t have sex with me!

It was probably the saddest thing you’ve ever seen, but that was my reality.

Here I was, this nice nerdy guy…
And my own girlfriend wouldn’t have sex with me, it was pathetic.

Now, as you’re reading this – you might find yourself asking:

“Why does it matter?”

It matters, because YOU matter.

“The more personal the wound, the more universal the wound.”

The things you are going through right now are the same things I went through.

The same struggles, the same tribulations and challenges you face today – I faced before.

My story is your story.

And through those rejections and those failures, I took away critical lessons which I am privileged to be able to share with you today.

It was my passion for teaching, combined with my personal story, combined with the overwhelming power and ability to change your life that made me realize:

I’ll tell you exactly what BOSS is,
and why it’s important for where you are RIGHT NOW
in just a moment, but first:
Let me tell you about WHY I created BOSS, so that you can understand how YOU fit into this journey, and why this is such a CRITICAL MOMENT for you.

When you were young, you had it…

The sense of unstoppable power, infinite possibility, that sense of unrestrained exploration.

That feeling that there’s a brand new world laid out in front of you, ready for the taking.

Your dreams used to bounce around your head like ping-pong balls, your imagination would take you to places others could only dream of.

Yet, somewhere along the way – something happened…


That’s why I created: BOSS

You lost it.

That sense of play, that sense of fun, that sense of entitlement…

That sense of possibility, of becoming great, powerful, unstoppable…

That sense of being the best man you can be.

You lost it, because life hit you in the face.

Maybe it was that job that slipped away…

Maybe it was that girl you just couldn’t seem to get…

Maybe it was that opportunity that passed you by…

It shocked you, it traumatized you, it slapped you in the face and shook you out of your reality.

It made you feel like those hopes, those dreams, those desires weren’t real, it made you believe your ambitions were imaginary, it made you believe that you didn’t deserve it.

It knocked you down, it tricked you.

One failure upon another built upon itself… one after the next… every time you tried, you failed… over and over and over again.

Eventually, you just didn’t believe it anymore.

Those dreams, those desires, those hopes – they suddenly became a distant fantasy – something better thought about, and never realized.

It was too dangerous, too risky, it made you too vulnerable to actually “go for it”.

A wound opened up, a psychological trigger that tied “Pursuing Your Dreams” – to – “PAIN”.

The more you looked away, the more you avoided it, the bigger and more painful it got.

It destroyed you as a man.

It destroyed you as a person.

It destroyed you as a human being.

You lost your seat of power as a man…

You lost your will to overcome adversity…

You lost your desire to push through the obstacles in your way…

The pain conquered you, and it sunk deep… so deep that as you sit here, right now, reading this – you don’t even realize it’s there.

It’s a pain that is too difficult to tackle alone, because when you go deep, when you look it straight in the eye, it hurts.

It’s a pain that engulfs you, drowns you, and controls you – whether you are aware of it or not.

It’s a pain that you may not even realize exists, or a pain you have long since forgot about…

It’s like the hum of the refrigerator in the background.

It’s there, deep inside… and it affects EVERYTHING YOU DO.

That’s why I had to create BOSS:
As you know, my journey was filled with pain, with rejection, with adversity, and with constant challenges.

Over time, I moved forward, I grew, I developed, I learned, I evolved… finally to become:


The truth is: this isn’t really about me.

I went through all of that work, all of that effort, all of that hardship, for a reason – it was for you.

I can’t go back in time, but if I could…

BOSS is something I WISH I had when I was young, BOSS would have saved me a lot of hassle, a lot of heartache, a lot of pain.

BOSS was created with YOU in mind, in order to help you overcome the challenges you currently face in your life.

BOSS is here for you to bring you face to face with that fear and that pain that holds you down, and to give you the power and strength to conquer it.

“What does inner game look like?”

…is a question that you will never have to ask yourself again.

When you dial in the expression of your inner game, your outer game is taken care of.

You will know exactly what it is, what it looks like, what it feels like, and exactly what you need to do to perform at the highest level, both internally, and externally – at all times.

BOSS is an all-in-one package – packed with potent pickup principles, inspiring fundamental truths of self-development, and infield that plays out like a full-fledged motion picture right in front of you (complete with crystal-clear, in-depth breakdowns).

BOSS is wrapped into an easily-digestible, instantly implementable format. All of the content is structured with action-taking in mind, and presented to you in a way that you can understand, implement, and benefit from IMMEDIATELY.

BOSS is a tool that you will be able to implement over and over again as you move through life. It’s a hero’s journey in a box, and it will work for you day in and day out as you go on your journey. Getting the women is only the beginning. BOSS will push you above and beyond your original perception game, and bring you closer to your seat of power as a man.

Inside BOSS, we’re not just going to scratch the surface, we are going to dive deep into concepts that affect every area of your life, so you can an in-depth understanding and internalization of the core concepts, the intricacies, and the implementation.

BOSS will install PRIMAL INSTINCTS deep into your subconscious mind, giving you subliminal control over every single aspect of game.

Inner Game is having the RIGHT RESPONSE to EVERY SITUATION. With BOSS, you will do the RIGHT THING, at the RIGHT TIME, EVERY TIME.

BOSS will cover all of the different “angles” of being a man – from Lifestyle & Quality, to Fashion, Health, Networking, and of course – how to get the hottest women around.

Being a man isn’t just about the women, but the women you keep in your life are a reflection of the type of man that you are – with BOSS, you will be able to surround yourself not with just quantity – but with quality.

BOSS will load you with the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one’s emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically.

Emotional intelligence is the key to both personal and professional success, and empathy is the key for 9 and 10 game – once you understand her world, she will come into your world instantaneously.

With BOSS…
You will cut years off your learning curve, saving you years upon years of trial-and-error, failure, and frustration.
You will understand how to attain MORE RESULTS with LESS EFFORT, while having a lot of fun in the process!
You will strip away the layers of social conditioning, tearing apart the feeble chains of boyhood and re-seating yourself in your rightful throne of power as king of your own reality.

BOSS will…
BOSS will install Primal Instincts deep into your subconscious mind, which will make your game smooth and effortless.
BOSS will lock in the Lifestyle you want to have, and dial you into the experiences that are going to make your life more enjoyable, more exciting, and more fulfilling.
BOSS will help you evolve the Emotional Intelligence you need in order to keep you ahead of the interaction, and put you on the cutting edge of the dynamics at play.

With BOSS…
With BOSS, your toxic relationships will fade away and dissolve, you will find yourself evolving, and attracting better people towards your reality.
With BOSS, your fundamental core as a man will be re-established, re-centered, and re-grounded – allowing you to be 100% certain with every action you take.
With BOSS, your game will advance to the next level, and push you over the edge of your current limit, and stretch you upwards into a new paradigm of success.

It doesn’t matter where you are right now…
If you’re a beginner…
It means that…
You are on the start of your journey, you are learning, hungry for progress, and excited to learn new concepts. Every step you take is an exciting experience full of new opportunities, challenges, and discoveries.
You are failing a lot. This can seem frustrating, because the more you go out, the more it feels like you are smashing your head against a brick wall.
You are learning quickly, but it often feels as though you don’t quite have the full picture of what “good game” actually looks like.
BOSS will…
Begin your RITE OF PASSAGE as a man, and lay a solid foundation on which all future good game will be built, this will give you the power to push upward with your learning curve, because you will know that you are building on top of a stable base.
Emphasize that FAILING is LEARNING. This seems obvious when you first hear it, but BOSS will establish a new framework for you that will make the process of “failing forward” more natural, and allow you to leverage it to get better and better results.
Accelerate your learning curve and install a blueprint of GOOD GAME. You will know EXACTLY what good game looks like, and how to have the right emotional response to any situation, at any time.

If you’re intermediate…
It means that…
You are going out a lot, and “hammering it out” in the field. Day in and day out you are pushing yourself forward, facing difficulties, rejections, and challenges head-on.
You are “failing forward” successfully, but often getting worn out or tired because you are relying on willpower and effort to push yourself through the resistance.
You are learning at a steady rate, and are developing a sense of how your specific style of game works, and what your strengths and weaknesses are.
BOSS will…
Break you out of the pattern of “spinning your wheels”, BOSS will make going out and gaming enjoyable again, and every obstacle you encounter will become an opportunity to get even better than ever before.
Re-align you with your purpose, and then accelerate your results. BOSS will eliminate burnout and ease the tension of “having to go out” – you will understand your bigger purpose and embrace the resistance as a part of the process – enjoy it even!
Speed up your learning curve, amplify your strengths, and show you how to fill in the gaps in your weaknesses. You will simply “get it” when it comes to critical concepts. Instead of having to go out and repeatedly hammer away at a skillset, you will be able to get it after one or two implementations, saving you tons of time and effort in the long run.

If you’re advanced…
It means that…
You have gone out, you have tried, you have implemented, you have learned, and you have optimized… but you are stuck in a state of “Now what?” – maybe game has become a bit stale, maybe you have lost your passion, or maybe you feel like you have “maxed out”.
Even though game has become something you feel you have mastered, you are still getting inconsistent results. There are small gaps in your game which you haven’t quite been able to fill.
Your learning process has slowed down, mostly because it is difficult to find others who are at your level. It often feels like you are so far on the edge of your skillset, that your friends can’t really help you.
BOSS will…
Reveal to you a new level to your existing game that you didn’t know existed, this will get you EXCITED about gaming again, and will remind you that all of the skills which you have built up over the years are there to serve you, and that you’re actually pretty good at this!
Establish a consistency system that will allow you to take your best nights out, clearly pinpoint what is working, isolate it, and make sure that you are able to replicate it in the future – without having to worry about faults or inconsistencies.
Give you a framework for high-level game, and give you a mentor that is at the highest level – dedicated to constantly pushing the envelope and taking your game to the next level.

When it comes to BOSS, it’s like this:
There is no such thing as “imaginary success”,
or “abstract action-taking”.
You either do it, or you don’t.
You either get results, or you don’t.
You either get the girl, or you don’t.
Stop lying to yourself, stop settling, and stop wasting time.


The BOSS Basic Package is designed to get you all of the
core essentials,
With the BOSS Basic Package, you will get…

7+ Hours of Premium Pickup Content, Downloaded Straight into YOUR BRAIN. Like Yoda, I will use my PUA JEDI Mind-tricks on you to Equip You With all the Tools of the Pickup Force so You Can Get Any Woman YOU Want:

  • How to Blast ThroughObstacles, Develop Obstacle Immunity and Destroy Your Resistance
  • How to Use Awareness & Social Acuity to Turn the Social Table and Position the Interaction in Your Favor
  • How to Maintain Consistent Execution Regardless of Your “State”
  • How to Spark and Build Immediate & Lasting Attraction Automatically
  • How to Leverage Advanced Group Dynamics to Your Advantage and Construct MASSIVE Social Proof

3+ Hours of Premium BOSS Infield will provide you step-by-step examples of how I successfully pickup girls from start to finish. In this section, pickup technique principles are immediately followed by in-field demonstrations and examples. These lessons are jack-hammered home with real-life demonstrations of me in-field. :

  • Opening – If you are going to approach properly, then you need to make a strong impression. That requires knowing what to say and how to say it. It requires you have the right mindsets and know-how to quickly and effortless get a woman attracted to you. No more half-hearted attempts, let’s dive head first into most guy’s #1 sticking point and get that handled.
  • What to Say – Be “Respectfully Bold” Show her that you are a man that likes something about her, and that you are aware of how she is feeling. Making adjustment to her responses is going to add rocket fuel to your game and results.
  • How to Escalate – The Physical Inception: Sounds cool right? This took me seven years to develop. I will give you the sequence required to plant thoughts in your girl’s mind so she physically escalates on YOU.
  • Leading – Come with me into the field and watch as I deconstruct her physical signals. I will train you when to back off, and when to go for it. Do you chase when she pulls away? I will point out the subtle signals to look for so you can proceed and LEAD with confidence.
  • Venue-Switching – When you move from venue to venue with a girl, she feels like she knows you longer. Let’s talk about how you can use this to your advantage as part of the seduction process so that the night goes in the right direction with you and women you want. Pulling – To get women to be comfortable coming home with you requires you to smoothly take her by the hand and LEAD, LEAD, LEAD back to the bedroom and I will teach you exactly how I do this consistently so that you are more assured about how to you can too.
  • Seduction – You will get my secrets about how to physically lead a woman properly. …and MORE!

10+ Hours of Super Sick Self-Development Content, Covering Everything From:

  • Your Rite of Passage as a Man
  • Beliefs
  • Goals
  • Values
  • Standards
  • Truth
  • Honor
  • Ambition
  • Execution

10+ BOSS Missions Designed to Push You Above and Beyond What Any Plain “Content” Would Be Able to Get You.
Physical Missions, Emotional Missions, Spiritual Missions, Game Missions, Self-Development Missions – Each one SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED to Advance You Forward Step by Step.

BOSS Experiences, which are Long-Term Quests Structured for High-Impact, Long-Lasting Results.
It isn’t enough to do something once…
To TRULY UNDERSTAND the high-level concepts at play within BOSS, you have to GO DEEP.
You have to dig in, go on the journey, and go through your own personal quest…
That’s what the BRAND NEW BOSS EXPERIENCES are all about. This is a BRAND NEW FORMAT that has NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE!
It’s revolutionary, it’s ground-breaking, it’s epic, and it’s SCARY EFFECTIVE!
You are absolutely going to love it!

  • BOSS is a detailed map for your self-development journey – it will be a guide along your path to becoming the SUPERHERO in the MOVIE that is your LIFE
  • As your mentor and guide, I lay out the CORE BELIEFS and lessons that you must learn at each stage of your voyage. This will bring to light your specific sticking points and the stage you are currently stuck at.
  • You will learn the Secrets from the MASTER on how to erase self defeating attitudes so that you can rise to any SOCIAL occasion, take the girl home, SAVE THE DAY.
  • BOSS will fill in your “experience-gaps” with lessons and demonstrations allowing you to internalize concepts without having to experience them first hand. This is the “hidden shortcut” that will cut years off your journey.
  • With BOSS you will adopt the HERO�S MINDSET and no longer compare yourself to others
  • All HEROES must learn to overcome fear, BOSS will implant in your brain techniques for CONQUERING your fears and taking risks that in this game, ARE REWARDED
  • BOSS will force a revelation in your life where you will discover the self defeating tendencies the will halt you in your tracks before every major success breakthrough. Are you ready to evolve?
  • All protagonists rise to the occasion during pressure situations. BOSS will prepare you to make quick, decisive decisions in ANY situation… accelerating your development into a powerful and respected MAN
  • In your journey, you will no doubt come across evil rivals that are out to steal your lady fair. Infield breakdowns will show you exactly how to deal with competition out in the field. (Hint: make it awkward for them)
  • With BOSS you will embrace your own “call to adventure” and reverse “approach anxiety” with tools to create your own unshakable inner confidence
  • BOSS contains deep insights into how to change thought patterns, erasing your negative self talk and allowing you to approach with zero baggage.
  • BOSS will etch new social pathways and connections in your brain, promoting your social skills into a complete and comprehensive understanding
  • You will live in a perpetual state of amazement after the BOSS concepts “click” in your head. It will blow you away as you walk through the world and girls DO ANYTHING YOU SAY like your EMPLOYEE
  • Women will crave your presence after you begin to ooze the masculine confidence of a “man in his prime”.
  • See the primary quality of attraction and dive into the mysterious levels of sub communication that will allow you express MASSIVE intent without being overbearing
  • You will learn to summon Casanova levels of sexual presence, once you have channeled this, most of your so-called “sticking points” fall by the wayside.
  • Dive deep into the fascinating differences between male and female attraction triggers and how you can leverage them to get more girls than you ever dreamed.
  • Uncover the deep-rooted female sexual switches that will TURN HER ON. Once you know what they are, you can imbed statements that will turn the switches on, and before you know it she is making excuses to get you back to her apartment
  • Learn to reward the side of her personality that wants sex. The more you can connect with that side of her the more likely it is a romance will begin
  • Grasp the one thing you SHOULD NEVER DO when trying to take a girl home. Once you come to this realization, your pulls will become smooth as silk and you will be drowning in girls of your choosing.
  • Embrace absolutely ANY conversational thread and use absurd topics to build solid attraction. It is amazing how exciting or boring conversations can lead to steamy passion if you ENGAGE properly in the dialogue
  • Embody a calm and collected demeanour even in HOSTILE social situations, this signal to her that you are CENTERED as a MAN and that you can handle life’s trials, then she will see you as “daddy-material”
  • Implant EXTREME self trust into your brain. This is one of the most attractive masculine qualities, it shows that you have a purpose and you know how to fulfill it.
  • This quality will make you irresistible to women and the will want to be the passenger in your EPIC life.
  • Learn the counterintuitive strategies for dropping your guard and being authentically vulnerable with the opposite sex. This builds INSANE amounts of comfort and trust.
  • Become an expert at embracing and diffusing awkward situations. These tools are ESSENTIAL if you are going on Tinder or Bumble dates.
  • Master your micro-expressions by becoming aware of what your body language is signaling to the girl. I will break this down IN-DETAIL with my infield footage so you can learn to project the body language of a bad-ass
  • Finally start to get some success and adopt the abundance mentality. Become THAT GUY who is always pulling, always getting the girl, and who lives a life of his design
  • Discover how to be your own internal coach. You will be able to motivate yourself in a positive way, disrupt your negative thought patterns, and add rocket-fuel to your self-esteem
  • Drop into THE ZONE on COMMAND. We have all experienced it, those nights where you are unstoppable, learn to hack the zone and take so much action that you shut down your thinking mind and slide into a beautiful state of flow
  • Impose your will to get what you want out of life by adopting a fortress-like frame of reality in which women melt into your masculine energy
  • Become the king of “cold approach.” You will get to watch my effortless approaches that provide the initial spark of attraction that can then be fanned into a roaring brushfire of sexual expression.
  • Tap into a deep understanding of CALIBRATION, this is your pickup “sixth-sense” that will lead you to the promised land. Embrace a trust of your faculties and you will always know the right thing to say and how to get her hooked on who you are
  • Unleash that tricky concept called CHARISMA, this is how you get stunners, when you express fully who you are with no filters, and add in a little humour, you have a recipie for sexworthiness.
  • Lead so others will FOLLOW. Adopt the characteristics of a true beloved leader and watch as your female followers BEG to bed down with the top-dog.
  • Discover the secret to lasting relationships – By bringing your polarizing, positive, masculine energy to the relationship it will trigger her feminine energy and will result in an electric bond that will provide abundant support as you tackle goals and aspirations TOGETHER.
  • BOSS goes beyond the “how-to’s of pickup and addresses the root causes of failure by replacing failure patterns with success patterns”
  • BOSS pushes you into a new universe where your frustration, stress, and sadness melt away as you grow and thrive
  • The BOSS infield breakdowns show you the subtleties of game that are nearly impossible to learn. Mastering the details and your micro-expressions will be the thing that takes your game to the next level.
  • BOSS will free your self-expression, and eradicate all the “social masks” that you routinely use, getting you back in touch with your true essence.
  • Your will become the life of the party. When you go out, everyone will look to you to carry the energy of the group and LEAD. Watch as friends you have known for years see smooth game for the first time in their life (coming from YOU)!
  • You will finally take that step into manhood that you have been waiting for. The child paradigms you have been living with will evaporate and you will discover your adult self
  • BOSS provides guidances as you smash through barriers and plateaus, these new lands can be tricky to navigate on your journey to self-actualization, let me be your guide
  • BOSS flips the script of your life and places you in the captain’s chair, ready to steer your ship through rough and calm waters
  • As soon as you start BOSS, you will start to transform and adopt all the qualities from my character that you resonate with
  • Your destiny is right in front of your eyes but you can’t see it…BOSS will dissipate the FOG and give you the crystal clear vision of who you will become, you will never see things the same way again.
  • Finally identify and figure out your sticking points…you will reach new exciting levels with hotter girls and crazier nights out!
  • BOSS will provide the leverage and constant motivation for going out, once you are armed with your new skill set you will grow addicted to using and developing it.
  • BOSS will instill the habits required for you to get CONSISTENT results. You will have a great night out EVERY night, have awesome interactions, and be pulling like a champion!
  • BOSS will show you how to get ANY type of relationship that you want. Use screening and boundary setting to create the perfect girlfriend (or girlfriends)
  • BOSS will teach you how to “not lose” Over my years of coaching I have witnessed the MAJOR errors in guys game that turn the girl off and cause him to lose right then and there. I will show you these errors and how to avoid them.
  • LOGISTICS, LOGISTICS, LOGISTICS, if you want to get to an advanced level of game, you need to master logistics and be an incredible problem-solver, I can teach you how.
  • Boss demonstrates opening and hooking so you know when you have her full attention like an employee getting instructions from her BOSS
  • A true BOSS isn’t afraid to use his body, we will in depth on physical game as I share how to touch a girl in a way that TURNS HER ON
  • Give you the GIFT OF THE REFRAME! Learn how to spin anything into a positive and use negative feedback as another log on the fire of your flaming awesomeness
  • You will learn how to embrace shit tests as signs of attraction and breeze past them with any one of my proven strategies
  • BOSS will teach you how to recognize the common mistakes that KILL ATTRACTION (and how to bounce back if you do)
  • You will learn my techniques for packing in weeks worth of dating into a 3 hour pickup, she needs to EXPERIENCE you fully in different environments, in different emotional states, and in different scenarios. This will get you to sex very quickly.
  • How to “Exist Beside Her.” Most guys are trying too hard and NEED the girl too much. I will show you first hand how sometimes all you need to do is be there at the end of the night at LET the magic happen.
  • You will develop a “closer mentality”, someone who knows what they want and how to make things happen even in crazy scenarios, hectic environments, and with obstacles in the way.
  • Learn my specific psychological strategies for getting the quality girls to see you as the prize and to chase you down like 14 year old at a Justin Bieber concert.

With BOSS, you will learn…

  • How to recognize the signals that a QUALITY woman sends to a high value man. (You may have never noticed these before, it took me YEARS to see them) I will show them to you and break them down in detail.
  • How to be THAT GUY in your social circle that hooks his friends up with girls, parties, and high value connections because he has all three in ABUNDANCE.
  • How to get out of scarcity and structure your life and schedule to maximize your interactions with women.
  • How to embody the core characteristics of a sexworthy man. Learn the qualities that will trigger the girls in your life to chase and want to lock you down.
  • The step by step process to a great night out. This will minimize wasted nights out and going home without the results YOU want.
  • The field tested techniques to progressively deprogram your beta-male thought patterns and replace them with the thoughts of a BOSS.
  • How to dominate any interaction you choose, be it at the club, on the street, in the office, or at home.
  • How to tap into a high-value woman’s blueprint and know exactly what she needs to see to consider you as a boyfriend or lover.
  • The reasons most employee-males dont see the sex opportunities and signals that are thrown at them in the club.
  • How to be a woman’s source of fun, adventure, and her emotional anchor.
  • Tangible exercises that will guide you along your journey from average guy to THAT GUY.
  • How to gain social proof at the venue, and beat out other guys for the girls YOU choose. Gone are the days of random bros messing up your sets and distracting the hotties you want to take home. I have seen it all and I can teach you how to out-game any guy.
  • The specific strategies and techniques for letting go, relaxing, and exuding a cool vibe. A BOSS never takes things too seriously. Shit tests and obstacles merely entertain him.
  • A full explanation of high-status body language. I will train you to project smooth, effortless confidence, ensuring women notice you before your approach.
  • To “JUST PLAY” The legendary Jazz musician Charlie Parker once said, “Master your instrument, master the music, then forget all that, and just play.” I want this for you in your dating life. I want for you to go into a club and ENJOY the process of meeting everyone and playing. Forget the videos, evolve past the techniques, and attract the woman you want by BEING the man you are.
  • How to accelerate your learning and get you the results you need faster. TRUST ME, I have made all the mistakes. I have approached 1000s of girls. I could be an idiot and still see the patterns. Don�t take this journey by yourself. I can guide you.
  • The secret weapons of the mysterious millionaire masters of pickup Derek and Frank. Come with me on a private yacht as we uncover the universal truths about business and pickup. (The groundbreaking insights in these talks alone is worth the cost of the program)
  • How to dress. As by far the best dresser in RSD (Sorry Tyler) I will guide you through what looks good on YOU and your body type.

Specific Pickup Lesson Will Include…

  • Opening, assessing the dynamic, and understanding what is in front of you.
  • NUTS & BOLTS OPENERS Simple and effective, designed to cut through the noise and get her attention on YOU.
  • How to establish dominant eye contact, even before the open
  • How to be “Respectfully Bold” Show her that you are a man that likes something about her, and that you are aware of how she is feeling. Making adjustment to her responses is going to add rocket fuel to your game and results.
  • The “5 Feet Before You Meet Rule” How to open must start before you arrive at your destination.
  • The three laws to sound cool.
  • How to be your own internal adjustment coach.
  • In BOSS pickup technique explanations are immediately followed by in-field demonstrations and examples. I verbally give you the overarching lesson and explanation, then the lesson is hammered home with real-life demonstrations of me in-field.
  • How to avoid “Ninja Approaches” and step to a girl like a GROWN ASS MAN
  • A comprehensive breakdown of how to 100% engage while simultaneously not trying. One of the most confusing topics in pickup is broken down in excruciating detail for you to internalize imbed in your own game.
  • Seduce the Mother, Submit the Father: Tailor-made secrets for “My Favorite Sets” Mother+Daughter / Father+Daughter / Boyfriend / Females
  • Nuanced Game Skills: These are lessons that must be experienced before they are internalized. I can�t have these experiences for you, but I can shine a light on them and prepare you for these lessons before the harsh club environment rubs them in your face.
  • Status Indicators: Convey to the girl that you “GET IT” by embedding tried and true status indicators into your character.
  • The Physical Inception: Sounds cool right? This took me seven years to develop. I will give you the sequence required to plant thoughts in your girl’s mind so she physically escalates on YOU. (No Leonardo Required)
  • Verbal Game: For a joke or story to be effective, you have to fully commit. Decide, and fully give.
  • Screening secrets to find the girl who is right for YOU
  • Statements of Kingdom: This is the thing that takes you from ok results to really good results. This is YOUR Kingdom.
  • How to avoid “banter”
  • Closing: Learn the step by step secrets to my pulling “Trifecta”

Specific Pickup Lesson Will Include…

  • Dancefloor pull – Come with me into the field and watch as I deconstruct her physical signals. I will train you when to back off, and when to go for it. Do you chase when she pulls away? I will point out the subtle signals to look for so you can proceed with confidence.
  • Daygame – When is the last time you number closed during the day? Watch me break down how I got a Zara stunner’s number and prepare you’re your next day time opportunity.
  • How to Handle The Bitchy Friend – She doesn’t want you to win! Here I show how to befriend the bitchy friend and turn her into you cheerleader.
  • End of the Night Pull – Mastering this magical hour after the bar or club closes will drastically increase your results.
  • Miami Mustache – This clip clarifies several key game concepts, self-amusement, how a pull can happen quickly, how to fix logistics, and how to create a deep connection quickly.

The BOSS ADVANCED PACKAGE is created for those who want to take their level of BOSS to the next level, and go above and beyond the standard. This is also the perfect option for you if you already have a good level of success with women, and want to transfer those concepts into every other area of your life.
With the BOSS Advanced Package, you will get…
Everything in the BOSS CORE PACKAGE, PLUS…

I went from a shitty customer service job to doubling my income, and then doubling it – AGAIN. Inside The BOSS Career Package, I will show you how I increased my income by 300% over two years.
The BOSS Career Package will show you how to leverage your existing skillsets to your advantage, allowing you to generate more income with every future step you take. Every day will be a day of progress, moving you closer and closer towards your goal of CRUSHING IT.
Improve Your Skillset, Increase Your Income, and become a BOSS with The BOSS Career Package.

Set the Foundation for Your Fashion IQ – Develop a Better Style Sense, and TRULY UNDERSTAND What Looks Good on Your Body Type.
This isn’t just about looking good, this is about FEELING GOOD.
Your external sense of fashion and your internal game go hand-in-hand, the more you build one, the more the other will follow.

The BOSS Millionaire Interviews will give you an INSIDE LOOK into the Success Breakdowns from the Best of the Best. Get a behind-the-scenes inside-scoop of what makes the most successful business minds in the world tick, the success formulas that they use, and what gets them their results – so you can replicate those strategies and tactics in your own life.

With BOSS = Bring you face to face with that fear, with that pain, give you the power to conquer it.
With BOSS = You are no longer alone, you have the content, and the community at your side to help you overcome the adversity.
With BOSS = Bring you back into your seat of power as a man, we will bring you back into that connection with your manhood that you once had.
BOSS is going to…
SMASH your limiting beliefs about yourself… about the world around you… and about what is possible to achieve…
SHIFT your power as a man back into the palm of YOUR hand… so you can continue forward every day, every minute, every moment – KNOWING that it is always right there with you.
START a NEW PATTERN of SUCCESS that is going to work for you, day in and day out.

  • BOSS will trigger a powerful internal change that will set off a series of chain reaction that one after another… like dominos… will build upon themselves… setting you up for a permanent upward spiral in life.
  • BOSS will activate your dreams, desires, and aspirations… brings them to the surface… pulls them out of you until you have no other choice but to tackle them big things head-on and crush it.
  • BOSS will provoke profound thought-patterns of change, smashing through your current reality like a sledge hammer swung by the incredible Hulk on steroids.
  • BOSS will spark the ignition on your ambition, cranking your effectiveness and efficiency in game to a new level.
  • BOSS will generate momentum for your advancement forward, allowing you to push through adversity, challenges, and break through any blocks holding you back.

This is for you if…

  • You are tired of beating your head against the wall, going out night after night but getting lackluster results.
  • You are frustrated that your position as a man in society has been sacrificed, and you have fallen out of your seat of power as a man.
  • You are confused because there is too much conflicting information out there about game, and often find yourself not knowing exactly what to do when you go out.
  • You are driven, and ambitious about pushing yourself forward in life, in game, and developing into the highest version of yourself as a man in his prime.
  • You are passionate about evolving, growing, and taking your skillsets to the next level. The “average” lifestyle bores you, and even scares you… you want more, you deserve better, and you know it.
  • You are committed to your results, and are willing to take the actions to back that up – to build yourself up, to stretch your comfort zone and attain a level most can only dream of.

This is NOT for you if…

  • You are content with your current reality, and being “average” and “comfortable” are things that you are ok with.
  • You have no real ambitions for your future, and are completely happy with staying where you currently are, without ever moving forward.
  • You are fine with looking back at your life, knowing that you had an opportunity, but you never took action on it.
  • You are ok with leaving the hot girls, the success, and the high-level achievements for other guys – you are simply not driven enough or motivated to improve, and you are ok with that.

I want to remind you:
RSD has trained students in 75 countries, 165 cities, hundreds of thousands of people in-person, and millions online.

personally have traveled to three continents, 35+ cities, ran hundreds seminars, and trained thousands of students face-to-face, and two-million online personally myself.

That’s why I am excited that with BOSS, you finally have the opportunity to work with me from the privacy of your own home.

Right now, you have a Decision to Make
You can go on from here, still experiencing the same anxieties, challenges, and frustrations…

You can go on without understanding the true possibilities that are right there in front of you… without achieving the results you always believed you should have.

You can go, never knowing how true success really tastes… how it feels… and what it means to you as a man to attain it.



This isn’t about me – this is about YOU.


I made BOSS for YOU.

So, stop waiting… stop suffering…stop telling yourself
you’re succeeding, when you’re not…

individuals who are driven, excited, and passionate about crushing it, and taking their
game to the next level.

Join us now, and start experiencing a higher level of game, and
a new level of success.

Join us now, stop settling, and get
the results you’re after.

Now, I want to make a personal promise to you…
BOSS is my life’s work. It’s a program that I have put my heart, soul, sweat, and tears into.

I want to promise you, that if BOSS doesn’t deliver the results you’re after, I will personally contact the support staff and have them refund you.

I am so passionate, and so dedicated to this program, and so convinced that it is going to make a MASSIVE DIFFERENCE in your life

It’s no coincidence that you found BOSS – your life has taken you on this journey for a reason – This is DESTINY.

You might think that’s a bunch of bullshit… but really… ask yourself:

You are right here, right now, reading this…


Is it so that you can walk away, and wake up tomorrow the same as you were before?

Is it so that you can ignore your inner dreams, desires, passions, only to realize at the end of your life – that you didn’t live them?

Is it so that you can settle – again and again… getting results that are below your capacity, constantly wondering why you aren’t getting it?


Is it so that you can STAND UP.

So that you can reclaim your POWER AS A MAN… reseat yourself in the SEAT OF POWER… and OVERCOME EVERY CHALLENGE AND OBSTACLE IN YOUR WAY?

The power is in YOUR HANDS

You can be weak, or you can be strong.

Whether that means overcoming your fears…

Getting that woman you’ve always wanted…

Or being UNSTOPPABLE and conquering EVERYTHING in your way…

You too, can become…

Frequently Asked Questions:

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    • Embrace the reality of a genuine business! Our approach involves forming a group buy, where we collectively share the costs among members. Using these funds, we purchase sought-after courses from sale pages and make them accessible to individuals facing financial constraints. Despite potential reservations from the authors, our customers appreciate the affordability and accessibility we provide.
  2. The Legal Landscape: Yes and No:
    • The legality of our operations falls into a gray area. While we lack explicit approval from the course authors for resale, there’s a technicality at play. When procuring the course, the author didn’t specify any restrictions on resale. This legal nuance presents both an opportunity for us and a boon for those seeking budget-friendly access.
  3. Quality Assurance: Unveiling the Real Deal:
    • Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
      • No coaching calls or scheduled sessions with the author.
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      • No direct email support from the author or their team.

    We operate independently, aiming to bridge the affordability gap without the additional services offered by official course channels. Your understanding of our unique approach is greatly appreciated.

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  • Thirdly, and most importantly, support extension can not be used.

Thank you for choosing us! We’re so happy that you feel comfortable enough with us to forward your business here.

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